Wow. Honestly. I shed actual tears of relief and joy in that finale. I know this is short but I plan to write more so I guess this is more of a prologue but I wanted to get this out while it's fresh in my mind. Currently listening to 'Waves' on repeat and squeeing.

It had to happen this way. In her office, not his, but on neutral ground where she doesn't have the memory of I love you, Harvey blatantly hanging over her head. But it does anyway, it has been since she said it almost two years ago. Only now is she finally dealing with it.

Donna saunters out of her office, not feeling embarrassed or guilty. That kiss was hers to take, dammit, and she had the right to be selfish, for once. How many times have words let them down? How many times has she put Harvey's feelings above her own? It was time for her to finally do something completely unambiguous to get through to that insufferable man. More than that, she had to do it for herself. Her feelings have been just as ambiguous for the better part of a decade.

They haven't kissed in thirteen years, but, damn if that same fire isn't still there. She knows he felt it too, the same way she could feel his surprise when she pulled away and left him in her office.

She doesn't think she's ever seen Harvey look quite so stunned before. She's aware that she's just dropped a bomb on him, complicating both his personal life and their working one. But for Donna, things have never been clearer.

That night she sleeps better than she has in months.

He stays there, standing still in her office for quite some time, staring out at the New York skyline as if it has all the answers.

I'm sorry, I just had to know.

Harvey would give anything for her kind of clarity, because his head is more of a mess than ever. Thirteen years and he can't even recall so much as a hug between the two of them. Charged glances, jealousy and fraught conversations, sure, but then she waltzes up to him and kisses him like it's something she's done a thousand times before.

She's got guts, he'll give her that. For all his bravado, Harvey never could have done that with so much at stake.

Okay, so she kissed you, but then she walked away, again. And left you with the mess, again.

He glances around, feeling ridiculous to be standing in her office for as long as he has. He should go and find Louis, but all he can think about is getting home and having a scotch (or six).

He heads for the elevator, casting a forlorn glance at the Pearson that still hangs proudly on the wall. And he thought that would be the biggest blind sight of the evening.

When he steps out of the building, he gets the nearest taxi he can find, rather than waiting the few extra minutes for Ray to pick him up.

It's a relief to find his condo empty when he steps inside. Far too many people have a copy of my key, he thinks. But of course, that reminds him of Paula, reminds him that she has Donna's old key. She has Donna's old key so of course she isn't threatened by his relationship with Donna.

He slams a fist against the wall. Goddammit.

His phone rings and he glances at the caller ID, hoping it's not Paula, praying it's not Donna (but almost, almost wanting it to be), but it's Louis, finally returning his call.

"Well it's about damn time, Louis."

"Sorry, Harvey, I was about to listen to your messages when Jessica called me."

"Then you know."

"Yeah, I know."

They share a silent understanding, both grieving the end of something.

"It's late, Louis. I'll just see you in the morning and we can figure out what to say to the press."

"How about, go fuck yourself?"

Harvey chuckles. "Perfect."

He hangs up and his screen shows his most recent calls. His thumb hovers over Donna's name. Instead of calling her, he pours himself a drink.

After his first drink, he decides that there's no way around it, he has to tell Paula. After two drinks, he finds that he's pissed off at Donna for kissing him, for putting him in the position to cheat, after everything she knows about him. After his third drink, he finally realises that he kissed her back. He never even had to think about it.

He doesn't sleep that night.