*UPDATE* You can now find this story in its entirety on a new blog, where I'm collaborating with a few other FF authors! I will put the actual link on my profile and on FB, or you can simply type (without spaces) acedfiction dot wordpress dot com.

FF is blocking the link, so you'll just have to type it in a url. Google isn't showing it just yet because it's a new site.

Click my name on the home page for a listing of my stories, and be sure to Follow if you want updates sent to your email!

Hello readers,

I apologize if you receive emails stating that I've updated these stories, as that is not the case. I am, however, removing them from this website. After months of being harassed, I have decided to take my writing elsewhere. Specifically, somewhere that requires a reader to sign in if they want to troll me. I hate disappointing you all, but I've simply reached the end of my tolerance for drama.

I came to this fandom hoping to broaden my writing experience, and I accomplished that. I'm not going to stop writing because I will never let a bully take that from me, but I won't be leaving myself open to persecution any longer. I will leave Ember where it is for the time being, since I finished it so recently, but it will eventually be removed as well. I still intend to publish it as an original novel, and I do plan to continue writing fanfiction. However, anything I write in the future will not be shared here.

I appreciate your patience and support, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

