"I got the part!"

Blaine looked up from his guitar, to see Kurt beaming in the doorway. Setting his guitar aside, Blaine ran to him, hugging him tightly with a whoop.

"That is so fucking fantastic!" He kissed Kurt, irresistible with his glowing face and blue eyes sparkling with joy and excitement. When he was like this, he was simply incandescent and beautiful. Blaine kissed his lips hard, and peppered small kisses all over his face until Kurt was helplessly giggling and pushing him away.

Kurt just shook his head, finally setting down his bag and shrugging off his hoody. "I'm still shaking!" Going to the fridge, he got out a bottle of cold water and slumped on the plush sofa. He took a long draw from the bottle.

Blaine closed the door and sat beside Kurt, taking his hand. "Tell me more. You went back for the call back..."

"I was shaking in my boots. All the other guys seemed so much better for the roles than me. They were filming us, and gave us some props to work with." Kurt sipped again, recalling the day. "A lot of it was following what the choreographer did. You know I've been in enough shows to learn that pretty easily. A lot of the guys struggled with that."

"Mmmm hmmm...?" Blaine snuggled against Kurt's side, needing better contact. He could smell Kurt's sweat, and there was an elemental part of him that loved it. He wanted to burrow in, push Kurt's clothes out of the way, and taste his skin.

Kurt then smiled broadly. "They gave us swords, and we were doing thrust and parry moves with them." He chuckled, looking down. "While standing around, I was playing with my sword, finding the centre point, twirling it..."

Grinning, Blaine nudged him with his shoulder. "You were playing with it like your sai swords and it fell, making a huge clanging noise?"

Rolling his eyes, Kurt glared at him playfully. "No. And thanks for assuming I would be a klutz!"

"I've seen you practise with them! You broke a lamp once!" Blaine countered.

Kurt gave a sheepish laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Well, today that didn't happen. I twirled the sword, without even really thinking about it, and then this guy in a baseball cap at the side yelled at me! I almost dropped the sword then."

"Holy shit. What did he say?"

"He motioned me to come forward and told me to do that again. Everyone was staring at me, but I did the twirl, and the sword didn't fall to the floor. Thank you very much." He said the last part, glaring playfully at Blaine.


Kurt smiled. "The casting people were talking back and forth amongst themselves, but I heard my name get mentioned. So I just stood there, trying to appear confident."

"Was that it, then?"

Shaking his head, Kurt smiled again widely. "No, the last thing they had us do was some wire work. Most guys flailed around, flipping upside down, got sick."

Blaine hugged along Kurt's side. "And you, of course, looked great!"

"Being Peter Pan at that seniors' home gave me a lot of practice." Kurt chuckled. "I even did a few flips."

"Show off." Blaine just shook his head. "So, they offered you a part right away?"

Kurt nodded. "Basically! They told most guys that they would be in touch, but called out about a dozen of us to stay behind. They called us to talk privately with them after that."

Blaine shared Kurt's happy smile. "What role did you get? The King?"

Scoffing, Kurt shook his head. "No, not the lead, but a really big part. Stelios."

"It's been ages since I saw the movie. Which one is he?"

"He was played by Michael Fassbender, one of his first big movie roles. He's the one who jumps through the air and attacks the whip guy." Kurt made motions through the air to demonstrate the scene.

Blaine hugged him. "You are going to be so great at this! I'm so excited for you."

Kurt ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it. "My part will have wire work, more than the other guys, and they liked the sword twirling."

"Well, you said you wanted a really different type of roll. This is about as different as you can get for Broadway." Blaine commented.

Swallowing hard, Kurt looked at Blaine with big eyes. "I'm excited, but also terrified. When people think of the movie, they think of men wearing hardly anything, with amazing bodies. Six packs or eight packs. Muscles on top of muscles."

"Well, you are getting a personal trainer from them, right? Months to prepare for the show and work on your body, right?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah. But I've never really been a gym guy. I do push ups and sit ups at home, yoga, dance class. I'm fit and flexible, but I've never tried to bulk up and have that type of physique. What if my body just doesn't get to that, no matter how hard I work?"

Taking a moment, Blaine nodded. From his own experience, he knew weight lifting was needed for bulking up, and lowering body fat to look 'cut'. He had some roles that needed him shirtless, and had followed strict regimes to get looking the way he wanted.

"You won't know until you try. Here's your chance to go for it. Follow what the trainer says, push yourself. Look at Chris Pratt. He went from a chubby cutie to seriously yummy for Guardians." Blaine said, rubbing Kurt's back comfortingly. "I'll help you, follow the diet as well, go with you to the gym if you want."

"Fuck. I'm so lucky to have you in my corner." Kurt said softly, leaning in until their foreheads touched, and his incredible stormy blue eyes were looking right into Blaine's.

He could see the love, the caring there, and felt an answering surge of feelings for this incredible man. "I'm lucky too. So, so lucky. I love you."

Kurt leaned closer, a soft loving kiss that expressed their tight bond so well. Blaine felt cherished, and special.

It deepened, and Blaine eagerly sunk into it, digging his fingers into Kurt's hair. He moaned when Kurt nipped at the skin of his neck. His own hands were tugging at Kurt's clothes.

They stumbled into the bedroom, ripping each other's clothes away, getting naked with an urgency they didn't have as often since living together. Blaine explored and tasted Kurt's skin, loving his scent and how sensitive he was. Rubbing his light whiskers over Kurt's chest, and kissing lower and lower.


-A/N: Ack! It's been ages since I wrote Klaine. Be gentle, kind readers. Thanks NikiJuly17 for the prompt (I left out the spoiler bits).

-In pondering what role Kurt would have that needed abs, I decided they were doing a Broadway version of the movie '300'.

-The title comes the old question 'Can you fuck someone you love?' (Or is it always 'making love'?) Here, they are in an established, loving relationship but fuck a lot.