A/N: I'm not sure the last time when I was so utterly thrilled and frustrated at the same time when my OTP finally got together as in Blindsided. There were so many cute exchanges and body language moments in that episode, but it also felt rushed and glossed over the obvious (to me) explanation for why the kiss was inturrupted. So here's my version, which also tries to resolve the "why are we hiding this again" question brought up in the next episode, and tie in the adorable Hiccstrid elements from the most recent season. I hope you enjoy!


"Will you and Toothless stay with me a little while? Just until I fall asleep?" Astrid hated how weak and scared she sounded. But, she hated the idea of being alone right now even more.

"Of course." Hiccup answered tenderly. "We're not going anywhere, are we bud?" The Night Fury gurgled in assent and flopped to the floor, long tail sweeping around to encircle them.

"But first, let's get something to clean you up with." Hopping over Toothless, Hiccup scurried to grab a rag and water pouch. He returned to Astrid, who looked more anxious and lost than ever even though she had counted each of his footsteps and knew he hadn't gone far. After a bit of fumbling, Hiccup gently wiped the grime and ash from her face, neck and arms. He worked quickly but didn't rush, an unseen blush coloring his cheeks.

"Thank you," Astrid whispered, barely audible, when he was done.

"Not a problem," he replied, stashing the rag and water on the table. Awkwardly, "Do you mind if I..uh.."

"Go ahead," she responded, a bit to quickly. "That is...if you don't mind..."

"I don't. Mind that is. As long as you don't." Hiccup laid down next to her stiffly, holding her hand while maintaining a respectful space between them. It was innocent, but definitely pushing boundaries...especially if one of the other riders were to walk in and see them. Hiccup wondered if Astrid could hear his heart thundering in his chest.

He had feared that Astrid would fight sleep, but she dutifully closed unseeing eyes and allowed her breathing to slow.This attempt at rest was certainly appreciated, but left Hiccup alone with his own anxieties. What if Astrid's blindness WAS permanent? How would this factor into their nearly complete plan to defeat Viggo and Ryker? He relied on her skills, and considered her the strongest rider on the team. Would she even be able to ride a dragon safely any more? Though he had spent years denying and minimizing it, the thought was insistent now: how would this change the unspoken dynamics of their relationship, this tenuous, gossamer thing between them? He reflected back to what he had said at the end of the the Buffalord incident: I can't imagine a world without you in it.

It didn't matter if Astrid could never see or fight again, Hiccup needed her by his side. It was as simple and as profound as that. Whatever that took, whatever she needed. Hiccup would be there. For her.

Much later, when her grip on his hand loosened and the patter of rain on the roof had stilled, Hiccup dared to roll on his side and see how sleep had relaxed her features. He reached out reverently to brush the hair from her forehead when a noisy commotion coming from outside startled him into a protective crouch.

Toothless warbled, but didn't rise or seem concerned at all. That was mildly reassuring, but Hiccup still had to know what was out there. He sealthily moved to the door and peeked out, letting in a breath of of rain cooled air in the process.

One of the small, green Terrible Terrors had knocked over a full rain barrell. It was rolling around and gushing its contents all over the platform while the Terror tried to drink from its stream. Relieved, Hiccup stopped the barrell and let the little dragon lap up the still-spilling water; it would have to be repaired tomorrow along with everything else.

It was still a little windy, but Hiccup saw stars when he looked up. The first of the storms had passed. The night was quiet.

Looking down at the tiny dragon, Hiccuo had an idea. He picked up the Terror like an oversized cat and returned to the clubhouse, careful to close the door before setting it down again. Immedietly, he regret the decision as the Terror began noisily exploring his new surroundings.

"Don't bother her," Hiccup hissed as the Terror approached the sleeping bodies on the ground. At least, only one was really sleeping. A quick flick from Toothless's tail sent the Terror across the room, squealing

"Thanks bud," Hiccup said before focusing his attention on scrawling a quick note to Berk. It was a risk, but with this gap in the storms perhaps the Terror could get back in time to give Gothi a heads up about Astrid's condition. He knew that it may still be a few days before they could find the bigger dragons, much less safely ride them home. But if Gothi at least knew what was going on, she'd be prepared when they did arrive. Hiccup recovered the Terror and stashed the note in the capsule already affixed to its back claw.

"Get this note to Berk," he instructed when they were back outside. "It's important, okay? We need to get this to Gothi right away." Perhaps he imagined it, but Hiccup could have sworn he saw a flash of reccognition in the tiny dragon's eyes at the old woman's name.

"Okay, off you go then!" Hiccup unceremoniously threw the dragon into the wind. With a squawk, it flapped its wings in the direction of Berk and disappeared into the night.

Sighing and suddenly very tired, Hiccup returned to the doorway. Astrid had only asked them to stay until she was asleep. He and Toothless could return to the comfort of their own hut. But...that would mean leaving her here, all alone. It was inappropriate, but Hiccup couldn't help the selfish desire to stay with her and imagine they were sleeping together under different circumstances. Sensing his indecision, Toothless looked up at him curiously.

"No, no, don't move, bud." Hiccup made up his mind and returned to his position at Astrid's side. He didn't dare touch her, but couldn't bear to leave either. "We're gonna stay here and take care of her tonight."


Soooo, what do you think so far? This story got longer than I expected, so I broke it into three parts and will post the others in the next few days. -PP