Author's Note: Dedicated to the author who created the story 'Moon Cell of Red', this account will continue the Hakuno x Mordred pairings for you.

"I can't die here.. Not like this.." a voice full of pain whispers with determination, in contrast to the salt tear falling down on the ground. She tries to stand up, but all she could do was slump back. She tried again to no avail, and that moment she can feel the pain, the coldness, and the numbness that comes after almost painfully for the girl.

"No… I can't die…. I don't want to die…"

But her resilient heart does not waver, and still, she pressed on with her whole power anchoring herself with her left arm as her body sluggishly crawls to the ground. Slowly but surely, the pain consumes her whole, paralyzing her to no end… yet her mind goes elsewhere, undefeated and fighting for the dilemma without any rest, further tiring herself out until she could not help but think of the unfairness of the world…...

'Hah.. I'm dying…. It's so cold… I…. I don't want to die… not like this… I don't want to die…. Please, someone… Anyone….' She thought tearfully, with every ounce of her energy reaches out in the sky filled with zeroes and ones, praying for some salvation.

'..Save me.' Praying for a hero to come against the effigy that wounded her.

"Damn. What a shitty thing to experience, huh? Welp, I guess I have no choice."

Only to be heard by a girl emerging in a shattered three standing beacons formed with glass, bearing such regal smile and indecent clothes for the entire world to see, holding a huge elegant sword which she swung in the air that creates a vermilion glow.

The girl which emerges stills her big sword to the ground, next to the slowly dying girl's face. The new girl with blonde hair and beautiful green eyes peers at blank brown one's of the paralyzed girl, giving a roughish comfort before she spoke in a rude manner, condemning to be heard… Bossy and powerful…. But for the brown eyed girl …

"Before I behead the goon over there… Tell me, are you my master?"

For Hakuno Kishinami… the blonde girl is the only hope to her dark world.

"What a dumb jackass… making me do some lowly life cleaning like that… doesn't he know who I am?" an irritated blonde girl mumbled while all the while stomping loudly across the empty halls of their school. She quickly pluck out her black necktie and pop out two buttons of her brown vest, pocketing the tie in her brown skirt pocket. Though it is somewhat relaxing walking alone, the fact that it's now afternoon and all students besides the committee are the only one in the vicinity grates the fuming girl, who by any chance was assigned to clean the Gaming Club… All. By. Herself.

"Damn that Kairi!" she yelled from the top of her lungs, punching the wall in frustration. "If I'll see him again tomorrow, that disgustingly cool jacket will be in ruins, teacher or not!" ranting and bubbling words sailors will jutted down on, she stops at one sliding door and reaches in to enter so that she can get her bag…..

"Hah? ….." But she did not expect to see her awaiting lover, sleeping next to an open window with her arms cross on the table. The orange sunset graces the slumbering girl's wavy brown hair and the fresh breeze outside makes the curtain dance in the wind, creating a majestic effect that lures her in to the slumbering girl's side. Peeking in unto close eyelashes, the blonde girl could not help but smile, forgetting how and why she's even angry as she saw her lover's face.

Her girlfriend, Hakuno Kishinami is by no means gorgeous or the most beautiful of all with unique traits that none will ever forget.

'No,' the blonde girl, Mordred Pendragon- thought to herself. If the most wonderful and attention gatherer were to be known by their ungodly looks, Hakuno was the exact opposite of them. The popular girl speaks a thousand words in miles yet Hakuno rarely speaks in a day. While others compete to be on the top, Hakuno stays the same. She's a girl with an average look, an average grade and an average life. She is the epitome of a side character to any mangas, the background figure that is forgotten and unnoticed by everyone… However, what makes Mordred love and like this girl is not about her looks…. But what she can see deep within the chained walls of physical form, deep into the see of Hakuno's soul.

Mordred's still wondering how a boisterous, brash and rude human like her could be in a relationship with a quiet, humble and plain girl like Hakuno. Yet she does not complain, for Hakuno is the only thing that she treasures dearly, a precious person which she could only say 'Mine.' Truly, Cupid strikes her hard and the 'Opposite Attracts' spokes true.

"You dummy, wake up." Mordred affectionately flicks the cute nose of Hakuno. With all the wonders of the world, Mordred awaited this moment… as the closed eyes slowly opens and a pool of blank brown eyes greeted her own. The common type of color which holds nothing but void and numbness, yet at the same time hold the key to Mordred's fantasy and the loving warm that she- herself, could only see.

"Uhn? ... Mordred? …" the brown haired girl whispered, straightening up as she rub her eyes tiredly. "You're late." She added, with the monotone voice she always portray. But Mordred can see pass the barrier, and instead of feeling angry, she could only snorts at the concern concealed within.

"Uh- huh, shitty Kairi made me clean the whole club this afternoon 'cause the guys left early for some reason. Don't know why I was left to sweep their trash though, and you don't have to wait for me, you know!" the blonde girl exclaimed, puffing her chest out like a lion.

"You're the Club President, it's you're duty." Hakuno, dull as ever comebacks, deflating the angry expression of Mordred by a mere second, replace with a growl much like aa beast in their early stage of waking up.

"Che, I don't want to talk about it. Come on, you slowpoke. We're heading out. God knows what the President will think if he caught us this late." Instead of answering back, Hakuno only nods her head. Swiftly exiting the school premises hand to hand, the two girls slowly walks to their home with a silent and comfortable silence between them.


A place where the family gathers and feels secure and contented with one another. A place where the word 'family' truly comes to be. Of course, 'live- in' is also involve in this equation. A home is not just a place after all, but a space where a person can love and be love in return.

For both girls, there was no one else like a home in their little western house near a huge bridge connecting the Fuyuki City to its neighboring cities.


They are a family, the two face of the same coin against the world. A family consisting of them alone, without a relative and parents to guide. Without a guardian to hold them on.


If someone will ask them those three letter words… then, they will exactly tell that person the truth without any remorse. And that answer is…


This undeniable fact was so unbelievable no one will accept this kind of answer, but still, the truth are the hardest thing to swallow and the unavoidable comes from those who speaks the 'right'.

Mordred Pendragon, for all she knows is a girl with little to none of those childhood many people experiences in their lifetime. She do not know her family, nor her age before her 14th year, nor her likes, nor her dislikes, and neither is her belief. She just….. came to consciousness standing in a door, with a number Zero and One. And suddenly, she had come into a realization, a knowledge common to all, but there were these little things bugging inside her mind, like a person only seeing the world colorful for the first time.

The first one is that she's a human, a peculiar thing to know- though it was understandable, as she herself do not know the origins of her birth. Then, the longing for something unattainable- a silhouette of an object from afar. And the last and the most precious call of her heart….

To find the girl clasping her hands.

Hakuno Kishinami also has the same problem like Mordred, with no memories of her past, how she was hospitalized or even who she really are. Doctors says she was out into a deep coma so long many forgotten what actually happen to her. No documents or information could pacify the mysterious awakening of the girl, or even the absurd way she has no relative to sustain the bills in the hospital. With some digging she was discovered to have a brain disease that lures her to a forever sleep, with her relatives dying in old age or accidents that their heritage was passed immediately to the awaken girl.

Of course, many are overjoyed to see the miracle of seeing her alive and well, however, the mentioned girl was having the exact opposite of what they could feel. Or moreover, she does not feel happy being alive, being able to awaken in a hazy and deep slumber…

Until a blonde girl in a red jacket and short shorts walks into her world, holding the most confused, overjoyed and beautiful smile she could ever see… with a little plastic bag clasped in her right hand. That day, two years had passed- the connection that binds them together from that first glance in their eyes, grew strong and unbreakable. With the feeling of friendship turning into something more. A best friend. A sister. A lover, until Hakuno and Mordred was no more, but just simply a couple called as 'One' in mind, body and soul.

"….I dreamed about you." And just like that, the comfortable bubble pop in oblivion. Mordred looks at Hakuno incredulously, almost wanting to ask if she was just hearing things when her companion simply continues her words, looking straight ahead. "In a world so blue, you came to save me."

"… That's so cliché." Mordred complains, but did not try to stop the girl. Afterall, Hakuno rarely starts a conversation. Hakuno glances at the sky, continuing into the path towards their home close enough to see in the distant of the sunset glow. "…. You wear red tube covering your breast, and a long cloth to hide your nether region."

"Che!? What the heck was your dream about anyway?" scandalized, Mordred bopped Hakuno's head lightly. "To remember indecent things like that…."

"…. You ask me if I'm your master."


"And I said yes."

"….." speechless and gawking, Mordred shuts her open mouth in complete shock, never missing out how Hakuno looks at her curiously, like an innocent child seeing something they should not see. And then, the blonde girl realized her mistake and cover up her inappropriate thought with a loud cough of air, glancing away to her lover.


"…. Don't ever…. Tell something like that with a blank expression, Hakuno." Still dizzy to a sudden misunderstanding, Mordred grasp the hands awaiting her own and continue their walk closer to their home, closing her eyes in exaggeration, almost comically saying a word that ends something and starts a new beginning. A word that she'll regret, for she mocks the World with its sincereness.

"You have a pretty wild imagination, you know that. It's like the 'us' in your dream are more like a Master and Servant or something! Do you want that, Hakuno? In a place where you're my Master and I'm your Servant? Or a place where heroes meet? I'll totally go in there… because this world… is totally a piece of shit."

Unnoticed by the blonde, the brown haired girl went rigid, glancing up and about as the world suddenly turn static, stopping any sound, movement and light except the two lovers in the field. "Mordred…" she tried to warn her companion, but that too, was also unheard as the blonde continue her mutterings.

"But there's no such thing as like that…"

"Mordred….!" Hakuno tries to stopped their ascendance by grasping the small arm of Mordred into her body, closing in into the blonde's small form as she stares at the ever growing blackness sprouting everywhere she look.

"If only that's real.. then…" And atlast, Mordred opens her eyes, silently muttering words buried and hazy, from the deepest and forgotten part of her mind, before a big colossus shadow overshadows them both, in both their bewilderment and fear, it explodes with a big flash of light…..

"We can feel that we belong."

And the two was nowhere to be seen.