Author's Note: This story began with a question posed by JAFF reader and writer JRTT: Can a Darcy and Elizabeth mistress scenario be resolved happily? My initial stance was that it could not be, because the nature of the relationship was premised on a fundamental lack of respect of Darcy for Elizabeth. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this is viewing the range of human experience and relationships far too narrowly.

The D&E I have attempted to portray are not intended to be ideal or wicked, but rather human and limited, the product of their time, their experiences and their own idiosyncrasies. Although the situation is greatly altered from P&P by Mr. Bennet's early death, I have attempted to keep them - and all other characters - canon-compliant according to my interpretation of P&P and how they might behave in a different environment.

This story also attempts to faithfully portray the social and legal realities of women's lives in the early 19th Century. I have drawn on historical events and people, gleaned from a wide variety of primary and secondary sources. At times you will see historical notes under the chapter. They are there to provide background, but are not necessary to the story and can be ignored if you find them distracting.

The story is rated M as it deals with sensitive themes and contains some explicit scenes. Nevertheless, I didn't set out to write a sexy story, so if that's what you're looking for, you may be disappointed.

The angst rating on this story is medium, though some readers for its original posting at A Happy Assembly insisted that it was really high/nuclear angst. Either way, the posting is now past the major angst. On that note, this story was first posted at AHA, but not completed there. I intend to complete it here, with major and minor differences to the ending I had sketched out there before I left.

I have no posting schedule, I post when I have a chance to write and my beta/cold readers have had their say.

All comments are welcome, up to and including flaming, as I do not believe my ability to express myself requires the suppression of yours. If you want a reply, however, please PM me, as I have limited ability to respond in the FFN format, especially to "guests."

Finally, thanks to JRTT for beta'ing and inspiring this story, and for always challenging fanon orthodoxy. I could not have done it without her. Also, a special dedication to JanetR, who first showed me how hilarious and brilliant P&P fanfiction could be.


Lizzy Bennet, age 10, stared up in awe at the tiers of the Royal Theatre. She had never seen such a spectacle. The men were terribly handsome, the women positively glittering.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd, followed by an eruption of whispering, pointing and catcalls. Lizzy turned her head to where the crowd's attention was directed. A beautifully dressed young lady had entered a well-lit box near the stage. She was accompanied by a number of well-dressed and clearly wealthy men who paid her the greatest deference.

"That's Miss Wilson … "

"Scandalous … "

"1,300, I heard and her own apartment in Marylebone… "

"Oh yes, head over heels, my dear. He must be…"

"Who is that?" asked Lizzy of her aunt, Mrs. Gardiner.

"It is nobody, my dear. Do not look, I pray," said Mrs. Gardiner.

"Why ever not? She is a very pretty woman."

"She is not a proper lady, Lizzy," said Mr. Gardiner. "You must keep your eyes to the stage."

But she could not. The whispering around her had grown intense and the actors' voices could not be heard over it.

"Should not be allowed…"

"Look at them, all their tongues hanging out! Improper, I say … "

"I dunno … seems to have more fun than them wives over there. Look at them, ever so green …"

"That's the Duke of – and the Earl of - . Lords of the land, they say. Who's lording it now? She's got them good and proper … "

Lizzy's head whirled.

Approximately ten years later

"… and I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife."

Elizabeth stared, coloured, doubted and was silent, the wheels in her head turning. Mr. Darcy loved her! All of this time she had assumed he hated her! And yet here he was, his agitation extreme, his eyes tormented. Was this it? Her chance to escape from her dreary life, the conventions and strictures of respectable society? The chance to take control of her own destiny? She did not like the man, nay, but she did not need to like him for what she intended to do. In fact, it helped that she did not like him. And, of course, he was very handsome. It would be easy …

She opened her mouth - hesitated. She saw Darcy's quick intake of breath, the desire in his eyes. Oh yes, she could do this. She had to do this. Another such opening might never come her way.

"Mr. Darcy, I will not consent to be your wife. But I would be prepared to be your mistress, if you will give me the terms I seek. "


"I said, I would be prepared to be your mistress."

"My mistress? But you do not understand … I am offering you a place as my wife."

"Yes," said Elizabeth patiently. "But I am not interested in that. I would prefer to be your mistress. It would give me greater freedom and independence to lead the life I wish to lead."

"But … but … you would be Mrs. Darcy. You would have standing and influence as the mistress of Pemberley. It is my estate in Derbyshire, a very great estate in Derbyshire."

"Yes, I know all of that. I have heard about Pemberley, Mr. Darcy. But I would prefer a life in Town. And I do not wish for a husband to tell me what to do, who I may be friends with and when I may see my family."

"But that is the proper role of a husband."

"Precisely. And that is why I do not wish for one."

Darcy was silent, stunned.

"Mr. Darcy?"

Darcy absently sat down in a chair across from her, a confused look on his face.

"Mr. Darcy?"

"I am sorry," he said. "I never envisioned you would have such a response. I need a moment to collect my wits."

"Of course."

"It is just … it is just that I have never had a mistress. It is not something I ever considered. I am not saying it is something I would never consider. It is only that I assumed that when I found a lady whom I could love, she would wish to be my wife."

"Perhaps another lady would have. You certainly owe me no obligation. I encourage you to seek the hand of another lady if that is your desire."

"That is the problem, you see. I do not wish for another lady. I only want you."

"In that case, you know my terms."

He glanced at her quickly. "Actually, I do not know your terms. Can you tell them to me? How is this usually done? Are there not usually intermediaries?"

"I do not know. I have never done this before either. Since we are both here, I suppose we may as well speak frankly."

"Very well. Please proceed."

"Thank you. My terms are this: I would need two thousand pounds on entry into the relationship, a apartment in Town and carriage purchased in my name. After that, a thousand pounds a year and all my expenses paid. You may terminate at any time on payment of an additional two thousand pounds. Also, if we have children, provision must be made for each child."

"That seems rather high."

"I realize this, but you must realize that I am a gently bred, reasonably well-educated woman from the same or similar sphere as you. I am taking a great risk here, so I will need to be rewarded."

"I would need complete fidelity."

"Of course. Terminable by you without severance upon proof of my infidelity."

He considered. "I will need to think about this. Again, I did not come here today seeking a mistress."

Elizabeth gave him a glimmer of a smile. "No, but apparently she seeks you."

"Elizabeth – may I call you Elizabeth?" She nodded her assent. "Elizabeth, I love you. I would have made you my wife if you agreed."

His words smote her. He was sincere, she could see it in his eyes. How could she have misjudged him so badly as to think he disliked her? She wondered what else she might be mistaken about.

He continued. "What happens … what happens if you tire of me? Can you leave me?"

"Yes, if I tire of you, then I may end the relationship at any time, without payment of severance by you."

He was quiet, thinking it over. "I do not like the sound of that."

"Why not? It is fair. You will be none the loser."

"But … but what if I pay you to enter into the relationship and then you decide after a few days that you do not wish to continue?"

Elizabeth pondered this. "Yes, that is unfair. I suppose I could guarantee you a minimum amount of time. Say … three months?"

"Three months! No, I cannot do that."

"Six months?"

"One year."

"Six months, take it or leave it."

Six months would give her twenty-five hundred pounds and an apartment and carriage. It was enough to live on, if she sold out and moved to the country. And chances were, he would tire of her first and she would receive at least four thousand pounds. But if it worked out, she would accumulate a tidy sum.

"So long as you treat me with kindness and consideration, I would have no incentive to leave you," she added.

Unless it was for a man with more money, he thought glumly.

"Those are my terms. Take it or leave it."

He gave her another quick, furtive look.

"If I take it, what happens next?"

"I suppose we both retain an attorney to effect the arrangement."

"And then?"

"Once that is done, I will come to you. Not immediately, I will need some time to arrange things, say good-bye to my family. They will be upset at me, at least for the first while. But perhaps in two weeks?"

Two weeks! He could have his solicitors act quickly. She could be his in less than three weeks. Suddenly, his imagination overtook him. Elizabeth, his. Visiting her in her apartment in Town. Spending the whole day with her, and nights … He forced his thoughts back to more decorous paths. He could take her out to dine and other men would see her and envy him. Wait, other, richer men, titled men would see her, would think they could steal her away for the right price. The bile rose in his throat at the idea.

"I will need to think about it," he said abruptly.

"Of course, Mr. Darcy. Think on it and let me know your answer."

He picked up his hat and gloves and cane, bowed and left her.

© 2017 by "LucyQ" at Merytondotcom and "LucyQT" at Fanfictiondotnet ALL RIGHTS RESERVED