Chapter 1 Arrive

Sophia sighed with both relief and frustration as the two finally left the airport. "I forgot how much hassle the Chinese border control was." She explained and stretched her back.

At her side, Annamarie ran a hand back in her hair, pushing back any stray strands that had fallen free in the flight. "It was… long."

"But anyway, we really should get going, we still have a long way to go." She chuckled, shifting her backpack on her shoulder before noticing the defeated look in her companion's eyes. "Annamarie?"

"Sorry." She moaned, rubbing her forehead. "It was a long flight and… I didn't get much sleep."

Looking at her for a bit longer, Sophia sighed and turned away. "Perhaps we should find a hotel, rest up for tonight here and then move on in the morning."

"How far is it from here to the temple?"

"About two more days."

Wishing it wasn't so far, Annamarie shook her head. "Then… let's keep moving. I'll be alright. I want to get there as soon as we can."

The blonde stared at her for a moment, judging her condition then began to walk. "Come on, we need to get a bus to the out reaches." She explained, heading off to a large building.

Annamarie sighed, shifted her bag on her back and began to move as well, following on behind. She always loved travelling normally but right now, with her head filled with whispers, she just wanted to get somewhere safe.

She soon discovered that speaking Chinese was a family tradition for the Agrestes as Sophia spoke fluently to a man who nodded and handed her two tickets.

The 'bus' was more of an old truck that had been converted to have a few extra seats in the back and was rammed full of people. Fortunately Sophia managed to get a seat for them both by handing over a few notes and a million dollar smile that convinced a couple of men give up their spots for them.

They sat and Annamarie gazed out the window at the world outside as it began to move, the people and city hurrying around soon gave way to green grass and farms as it covered the mountains around them. She sighed and forced her eyes to focus on the glass, looking at her own reflection.

It was her own for a second but then…

She instantly looked away and covered her face with her hands, trying to block it out but it didn't work and suddenly it felt like the whole world was crushing down on her, squeezing her life away.

Beside her, Sophia spotted her painful expression and turned quickly to her, rubbing her back comfortingly. "Annamarie?"

Gripping her head tighter, the teen let out a gasp then sat up, her face pale and eyes wide but on seeing the concern in her elder's eyes and that of a few passengers around her, she turned back to the window. "I'm fine." She lied.

"No, you're not. What happened?"

Her eyes lowered once more. "I… I hear it… in my head."

"Hawk Moth?"

She paused, not looking at her then slowly nodded. "Yeah."

"Has this happened before? When you are… you?"

She hesitated but then nodded again. "At first… it was just background noise, whispers I could ignore. But… it's gradually getting worse. Now… it feels like it is taking control of me again. Just now… I couldn't feel my legs."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could have helped."

"How?" She whimpered, eyes lost to the floor in defeat. "How can you help me?"

"I would have found a way." Sophia looked at her with a sad pity in her eyes. "Look, we will be able to get you help soon. Just, try and get some sleep. We're going to be on this bus for a while."

Nodding, Annamarie leant against the window and closed her eyes, trying to sleep but all she heard were the whispers she tried so hard to ignore.

When she next opened her eyes, it was dark outside and she was blinking away tears and sleep. Beside her Sophia was sleeping soundly, as was most of the truck-turned-bus as it continued into the night. Annamarie appeared to be the only person still awake and she didn't want to get back to sleep so reached down to her bag between her knees, pulling the book she'd been given a few hours ago, even if it felt like days. Over the 15 hour flight she had read and reread each of the good luck messages, practically memorising every word and stared at each picture until her eyes hurt. The messages were all so heartfelt and warm that just holding the book gave her a slight freedom from her suffering.

Opening the front, she gazed at the first page and at the message that was before her. It was her favourite message, the one from Marinette.

Dear Annamarie,

Odd, don't you think, that a few months ago, I would be jumping to the moon with joy to hear you were leaving.

And now I can't help but feel like I'm losing part of myself.

In such a short time you have become such an important and large part of my life, a friend as dear to me as any other.

I don't know what's going on but I wish we could be with you, to support you in what you are going through.

But since we can't, just know you are in our thoughts always and we will miss you.

Come home soon and take care of yourself.

Your friend.

Marinette x

Annamarie ran her fingers over the ink and paper and sighed. They would be thinking of her and she would never stop thinking about them. She couldn't wait until she recovered and could return to them but who knew how long that would take.

A pot hole in the road rocked the whole bus sharply and shook anybody that wasn't in a catatonic sleep back into full awareness, Sophia among them as she sat up and looked around blindly. "Ah? Wha? We there yet?" She mumbled then collapsed back into her seat.

The teen tried to smile but just hugged the book closer to her chest while the elder sank back to sleep. The rest of the ride was silent but just as the sun began to make its mark in the sky, the bus stopped in a large town and everyone climbed off.

Sophia stretched out and rolled her neck. "Right, let's get walking. Still a long way to go."

With a nod, the other began to follow. She'd long abandoned her normal appearance of a dress and pumps and instead went with a pair of blue jeans and a green short sleeve shirt and a hiking jacket with matching boots. They went on in silence, only the odd 'watch your step' or 'careful' being said as they went. They were needed words of warning; the path wasn't smooth in any shape and clearly was made only for hooves and feet, no car could ever make it up this path. Around noon they came across a couple of huts, barely enough to be called a village and they stopped and paid for a meal.

Annamarie tried, the walk had left her exhausted but she couldn't stomach whatever the woman gave them and ended up looking apologetically at the woman whose food she had just thrown back up. She didn't appear too insulted, more concerned, coming over with a pot of tea that she was able to keep down and after a few hours of rest, they were ready to go onwards.

Just as the sky grew dark, there was another settlement up ahead, different to the last; a far older and more established place, well lit by lanterns as they approached. Sophia stopped in an open square and pointed up the mountain they appeared to have been circling. "Look, there, you can just about see it." She explained.

Annamarie looked and saw a white building sticking out of the mountain sides, little glowing lights showing there was life inside and a path leading all the way down to the village. "Well then, let's get moving."

She was yanked back by her bag's strap and turned to see Sophia shaking her head. "We won't make it before dark and you do not want to be on those steps at night. There is an inn over there. We will stay the night and head off at first light."

"Sophia I…"

"I know you want to get there but it's too dangerous. Come on, you need some sleep."

Knowing she wouldn't get any even if she tried, Annamarie just went with her. They were shown to a small room with beds as hard as rocks and covers so thin and itchy it was as if they were made of stinging nettles but Sophia fell asleep without a second's hesitation.

The teen rolled her eyes as she looked at Froufrou who had spent most of the walk in her bag. "Swear she can fall asleep at the drop of a hat."

"Always could." The little kwami chuckled.

Annamarie sighed and hugged her knees. "Have… you been to this temple before Frou?"

"Many times."

"And… it will help me get better?"

"The masters will do all they can." He explained with a smile. "But for now, please, try and sleep. Trust me, those steps are a lot longer than they appear."

She nodded and lay back down, hugging her book and feeling Froufrou's gentle touch in hopes that it would banish the nightmares for just a little bit longer.

Slowly she fell into an exhausted sleep and she must have rested for a little but the nightmares attacked and she sat up, gasping for breath, panting as she gradually defined reality from the hallucinations. Beside her, Sophia sat up, a light from outside crossing her face. "Annamarie?" she asked, sadness in her voice.

Turning her head away and pressing a hand to her forehead, the teen sighed. "I'm alright. Go back to sleep."

"Maybe it will help if you talk about your dreams?"

"No. The… the less I think about it, the better."

"If you are sure?"

"I am."

"Well then, we might as well get up, the sun's almost up."

They washed, dressed and had a light breakfast before packing their belongings and began the long walk up the mountain. Sophia had been right about it not being safe, the steps were crumbled and uneven, some bigger than they could climb without using a tree or rope that had been left behind and in one spot, the path vanished completely to reveal a sheer drop below and a thick plank of wood had been left to create a makeshift bridge.

It was exhausting and her legs ached as they continued. Frou hadn't been lying, if it wasn't for the village below getting smaller, Annamarie would have thought they weren't getting any higher.

The sun was above them when they finally made it to the top; a tall white stone wall, decorated with gold and blue designs stood before them, a pair of black wood doors in the middle. Sophia stepped up and took hold of a golden knocker, letting it fall and echo loudly.

A few seconds later, it opened inwards and a young boy with dark blue eyes and a shaven head stood before them, dressed in a red and gold robe like the kind a monk would wear, bowing to them as he spoke. "Master Dawa and Master Niji are waiting for you. Please, follow me." His English was perfect as he turned to lead them the way.

The two walked past the gateway, Sophia putting her bag on the side and Annamarie following suit, looking around as she did. The wall on the outside continued all around them, creating a boxed in courtyard with a large grassy area with several trees and flowers growing around it, people were walking around, all of them dressed in robes like the boy, either red and gold or blue and silver and they varied in age. The youngest was about ten while the oldest was beyond Annemarie's guessing ability. They walked so easily around them, not paying the outsiders any attention as they travelled around in pairs and talked or sat alone on the floor under a tree.

Sophia was already walking and Annamarie hurried to follow, trailing the boy as he led them across the garden towards a great building on the other side of it, four floors high and shaped so that it got a little narrower with each level. The stone was white and decorated with red slate, bright colourful red and gold bands painted onto the wall.

Instead of going inside, as she had expected to, they were led around this building to reveal a smaller one, only one level but no less beautiful with a door that was split half and half, one side gold, the other blue.

The boy turned and bowed to them again. "Please, go inside."

"Thank you." Sophia said, bowing back before turning to the door just as she heard a sharp painful gasp. "Annamarie?" She turned and saw the girl was on the ground, kneeling, holding her head and screwing her eyes shut, her whole body shaking. It took Sophia a moment to notice that she wasn't actually breathing either.

Eyes wide, she knelt and grabbed her shoulders. "Annamarie! Annamarie, breathe! Come on, breathe! You can fight him. Please, we're so close! Just concentrate on the sound of my voice, block him out! You can do it. Don't let him win!

It didn't work and Annamarie fell forwards, her body caving from exhaustion, hunger and pain, Sophia's voice too far away to be heard over her own internal screams and fight against the darkness in her head.

_You are mine! I will never let you go!


You have no choice. You will give in to me! Or I will kill you!

You will not._ Came another voice in her head, stronger than the other one. _You will leave this child alone. NOW!_

The voice spoke so powerfully she could almost feel the other backing away and a golden warm light washed over her body and mind before flooding her eyes, allowing them to open sharply, taking in a deep breath.

Panting to get herself back to normality, she looked around, first noticing that she had moved and second that there were two unknown adults knelt beside her. One was a man, his hair jet black and long, tied up above his head by some kind of ribbon, wearing a gold and black robe.

The other was a woman, pale skinned, with long blonde hair, in an elegant similar blue and silver outfit, her hair pinned back and curled. She smiled at Annamarie. "Be still child, you are very weak." She said in a soft whisper of a voice.

The last person was Sophia who had a relieved look on her face while Froufrou sat on her shoulder. "Annamarie?"

She realised she was lying on her back and slowly tried to sit up, her body feeling like lead but she managed. She was in a large room, on a bed of pillows while around her were tables covered with books and scrolls as well as candles to light the place.

It was the walls however that caught Annamarie's attention, looking at the wood carvings.

They were of one continuous curving pattern, one she knew from the box her miraculous had come from and along the pattern, every now and then, there was an animal, carved and then meticulously painted to a near life like style. They were all looking in one direction, as if walking across the wall towards a large carving that took up a whole wall at the very back of the room, a table of candles before it.

It was a rounded design, made up of five different panels with a perfect white crystal at the centre. To the top right hand side, one was a black and yellow striped one with a yellow centre, to the right of that one was a green and emerald panel. To the left of the striped one was an orange and white panel, the white only taking up the top half and to the left of that was a purple and silver design. At the bottom, in the middle, was a blue and green panel with a yellow centre and in the very middle, surrounding the crystal, were four red petals interchanging with four green petals stood on the right.

Looking at it, Annamarie felt oddly drawn in. "The miraculous." She said to herself.

The man nodded. "You have a good eye. Yes, that is the Seal of the Miraculous."

"Who… who are you?" The teen asked as she shifted to Sophia's side, holding her hand tight as she did.

The man in gold bowed his head. "I am Master Niji. This is my wife, Master Dawa. We are the masters and keepers of the Miraculous Temple."

She blinked, listening to him and his voice. "You… you're the one who saved me!"

"Yes." Niji said with a smile, his voice bold but still soothing. "Although I fear I have only deterred whatever that was for a while. I doubt it will stay away for long and will attempt to take control of you again."

Fear filled the teen as she lowered her head while Sophia rubbed her back comfortingly. "He has tried before but they have never been that bad. To stop her breathing."

"Which is why, until you have recovered, we must insist you hand over the peacock miraculous."

Looking up suddenly and touching her hair slide, Annamarie's eyes widened. "What? Why?"

"Whatever that force was, it was trying to take control of your body. If it had succeeded, as it almost did today, it could have easily gained the power of the miraculous you wear. It is for the safety of all those here that until we know what is going on with you and until we find a way to stop it, that you do not have access to that kind of power."

Thinking about it, the teen let out a defeated sigh then reached up to her hair and slid the precious stones from her locks, holding them tight in her hand while Dawa reached to the side and lifted up a small box just like the one the miraculous had originally been passed onto her in, but this one was white.

As Annamarie reached out to place it inside, she glanced at the little blue bird as he hovered near by and withdrew for a moment. "What will happen to Froufrou?"

"He will be fine. The bond between you two will not be broken." Niji explained.

With a comforting smile to her kwami, Annamarie placed her hair slide in the box and watched as it closed, her friend slowly fading away into nothing. Once he was gone, Dawa slowly but elegantly stood up, holding the box. "I will ensure it is kept somewhere safe." She said before leaving the room via a door on the other side.

Once she was gone, Niji let out a breath and nodded. "Now, for you Annamarie. While you were unconscious, I spoke with Sophia and I hate to say it but your condition may be far more serious than she or I first thought. As we witnessed today, something has control over you and can use that control to hurt you."

Ashamed, Annamarie lowered her eyes. "Can… can you stop it?"

"I don't know. Your condition is unique. I have never seen this before and I will have to go to the library and investigate. But I am confident we will find a solution. For now, I wish for you to sleep and rest. Come, I will show you to your room."

Feeling a little faint that her 'easy to cure' condition wasn't so easy, Annamarie managed to get to her feet and followed him past the doors she had collapsed outside, down a defined path to the other building. "Here at the temple we have many acolytes, people who wish to learn the secrets of the miraculous. They live, work and eat in here, this ground level being our dining room, the infirmary and the acolytes bedchambers while below us is the great library. Everything there is to know about the history, powers and chosen of the miraculous, as well as many other secrets of the world, are kept within those walls and I am sure we will find a cure in their writings." Niji explained before heading to a flight of stairs, going to the next level.

The temple became a little fancier on the second level, the walls a sky blue and bright with open windows. "This area is used for meditation and relaxation."

Annamarie barely noticed the area but she did hear water flowing but it soon stopped when she moved to the next level. This one was far darker than the ones below, no open windows to light it, just lamps hanging from the roof to show seven doors, each one identical in size but styled and decorated around the animals of the miraculous.

The golden dressed man led the way to the one of the peacock and pushed it open. "As long as you stay in the temple, this shall be your room."

Annamarie walked past him into the room and felt her eyes widen; it was a reasonably sized room with a large clean bed practically on the floor, surrounded by a pale blue net curtain. On another side was a short table that was also almost at ground level with a collection of pillows to sit or lounge on around it, a chest and desk on one side as well as a dividing screen that was next to a large mirror with a golden frame that filled a space basically from ceiling to floor and drew the eye instantly. The window on the far side overlooked the courtyard and entrance to the temple below and had several slats to cover it to block out the light or weather but no glass.

The whole place was filled with peacock motifs, the walls being nothing but long connecting images of peacocks in various poses, the gold of the eyes of their tails glittering brightly in the lamp lights that surrounded the room. The air smelt sweet and calming as Annamarie brushed her hand over the walls, amazed at the beauty around her. "This… is mine?"

"Yes. It is here for the peacock's chosen. Everything in this room… is yours. There are clothes in the chest and that door leads to a washroom. You can do as you please with everything in here."

"I see." Annamarie whispered as she ran her fingers over the bed sheets. They were soft, silken, dark peacock blue with white pillows.

"The temple is your home for as long as you stay here. You may go where you please and do as you wish. You may leave anytime you want, to go to the village or to leave altogether. If you need anything, ask the acolytes and they will help you. You will find them skilled in English and French as well as many other languages." Niji continued as she explored the room. "Normally we eat in the great hall, downstairs. But for tonight, if you wish, I will have some food brought up to you."

She gulped suddenly and turned to face him in the doorway. "I… I'm not very hungry sir."

He gave her a knowing smile. "Sophia has already told me that you are unable to stomach solid food but you need to try. I can tell your body is failing you. I will have a light soup prepared and some medicine to help you sleep." He spoke softly, clearly sympathising with her. "We will do all we can to ensure your comfort and recovery Annamarie."

With a polite nod, the teen let out a sigh. "Thank you… sir."

"We will talk more in the morning. For now, rest." He turned to close the door, Sophia moving with him.

"Wait!" Annamarie yelped suddenly. "Where… where are you going Sophia?"

The woman smiled. "There is a room for past miraculous holders on the ground level. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

"But… can't you stay with me?" She begged, looking at Niji as she moved over.

The master shook his head. "That is one of the few rules we have here. Only you and your kwami companion are allowed to sleep in this room. I am sorry."

"Don't worry, you'll see me in the morning." Sophia cooed, reaching out and brushing some hair back over the teen's ear. "Try and rest, alright?"

With that, they closed the door on her and left her alone in the beautiful, elegant room, allowing her to explore all the chests with its clothes and the washroom with a large tub in it. She wondered how they got the hot water and plumbing to work but as she left it behind, she found her bag had been brought up and spared a bit of time to unpack her belongings, taking extra care with her photos as she placed them on the table beside her bed.

After an hour, there was a knock at the door. "Umm…" she said, unsure what to say. "Come in?"

The door opened and a young girl in a blue and silver robe bowed as she held a tray in her hands. "Master Dawa asked me to bring you your meal." She said in near perfect English.

Annamarie swallowed as the smell drifted over to her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome Peacock." She said with a smile as she placed it on the low table. "It is Master Dawa's personal recipe. I hope you like it. Do you require anything else?"

"Umm, Master Niji mentioned something about medicine?"

"Yes but that is still being prepared. It will be brought to you later."

"Oh, then no, I'm fine."

"Enjoy your meal." The acolyte said with a smile and yet another bow as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Annamarie slowly made her way to the table and the bowl, looking down on a cloudy pale yellow coloured liquid, the smell of spices and herbs making her mouth water but she was careful as she took a spoonful. Warm and a little spicy but so good, settling in her stomach and remaining there.

She finished it in no time, her first semi solid meal in a week and it left her feeling tired so she drifted over to the bed, pulling back the curtains before changing into a nightdress and getting in. The sheets and bedding almost moulded themselves around her they were so soft and comfortable but as she tried to settle down, she began to replay her time as Feathers and wonder if that kind of darkness could ever be wiped away.

A soft knock at the door brought her back from the edge of her nightmares.

It was dark by then but a small dim lamp by her bed gave her some light. "Come in?"

The door opened yet again and a boy walked in, holding a tray with a broad smile on his lips. He hurried quickly over to her and held out the platter, a small white bowl on the top with a pale pink liquid inside, barely a mouthful.

She stared at it then at the boy, his eyes wide with joy. "I… guess this is Master Niji's medicine?"

He nodded several times, watching as she took the cup and shot it back. It had a sweet aftertaste that left a slight numbing feeling on her lips but just as she thought about it, she flopped back on the bed, eyes closed before she even hit the pillows.

The boy smile grew as he reached out and took the cup from her hand and then pulled the covers up over her body, brushing some hair off her face. Stepping back he pulled the bed's curtains around her and left the room, leaving Annamarie to sleep in peace.

A/N: Hey everyone! So this is the story that will connect Turning a Feather and Feather's Flight, my Miraculous Ladybug Stories. Hope you like it!

Next Chapter coming soon

Please reivew, its the only good kind of email I get!