
Blue sky, grassy lands and cool soft breeze.

Sitting on a chair on the balcony his face covered by the hands massaging his temples, "The Gamer" Han Jee-Han, took a big sigh put his mana enhanced tab inside the inventory. He started stretching is stiffened body.

It was nearly 3 years after the Great War against the Void King, The Cthulhu and The Great Magus Udivus. Han Jee-han was able to successfully defeat the great three but had to a price so big that he wished to go back in time and reverse all things.

"I have prepared for everything I could and can only hope that it will go well." said Jee-han.

"Are we really doing this Jee-Han?" came a soft feminine voice

Near the door, holding a tea set came a woman with golden brown hair reaching her hips wearing a white dress. Within those deep brown eyes a silver of worry and sadness could be seen.

"Sung-ah, you came? Let me hold this for you?" Jee-Han took the tea set from the Sang-ah and started filling the cups

"Yes, everything is ready and good to go."

There was a long silence. Jee-Han made Sang-ah to sit and gave her a cup of tea.

"Is this really alright? I mean the balance, because the last time we asked?" asked Sang-ah.

"Yes, it's alright because it all happened due to the interference of the beings from another world. So it's alright to do It." answered Jee-Han trying his hard to keep himself calm. Deep anger and guilt could be seen in his eye.

This Great War resulted in death of large number of the member of abyss mostly the people around Jee-Han. His family, friends, teachers and students died in this war. He remembered about is parents who were so powerful ranked on the top ten all over the world, his friend Shin Sun-Il and Chunbumoon, loli teacher and wolf man and their friends, his students.

Only thing he could do was move on and never look back.

Then one month later a letter and a box came to him with no address, only to his name telling that everything he lost could be brought back but the method was not in this world. Inside the box were hundreds of paper and pen drives and notes all about parallel universe.

Soon with the help of gamer ability and girl friend sang-ah, he was able to understand about parallel worlds and laws and forms.

After the Great War the laws were stricter and more commanding.

But Jee-han knew if there is any chance of reviving them it was the only way

And it all came down today

After finishing their tea and snacks, Jee-han prepared a magic circle and both of them translated to deep sea lands

There center was an orb radiating a bright light covered by faint mist.

[Essence of Earth Lv?]

"Ah, Gamer is it? What have you come here for? You know after the Gamers mind changed to transcendental will, I was never able to connect with you anymore and now I look at you I feel that you domain is more absolute, more stronger, more denser and also contains spatial bonds." came a muffled voice from the surroundings. Voice containing no emotions, just plain.

"Gaia, you said you could help me establish a contract with them, will it be absolute?" asked Jee-Han

"There are 20 Gaia constructs who have agreed to help the gamer han jee-han and it will be absolute but the method may not be as you imagined it to be and I am sorry for it. Will it be acceptable, Gamer?"