(hanji did an experiment making everyone in the survey corps think they are in a faiytale including herself)

eren and armin were taken by hanji the evil( thats what she calls herself) they await their heros erwin and levi

"you will never get away with this!" armin screams as hanji ties them up

"levi and erwin will come save us like they always do and will just happen to save us right as you are about to win!" eren adds struggling with the restraints.

"fools I always win!" hanji cackles

"no actually you don't" armin thinks back to when they were last kidnapped.

"what do you mean?"

"well when you were trying to brainwash us last time and they brainwashed you to think you were their dog for the longest time! that was hilarious!" armin laughs along with eren

"or when you took us and thought that your 'super secret' hideout would never be found and levi found it within seconds" eren giggled

"or that time when you kidnapped erwin and us and thought you won? now that was funny when levi burst in, kissed eren, cut off your clothes, and rode home with us and erwin! oh the look on your face!" armin laughed causing the two princes to fall into a fit of laughter.

"or that time when-"

"shut up! I get it!" hanji slammed the metal door and locked it awaiting the heros.

(with levi and erwin)

levi sits on the couch reading a book when suddenly erwin burst into his room with his blonde hair sticking up in spikes and a note in his hand. erwin hands the note to levi but makes it fall in the trash (I don't know how) and quickly gets dressed.

levi does the same and stands in a heroic pose. erwin follows levi's lead and does the same.

"what are we doing?" erwin asks

"waiting for maximum handsomeness" levi responds.

"but we are already higher than maximum handsomeness" erwin wines

"I am you aren't" levi argues.

"says who?"

"the knowers of them all, the most powerful weapon in all of existence." levi pauses and his glare intensifies. "the fangirls" levi says suddenly and herds of people come in the room screaming.

"ahhh levi we love you!" most of them say

"mostly with eren!" a handful shout (including me)

"no! with erwin!" another handful scream.

the fangirls argue back and forth until another voice speaks up.

"what about with petra!" a lonesome person shouts

"nah!" everyone including levi and erwin shout.

"okay" that one person walks away.

the fangirls argue as levi and erwin ride their horses through the survey corps to hanji's lab ready to slay the beast.

long story short levi and erwin save the day erwin and armin cuddle while eren and levi be ereri (if you know what I mean) (•_) the fangirls all go to their natural habitat in the darkness shipping while sobbing eating ice cream. the lonesome levrta shipper hadn't finished season 1 but later they did and became tramatized like we all were but eventually was welcomed into the ereri fandom. hanji was left alone and fixed herself and everyone but eren and levi letting them have their fairy tale until erwin had enough and ordered hanji to change them back