A/N Hi, Bob Noodles ;D

OptimusPrime2017- Thanks! :)

Shadowdapple of Thunderclan- Congratulations for winning the trivia! Here's a Fernkit plushie!*Throws Fernkit plushie* Awe, amazing, stunning- great words!

Why do I always put ! at the end of sentences?!

The two kits dashed to the 'den-wall', as ShellClan named it. Bounding up the ledges- Fernkit escorting Echokit over the higher ones- they skidded to a halt outside the elders' cave.

They crept inside, standing so that the moonlight filtered onto the nests. All were full. Seeing that Ivyclaw was awake,the tiny feline did not hesitate in padding forward.

The elderly cat pricked her ears at the sight of them, and immediately began speaking:
"What are you doing up so late? Nevermind, are you here for a story?"

"Yep!"Squealed Fernkit.

Echokit nodded, her little head bobbing up and down, like a seagull floating on the wavy sea.

Ivyclaw continued,

"OK!...So…I've got…Shellclan-that's us-Forestclan,Streamclan,Shadeclan,Anceint Nightclan- a bit of a scary story-The Great Storm,The Exploding Mountain…Ooh!Mountainclan…Emberstar, Moonstar-"


Ivyclaw's eyes widened."Are you sure?Usually only the older kits ask for that! You see, the younger kits sometimes get nightmares- although not as bad as if I told them about Nightclan- and I get in a tad little bit of trouble-"

"We want to hear about Emberstar!" Persisted the tiny tabby, while Echokit nodded, but suddenly she no longer seemed to like the idea.

Still looking slightly surprised, Ivyclaw sat up, curling her tangle-furred tail around her aged paws. She cleared her throat.

"Once upon a time, when I was a young cat- an apprentice to be exact- there lived a rogue. A mountain rogue. She was small, with hard features and a navy-blue kittypet tendril around her neck-"

"Because she was a kittypet?" Questioned Echokit, her pale eyes curious.

Ivyclaw glanced at her, shaking her head. Then she continued.

"Her tendril wasn't just any tendril…it was studded with dog teeth, and cat teeth."

Echokit gasped, while, Fernkit felt repulsed at the thought- who would wear such a thing?!

It's horrible!

"She wore the tendril as, some cats believed, she came from Bloodclan.

"Bloodclan is- was- a vicious Clan from the mainlands. It was a cruel Clan, and murdered many a cat. Many say that Emberstar was caught up in the Great Storm- along with her rogue band and some of the cats that make up Shadeclan today- and was swept here by the sea."

"Felines think this because Emberstar matches this description perfectly, and was often seen killing innocent cats who dare enter the mountains."

Fernkit furrowed her brow.

"What about Mountainclan?"

So, what do you think about Ivyclaw and Echokit?


How did Longtail become blind?


Another word for 'night'.