Hello all! Welcome back to Coffee Flavored Kisses (whose name might be changed but the decision has yet to be made on that). First please accept my apologies on the very late update. Please rest assured this story has never been abandoned or forgotten. I simply am a college student that also works full time and have to deal with…. Humans. Which takes away from my writing and has me crumbling under this crushing anxiety. Haha I can joke about it but I'm crying on the inside. In other news… I'm engaged! My fiance finally asked the question after being together for eight - yep you read that right - eight years! We're planning a victorian steampunk wedding and are very excited. ANYWAYS… some info on the story….

My dearest beta brought up a very good point on Ichigo's veil. It's rather strange she's wearing it and while I was going for that - it still doesn't make much sense right? How does she see? She's hiding her face but if she has a veil on and can see, doesn't that mean people can see her face. After some thought and my working to close this plot hole I have come up with the solution that I may introduce in later chapters. That is - Kisuke Urahara made the fabric for her veils. She can see out of the veils but no one can see in. I mean, the guy made fabric to hide his spiritual pressure I think he could handle this. They are also fairly decorative too. You'll be seeing a few of them in the future because…well… it's part of the story. ALSO…. This isn't the only update. I have other chapters written. You'll be getting the next one soon. (I'm hoping next week).

To my amazing reviewers and subscribers - THANK YOU. MUCH LOVE YOUR WAY. You all bring me so much joy and encourage me to not give up. To my dear beta - Trainheart - Love you and thank you! - Look look I posted it!

Chapter Three: Escalation

The night had been long and exhausting. Shunsui and Ichigo had gone through the reception decently enough. Shunsui's comrades and friends were introduced along with a bunch of stuck up nobles that were the families of Central Forty-Six, new and old. During the toast to the bride and the groom Shunsui had politely ignored the fact that she didn't drink the entire cup and subtly finished it for her when attention was drawn away for dinner. She had never drunk sake before so it was a bit much for her. Gifts were given after dinner, most of the gifts were set on a table to be taken home and opened by the bride and groom later but more of the noble families and other respected members of the guests wanted to show off their gifts. Ichigo nodded politely and thanked people more than she ever had in her entire life. Shunsui was graciously taking everything in stride; making the entire situation easier, to which Ichigo was thankful.

Eventually, it was time to leave. The bride and groom were escorted by the more rambunctious of the wedding guests out of the reception hall where guests each held lanterns that led their way down the hill where the banquet hall was located. Shunsui's hand was on the small of Ichigo's back again as they walked between the two rows of people holding lanterns. There was chatter and more congratulations thrown their way but for the most part it was a quiet ceremony. The two made it to the end of the rows and Shunsui moved his hand to wrap around her waist fully. She fought off the urge to pull her body away and giggle. Damn her ticklish nature. His grip around her waist tightened and then Ichigo felt the familiar sensation of flash step.


Ichigo unconsciously turned and moved her hands to grip onto Shunsui's haori. She was used to flash step, she was even used to being held when someone else flash stepped with her; but, she was usually warned first. She was also usually on their back. She tried to look at all of the scenery as they sped through the Seireitei, but with how dark it was, that would be impossible. Shunsui stopped at a large set of gates. Ichigo directed her attention to the eighth division insignia.

"Welcome to my division," Shunsui's breath was hot against her ear as he guided her through the gates. Ichigo gazed at the multiple buildings within the gated space. There were paths leading to different buildings and different parts of the division. Ichigo looked at the main path that diverted into five different pathways. Shunsui directed her to a path next to a large maple tree which led to a number of apartment looking buildings.

"Our quarters are towards the back in the center. We have the largest set of rooms and there is quite a lot of space between us and the rest of the division. You won't run into anyone unless you mean to," Shunsui explained as they walked through the covered walkways between living quarters. He opened a door that led to the living room with a small kitchenette. Lanterns were lit, casting a dim glow around the room. In the center of the spacious room was a pile of Ichigo's boxes, trunks, and suitcase. It was a rather charming home. It was more similar to an apartment than a home. In truth, Ichigo was anticipating her new residence to be more similar to the Kurosaki estate or, at the very least, like her family's home that was connected to her father's clinic. Instead it was more similar to Tatsuki's family's apartment.

"Looks like they dropped off my belongings," Ichigo tried to get the conversation started as she stepped towards her things.

"Must've done it during the reception," Shunsui noted and gestured to the door on the right. "We can get them moved into your room tomorrow. I'm sure you will want to unpack everything."

"I get my own room?" Ichigo asked genuinely surprised.

"Considering the circumstances I thought you would enjoy having your own space. I had the room prepared for you," Shunsui smiled kindly and opened the doors to the room. It was spacious and had doors leading to what Ichigo believed was the back garden. There were some shelves and dressers for her to use. "You can make it anything you want it to be, a room, an office, or just a space to call your own."

"Thank you," Ichigo murmured softly. She appreciated him giving her her own space. Perhaps this wouldn't be as overwhelming as she thought it would be. Less awkward too. She walked away from her belongings sitting in the center of their shared living room and stood next to Shunsui in the doorway of her room.

"The bedroom is right across from the room I prepared for you, the bathroom is next to it, and then we have the two closets, and that ends the layout of our quarters."

Ichigo nodded and continued looking around the space. She noted that he had said the bedroom and not his bedroom. Whether that was a slip up or intentional, she didn't have a clue.

"Are you hungry? I haven't received groceries yet this week but I can order you something. You didn't eat a lot during the reception."

"I'm fine."

Shunsui and Ichigo stared at each other awkwardly for about five long minutes. Ichigo was tempted to say something but she didn't know what. She could always start off with: 'so did you know my dad? Isshin Shiba? I mean, I know you all probably think he's dead but let's just ignore that. Tell me did he always perform sneak attacks on his young family members or are my sisters and I just special?'. That would likely have her end up in a prison cell and a man-hunt to take place in Karakura Town. So, Ichigo stayed silent, and awkward. Shunsui seemed to be considering something but he hadn't spoken up. Not wanting to push the little stability they had formed throughout the night, Ichigo stayed silent.

"Would you like to see the garden?" he finally asked.

After receiving a confirming nod, Shunsui led her through the shoji doors leading to the back of the house.


Lanterns dimly lit the garden, broadcasting the main paths that lead through the garden. A pond lapped gently against its edges. Sakura trees grew around the edges of the gardens.

Ichigo gently broke away from her husband made her way towards a beam holding up the pergola. With a content sigh she leaned against the beam and looked out into the garden.

"I bet it's beautiful when they are in full bloom," Ichigo gestured to the trees.

"That they are. We'll have to have a sakura viewing picnic once they bloom."

"Look at the stars," she said with obvious awe. Shunsui didn't know how she could see them with her veil on but watching her get lost in the stars was endearing. "You can see so many of them. It's so pretty. I'm used to the city lights making it hard to see them."

Shunsui could agree with that sentiment. Many nights were spent out on the deck drinking sake and enjoying the stars.

"I'm glad you didn't run," he expressed to Ichigo, whose attention was fully on the stars. He had taken her conversation as a good sign and stepped closer to her. Granted, the turn in conversation he had just made it wasn't the best but he had felt awkward talking to a veil. She had not removed the veil that covered her hair and face, not even after the ceremony and reception. Probably due to nerves. It was getting late though and consummating the marriage would be the next thing to do and he was not going to be doing that when she was wearing the veil.


"Earlier," he gestured his head to the side as if directing attention to the past. "Before the ceremony. You were staring out in the distance. I wondered if you had planned on running."

"Oh. No. I was just," she shook her head. "I was just taking it in. Trying to picture living here. It's very different from Karakura Town."

"That's where you lived?" It had been nearly twenty years since he had been to Karakura Town. Back when Captain Shiba had vanished without a trace he and Juushiro had gone to look into the matter. It was a nice place. Very up to date with technologies and current architecture but it still kept a bit of the older ways despite the rise in its development.

"Born and raised. I've only ever lived there, so this," she gestured around her, "Is different."

"Let me know what I can do to make you feel more at home." He lifted a hand and slowly ran it from her wrist to her neck. "I know this must be difficult for you." His hand didn't stray, instead it toyed with the fabric of her veil as one would toy with a stray curl.


The Captain's movement wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either. "Thank you," Ichigo fought the urge to lift her shoulder and budge him off. What was he doing? "It must be hard for you too."

"Do you need help taking your veil off?"

"No, actually, this is a sign of respect. You guys are in the middle of a war the veil stays on to show my support for my husband to be participating in it."

"I see, so you can't even take it off for me then?" There was a coyness to his voice as he continued to play with the veil. Was he closer than he was before? He'd taken a step to be near the beam as she was but for some reason it seemed like he was completely into her personal bubble.

"I, uhm, no. Not necessarily. I could take off my veil it's just that well," Ichigo stuttered and looked down. It wasn't that she couldn't take it off for him. She technically didn't need to wear it at all. The tradition was disbanded many years ago. Ichigo only started practicing it due to the fact that she was a perfect mixture of her mother and her father and at the moment, she couldn't let them know who her father was.

"Not yet?" Shunsui asked gently. Okay he was definitely closer and his hand was under her veil. His thumb was lightly tracing little circles on her neck.

"N-not yet," Ichigo confirmed with an audible pause. What was he doing? Why was he in her personal bubble? Why was he tickling her? He was getting all close and personal as if they were two teenagers rubbing up togeth - oh! That's what he was doing.

"If we don't remove the veil, how am I going to kiss you?"

"K-kiss?" Right. This was a part of getting married. To flirt, and kiss, and make out, and do things. Really really intimate things. Things that Ichigo hadn't ever done before. Things that she may or may not have skim read in books that Kiego's older sister would sneak into her and Tatsuki's backpack for a trade of Tatsuki's mom's make-up samples.. The books that Lisa was always reading and would hand her when Ichigo would get bored, especially when she started dating him. What was it that those characters would do when the man was coming on to them? Usually it was a moment in common where the pair would just crash into each other in passionate desperation. How does one crash into a man they don't really know with passionate desperation?

While Ichigo's mental contemplation of the situation gave her enough pause Shunsui leaned forward where her neck was bare of the veil and placed a pair of open mouth kisses.

That was when everything went to hell in a hand basket wrapped in a disgusting glittery bow. Ichigo's body seized with an audible gasp breaking through her lips. Her mind short circuited. Her fight or flight system kicked in and began dueling with the sensibility part of her brain. Her hands lifted and gave a strong smack against his chest followed by a strong push.