
Breathe Rose, just breathe. That was close, too close; how the hell did they find me? I held still for a moment longer just to catch my breath. It was autumn and late on a Sunday night; the breeze was turning cold making me shiver slightly as I pulled my coat around me as much as possible, well where it fit anyway. I looked around me quickly taking in my surroundings; I gave it a swift all clear, before I stepped out of the shadows. I walked as quickly and quietly as I could, realizing that I was waddling, maybe a bit too loud but I was only 6 foot away from my car, I had my keys in my hand. I knew opening the car was going to be my biggest problem, cars make a lot of noise but I had no choice, there was no way I could out run them, not in this condition. I was there I hastily slotted my key into the lock and twisted, it clicked making an echo down the road. Shit! I had to have a quick peek around, surely they should have heard that, I looked up and sure enough, there he was. Damn, over 6 foot of pure god was looking at me; his hair was hanging down around his face, a face that showed so many emotions all at once, from about 10 metres away. We just stared at each other, both of us in shock finding each other here. No, no, no, why is he here!

"Rose!" Before he could react anymore, I slung myself into the car, shutting the door and locking the doors. By the time I had the engine turned on he was by my side of the car, staring at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"Roza, please open the door." He sounded so panicked in that sexy Russian accent of his. He tried to open the door, trying over and over again, he looked almost frantic in his hurry. It was so hard not to look into those chocolate eyes, but I didn't look at him, I tuned him out as best I could. I turned away slipping into 1st gear and started to move slowly away from the curb.

"Rose. Please. Don't go, come back. I'm sorry. Everything will be ok, I'll sort it all out. Please. ROSE!" He tried to keep hold of the car his voice getting louder the more I ignored him. He slammed his hand on the window but I kept on driving now at a speed where he couldn't keep a hold of it. He let go as I drove away. I looked in the rear-view mirror watching as his head sagged while four more figures joined him. They all tuned towards me, one of them placing a hand on his shoulder, thankfully they couldn't see me or the tears that were flowing freely down my face. Goodbye Dimitri.

I awoke with a start; I was hugging my pillow in a cold sweat. It's just a dream Rose. I flung my legs over the side of the bed; I peered at the clock it was 3am, it was too early to get up really but I knew I wasn't going back to sleep now, not after that dream. I leaned over to the sleeping form next to, nudging her awake slightly.

"Trix?" I spoke softly, she hmmmed at me. "I'm going for a run, I'll be back soon."

She hmmmed at me again acknowledging me. I got up and moved down towards the bathroom so I could get changed in to my workout gear without disturbing anyone. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, as I grabbed my ipod and left the quiet house. Deciding maybe some P!nk would be good for me. I start with a jog slowly running faster and faster, trying to clear my head. But it wasn't going to happen, it never does.