Well, my readers. This is the end of the story. Thank you so much for sticking with me through the end. Your likes, views, and reviews encouraged me and made the story so fun to write. I really hope you enjoy the story as much as I do. But, all though this is the last chapter, it is not my last story. I will be posting more so beware! If any of you have any plots you want to be written about involving Lithuania, let me know, as I am always on the lookout for more story ideas. Agian, thank you so much for your support, and without furthure ado, I present to you the final chapter of the Union Of Krewo.

"Liet, promise you'll come back soon."

"Yes, Polska, again, I promise I will come visit you."

"Okay, but don't forget about me, or make an alliance with another nation, or-"

Poland broke off when Lithuania pulled him into a hug. "Everything will be okay." the taller nation soothed. "I'll try and visit sometime next month, and you can always come see me."

"Yeah, I guess. Okay, I'll be there." Poland said, still sounding depressed. "I just hate losing my best friend so soon."

Lithuania smiled at the comment and gave his friend one last hug. He then climbed up on a horse which, thanks to Poland, he now knew how to ride.

Vytautas rode up next to him. "You ready to go home Lietuva?"

Lithuania gave a look toward the castle, and then a sad glance at Jagiello. "Almost sir."

He jumped off his horse and ran over to the recently married man. "Will you miss me, your majesty?" Lithuania asked quietly, standing a few feet away, looking desperate. Jagiello smiled sadly. "More than anything. You are my fatherland Lietuva, and nothing, even me moving away will change that." He pulled his nation into a hug. "You are going to do great things mažasis." The man whispered into the brunette's ear. Lithuania relaxed into his embrace. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, my country."

Lithuania hugged him for a moment longer before pulling away. "Goodbye, your majesty."

"Not goodbye, till later. We will see each other again. I promise."

Lithuania smiled at that, and with a final hug returned to his horse. "Now I am ready sir." He told Vytautas.

As they started off, Lithuania turned and waved goodbye to Poland and his former boss.

"Hej!" Poland called out. "When I come visit, be sure and have a present for me. I'll have one for you!"

"Okay!" Lithuania yelled back. He waved until the two men were out of sight. I sure will miss you, Jagiello. He thought. And you too Poland. You are my best friend, my only friend.

"Lietuva!" Vytautas said, loudly-like he said everything- startling Lithuania out of his thoughts. "Let's go home."

"Yes, sir. Let's go home." The Baltic responded happily.

They spurred their horses into a gallop and rode off.