A/N: Surprise! Another fast update!

Thank you again for the sweet reviews and follows. I sincerely hope you like the ending of my Blindsided revisionism. I'm very excited to finally present the nugget of an idea that started it all. ENJOY!


Though Astrid had managed to earn the Triple Stryke's trust, it still took some tricky maneuvering to relocate it to the dragon stables at the Edge outpost. In the end, she had asked Hiccup to take over and he was easily able to use his natural gifts (combined with her newfound insight) to coax their new friend into one of the larger pens. The structural damage from the lightning strike was easily repaired with dragon assistance, leaving the rest of the afternoon free to celebrate the return of their scaly companions.

Tuffnut ran a chaotic circle as soon as Hiccup broached the idea of taking the afternoon off and shouted, "Quick! Before he changes his mind!"

Honestly, Hiccup would have preferred to ride for home immediately to seek out a cure for Astrid's affliction, but he knew how important it was for the group to blow off some steam after the highly stressful events of the past few days. The sky was still a blur of ominous grey, and though Hiccup trusted Astrid's abilities implicitly, he knew that the turbulence from the storm would be too much to risk with her current obstacles.

Besides, it was nice to sit with her leaning against him as he attempted to narrate the twins' antics and make her laugh. Hiccup didn't exactly enjoy the vunerability that blindness had brought to Astrid, but he did find it sweet and rewarding that she allowed him to provide for her. It wasn't a needy, dependency thing; she'd certainly demonstrated well enough that she could handle herself, thank you very much. Rather, it was in the softening of barriers, the desire for connection. Blindness forced Astrid to accept his touch without bristling or faking punches. That she seemed to crave his presence was emboldening, though Astrid seemed not to have noticed his move on her from earlier.

Which is probably a good thing, Hiccup thought, fighting a mixture of disappointment, confusion, and relief.


Unexpectedly, Gothi arrived that evening in a flurry of Terrible Terrors just as the group was heading to their beds. She landed, scrawled something in the dirt impatiently, then wasted no time in dragging Astrid by the wrist while the rest of the gang tried to translate her message. Something about waiting too long and metal buckets...

Gothi tended to Astrid busily, mixing and applying a variety of potions and poultices. From Hiccup's veiwpoint it didn't look comfortable, especially when something viscous was spread on the inside if her eyelids. Ever the stoic, Astrid accepted Gothi's ministrations without complaint until eventually, the crone affixed the last bandage and seemed pleased with her work. Without further explanation, she grabbed a blanket off the foot of Astrid's bed, blew out the candle, and fell to the floor, snoring.

"Well, I guess that means it's time for bed!" Fishlegs exclaimed. "We'll have to see what Gothi says in the morning. Good night Astrid!" He waddled out of the hut.

"You okay?" Hiccup asked, grabbing another blanket and spreading it over her.

"I guess. It's still a lot to take in," she reached for his hand, which he squeezed reassuringly. Gothi snored dramatically from the other side of the bed.

Hiccup frowned and let go reluctantly. He had selfishly hoped for a repeat of last night, but that would have been enitrely inappropriate. The clubhouse was one thing, but being alone in her hut-- especially with Gothi already there-- well, that was an entirely different matter. It was dark, but Hiccup could have sworn he saw a the corner of Astrid's mouth turn down in displeasure. Or pain? Like she said, it was a lot to take in.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning. Hopefully...you'll be able to see me too."

"Thanks Hiccup. I hope so too."


It had been a long day trying to keep Astrid appeased while doing nothing, but finally in the late afternoon Gothi snapped her fingers and indicated it was time to unwrap the bandages. The miracle concoction had worked. Astrid flung her arms around Hiccup, hiding tears of relief in his neck.

The excitement spread as the rest of the gang paraded through the hall. While Fishlegs inquired about the ingredients, Astrid even indulged the Nuts with a few rounds of the Thorston Blind Field Test. Hiccup stood back and took it in, surprised at how the tenseness in his neck and shoulders melted now that this situation had been resolved. He had known it was always going to work out...but it was still nice that blindness wasn't going to be one of their long term challenges. Across the room Astrid caught his eye and smiled at him, which made his heart flipflop chaotically.

Ruff, Tuff, and Fishlegs excused themselves after a while to continue training the Triple Stryke, and Snotlout lumbered to the kitchen to take his shift making dinner. Gothi indicated it was time for her to leave as well, and was followed up to the deck by Hiccup and Astrid thanking her effusively.

Watching the flock of Terrors bear the elderly healer back to Berk, they sat and dangled her feet over the Edge. Astrid was uncharacteristically quiet, seemingly content to sit still and observe the things she hadn't been able to see for two days. Hiccup waited until long after Gothi had disappeared over the horizon and the sun began to sink into the sea before finally inturrupting their companionable silence.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, Hiccup. You can stop worrying about me now." She said with a playful petulance.

"I never stop worrying about you." Hiccup responded airiy. "That's just the way it is."

She graced him with a light smile. "Yeah, yeah. I guess.. that goes for me, too."

He recognized the opening. Hiccup scooted closer, only to have Astrid push him away.

"Hey," he said, but he relaxed when she giggled in response. Just because everything has changed for me, he mused, doesn't mean that anything has changed for her, or her usual brand of "affection"

"Can I ask you something?

"Yeah, sure." Hiccup tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

"Back in the forest, when we were…well you know…"

"Yeah?" This was it. The relationship talk that they had been dancing around for years. He didn't regret it, exactly, but knew that his impulsive declaration yesterday had steered them into new territory. Hiccup wasn't entirely sure they were ready to explore this yet...but regardless, here they were on the shore of something new.

"Were you about to…."

"Oh uh so you felt that that, huh?" Hiccup responded, laughing sheepishly. He looked away and shrugged. "I thought maybe I had gotten away with it." Of course Astrid would have noticed that he had tried to kiss her. Hiccup hadn't expected to feel this embarrassment. He glanced back to see Astrid smiling shyly at him.

"So…why didn't you?"

Oh, those were loaded words coming from her. Anyone else would have killed that dragon...so why didn't you

Why didn't you?

I want to remember what you have to say right now.

Hiccup shrugged off the memories and barked out a laugh, trying to keep things light.

"You said 'Do you hear that?' and then a Triple Stryke attacked us. It kind of ruined the mood."

Despite herself, Astrid laughed. "I guess that did happen, huh?" Her laughter dissapated the tenseness of his embarassment.

"Yes, it did, Milady," Hiccup said. "And as much as it pains me to say it, it was probably for the best, too."

"Hm," Astrid responded, her eyes playful. "I'm not so sure that I agree."

"Oh. Oh!" he said, realizing the import of her words. So they WERE going to have this conversation after all. Hiccup took moment to compose his thoughts.

"Well, I always thought…and yes, I have thought about it. A lot actually," Hiccup smiled rakishly before continuing. "If it did ever happen, that it would have to be perfect."

"Perfect, Haddock? What were you waiting for, a beautiful sunset?" She gestured to the magnificence of nature right before them. The giant sun cast bright colors upon the clouds, which were reflected on the calm sea.

"This does seem pretty perfect to me," Hiccup admitted, taking her hand into his own. His expression sobered.

"But I was more thinking about the timing. If I…if we…were to…" he took a steadying breath. The conversation had turned heavy and raw so quickly.

"If I kiss you, it means that all this" he gestured to the air between them, "will change. Viggo is still out there with the Dragon Eye, which is a huge threat to the safety of Berk. I'm almost ready to present my plan to defeat him for good to the counsel and I had hoped...maybe when he is gone..." he shook his head.

"If we do...move forward with things...well, I'm not sure how open our parents would be to us still living out here on the Edge unsupervised, for one thing." A blush crept across his freckles. "I rely on you too much for that to happen. Especially right now."

Astrid squeezed his hand. "I get what you're trying to say, Hiccup. I really do. There's a lot going on. But…did you mean it? What you said back there?"

He turned to face her with that resolution in his eyes that made Astrid's knees weak. "Of course I meant it. You have me, whatever you want that to mean for us." A shadow passed over his face.

"But…" she prompted gently.

Sighing, Hiccup stood up and began pacing the platform. "But…I'm the chief's son, Astrid. I'll always have certain…expectations on me. It's a lot of pressure, and you've always been so great at supporting me…but as soon as Dad finds out he's going to march right over to your parent's house and start negotiating betrothal contracts."

Astrid detected the ghost of a smile on his face at that idea. It was all the confirmation that she needed.

She rose and slipped her arms around him from behind. "Would that really be so bad though? I mean...I think I'd like that." She whispered into his back.

Hiccup froze. Had she really? He turned around slowly, taking in her shining eyes, the flush on her cheeks. Like the thaw of spring, his whole face lit up until he was beaming brilliantly. "Really?"


Hiccup threw back his head and laughed, then picked her up and spun her in a circle. Astrid laughed too; despite all of their differences, Hiccup's reaction was definitely something out of his father's playbook. His joy was infectious.

Upon returning to the ground, Hiccup surprised her again when when he swopped down and kissed her soundly on the mouth.

Time seemed to stand still.

After a moment, the couple pulled apart, leaving Astrid dazed. Hiccup grinned, apparently thrilled with his own audacity. He didn't wait long to duck his head to kiss her again, this time slowly and more thoroughly.

Astrid had kissed Hiccup a handful of times before, though it had always been a simple expression of gratitude for something incredible he'd done, like survive the Red Death or return their dragons on Snoggletog. Now, she began to realize why Hiccup had waited so long to reciprocate. This was the kind of kissing that changed everything.

"You've been holding out on me Hiccup!" Astrid accused when they parted for air the second time. He chuckled.

"I have. I've been in love with you for a long time."

Astrid didn't know what to say to that, but Hiccup saw the prickle of tears in her eyes as she smiled at him. He pulled her close and she tucked her head into the crook of his neck. A perfect fit.

The sun sank into the sea until it was just a crimson sliver on the horizon. Groaning, Astrid finally inturrupted their perfect moment.

"I hate to admit it, but you're not wrong."

"About what?" Hiccup asked, pulling back to look at her face. Just hours ago, she hadn't been able to see. Now, the entire world was crystal clear.

"About this being bad timing."

"I know." When she didn't respond right away Hiccup frowned. "Are you suggesting that we pretend this never happened?"

"Gods, no!" Astrid exclaimed. "And have to wait another five years to be kissed like that again? I'd rather fly away and elope right now."

"That can be arranged," Hiccup answered huskily. Astrid didn't dare to look at him, but flushed under his gaze. It took a moment for the delicious, dangerous intensity between them to fade.

Hiccup sighed again. "I know. I know. We really can't afford to have anyone acting differently. Especially us. Or the rest of the gang. And definitely not my dad. Not when we're this close to defeating the Dragon Hunters. But.."

"I don't want to go back to how it was before," Astrid blurted. "Now that I know you feel the same way about me that I feel about you."

Hiccup smiled and kissed her again. Once more, Astrid was left breathless.

"So maybe...we just keep this to ourselves for a little bit longer?" he offered. "Just until Viggo is out of the way. Then we tell everyone."

"You think we can do that?"

"No, I think we're going to be caught making out somewhere."

He definitely deserved the punch on the arm she gave him. And kiss on the lips that followed...And the wandering hands snaking into his hair as he pulled her hips close to his...

"Hiccup? Astrid? Are you two even up there? Dinner is ready and we are NOT gonna wait for you any longer!"

The newly formed couple leapt apart upon hearing Snoutlout's voice calling from the platform below. One exchanged glance later, they both burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"Ugh, what are you guys even doing?" Snotlout asked, finally within eyeshot.

"It's nothing, just an inside joke," Astrid answered, the first to regain speech.

"You guys are gross," Snotlout muttered as he walked away. "Hurry up and get betrothed already so you can make beautiful Hiccstrid babies or whatever. Heh, like that would ever happen..."

Hiccup and Astrid dissolved into a renewed fit of laughter. Oh Snotlout, if only you knew...

"Well, I don't think we're caught just yet, or he'd never have walked away." Astrid thought out loud when they had calmed down. It was much darker now, the faint glow of the dying sunset fading more and more with each passing second.

"I think you're right. Besides, we can talk about Hiccstrid babies later. Definiely after dinner at least." Hiccup offered his arm jauntily, willing to accept either another punch or simply attempt to escort her to the clubhouse "Shall we, Milady?"

Astrid slipped her arm through his. "I thought you'd never ask."

Together they walked towards food and friends, light and laughter. Into an uncertain future, assured of only one thing: There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always.


A/N: Aaand now it's done. :)

The three (!!) previous "director's cut" chapters were a bonus surprise to this project, but I had so much fun building up to this chapter I just couldn't help it! Did this alternate ending help resolve some of the rushed elements for you in the actual episode? Anything I missed, or that you want to see in another story? Isn't Hiccstrid the best?!?

As always, reviews, comments, and critiques are welcome! 'Til the next fic!
