Matsuo sat with her family for dinner, pushing her food around her plate. Ritsu watched her eldest daughter concerned "Matsu, sweetie, you need to eat" Ritsu cooed from beside Matsuo. Suzuna who sat across from Ritsu next to Masamune nodded too.
"I just… don't feel hungry" Matsuo mumbled
"Eat something, Matsu" Masamune pressed "Your mother learnt the hard why that not eating is bad for you"
"When are you ever going to let that go?" Ritsu huffed
"Never" Masamune answered. Matsuo smiled weakly at her parents. She wanted what they had
"Mum, dad, can I transfer schools-?"
"Absolutely not" both parents answered at the same time.
"Why not?" Matsuo protested. "Mum transferred when she was my age! I wanna go to the school mum transferred to"
"No" Masamune said firmly "I will not let you run away from this issue with Raiden" he added
"I just want to get over it" Matsuo argued desperately "I'll go back when I am"
"The only way you'll be getting over it is you talking to Raiden" Masamune said.
"That's enough, Matsuo, the answer is no" Masamune growled firmly. Matsu stood and ran to her room. Masamune sighed and Ritsu moved to stand beside Masamune and hugged him. "I don't want her to have a relationship like we did in the beginning" Masamune admitted
"I know" Ritsu mumbled into his shoulder before moving to rest her chin there "Matsuo doesn't know that though, and we wont let her make the same mistake I did" Ritsu soothed "Go talked to her me and Suzu-chan can do the dishes tonight. Right Suzu?"
Suzuna nodded shovelling more food into her mouth. Masamunse stood kissing his wife's temple before heading to his older daughter's room. "Matsu?" Masamune called to the girl who was curled under the covers. "I know this is hard on you, Lass, but running away won't get rid of the feelings you have." He received no response. "I've been on Raiden's end of things before… it's the worst thing ever"
Matsuo peeked out of the covers eyeing her father "Did… did it get fixed?"
"In a way… I was lucky" Masamune answered
"Are you guys still friends?" Matsuo asked. Masamune smiled at his daughter
"Our situation was different" he answered
"So no" Matsuo huffed
"Actually, it was with your mother" Masamune corrected "So, she's more than my friend now"
"What happened?" Matsuo asked sitting up looking at her father
"Well, when your mother was your age, me and her started dating – when we knew nothing about each other to begin with. Back then I was kind of like Haruka, I'd date anyone that confessed and test to see if it would actually work." Masamune shrugged "The only one that did was your mother. We went out for awhile, then your mother asked me a question that took me off guard and me being an idiot laughed because I thought the answer was obvious"
"What did she ask?" Matsuo asked
"If I loved her" Masamune asked. Matsuo went wide eyed. The issue her parents had was a lot more serious than a little spat her and Raiden had. Yet they still ended up together "Your mother transferred schools overnight after that. She just disappeared"
"Is that why you didn't want me to transfer?" Matsuo asked and Masamune nodded "But… isn't it too late to talk to him?"
"You two have been like this for what? Three four weeks right?" Masamune asked and Matsuo nodded
"Well me and your mother… our misunderstanding wents for ten years. Even then it took me another year to get her back. But that entire ten years, it hurt, I paid for my mistake, I'm still trying to make up for it. Yukina is probably feeling just as horrible as I did. Wants to know how to fix what he did wrong, maybe even what he did. You understand now baby girl?" Masamune asked. "I don't want you to ever make a mistake like ours. Because that feeling will never go away it just festers till it hurts"
"I understand. Thanks daddy" Matsuo smiled weakly as she hugged him letting herself be pulled onto her father's lap
"anytime sweetheart" Masamune mumbled into her hair.
Matsuo Yuki Takano
Matsuo stood in front of the apartment door to the Yukina household, freaking out silently c'mon Matsu if mum and dad can do it after something so serious after ten years you can do this. Matsuo suddenly knocked on the door while she had a surge of confidence only to regret it immediately.
Kou answered the door and was shocked yet happy to see her there "Hey little lady you here to see Raiden?"
"Yea, if it isn't a problem" Matsuo mumbled. Kou ushered her inside and lead her up to Raiden's bedroom door
"He hasn't left his room unless he needed to" Kou said sadly "But hopefully he'll talk to you" Matsuo tried swallowing the knot in her throat. Her father was right, he was feeling horrible about it. Matsuo stepped into the room and was shocked by the scene.
Raiden's walls normally alight with colour from his drawings on the whiteboard walls we blank, just pure white – save the loan picture of a shattered heart lying in a puddle of what looked like blood. Raiden was lying on his side in front of it, facing it. He'd obviously heard the door open but he didn't move "I'm not coming out Kyoya, nothing you can say will change that" Raiden growled, his voice cracked.
"Sorry, to disappoint" Matsuo said. Raiden jumped up shocked by the familiar voice then moved to erase the drawing. Matsuo was able to stop him though batting his hand away and started inspecting it, crouching in front of it.
"I'm not disappointed" Raiden finally said. Matsuo stood face blank, Raiden and Matsuo were mentally exhausted, but just this simple interaction made them feel so much better. Matsuo then turned and walked over to him wrapping her arms around Raiden's waist burying her face into his chest as she burst into tears and Raiden stood shocked
"I'm so sorry" She sobbed when he immediately wrapped his arms around her tightly.