I felt like making this. Whole thing's probably gonna be improvised and unplanned, because I'm lazy. If it turns out well, it does. This is for fun.

I'm not entirely sure how I got here. I mean, it couldn't be reincarnation, because I was fifteen years short of a new life, and these clothes definitely aren't from around here. So, something exceptionalis whatmust've happened.

The most recent thing I remember from before my arrival was a car coming at me, and the overwhelming thoughtof get away I have to get awayfilling me. Then, something purple. And pain. Lots of pain.

After that, the sky. No more pain when I was lying in an alleyway, looking at the sky. I was obviously confused- basic questions like 'Where the fuck am I?' and its ilk running through my head.

I got up, and look out at the entrance to the alley. What looked to be a bustling marketplace from ye olde days lay before me. I blinked, confused, and slowly stepped out. Nobody paid any attention to me. Suddenly, a mounted soldier began to gallop through the marketplace.


...Daein. No fucking way. Fuck. SHIT! No, Conor, calm. Alright, it seems Crimea is conscripting the male population to fight back against Daein.

Like it'll make a difference.

Shut up, cynicism. Reasonably speaking, my two options are:

A. Assist in the defense of Melior, and probably die doing so.

B. Run the fuck away, and just avoid the entire conflict.

I'm leaning towards option B, in all honesty; though my more virtuous side is crying in protest of that. Decisions, decisions.

"You there! What are you doing? All men were ordered to the barracks!" A cavalier with a shock of red hair rode up to me. I blinked, and noticed the now-empty marketplace. Looks like my decision was made for me.

Wait, was that m'boy Kieran?

No! No time to fanboy. I need to focus. "I- uh- sorry, but I just arrived from- errr- a small town out, ahem, west and I don't know where to go." I stutter out, still a little stunned at the arrival of Kieran.

"Oh! My apologies for yelling. I'll show you the way. Come with me." Kieran sheepishly states, an apologetic smile upon his face. He turns his horse and has it trot in some direction, which I follow.

We make occasional stops to lead any other men that don't know the way, until we arrive at the barracks. After a few tense minutes of waiting for more arrivals, the commander who I can't quite see begins to shout.

"FORM THREE LINES AT THE THREE DOORS OF THE BARRACKS! YOU WILL BE DISTRIBUTED ARMOR AND WEAPONS HERE!" Damn, that's loud. I quickly push my way to the front of the closest line, and take stock of my weapon options.

Swords, axes, lances, shields, but no bows. Too much training for bows, I guess. I quickly grab a sword and shield, and a set of leather armor.

I look around for somewhere to put on the armor; a soldier chuckles and gestures to an area where a couple other guys are putting on armor. I walk over there, and promptly realize I have no idea how to put armor on.

"Shit," I mutter. I shake my head, and begin the struggle.

It's pretty futile beyond the boots and helmet, but after what must've been ten minutes of it, I've got the full set on. A proud full-toothed grin stretched across my face, but that quickly disappears as I notice one of the nearby soldiers resisting the
/urge to break down laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, it's hilarious, I get it." I glare at the soldier. It's enough to make him reduce the chuckling to a simple smile.

The soldier proceeds to school his expression and gives me a serious look. "You're assigned to Fifth Platoon,led by Captain Kieran. He's the redhead with a horse, right over there." He's wildly gesturing over at Kieran.

I nod, walking up to the axeman. "Hey, uh, Captain Kieran. I've been assigned to your platoon, I believe." I awkwardly state.

Kieran grants me a boisterous grin and gallantly shouts, "Indeed you have, my good man! Welcome to the Fifth Platoon!"

Didn't Kieran's entire Platoon get wrecked by Daein? I can't remember how, though. In any case,fuuuuuuuuck.

Kieran, thankfully, doesn't question my look of dread and begins to greet the other new members of his Platoon- conscripts like me. Looks like Kieran's just a temporary Captain rather than a real one.

I carefully study my fellow conscripts and blink as I recognize Brom and Nephenee, who seem to be holding a steady conversation. I consider going over and talking to them, but I don't want to interrupt them.


Oh, hey, it's Mister Leader Man.


Personally, I thought the speech wasn't so great, but everybody else disagreed. A load roar arose from the crowd of conscripts, and I couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement and let out a yell myself.

Kieran quickly rallies his Platoon and points his axe to the castle gate. I can only barely hear his shout of "WE WILL GUARD THE CASTLE GATE, FIFTH PLATOON!" over the still-yelling army.

The total group of maybe twenty two soldiers (counting me) follow after the axe wielder. Once we arrive at the castle gate, Kieran calls out to us to take up various defensive positions.

However, the castle gate creaks open, and a green haired woman in an orange dress slips out, closely followed by a bright teal haired swordswoman.

...Elincia and Lu- oh fuck, I remember what happened to Kieran's troops now.

A bit rushed, I'll admit. I wrote it at school, so three times that I got to write it were spaced out. Might come back later to touch up on it if I feel like it. Kinda short and fast-paced, though.