It was an average day in the hale house. Talia Hale, the current alpha of the pack sat at the dinner table with her family. On her right was her eldest daughter Laura. Sat beside Laura were her other two children, Derek and Cora. On her other side was her brother Peter and right opposite of her was her husband. They were all about to begin eating, when there was a bright flash of light.

In another time and place, a woman dying on her hospital bed suddenly felt a calmness spread throughout her body before there was a bright flash of light in her room.

A few years down the line, in a small town of Beacon Hills multiple flashes of light had gone up at the same time. One was inside a classroom of a high school known as Beacon Hills High. One was at the hospital. One was at the Sherif's station. One was at a very big house, the Argent house. One was at the veterinarian clinic. And the last one came from the forest.

At the same time, there were two more flashes of light. One in another part of the country and one outside it.

There was a loud crash as people crashed into what looked like a giant movie theater. The way they fell, was what looked to be in groups. The hale family fell in a heap at one side while the others were in a heap in another side. The first to recover themselves were the Hales, closely followed by a sour faced wolf and then the Argent couple. "Where are we?" Stiles groaned out. "From the looks of things, a movie theater. And we are not alone" Deaton said looking straight at the Hale pack with a neutral look. Bu if one were to look closely, they could see surprise in his eyes. Derek looked at the pack with a mix of shock, want and sadness while the rest looked at them with confusion and wondered who they were. Stiles turned around to tell something to Scott when he goes quiet and turns pale. "Looks like everyone is here" a voice spoke up as everyone looked at the front of the room. There was a huge screen up there and in front of it stood a very tall man. He looked to be about six feet eleven or seven feet in height. He had a mix of blonde and black in his hair which was tied into a low hanging pony tail. His skin pale with scruffy beard on his face and a scar going down his right eye. He had tattoos running down his arms and some around the side of his neck which looked more like writing than a design. But what was most striking and a bit intimidating about him were his eyes. In place of the white eye balls were pitch black eye balls and the pupils were the deepest crimson anyone had ever seen. Those eyes seemed to stare right into their souls. "Alright people now to tell you why you lot are here. I have summoned you all here to take a look into your future" he said. "The future? You must be joking" Jackson spoke from beside Lydia. "Does it look like I'm joking Mr. Wittemore?" the man said looking at Jackson who shrunk a little. "So our future huh? Is it gonna be so bad that you brought us here to change it?" Erica suddenly spoke up then blushed as everyone looked at her, "I read a lot of time traveling fictions" she mumbled. The man just laughed "Kind of like that Ms. Reyes" he smiled at the blushing girl. "While you all are here, the hunters will not have their weapons and the wolves will not be able to go wolf. So you all behave okay?" he looked at them all. They were all silent so the man spoke again "OKAY!?" he said a bit louder and the room shook. The occupants all nodded in fear and the man smiled. "What do we call you?" Scott spoke up. "Call me Sky. Now then you guys better introduce yourselves. Why not you start Mrs Hale" he looked at Talia. Talia stood a bit straighter, "Right" she mumbled. "My name is Talia Hale. And these are my children Laura and Cora. And this is my brother Peter" she said gesturing to the mentioned people. Sky then turned to Scott who sighed, "I'm Scott McCall. This is my mom Melissa Delgado. My dad Raf…DAD!?" he looked at his father in surprise. Sky coughed and Scott let out a breath, "My dad Rafael McCall. Beside me is my best friend Stiles Stilinski and his father Noah" a woman in the back of the room looked up with wide eyes. "And then my girlfriend Allison Argent. Beside her are" he was interrupted by the man beside Allison. "Chris Argent and my wife Victoria Argent" the man, Chris said. "Right" Scott nodded, "And over there is Lydia Martin and her boyfriend Jackson" he gestured to the two on the other side. "And over here is Dr. Alan Deaton. He is a vet" he pointed at Deaton who waved. Scott was going to say something more when Sky put his hand up making him stop. He then looked to the glasses wearing girl. "Erica Reyes" she mumbled. His eyes then went to the tallest of the kids, "Isaac Lahey" he said weakly. He then looked at the dark skinned boy, "Vernon Boyde". He then looked at the sour faced guy, "Derek. Derek Hale" he said emotionlessly. The Hale pack looked at Derek with shock while wondering how big Derek had gotten. But only Talia noticed the tone he spoke in. She had never heard him speak in a tone like that before. She decided to ask him about it later. Sky then looked to an Asian girl who was clutching a katana, "Kira Yukimura" she mumbled. He then looked at the woman who was wearing a hospital gown. He snapped his fingers and her hospital gown was replaced with a sundress. "Claudia Stilinski" she said as she admired her dress as both Noah and Stiles looked at her wide eyed. Then the last person Sky looked at was a young girl about Scott's age and was wearing nothing. "Shit I forgot" Sky mumbled and snapped his fingers as a T-shirt and shorts appeared on her. "Introduce yourself now please" he said with a smile. "Malia Tate" the girl said.

"Right that's everyone. Now go and take a seat you all" Sky said pointing at the sofas behind them. The hale pack pulled a non-struggling Derek with them and sat down at one corner, putting him in the middle. The Stilinskis all sat down together, with Stiles sitting in the middle. Scott and Allison sat together, with Scott's mom sitting on his other side and Allison's dad on her other side with his wife. Rafael sat with Deaton, Isaac and Boyde. Lydia sat with Jackson while Kira and Erica sat beside the group and Malia at the other corner, far from the rest.

"Right let us start" Sky said and snapped his fingers as the light died down and screen buzzed to life. The words HBO came on and then it showed a model of a map and music was playing on the background. "Shit wrong video!" Sky swore and stopped it. "Sorry about that. This one was supposed to go on the other room. This is yours" The screen buzzed to life and the show began.