Had this idea while I was walking the dog this morning. Basically, it seems to me that it's a bit weird that these two worlds haven't met yet. There are many links that seem like they'd fit right together with these two worlds. The fairies being driven underground by human's fear of them could have been what prompted the wizards to create the International Statute of Secrecy. As both worlds include Goblins and Elves, these could be two different sub-species of goblin or elf created by the split, some living above ground and some below. Also, the fact that these two stories happen so close to each other (wizards in Britain, fairies in Ireland) makes me itching to write a crossover about them. Anyway, this first chapter is going to be something a little different, an article in the Quibbler talking about fairies. As for timelines, this is probably going to be after Luna's 2nd year (so Harry's 3rd year) and between the Eternity Cube and the Opal Deception for Artemis Fowl (so Artemis himself will almost certainly not be appearing).

Of Elves, Sprites, Fairies and Leprechauns
By Xenophilious Lovegood

Of the many fantastical creatures out there, none are more unusual than the fairies. What many wizards fail to understand, is that the term 'fairy' does not refer to just one creature, but a collective of creatures that live together under our very feet, closer to what non-magical folk refer to as the Earth's core. Unlike the whimsical descriptions many have written about them in the years following the fairy people's mass exodus underground, the fey folk are far more menacing. They use advanced technology, far beyond what muggles have come up with, and they have some powerful magic of their own.

Unlike our own magical talent, the fairy folk are limited in their magical capability in a variety of ways. First; they are limited in what magic they can cast. While there may be other magical abilities that the fairy folk have not shown in the few sightings of them on the surface, the abilities that they have displayed are as follows: The Shield allows them to vibrate their bodies at a higher frequency than the human eye can track, making them seem invisible to magical and non-magicals alike. The Mesmer allows the fairy to plant suggestions in the mind of someone, as long as the fairy can maintain eye contact. The final known magical power of the fairies, is the Heal, with merely a touch, the fairy can heal the wounds of anyone they touch. A fourth, little known power that fairies possess, is the gift of tongues, the ability to speak and understand any language they hear. The second way fairies are limited, is that while their magic is powerful, they appear to have to recharge it at regular intervals. How this recharging is done, it is unclear.

While evidence of the fey folk's existence is few and far between, the largest concentration of sightings of these creatures has been in the Republic of Ireland. I'm currently on route with my daughter, Luna, in order to see if we can find any more evidence of this unusual phenomenon. I will be publishing my progress in a book at some point in the future.

Let me know if this is any good, and if you would like to see more. If you'd like to see more, I'll write another chapter, this time following the People.