The inheritor of the Rikudou Sennin's will
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any associated characters, not even Oc's.
Chapter 1: A meeting of wind and fire
A young spiky red head walked down the streets of Konohagakure no Sato. The young boy had the blue innocent eyes that could qualify as an instant Genjutsu. In fact on those that he used them on, called it Genjutsu:Koinu no me (Puppy dog eyes Jutsu.) He wore a white shirt with a stylised leaf and spiral in the had black pants that stopped above the knee and blue shinobi sandals.
He received sneers from those that he passed along the street, he ignored this for the most part, it did get to him on a deeper level, however he remembered one of the children at a park that he frequented, crying to her mother about bullies, and her mother told her not to show a reaction and they would stop. The advice was sound, it just didn't always work.
He continued his journey through Konoha until he saw a strong man, he was in slight awe of the man's presence. He had spiky blonde hair with two bangs framing his face. He had piercing blue eyes that held love, ruthlessness, determination and passion. He wore the best outfit he had ever seen. A knee length short-sleeved haori, a jonin flak jacket and blue under shirt and pants. His shinobi sandals matched the colour scheme. Naruto watched as the cloak fluttered in the wind and he was able to see red flame motifs on the hem of the haori.
This must be Yondaime-sama! He is so cool! I want to be like him when I'm older! Sugoi. Naruto thought gleefully.
The young boy turned his attention to the the man that was standing opposite of the Yondaime Hokage. He couldn't discern much from his appearance apart from the rhombus shaped hat with the word "Kaze" printed on it. That section of hat was white while the rest was blue. He could partially see the eyes, and he noticed that he had some sort of eye shadow, or he didn't get a lot of sleep. He looks like a reverse raccoon.
The rest of his outfit was the same colour scheme as the hat, except this time white was prominent. The clothing itself were elegant light weight robes. He was a little shorter than the Yondaime Hokage.
The redhead saw the Hokage hand the other man a scroll, which he handed to the a young girl next to him. She had sandy blond hair that was tied into four separate pigtails. She had beautiful teal eyes. She wore knee length purple battle kimono tied at the waist with a red sash. She also wore shinobi sandals, except hers were different from those he was used to. They had one addition that the usual Konoha sandals did not have, they had a strap bisecting her big toe and the toe next to it.
Naruto decided to move past the important officials, he did not want them to think that he was gawking or eavesdropping on them. Just as he passed them, he heard someone call.
"Young boy come here please, I'm in need of your assistance." said a warm-welcoming voice.
Naruto looked around, the only other young boy the street was him. He turned towards the voice. It was the Yondaime Hokage. He swallowed thickly as he said. "You mean me?"
"Of course. Could you come here." said the Yondaime.
Naruto walked hesitantly towards the small group. "I need you to escort Temari-chan to one of the training fields." said Minato.
Naruto's eyes widened. This was an honour, he knew that Temari must of been the daughter or relations of a high government official. Naruto turned to the two and bowed from the waist. "My name is Konoha, Konoha Naruto. It is nice to meet you Temari-san. I will be your guide today."
Minato's eyes flickered for a moment. "Naruto-kun," said Minato. "this the Kazekage and Temari-chan's tousan."
Naruto bowed deeply to the man. "It is an honour to meet you, Kazekage-sama."
The Kazekage gave him the slightest nod before turning his attention back to the Hokage. "I think its time we reconvene in your office. Hokage-dono."
"Yes. It was nice seeing you Temari-chan." said the Hokage as he and the Kazekage left to continue their business.
Naruto noticed pink dusting the girls cheeks as she kept her eyes focused the Hokage. Naruto decided to remain quiet and look the other way. I don't want to cause any problems. Especially not with the Kazekage's daughter.
"Konoha-san? I don't want to wait all day."said Temari in a no-nonsense manner.
"H-hai!" Naruto stuttered. "Right this way please."
Naruto lead Temari through the village to the training fields. Crap I don't even know where they are.
It had been over an hour since Naruto had started escorting Temari around the village. Even though he didn't know where the training fields were, he pointed out places of interest in the village. Although he faltered when she pointed out. "We're lost? Aren't we?"
Naruto began to sweat, however with some quick thinking he managed to turn it around. "Lost? No I know exactly where we are." Naruto said in shrugging motion. I just don't know where the training fields are.
Think Naruto, where could they be? The young redhead thought to himself. What do training fields need? He continued to lead her around the village until he noticed the trees surrounding the village. They need space, and there will be less houses! The cool ninja cant have the awesome techniques breaking down houses! I'm such a genius!
Naruto now confident in his assumption led Temari around the village once more. Looking for the open sections of the village. "I hope you know where we're going this time!" said Temari angrily.
"I always know where I'm going." Quipped Naruto. "I just need to find the best way to get there."
"And this was the best way to get there?" she asked challengingly.
She had him there, however he shrugged. "Sometimes the road of life is filled with twists and turns, and other times it has no turns at all, but the finish line is the same no matter what road is taken."
Temari raised her eyebrow, but chose to remain quiet.
After a few minutes they wondered into a clearing that had a stream to the side, and was surrounded by trees. He looked to the side and noticed a stone cube with "Training ground sixteen" carved in it, with the Konoha stylised leaf slightly below it.
"Its about damn time!" huffed Temari.
Naruto smiled apologetically, and she ignored him in favour of sitting down against one of the trees. She pulled out a scroll and began reading it. She spent about twenty five minutes reading it before she got up and pulled a leaf from one of the branches above her.
She set the scroll down beside her and she held the leaf in one hand while she cupped her other hand over it. She closed her eyes and an extreme demeanour of concentration overcame her features.
After an hour of sitting under the tree Temari was breathing deeply, and sweat was dripping down her brow. "Why wont this stupid leaf cut?!" she shouted in frustration.
Naruto hesitantly made his way over to Temari. "Temari-san?"
"What?" she asked snappishly.
"What are you trying to do?" he asked, gently.
"I'm trying to cut this leaf! But the stupid thing wont cut!" she raged. "I think these leaves are faulty."
"Right. . .uh." Naruto chose to ignore her. "How about we go out for lunch? And we can come back here when you're done?"
"That wont help me! And you're going to get us lost anyway." she retorted, frustration colouring her words.
"It will help Temari-san. It will give you some of your energy back. and it will help you relax, maybe when you come back the leaves. . .wont be as faulty?"
"I guess you have a point."she shrugged. "Lead the way."
And so he did, he lead her to a ramen stand with red flaps adorning the front and the name of the stall on top of the stall. "Ichiraku Ramen."
"Welcome to Ichiraku ramen, Temari-san." said Naruto. It would of been cool if I could take her to a more expensive restaurant, she is the Kazekage's daughter. But most people in the village avoid me, and are mean to me. I don't want her to feel bad for me.
"A ramen stand? Really?" she asked with an upturn of her nose.
"I'm paying." shrugged Naruto. "If you want something expensive, then you pay."
"fine. Ramen it is." sighed Temari.
Naruto had a slight upturn of his lips as he entered the ramen stand. They took a seat and they were greeted by a brown haired young girl with soft brown eyes. "Welcome to ichiraku ramen! My name is Ichiraku Ayame, May I take your orders?" she said brightly.
Naruto sighed. "Ayame-san, you're supposed to give us menus before you ask what our orders are."
"ahaha!" she laughed nervously. "My bad."
The young waiter handed them their menus, but as she handed Naruto his her grip tightened. "And I told you before, its Ayame-onee-chan."
Naruto sighed. "Yes, yes." he already knew what he wanted. "I'll have one bowl of pork ramen. . .Ayame-san."
"Its onee-chan. . ."she said. "Or no ramen."
"B-but Ayame-san that so cold. You know I can only buy here. Why would you do that to me?" Naruto eyes started watering and his eyes began to sparkle as his eyes took the form of a puppy-dog.
She immediately had a fearful expression. "I didn't mean that! I'm sorry. . ." she said, as his eyes gained more water. "You can have Ramen."
"Really? You're the best!" said Naruto, his mood taking a full one-eighty.
Ayame sighed in relief as she took Temari's order of chicken vegetable ramen. When she turned her back Naruto made a quick victory sign as he grinned widely. "Dad! One pork ramen and one chicken vegetable ramen."
"Coming right up." they heard a man shout, and Ayame disappeared into the stall, presumably to either assist or to do the dishes.
"Konoha-san?" said Temari.
"Yeah?" asked Naruto, as he turned his attention to her.
"Are you a bastard?" she asked him bluntly.
"Yes although it doesn't matter what you call me, I'm an orphan." said Naruto nonchalantly.
She winced a little at his remark. Maybe I shouldn't of been that blunt. She thought internally. "How old are you?" she asked.
"I'm seven, and you?" asked Naruto.
"I'm ten. You know your pretty smart for a seven year old. I wish my brother was like you." not just Kankuro, but Gaara too.
Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. "you have a brother?"
"Two actually." she replied.
"What are they like?" Naruto asked, his eyes brimming with excitement. I wonder what having a brother would be like.
"Well Kankuro. . .his a little odd. He plays with dolls and make-up." said Temari. Well it's really puppetry, but Konoha-san doesn't need to know that.
"Hahaha!" Naruto chuckled. "He sounds kind of fun though. Just a bit. . .weird."
"yeah, we're pretty close." remarked Temari.
"And the other one?" asked Naruto.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" she asked in confusion.
"You said that you have two brothers."
"I'm not that close with him." she said almost guardedly. "He -"
But she was cut off by Ayame. "Lunch is served."
The two closed their eyes with their chopsticks between their palms. "Itadakimasu!"
Temari instantly went to work on her ramen. Eating fast, but with grace befitting the daughter of a kage.
Naruto on the other hand didn't even start yet. First he smelled the broth, then he checked the texture of the pork and noodles, as well as the other ingredient on the plate. His ritual was so odd that it gave Temari pause from her eating.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I don't eat pork ramen a lot." said Naruto. "Usually Teuchi-Sama prepares a special ramen for me. It uses healthier noodles, broth and vegetables. It saves me on money a little."
"I can understand that." said Temari. "But why is it cheaper? If he makes it specially for you then you should pay more."
"Well at first it was for me. But soon healthy and dieting customers asked for it, and its now on the menu. He actually makes a lot of money from that dish, so he gave me a discount for being his inspiration." said Naruto.
She nodded absent mindedly, and returned to her broth. Naruto finished his inspection of the broth and began eating at a sedate pace, while sighing in content at the taste.
When they(Naruto) finally finished their ramen, Teuchi made an appearance. "Ho-oh Naruto-kun, I see you've brought a girlfriend." the older man laughed boisterously.
"Nothing like that Teuchi-sama." said Naruto.
"You say that now. But give it a few years." smirked Teuchi.
Naruto ignored him. "Anyway, I want my finders fee." said Naruto.
"Finders what?" asked Temari.
"A finders fee is a fee for finding things or people." Naruto deadpanned.
"I know what it is, but what is your finders fee?" asked Temari.
"He gets ten percent of the total cost of the meal as well as one percent discount per five customers." said Teuchi.
"I see." she nodded.
"Teuchi-sama, could I get two bottles of water for the road?" asked Naruto.
Teuchi got two bottles of water out of the fridge and Naruto paid for the whole meal and the water, and left the stall with Temari. "Tell me, Temari-san. How were you going to cut the leaf with your hand? And couldn't you use a scissor?"
She laughed at him. "I was trying to cut it using my chakra."
"What's chakra?" asked Naruto curiously.
"Are you going to join the academy?" she asked.
"Yes, in a few months. What does that have to do with you cutting a leaf? Or this "chakra" You're talking about?"
"You're going to learn about it there." she replied.
"Okay, but why are you using "chakra to cut a leaf?" asked Naruto.
"It's an advance chakra control exercise. Its called "Nature transformation" or at least that's what Baki-sensei says. It allows me to turn my chakra into wind chakra."
"Wind chakra?"he asked.
"Academy." was her simple reply.
"Fine. Okay, but why are you learning it here?" asked Naruto. "shouldn't you have learned at home?"
"We have a different exercise. This is a Konoha only exercise, its supposed to increase the effectiveness of "cutting" wind chakra." said Temari.
"Well I could help you." said Naruto in thought.
"You don't even know about chakra, how could you help?" she asked sceptically, as they neared the training ground.
"Just because I don't know what it is, that doesn't mean I'm stupid." said Naruto.
"I never said you were." she replied.
"Then I can help you." Naruto smirked.
"Fine. What can I lose?" she asked rhetorically.
"Okay, so you said you need to use this "Chakra" to cut a leaf?" he asked, getting a nod. "Well cant you make your chakra like a knife? Or a scissors? I use that to cut paper, and even cardboard. I don't know how chakra works, or even what it is, but from what I'm guessing its some power that cool ninja have. So that means you can control it to make lightning strikes and fireballs."
She nodded. His explanation is rather childish. Then again he is one. Still he has an idea of it, and I didn't really tell him anything.
"Then if you can control it, then you should make it like a scissor. Two blades are better than one." he replied.
"Anything else?" she asked.
"Well it needs to be super thin. Like pointy knives, not like giant hammers." he replied after a minute of thought.
He means it needs to be thin and sharp. If it is too wide it could be blunt. She thought internally. "I'll give it a try." she shrugged.
Naruto nodded happily before he took a seat under the tree beside her. She sat down after plucking a leaf from the tree. She focussed all her energy on trying to control and shape her chakra into a blade. About thirty minutes into it Naruto dozed off, she ignored that and continued focusing her chakra.
She took a break for a couple of minutes and continued, it was late afternoon when Naruto woke up to scream of glee.
"Huh? Wha-what happened?" Naruto asked bleary eyed.
"I did it! I cut the leaf!" she said excitedly.
Naruto looked at the leaf, and indeed she did. There was a small cut at the one end. "Congratulations Temari-san." he yawned. "This must be really hard if you're excited about a small cut."
She was too excited to even notice the jab. "Its a jonin level skill."
That caught his attention. "Well done, your Otousan will be proud."
Naruto got up from his spot under the tree. "I think its time for me to escort you to your hotel or whatever, its getting late. Your Otousan will be worried."
Temari nodded absently. I don't think he will. He is as cold as Gaara.
"I'm staying at the flaming leaf." she replied.
Naruto scratched his head. "I don't know where that is."
"What?" she asked in surprise. "this is your village. How can you now know where the hotels are?"
"Meh. . .I'm seven, what do you want?" Naruto shrugged, while he picked his ear.
"I want you to get me to my hotel!" she shouted.
"Sheesh." Naruto sighed. "Calm down, I said I didn't know how to get there. Not that I cant get you there."
"What?" she said, in a stunned fashion.
"I'll take you to Saru-sama." said Naruto.
"Ugh, fine." she replied.
Naruto nodded before leading through the village once more. They soon came upon the clan area. Most of the houses were estate like buildings big enough for multiple houses and training fields. "Is this the Clan estates?" she asked.
"Hai! Saru-sama is the head of Sarutobi clan." said Naruto.
"Is Saru his real name?" she asked sceptically.
"No, but his son Sasuke-sama told me that I should call him that." shrugged Naruto.
"Wait. .you know Sasuke Sarutobi, second of his name." she asked with stars in her eyes.
"yeah? What's the big deal?" he asked in confusion.
"what's the big deal? He is the most powerful wind user in the elemental nations. He is an s-rank shinobi in the bingo book. He created the vacuum art."
"Well you can meet him when you get there. Maybe not, I don't really know if he will be there." said Naruto.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"I haven't seen Sasuke-sama for a month and a half. Usually I see him around the village. He must be on a super ninja mission." Naruto said as he came to a gate manned by two chunin guards. Each of the them had wild dark hair, and the hint of a beard.
"I'm here to see Saru-sama." said Naruto.
They chuckled as they lit a cigarette each with their fire chakra. "Go right on in kid."
Naruto nodded while pulling Temari away from the stylised monkey emblem on the wall. Naruto walked up the road leading Temari through the huge estate. The estate seemed to have various water sources. A huge river was included amongst these water sources.
It must be precautions for young fire release users. Temari thought internally.
Naruto lead her up the main road before taking a few turn here and there passing young children that were playing ninja and others that were practising their Ninjutsu or Taijutsu techniques.
They passed a couple of toddlers in a small park that were playing tag. They were being watched over by two kunoichi and a male special jonin with red armbands and a black symbol of fire over the red spiral pattern on his back.
"Naruto-nii-san!" a voice screamed, getting louder near the end.
Naruto and Temari turned their attention back to the park where they noticed a young boy running towards them. He nearly tripped a couple of times on the long blue scarf that was around his neck. He wore a dark red shirt with the Konoha village emblem in black, and a pair grey shorts above the knees.
"Konohamaru-kun." Naruto smiled as he hugged the young boy.
"What are you doing here? You only come on Fridays." asked Konohamaru.
"I need your Ojii-san's help. I need to get Temari-san to a hotel, I just don't know where it is." replied Naruto.
"Oh!" said Konohamaru innocently. "is she your girlfriend?"
"No," Naruto replied calmly. "she is the Hokage-sama's guest, and Kazekage-sama's daughter, plus I'm much to young for that. And so are you Konohamaru."
"Ah, hahaha." he laughed nervously.
"Come on Konohamaru-kun, I think I should take you home." said Naruto, in a commanding manner.
"but why? do we have to?" Konohamaru whined, but he relented after Naruto gave him a harsh look."Fine." he pouted, and then he turned to the children in park and waved. "Bye guys, I'm going home now."
After Konohamaru and Naruto received a series of farewells from the children they departed. They continued walking through the estate until they came upon a two story house with two monkey statues in front. The monkeys seemed to be wearing primitive clothes, and they their fists were replaced by a ball of flames on each arm.
When they got inside Konohamaru shouted. "Oi! Ojii-chan I'm home!"
"I'm in the study Konohamaru-chan." shouted someone, they had an elders voice. "Your Ka-chan is out shopping. and bring your friends with you."
Temari's eyes widened, but Naruto was calm with a slight grin on his face. It was as if he had grown used to it, or at least expected it. "Come on guys."
They walked across the hall, and took a left. They stopped at a door with monkey motifs on it. They entered to see an elderly man wearing black shirt. He had dark brown eyes, with three distinct wrinkles branching from each eye. his right cheek had two liver spots. He had short grey hair and a receding hairline. A goatee of the same colour grew from his chin and he was also quite tanned.
"Good afternoon Saru-sama." Naruto bowed.
Saru-sama chuckled slightly, however there was the slight hint of a frown. "What can I do for you today?"
"I need your help. This is Temari-san." said Naruto who gestured to Temari, who greeted the Sarutobi clan head formally. "She is Hokage-sama's guest and the daughter of Kazekage-sama. She is staying at the burning leaf, I just don't know how to get her there, would you mind helping me? Or taking her yourself? Or maybe one of your cool fire-squad ninja could take her." said Naruto, drooling at the last part.
"I will take care of it Naruto-kun. Why don't you run along now?" asked Saru-sama.
"Right. Goodbye Temari-san it was nice meeting you. Bye Saru-sama, Konohamaru-kun." Naruto bowed.
"Naruto please come here Friday, we have something to talk about." said Sarutobi, he gained a gulp from from Naruto.
"Thank you for guiding me Konoha-san." said Temari.
"Please, call me Naruto-san." he replied and she nodded.
Naruto turned to Konohamaru and tussled his hair. "Be good." he simply said before leaving the house.
Kazekage's Carriage
Three days later
"Tell me Temari, how goes your wind nature transformation?" asked the robed Kage.
"At first, I only wasted my chakra, but then Konoha-san took me for lunch to help calm me down, and recover my chakra. On the way back he asked me what I was doing and I told him. He didn't know what chakra was, he hadn't even entered the academy yet. But. . .it was amazing, he is a genius." she said in explanation.
"A genius you say?" the Kazekage asked, his interest piqued.
"Yes tousama." Temari answered."He decided to help me figure out the exercise. He deduced that chakra was an energy that ninja can manipulate or control. So he suggested that I control my chakra in such a way that it cuts. It was easier said than done obviously. He listed a few ideas, he said I could change it into a knife, or a scissors. He went on to say it should be thin and pointy, not like a giant hammer. He means to say that if it were wide it would not be sharp."
"and did his suggestion work?"asked the Kazekage.
"At first I tried the knife, I felt like there was something there, but also something missing. So I tried his scissor suggestion, and I felt the pressure in the leaf change, it was like I was holding it in a pair of chopsticks. So I followed his suggestion trying to make it thin and sharp. I was only a little successful - I managed to cut it a little." said Temari.
"That's more than a little successful." said the wind shadow, surprising Temari. "Temari this a jounin skill, it took some years to learn how to manipulate their chakra, and then they needed to learn how to apply these lessons. Which you have done well."
"Thank you, Tousama." said Temari, at a loss for words.
"Now tell me about the child that helped you. Konoha-san was it?" asked the Kazekage.
"Naruto Konoha. He is a polite and formal boy for the most most part. He also has the habit of using word games." said Temari.
"Word games?" he asked.
"Well at first, he didn't know where the training fields were. So I said that we were lost. He said that he knew exactly where we were."
"Ah, as if to imply he wasn't lost, he just didn't know where the training fields were." he almost laughed, almost. "And his how old? six?"
"His seven." she corrected.
"Seven. Its a good skill to have, and he intends to become a shinobi?" he asked.
"Yes tousama. He starts in a few months. Why are you so interested in him?" she asked.
"What do you know of noble bastards?" he asked.
"Not much. Only that their family name is of the village they belong to." she finished in realisation. "and he admitted to being one."
"Yes, unless of course if they have a claim to a family or clan name." he replied. "They are obviously bastards of high standing shinobi in their village, or of high-ranking clan."
"So you think he is from one of these?" she asked, curiously.
"I know he is from one of these. I know exactly which too." he replied.
"Which?" she asked, the suspense killing her.
"Uzumaki." he replied, a slight smirk playing at his lips.
Clan district
The young vibrant red head once again found himself at the gates of the Sarutobi estate. The gate guards appeared to be solemn. He found that to be odd. I wonder what happened? Did one of the elders die? Or maybe a pet monkey? Maybe their favourite smokes shipment is late? He pondered to himself.
As he passed most of houses he noticed that they were empty, even the park lacked young Sarutobi clan members running around. Naruto knew something must be going on, so he took off in a jog. He noticed that all the clan members were gathered at the back of the clan heads house.
They were all dressed in black. . .well more black than usual. When he arrived he was noticed by Saru-sama. "Naruto-kun, come join us, you are our honoured guest after all."
Naruto hesitantly made his way over to the main Sarutobi clan members. "We are all gathered here today to mourn the loss of my son." said Saru-sama, tears trickling from his eyes. "Sasuke Sarutobi, the second of his name has been missing in action for a while. Not even my student Jiraiya has been able to locate him with his immense spy network. Nor has Hokage-sama been able to. The only conclusion is he has been killed in action."
Naruto eyes widened at that statement. He turned to his right and noticed a great picture frame. Why hadn't he noticed this before. A young man was in the picture frame. He wore a Konoha forehead protector, reminiscent of the Nidaime Hokage, he had a strong black goatee, that was trimmed perfectly. His eyes were light brown with a slight hint of orange. He had long shaggy brown hair with orange streaks appearing ever so often. He wore the Konoha flak jacket with a few additions. The hem was burnt orange, and the right lapel had "fire" sewn into it, while the left had wind sewn into it. Under that he wore a white combat short sleeve shirt and burnt orange bracer's.
At that moment Naruto didn't even notice the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "...too many he was known as Amaterasu(The great divinity illuminating heaven) no Sasuke. To us he was a son, a brother, a cousin, a husband, a father. He was our will of fire."
Naruto knelled down in front of the picture, not even noticing Konohamaru sitting down alongside him. Tears freely flowing down each of their eyes as they gave out heart wrenching sobs.
"I. . .still remember the first time. . ." Naruto sobbed. "the first time I met you. You saved me from them."
Age five
Naruto pushed himself off his feet and dusted off his black shorts. "And stay out demon!"
"Look its the demon fox!" shrilled a high-pitched voice.
"Why don't you leave us alone? Haven't you tortured us enough?" asked brown haired woman.
"Yeah just go already!" shouted a child about three years older than Naruto.
"Yeah nobody want you anyway. And that red hair! Eww." said a girl with pink hair.
The next thing Naruto knew, a tomato had impacted his face. It was awfully over ripe. It dripped from his face on to his clothes. He then felt another, and another all of them accompanied by insults.
"Just leave us demon!" shouted another.
"You killed my brother." another sobbed.
"My father!"
"my lover!"
"My son!"
They ran out of rotten tomatoes so they started throwing stones. Naruto watched as the stone approached his head. He couldn't do anything about it. Tears streaked down his face. The stone hit his head. It drew blood, and he didn't even let out a pained gasp. he was too entranced by the words that they spat at him.
Another stone was lobbed at him, this time bigger. He watched it in morbid fascination. Then his vision went black. Surprisingly he was still conscious. He felt no pain. Nor did he feel any blood.
"What are you doing?" said a villager, "Get away from the demon!"
"Demon?" asked a voice, it was man. "Where?"
"Behind you!" shrieked a woman.
"Yikes!" he screamed, as he turned around. But he saw no demon.
"Ahaha! That was a good one!" he laughed uproariously. "You really had me going there for a second."
"It is a demon! The child!" shrieked an elderly woman. "It hides in the boys skin."
"No, that's not possible. He is only a child. If he really was a demon would it be wise to provoke him?" asked the man, Naruto could see him now. He had shaggy dark hair, and facial hair on his chin. His eyes were light brown, with a hint of orange, much like flickering embers of flame. He wore a jonin flak jacket with a burnt orange hem, and dark pants. "He can only be a child, no demon would allow such insults. I'm a fair man. If I see any of you hurting this child, I will simply return the gesture. This boy is now under the protection of the great Sasuke-sama!"
The rest of the street stared at him, their mouths gaping like fish.
"Come on gaki, lets get you cleaned up." said Sasuke as he lifted the boy on to his shoulders.
The teary-eyed boy said. "Hai, Sasuke-sama."
"You don't have to call me that. You can call me Sasuke." he replied.
"Hai, Sasuke-sama." said Naruto.
"Damn it, I had to open my big mouth."sighed Sasuke, dejectedly.
Present time
"Ever since I met you those people let me into their stores." sobbed Naruto. " some would only let me into the stores. But others said sorry. They didn't know what came over them. They were only angry. Not at me, but because of what happened to them."
"Tousan! Why did you have to die and leave me here. I'm all alone. You were supposed to protect me, and when I get strong enough, I was supposed to protect you. Why tousan. . ." Naruto heard as the young Sarutobi beside him wept.
Naruto eyes widened, Konohamaru had triggered another memory.
About Two moths prior
Konoha northern gate
"What are you doing here Naruto-kun?" asked Sasuke Sarutobi.
"Saru-sama told me that you would be leaving on a mission and I should say goodbye." said Naruto, a slight smile on his lips.
"Ahaha. I'm sorry I didn't come and say goodbye." said Sasuke sheepishly.
"That's okay Sasuke-sama. Good luck on your mission and I cant wait for you to get back. Neither can Konohamaru, he said that you were going to take us out for ice-cream when you get back!" grinned Naruto.
"Ho! Is that all I am to you and Konohamaru-kun? Mhm? Your ice-cream slave?" joked Sasuke.
"Yes Sasuke-sama." said Naruto nodding innocently.
"Fine, but I have a mission for you." said Sasuke. His demeanour completely serious.
"What is it? Is it cool Sasuke-sama?" asked Naruto, excitedly.
"The coolest!" said Sasuke.
"What is it?" asked Naruto, seriously.
"First, is I need you to protect Konohamaru. This a long running s-rank mission. You will be relieved by me when I return. When I leave on another mission you will take over once more. Do you accept this mission?" asked Sasuke, in a mock serious manner.
"I do." Naruto saluted.
"Good then that leaves only one other mission for you to accept." remarked Sasuke.
"What is it? Is it even cooler?" asked Naruto.
"Yes, I want to you look after my plants."
Is it weird that someone who is fire-crazy likes plants?Naruto thought to himself before answering. "Hai Sasuke-sama."
Sasuke grinned. "Great, that takes a load off my shoulders." and he tussled Naruto's already messy red hair. "See ya, kid." Sasuke turned around, and Naruto watched him disappear from view.
"Goodbye Sasuke-sama." waved Naruto, a lone tear falling from his eye.
Present time
Naruto moved closer to Konohamaru and wrapped his arm around his shoulders and hugged him. "Don't worry Konohamaru. I will protect you, and then you can protect me."
"Re-Really?" asked Konohamaru hopefully.
"Really." Naruto affirmed. His little brother wouldn't be harmed by anyone, if he had anything to say about it.
A/N: so this the first chapter. I plan to continue this on to be a multi-chapter story. This was only the opening chapter. My version of Naruto is a little different from canon. So is the fact that Minato is alive and well. Not only that, but he has no relationship with Naruto that can be seen right a way.
I decided to include Sasuke in the story because nobody knows who Konohamaru's father is. So I decided to give him significance to Naruto as well. I portrayed Sasuke as a little Jiraiya-ish, but that's not surprising since he is Sasuke's fathers student. Obviously Sasuke is named after his grandfather, much like Sasuke Uchiha was named after the same man.
A/N2: I found a lot of typos after re-reading it. Sorry about that but I think I fixed all of them.