Ryoji, ie Death incarnate, in the Wormverse seemed like a good idea. Now I feel like people are going to ask when Ryoji is going to be Nyx. I guess I'll write it soon?

"Have I ever told you the story of how my friend saved the world?" Taylor glanced at her friend in the yellow scarf as she drew, shaking her head at his question. "Ah, then this is going to take a while." Taylor screamed as she pushed the locker door with all her might, but the door didn't give. "He was quite uncaring, though that was my doing." He scratched the back of his head as he gave a weak smile. Taylor nodded, still focusing on her drawing of her friend, but was listening.

"Please help me." Taylor sobbed from the stench, the grime, the darkness. She felt so helpless, so alone. Why did she abandon him? Did he hate her for that? "-but he denied my offer, and instead went to fight off Death herself." Taylor had stopped drawing long ago and was keenly listening to his words, her eyes sparkling. "With the friends he made throughout the year, he fought off the impending doom, but only for a little bit. I don't know what happened after, but-you remember my lesson on the Arcana, right?"

He was quick to remind Taylor of the mysterious cards and what they represent, but she remembered. "If I'm Death, then why...?" Her sobs had stopped from what felt like hours of crying, and her face hurt. Why did she deserve this? "He used the power of the Universe to save the world. He created the seal to stop the death of everything, at the cost of his life." His smile was weird, Taylor thought. He looked sad while smiling.

"Is he lonely?' He perked up at her question before mulling it over. Then, after what felt like forever for Taylor, he answered. "He has the bonds of his friends to keep him company, so no, I say he isn't." He closed his eyes as he hummed a song she was unfamiliar with.

"Ryoji...please..." "I want to be like him, I want to be someone who saves the world!" Ryoji opened his eyes before looking at her in surprise. "Truly? After what I had said, you want to follow in his footsteps?" Taylor nodded as her friend began thinking. Before Ryoji could say anything, Emma came into her room and began pulling on Taylor's arm. "Stop talking to yourself Taylor! I want to go to the park. Let's go!" "Wait, Ryoji was about to say something!" "It's alright Taylor, I'll tell you later. Have fun at the park." Ryoji smiled at Taylor before she began running down the stairs, barely seeing Ryoji disappearing into dust.

"I'M SORRY!" She didn't mean to, but she rejected her only friend who was with her the entire time. "What do I do?!"

Taylor cried in the stall at school as Ryoji tried to console her, but had no success ."Leave me alone! You're not real!" She cried out as Ryoji looked down. "Taylor, I'm-" "Why? Why are you still here? Am I crazy, or am I a freak? Am I just like they said?" Sniffling, Taylor adjusted her glasses before Ryoji smiled. "You're no freak Taylor, you are completely normal." He handed her his yellow scarf. "Always remember me with this scarf. Take it, I don't need it after all." He smiled before opening the stall. As he walked out, he stopped, saying a "Oh right!" before turning to her. "You are Death, Taylor, stay strong. Burn your dread and face the world, and live. Live with the determination to face your adversaries, and become a hero. I believe in you after all." He smiled before he exited the bathroom.

"Burn my dread...Ryoji...you liar." She brushed her tears as Taylor accepted her fate of being stuck, going to die alone in the darkness of her own locker. "I can never be a hero."

She closed her eyes, but it didn't make a difference to the dark, yet she could feel a warmth throughout her body. She felt...acceptance. -bond has matured...final form...atos.

Suddenly, the door of the locker was lurched open, causing Taylor to crash out of it. She shivered as she fell onto the dirty floor, the coldness of the floor giving her goosebumps, but someone already took her arm. "I got you Taylor." She let the familiar person pick her up, her eyes growing heavy as she gripped the yellow scarf on her neck. "You came back." She mumbled out, and Ryoji gave a smile. "I was always with you Taylor." He smiled as he turned away, his face becoming skull-like, his body growing darker. "This is unsightly, but it doesn't matter, since it's you. Let's go home." Taylor ignored the warpness of her friend's voice, nodding to his instructions as she put all her weight into his arms. He was cold, but a lot warmer than the locker and the floor. Taylor liked this cold. "I'll protect you. I'll make sure to not have you harmed ever again, that I promise. After all..." From her sleep, Taylor gave a small smile.

Thou art I, I am Thou

Thou's bond has matured, completing the Death Arcana,

And with it is the ultimate power.

From this nurtured bond cometh the final form of thy Persona,

Thanatos, the God of Death.

"...You are the reason my life is worth anything, Taylor. I'll always be by your side, always."

No Minato, no OP Wild Card, only the power of friendship with death himself. This really isn't an Alt!Power Taylor since she didn't get a power, except getting Ryoji tangible. Gonna continue on this fic actually, since it was fun writing it. Yay, finally something not a one-shot!