Chapter 1"Alfred" I called the name of the obnoxious American that I once hated but now supposedly loved. "Yes darling?" He replied immediately his clear blue eyes sparkling in emotion and his lips forming a gentle smile. "I want to break up with you" I thought in my head, of course I was not going to say that, I wanted to, but I couldn't . So I lied, again, "I love you Alfred". He's eyes grew bigger and seemed to look brighter, his smile grew bigger too. He replied "I love you too, Ivan". Alfred looked like a silly 16 years old who was madly in love, he loves me I guess that's why every time he sees me his face changes completely. I really feel bad for lying to him six years, saying meaninglessness "I love you" giving away kisses and hugs. "How did I end up in this situation?" I often thought. this young man ,Alfred F. Jones, used to be my worst nightmare, but some how became my fiancee. "Hey hon I'm going to my sister's place" I informed him as I step out of the house and slammed the door. "Stop going to those witches house!" I could hear Alfred complain from outside. On my way to their house a voice distracted me from my puzzling thoughts.
"Oi Ivan!!!" The small man yelled, I looked down and saw a shorty with blonde hair and shiny purple eyes. "Tino! What a surprise" I exclaimed "it's been almost a month since I last saw you and Berwald". He smiled and blushed gently "oh you know, after the wedding we decided to take some vacations, we just got back and I was going to buy some stuff at the super market". I nodded in reply and just when I was about to say goodbye he stopped me. "How's everything with Alfred?" He asked looking a bit worried, as if he knew my worries. "We're good as always, I need to go Tino, nice seeing you, I hope I can see Berwald on Monday." I left as quickly as possible. I want to avoid any kind of question in relation about me and Alfred. How did my relationship with Alfred start? At first we were rivals because I worked in Wendy's and he worked at McDonald's but then at the New Year party he kissed me and he asked me to be his boyfriend. At that time I felt like I was in love with him and accepted, even though we were complete strangers. And six years passed, we're not teenager's anymore, we're adults and I realized that my relationship with Alfred was just a routine, nothing more than an act. I never loved Alfred. F Jones, but I hope some day I could love him just the way he loves me.
"Yekaterina! Natalia!" I yelled as I knocked on my sister's door. "Oh sweet Ivan! You came to visit us" said big sister in a joyfully tone while hugging me tightly. "Yekaterina you can let me go now" I complained as I get rid of her hug and enter the house. "Natalia isn't here, she just went out with a friend." Big sister announced as she sat beside me. "Is that a friend a boy?" I asked raising an eyebrow feeling the anger invading my soul. "Geez Ivan, it's just Raivis!" She replied as she pat my head. "I don't trust that Lithuanian boy". I whispered as I stood up and grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the liquor cabinet. "I supposed you have something in mind little brother... is it about that American boy?" She knew me to well , I nodded as I opened the bottle of Vodka. "Maybe you should tell him how you feel and.." I interrupted her. "If I tell him the truth he might have a mental break down, so I'll just continue with this thing and I'll never know what love is". "Drama queen" I heard Yekaterina whispered as she went to the kitchen. Suddenly the door opened it was Natalia and a boy, Raivis to be precise. "Big brother! You came to visit." Natalia exclaimed as she came and greeted me with a warm hug. "Aren't you going to introduce me your little friend?" I asked looking at the Lithuanian with hatred. "G-good night Mr. Braginski, I'm Natalia's boyfr- I mean friend, I'm Raivis pleased to meet you, sir." He stretched out his hand but I refused to shake his hand and walked out of the door. "Ivan! Stop being so jealous and stubborn, Raivis is a -" shouted Yekaterina from the kitchen, I didn't hear what she said at the end because I've already closed the door.
As I walked down the street going back home, distracted I bumped into a small Asian man. "Oh sorry..Dr. Bragisnki?!" He then stretched out his hand and I shook it. "Hello Kiku, sorry for that." I apologized and he shook his head and behind him came a short man with a pony tail, red sweater and Asian appearance. "Oi Kiku let's go home". He shouted from a distance. "Hai! I'm sorry Dr. Brginsky I must be going, see you tomorrow." Kiku said as he immediately went back with that man. "I didn't knew Kiku had a boyfriend, a really cute boyfriend" I thought to myself as I head back home. "Alfred I'm back" I yelled at the empty house, he wasn't there, he must have gone to his brother's house. I lied down on the cold sofa as I start to think about Kiku. "Kiku Honda, nurse at the hospital I work, known for having weird fetishes and perverted hobbies, lives with his siblings and apparently has a very cute boyfriend". That's all I knew about Kiku, he seemed to be afraid of me so we don't talk much, just stuffs about work. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out of my pocket. A text from Antonio, what a surprise. "Hey Ivan, I'm organizing a party at my place this Friday, I hope you can come." I replied immediately "sure".
Without noticing I felt sleep on the coach and when I woke up I was on my bed beside Alfred. I checked my phone, 9:30 AM. "Shit I'm late for work" I said to myself as I got dressed and went out without saying goodbye.
It was a very busy Monday morning, I had 8 hours of clinic duty. I received some calls from Alfred asking how I was doing. "Dr. Braginski your clinic duty is over" announced Feliciano, the nurse whom I worked with. Suddenly Antonio burst into the room and Lovino was chasing him. "My nurse seems to be really into that nutritionist" commented Dr. Kirkland, the oncologist who appeared from no where. I just nodded in "Hai! I'm sorry Dr. Brginsky I must be going, see you tomorrow." Kiku said as he immediately went back with that man. "I didn't knew Kiku had a boyfriend, a really cute boyfriend" I thought to myself as I head back home. "Alfred I'm back" I yelled at the empty house, he wasn't there, he must have gone to his brother's house. I lied down on the cold sofa as I start to think about Kiku. "Kiku Honda, nurse at the hospital I work, known for having weird fetishes and perverted hobbies, lives with his siblings and apparently has a very cute boyfriend". That's all I knew about Kiku, he seemed to be afraid of me so we don't talk much, just stuffs about work. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out of my pocket. A text from Antonio, what a surprise. "Hey Ivan, I'm organizing a party at my place this Friday, I hope you can come." I replied immediately "sure".
Without noticing I felt sleep on the coach and when I woke up I was on my bed beside Alfred. I checked my phone, 9:30 AM. "Shit I'm late for work" I said to myself as I got dressed and went out without saying goodbye.
It was a very busy Monday morning, I had 8 hours of clinic duty. I received some calls from Alfred asking how I was doing. "Dr. Braginski your clinic duty is over" announced Feliciano, the nurse whom I worked with. Suddenly Antonio burst into the room and Lovino was chasing him. "My nurse seems to be really into that nutritionist" commented Dr. Kirkland, the oncologist who appeared from no where. I just nodded in agreement while the two love birds ran around in my office. "Look Arthur, we can be just like them if you would let me show you amour" whispered the French psychologist into Dr. Kirkland's ear. "Shut up you git" He complained while leaving the office. "Good bye everyone" I left as fast as I could, it's not that I don't like my co workers, it's just that I'm a bit anti social, and awkward I guess.
The next day at the hospital, things got a bit more exciting. I entered my office as usual but there was this Asian man sitting at my office. If I wasn't wrong, he was Kiku's companion the other day, his boyfriend. "Hey..I think this is not your office" I said looking at him with confusion, he was wearing the hospital's uniform. "I'm sorry but they told me this was my office, by the way I'm Dr. Wang the new pediatrician." He said in a haughty tone raising an eyebrow, as if challenging me. "Pardon me Dr. Wang but I am the pediatrician here" I insisted. Who is this guy? Why is Kiku's boyfriend trying to take my job? Am I going to be fired? Are we going to work together? Just when he was about to answer, Mr Bash Zwingli walked in.