Hey everybody! I'm back with another "based on an episode" story! I've been holding back on this one because it breaks my heart that this may be the last Pal story I write (though I admit that I still have the third part of my Valentine's Day story to write, that's beside the point). I also didn't want the series to end because I want to see Maddie go to New Orleans, I want to see Liv make it on Broadway, I want to see Joey go on tour, and more importantly, I want to see Parker and Val go to Bolivia and become official! I guess that's what fanfiction is for, anyways. I always have fanfiction to keep me occupied on what happens from there. It's amazing how other authors come up with such amazing ideas that I wouldn't have thought of.

I admit that I've been slacking off on this story because I've just been too busy. I am in my third week of my Junior year in college and things are so hectic, I'm not sure when I have time to write and publish my stories. I will try to write as much as I can, as well as write longer chapters, but I cannot make any guarentees.

I just want to say that I don't own anything. Everything that happens in this chapter comes straight from "End a Rooney" so all the dialogue and characters belong to John D Beck and Disney Channel. I'm just...putting that out there.

Chapter 1: The News

I can't believe that we won Mars Madness and are going to the Mars BioDome next week! I can't believe that I'll spend one whole school year with Parker by my side. I guess some dreams do come true.

I couldn't hold my excitement as I sprinted into the Chemistry Lab, where I knew Parker would be. Sure enough, he was. "Parker!" I yelled. "Did you hear the news?"

"That we're going to best looking couple in the BioDome?"

"Couple?" Did he really mean it? I mean, sure, he called us that in my dreams but in real life?

"Team! I mean team!" Parker averted eye contact and shouted in frustration at the 'mistake' he just said. "Uh. So, what's the news?" He crossed his arms. Oh yeah, I came into the lab to tell him something.

"We're going to the BioDome next week!"

"What? No, it's for the school year. We're not supposed to go until the end of the summer."

"No, that changed because they moved the BioDome from LA to the salt flats of Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia!" (Yes, that's how you spell it. I looked it up)

"Salar salt de fludi, what now?" He really didn't understand what I was saying. I gave out a huge sigh.

"We're being groomed to be astronauts for a future Mars mission. Read your emails, dude!" Parker jumped back a little and I felt a little guilty for scaring him. He looked down and looked worried. He dug one of his hands in his pocket while his other hand laid on a nearby table. "Are you okay?" I wanted to make sure he was okay. I didn't want my BioDome partner to not be okay.

"Never better, baby." He said all smooth then quickly caught himself. "I mean Val! I.. I don't know what I mean!" Then he ran out of the lab.

"Boys are weird." I guess he didn't notice the fact I was wearing a skirt. Boys can be so oblivious sometimes.

I've been dressing more girly now, but keeping my original style at the same time. Violet said that if I did dress more girly, I would impress Parker more but putting on a dress, heels, and make up seemed too much for me at once so we compromised with skirts. I've also been curling my hair a little bit to give it a little flair. I don't think Parker has noticed yet. I think all he thinks about is going to the Mars BioDome. Yeah, boys can be so oblivious sometimes.

So I'm just going to leave it right there for now. I'm still writing this story so I'm not sure how many chapters it will be. Until next time!