My first My Hero Academia story, and it's a really short drabble. Oh well, I hope you still enjoy it!

Bakugou Katsuki is not one to show affection easily. He tenses up when Deku hugs him out of nowhere, and hates how uncomfortably warm he gets whenever the stupid kid insists on curling up against him whenever they watch a movie. In private, he's more relaxed about these things. In public, the most that happens is him holding his idiot boyfriend's hand right alongside territorial glares toward anyone who looks at Deku just a little too long.

Midoriya Izuku is completely different. Not only does he shower Bakugou in a ridiculous amount of affection no matter where they are (the bastard is probably trying to embarrass him) he also dished out attention to everyone else. A hug of greeting every time he sees one of his close friends from class. Casually patting people on the back for their slightest achievements. And so on.

Bakugou wouldn't admit it to save his life, but when he sees Deku being so close with everyone so casually, it makes him jealous. Every time he sees it, he wishes he could steal all that closeness for himself-and then he stops himself. He's (very) slowly learned that's just who his idiot Deku is, and he's (begrudgingly) learned to accept that.

But there's also the fact that the touches he gets from Deku are special.

No one else gets to see how Bakugou caresses Deku's hands with a gentleness no one would ever expect him to have, especially around the scar. No one else gets to feel the soft kisses that fall upon his cheeks when he's least expecting it. No one else gets to play with Deku's stupid mop of curly hair. No one else gets to hold him while he snores obnoxiously because he fell asleep at yet another movie. Okay, maybe no one else has to do that last one.

Still, as Bakugou glances at Deku's happy face that comes alongside another surprise hug, and hears the unbelievably cheery "Kacchan!" he thinks, 'Yeah, I can live with this.'