This is it, this is the end! Sorry for the delay on these chapters! Some personal stuff came up and had to be dealt with. Thank you so much to the two guests that left lovely comments on this story. They really brought a smile to my face!

Wade didn't really believe in luck. That is to say, he didn't believe you could manipulate it to work in your favour. Either something happened or it didn't; luck was just a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. And so, Wade never really considered himself a particularly lucky person. But he didn't know how else to explain your presence in his life. He knew he didn't deserve you, that much was a given, but God help whatever force tried to take you out of his life. Still… you could do a lot better than him.

Wade was watching you with a thoughtful gaze, the two of you sitting on the small, cozy couch you housed in the apartment you shared- well, Wade was sitting, you were sprawled across it with your feet in his lap and your nose buried in a book.

Your eyes flick up to meet his with a flicker of impatience. "What is it?"

Wade isn't sure if he's really just not as subtle as he thinks he is or if you're just that aware of him. He hopes it's the second one.

"I was just thinking about where we should order out from tonight. I'm thinking Mexican!" He lies without missing a beat.

You scrutinize him shrewdly for a couple of seconds before you answer. "Okay, first of all, you're always feeling Mexican, and second, what's up?"

Sometimes Wade thinks you must have a sixth sense for picking up on when his thoughts start taking a turn for the sour. He doesn't respond.

"You're amazing." You say it as if it's a fact, eyes returning to your book briefly before humming softly and dog-earring your page. "Sometimes I can't believe I get to come home to you everyday," you continue. You toss the book gently onto the coffee table and Wade thinks about what a fucking wonder you are to somehow always know what he needs to hear.

He grins at you, fluttering his eyelashes flirtatiously. "You know, usually I kill people for making me feel feelings."

You respond with a frankly adorable snort- the kind where your nose crinkles cutely, and you give him a fond eye roll. "That might be vaguely intimidating if I didn't know about the secret Spider-Man scrapbook you keep under the bed."

Wade gasps theatrically, hand upon his chest in mock affront. "You knew?!" But actually. You knew?

"Yeah," you drawl. "It took me a real long time to pick up on your man-crush on the guy, what with your posters of him hanging over our bed." Your eyes are sparkling in absolute mirth as you lean back into the arm of the couch with your arms crossed and a cocky smile on your pretty little lips.

Okay, so maybe Wade really wasn't as subtle as he thought he was. "No need to be jealous, dear." He mutters into his hand as he tries to hide the smile you always seem to bring to his face.

"Hey, I don't blame you." You defend with your hands up in a sign of surrender. "He's pretty flexible, that Spider-Man." You say with a hint of a smirk.

Wade narrows his eyes at you. "Okay, now I'm getting jealous."

You push yourself out of the corner you'd wedged yourself into and drape your arms around Wade's shoulders, nuzzling your face into his neck with a sigh that sang of bliss. "Don't worry, you're the only one I'm interested in."

His arms come up around your waist to hold you in place, feeling utterly content. No, Wade didn't particularly believe in luck, but Goddamn, did he believe in this.

"'Course I wouldn't say no to a threesome."
