there are mentions of pornography in this chapter. and the f bomb is dropped several times.
"Alright, which one of you fuckers ate the marshmallows out of the cereal?" Sam asked as he poured a bowl of Lucky Charms.
Everyone looked at Clint.
"It definitely wasn't me, if that's what you mean," Clint replied, avoiding Sam's glare.
Peter yawned as he took a seat at the table. He was not a morning person like the rest of the team was. Everyone was already seated round the table eating.
"Hey, can we keep the language to a minimum in front the kid," Tony requested as he set a bowl of oatmeal in front of Peter.
"Thanks," Peter mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
Tony grinned at the boy's wild hair. He hadn't even combed it before coming down to the kitchen.
"Late night?" Steve said in amusement as he finished off his orange juice.
"What?" Peter said, obviously a bit slow in the morning. "Oh, there was a Firefly marathon."
Steve turned to Natasha and mouthed, "Firefly?"
Tony answered for her, "Sci-fi western show with Nathan Fillion. Cancelled way too early, if you ask me."
"That show had like 10 episodes." Sam made a face.
" 13 ," Tony corrected. "And a movie."
"How shitty was this show?" Clint asked, around a mouthful of cereal.
Tony's eyes flickered over to Peter but the kid looked too tired to be picking up on the language.
"You're one to talk about shitty shows. I would appreciate if you would not fill up the DVR with episodes of The Bachelor ." Sam flicked a piece of cereal at Clint.
"Hey, bird brains, next one to curse eats a bar of soap," Tony warned.
Steve chuckled. "And you mocked me ."
"S'okay, Mr. Stark. I hear way worse in the school hallways." Peter rubbed his eyes, finally looking like he was waking up.
Instead of letting the conversation drop, Clint asked "What's the worst word you've heard in the hall?"
Tony covered Peter's mouth with his hand. "Okay, we will not be discussing this."
Later on, just before breakfast ended, Peter leaned over and whispered in Clint's ear. He spilt the milk in mouth across the table all over Sam.
After that morning, things changed in the Avengers compund. Whenever Peter was visiting, Clint and Sam treated him like 'one of the guys'. They let him stay up watching R rated movies and no longer censored their mouths.
This also included, bringing Peter in on their prank war. Which pretty much summed up the maturity of the two of them.
Sam liked the well thought out pranks while Clint was more than happy with sticking a "Kick me" sign on Sam's back.
After spending day after day listening to Clint screaming, "I got you, fucknuts!" from somewhere in the vents, cursing in front of the kid didn't phase Tony as much anymore.
He didn't go near Clint's level (which was add the word "fuck" to another word, bonus points if the other word was a curse word as well), but he didn't see the harm in letting a "shit" or "asshole" slip.
Peter, to his credit, watched his language almost as well as Steve did. The only time Tony ever heard him drop the f-bomb was during a mission and he let that slide since he was dodging aliens that could vaporize him with one shot from their gun.
So, really, Peter was the most mature out of the three of them during the prank war (Tony eventually joined in when Peter asked for some tips).
Unfortunately, prank war was put to an end because of poor planning on Tony's part. He didn't know Peter had a three day weekend and was coming upstate a day early. He just knew Clint had dibbed the television that night.
Tony had completely forgotten about his prank until that night at dinner. Everyone except for Natasha was sitting around the table.
He knew something was wrong with Peter the moment he sat down. He looked a little pale and he was refusing to meet anyone's eyes. When Clint slapped him on the back as he sat down next to him, he let out a small squeak.
Tony eyed him as he took a seat next to him on the other side. He would talk to him in private later.
Steve seemed to notice something off about him too. "You feeling okay, Peter? I can always wrap yours up and you can reheat it later."
Ever since they all got back together upstate, Steve insisted on cooking the meals. Not that Tony complained because man could that guy cook.
"I-I, fine, no n-need, C-Cap," Peter stuttered out.
Tony hadn't heard him this bad since he first met him, months ago. "Kid, are you coming down with a fever." He placed the back of his hand on Peter's forehead before turning to address no one in particular of the group. "Can mutant spider kids get fevers?"
Natasha saved Peter from having to answer when she walked in. "Not that I'm complaining, but why are Steve, Clint, and Thor doing it on my television?"
Tony choked on his food. Oh shit. He totally forgot about his revenge prank on Clint. "I can explain."
"Please do." Natasha smiled, looking interested.
"It is a...prank?" He wasn't sure how else he could explain why Natasha found the porn on the television. Tony knew Clint was hogging the TV after dinner and so he found an interesting porn with three men cosplaying as Thor, Cap and Hawkeye.
"You fucking dick," Clint said but he was laughing. "You knew I have the TV tonight. Man, if Tasha hadn't ruined it, then you would have gotten me good ."
Tony laughed.
"But I may just go and watch it anyway because me and Thor and Cap ? I'm one lucky sonuva bitch." He turned to Natasha. "Scale of 1 to 10, how hot is it? What was going on? Was it Cap he definitely was the surprise bottom."
Tony looked over to where Steve was standing with a face redder than a fire truck. He couldn't even get any words out.
"Oh, don't look so surprised, Cap," Tony teased. "If it makes your feel any better, you were totally enjoying it." Tony winked and Steve covered his face.
"Who was topping?" Clint asked Natasha, loving the embarrassment it brought to their leader, more than the porn itself.
She casually repsonded, "Depends. You guys took turns."
Steve fell into the nearest chair, groaning. Tony smiled when he could still how red his ears were even though his face was hidden.
"I'm never leaving my room again," he muttered.
"Hey, with me in there, Cap, you never need to."
Without picking his head up, Steve chucked a fork at Clint. Clint easily ducked it, cackling the entire time.
Tony smiled, looking around the table. It felt like old times before the Accords. Tony missed this. Everybody smiling and laughing...except for Peter.
Peter looked even worse than before this conversation started. His face looked just as red as Steve's…
"Peter, did you watch the TV?"
Everybody quieted down and looked over at the 15 year old boy, trying his best to close in on himself. "T-there was supposed be a special on the Discovery Channel…"
"Oh, my God, you showed a minor porn."
"I-I'm sorry, M-Mr. Stark! I didn't know." Peter sounded panicked.
Tony rubbed his shoulder, laughing slightly, "It's okay, Pete. It wasn't your fault."
"It's not okay , Tony. No wonder the kid can't look me in the eye." Steve finally lifted his head off the table.
"It'll be okay." Tony waved him off. "We'll all forget about this soon."
"I promise you, I never forget that for as long as I live'" Peter deadpanned.
Clint could barely breathe because he was laughing so hard.
"That's it. You're done. The next person to pull a prank is Hawkeye's target for training next week."
Clint raised his hand and said, "Question, Cap. How am I supposed to be my own target? Because I've already got this awesome prank planned and I don't want it to go to waste."
"You'll have to get creative."
Steve glared at Sam.
Okay, so maybe Tony had been careless. Hacking all of the televisions in the compound to play pretty intense porn between what looked to be three of their teammates while a 15 year old kid was living there hadn't been his best idea.
"Hey, kid, do me a favor and don't tell your Aunt May."
Peter covered his face.
Tony felt a little guilty when he saw how horrified Peter still looked. So he offered, necause it was the least he could do. "I'll pay for all the therapy."