Disclaimer: I don't own Servamp cuz if I did there'd be more hugs.

Lawless has wanted many things in his life, and he has often known how to get them. When he wanted money, he got a job. When he wanted blood, he hunted humans or found Eves that he would later kill. But it's the things he wants now that he knows he'll never be able to keep.

He wants to lay on top of Licht's piano and incessantly bother him with chatter while Kranz tries to discourage him from distracting the boy from practice. He wants to watch from the front seat of every music hall as Licht enchants people with the sound he is able to coax from a piano, even if sometimes the pieces he plays make Lawless want to cry. He wants to pick fights with Licht that Gil has to break up at Kranz's behest. And he wants to curl up in his hedgehog form next to this stupid little angel of his and treasure the warmth that he gives off, the kind of warmth that Creator used to give off in the early days before the world grew bigger than him and his siblings and things got complicated, the kind of warmth Ophelia possessed the day she pressed her hands to his fur and didn't pull away even when he lashed out.

It's cruel, Lawless thinks while staring up at the full moon through one of Licht's bedroom windows. He's destined to lose everything he has now like he lost everything he had then, and there's nothing he can do to avoid it.

He clenches his hand, leaning forward and resting his forehead against the cool glass. Even after Licht and Kranz and everyone else have long faded away, he'll still remain, never aging, never changing. Why is it that the only way he can be killed is when he has someone to live for?

Lawless turns from the window, away from the moon and it's prying gaze. He focuses instead on Licht, who lays sleeping in his bed. His breathing is soft and even, marked by quiet snores. Licht is a force to be reckoned with when awake, but in sleep he seems almost tame, less like the righteous, demon-slaying angel he claims to be and more like the young boy that he is.

Lawless stands from his perch at the window – slowly, because lately everything is more difficult than it ought to be thanks to that broken name of his. He approaches Licht's bedside, and while he knows he'll probably pay for it in the morning, he transforms into a hedgehog and settles himself beside his Eve. He knows he'll want this years in the future when Licht is no more than a memory, but he also wants this now, so he'll take it when he can.

He wants forever to be like this, just him and his Eve and this little room, and he knows it won't last – time marches on, and dawn will soon arrive – but Lawless chooses to ignore it in favor of closing his eyes.

And even when he wakes up to Licht kicking him over the edge of the bed and calling him a filthy demon, he's happy, because this could all end tomorrow, but he's still got today. Even though he knows that when this is all over he'll be alone with his grief again, he doesn't regret keeping this Eve. He'll always want more – his sin is greed, and his thirst is never truly sated – but these little moments will have to be enough.