I'm the Controller

Chapter 1 - As Long as I'm Alive

Halloween Night. A night that did not go by unnoticed, as all of the children of Sodor would dress up and Trick or Treat that very evening. Those who were younger were usually in it for the candy, but the eldest minds were always interested either being scared or being the scarer.

Even the engines of Sodor would have a little fun with each other, whether it's telling scary stories about the Scrap Yard or sneaking up on them in the dark.

And the easiest engine to scare was the timid little green one that pulled the mail coaches: Percy. The bigger engines, like Gordon and James, never missed an opportunity to take advantage of Percy's paranoia, especially on Halloween.

And as Percy was once again pulling his mail coaches for the night, through a spooky forest to boot, the poor little engine expected a jumpscare from someone, anyone for that matter.

"C'mon, Percy…you've gone through this forest a thousand times…sh-shouldn't still be this scary," Percy meekly told himself, as he puffed forward slowly to watch out for any danger, "…r-right?"

"Oh, I don't know. Do I sound scary?" Percy gasped and puffed steam when he heard an eerie voice amongst the darkness and the trees.

"Wh-who's there?! G-Gordon…J-James, is that you?!" Percy called out, his axles audibly trembling.

"Wrong and wrong again." The voice was closer now…almost as if it was…

Behind me? Percy pondered and quickly looked behind him.

"I'm like no one you've ever seen." And sure enough, the creepy voice was right behind Percy, practically whispering into his ear. But when Percy looked again, there was a silvery mist…but it was in the shape of an engine. As he tried to gather the details of this engine, his eyes were suddenly glued to its own; glowing, demonic red orbs that stared directly into his soul.

Percy was frozen. Even his axles stopped shaking. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move, and he couldn't even puff steam.

"Get out," the silvery engine hissed, and he smiled large enough to reveal a mouth full of crooked fangs.

Percy didn't think twice, and screamed in terror as he puffed out of the forest faster than he had ever gone before. And as the said green engine disappeared, the silver engine chuckled darkly and suddenly dispersed into a cloud of mist that flew away like a phantom.

Percy never even delivered the mail like he was supposed, and instead headed straight for Tidmouth Sheds to hide. His crying and frantic whistling instantly woke all of his friends, as he puffed right into his shed with his coaches right behind him.

"Ugh, not this again," James groaned groggily.

"Percy, what's wrong? What happened this time?" Thomas asked his best friend out of concern.

"I saw it! I saw it again! The ghost train!" Percy wailed and kept his eyes shut tight, fearing that if he opened them again, he would once again see those evil red eyes.

The others either groaned in annoyance or sighed in relief.

"Percy, there's no such things as ghosts, let alone an undead engine. You have nothing to fear," Thomas gently reassured.

"Yes, he does. If I don't get my beauty sleep, I'll be something to fear!" Gordon threatened.

"You're not the only one! This has got to stop, Percy! We will not tolerate your insubordination anymore!" James snapped, "If you don't grow up and face your fears, you'll only continue to hurt yourself."

"B-But…but…" Percy tried to protest, as he blinked away his tears, "Thomas?"

"Mmm…" Thomas hummed in regret, "I'm sorry, Percy, but they're right. You need to stop being so scared all the time."


"But nothing! You can either go to sleep and deliver the mail before Sir Topham Hat arrives tomorrow morning, or you can get back out there and do it now," Gordon firmly instructed, "But whatever you choose, leave us in peace."

Even though Percy wasn't brave enough to go back out at night, he was lucky enough to leave and deliver the mail the next morning before Sir Topham found out. And after he assigned the engines their usual assignments, one engine would have to put his job on hold for a bit.

Thomas needed to take Annie and Clarabel to transport passengers on his branch line, like he always does, but he needed to do something rather important first. Before the blue engine went to fetch his coaches, he headed out into the same forest where Percy saw the ghost the night before.

Steam surrounded Thomas as he came to a halt, and he glanced around to make sure the coast was clear. And once he was certain he was all alone, he spoke, "We need to talk."

He didn't even need to shout, as he knew He would be close; he's always close. And just as Thomas expected, the one he was looking for soon appeared out of thin air in a puff of silver mist. It was Timothy, the ghost train.

"Hey, Buddy," Timothy nonchalantly greeted.

"Don't 'hey, buddy' me! You terrorized my friend again, and right after I told you not to!" Thomas snapped, his face scrunching in anger and annoyance.

"Aw, c'mon, I was just havin' a little harmless fun!"

"You nearly got Percy in trouble."


"So, you're jeopardizing your end of the deal!"

"Oh, right, our little deal." Timothy chuckled and closed his eyes. "Tell me, Thomas, did Percy get hurt?"


"And did he actually get in trouble with your fat controller?"

"No, and don't call Sir Topham Hat that!"

"Fine, fine. But you're missing the point. Like I said, harmless fun."

"That may be true, but I won't help you anymore if you keep this up." Despite Thomas' best efforts to threaten him, Timothy was completely unphased, just like always.

"Try as you might, Thomas, but your lectures are never gonna work on me," Timothy protested with a grin.

"And just why not? Why are you so confident that you'll always win?" Thomas questioned with a sneer.

"Because, Thomas—I am still a part of you." Just as Timothy finished his sentence, he turned into a cloud of silver mist and phased into Thomas. Thomas closed his eyes and his axles shuddered, as he felt the cold and unnatural presence of Timothy slip into him again.

And though there were no obvious changes in the blue engine's appearance, his eyes were momentarily red, just like Timothy's, as he opened them. Thomas then glanced down at a small puddle near the edge of the track. But when he looked at his reflection, he didn't see himself. He saw Timothy.

"You agreed to be my host, remember? And it's because of you that I'm still alive—so to speak." Timothy's stretched and fang-filled smile returned. "And as long as I'm alive, so are you."

Ooo, creepy0.0

If you couldn't already tell, this is a creepypasta, so I hope you're prepared for the creepiness ahead of you. And speaking of which, what do you think's the story behind Thomas and Timothy's deal?

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!