The autumn breeze swiftly settles over the country of Japan. Schools prepare to welcome back their student bodies as said student bodies lament the very idea of returning. Regret settles in with some, upset with any missed opportunities that may have popped up on their path back to their normal schedules; others are satisfied with what they've accomplished over the summer break, barely even noticing the shift from a worry-free lifestyle to a strict and scheduled everyday life. Yes, some are happy and some are not.
But there's a select few whose entire situation differs from the rest.
Ryuji Sakamoto checks his phone as he felt a harsh vibration buzz. He felt unsure about returning the school after all the events that had transpired over the past almost nine months: the Phantom Thieves disbanding, their fearless leader being put into juvie, only to be subsequently released not but a few months later, and finally Akira's moving back to his hometown. When the group took him, along with Morgana, back and left, there felt like a void was left behind. Ann, Haru, and Futaba did their best to keep themselves composed, letting a few tears slip through the cracks. Yusuke, usually always so elegant and graceful, felt disgusted about the whole ordeal, failing to find words of artistry that would befit the setting. Makoto, the entirety of the drive home, just tightly gripped the steering wheel, consciously checking to make sure her knuckles weren't changing colors from how much stress she was putting on them. And as for Ryuji, what could he say? He was not only losing his leader, one of the best people he ever had the pleasure of knowing, but his best friend too. Sure, they could all still keep in touch with each other, but it just wouldn't be the same as being able to physically hang out with the group. He wouldn't be able to jostle Akira like he normally could, or argue with Morgana, and he couldn't even mess around with some of the others as much due to going to different schools.
I dunno, Ryuji thought as he swiped the screen on his phone to pull up his texts. We'll just have to see, huh? Ugh, what the hell am I worryin' about? Everything's gonna be alright.
To his surprise, the message was from their former leader to the whole group. He cracked a smile as he opened it up to read it.
Akira: Hey guys! Today most of you go back from the summer break right?
Ann: Yeah…
Ryuji: Mhm
Futaba: Yep.
Akira, who was also on his way back to school in his hometown, put on a frown as he read his friends' messages. He knew that this situation had taken its toll on them and he couldn't really fault them, but it had also been months since he had actually moved away. Sure he didn't have time to visit them over the summer break and perhaps that was a mistake on his part for not being to allocate any time for his friends. Akira just sighed heavily before going back to trying to cheer up his friends.
Akira: Hey, I know I haven't seen you guys in a while, but you've done fine without me so far! Why are you all just so gloomy now?
He waited impatiently as dots filled out of the bottom of his screen, wanting to see who the first responder would be. Although, when he received the next message, it wasn't from who he was really expecting.
Makoto: I can't really blame them Akira. And frankly, when you bring up how long it has been since we've last seen you, it just rubs salt in the wounds.
Yusuke: It has been a criminal amount of time since we've all seen each other, I must admit.
Haru: I agree! This just doesn't feel right and Makoto and I aren't even students of Shujin anymore!
Ryuji: We're not blaming ya man, it's just an awkward spot for us, y'know?
Akira sighed heavily. He completely understood as he missed them every single passing moment of every single day. Akira couldn't forget all the time he spent with them whether it was going to an art gallery with Yusuke, helping Ann become a better model, or just hanging out with Ryuji at his favorite ramen shop. Everybody's interests differed so greatly and because of that, Akira could only thank them as it helped him grow with them not only as friends, but as a human being. He scratched his head, trying to think of what to say next.
Akira: I'm not saying you guys don't have a reason to be upset or depressed. I don't want to have us just "move on" from each other like this Phantom Thief stuff wasn't ever a thing. But we all also have responsibilities that we have to carry out. So do me a favor and I'll promise you all this as well, and don't try to run away from them or be sad about them. Don't lose your heads over this and just try sticking through it all to the end. I swear I'll visit you guys sometime, I just have to find the time for it.
There were several agonizing seconds of waiting as Akira slowly approached the front steps of his school. He stopped just outside, letting everyone have a moment to finish up whatever thoughts that they had and possibly sending one last message before he had to go in.
Futaba: You better keep your promise!
Yusuke: I wholeheartedly agree.
Haru: I hope school will go well for all of you!
Makoto: Don't slip up on any of your studies. I may not be there to help all of you but I'll certainly be keeping tabs.
Ryuji: Yeesh, this chick…
Makoto: I see Sakamoto still doesn't understand the presence a Queen holds over her subjects.
Ann: Ryuji!
Futaba: He still lacks tact.
Ryuji: What'd I do?
Akira smirked and let out a small hearty chuckle. He replied a simple farewell and slipped his phone back into his pocket as he entered into the school, a heavy weight starting to lift itself off his shoulders.
Ryuji, unaware of the wrath that he may've just unleashed upon himself, let out a breath of air and put his phone in his Shujin uniform's ugly pants pocket. He already dreaded coming back to this place and the last thing he needed was a girl like Makoto breathing down his neck. But he accepted the matter as whatever happens, happens and went along his business.
The faux-blonde boy exited the subway, leading him out onto the concrete where he'd have to walk the rest of the way to his own little personal slice of hell.
Damn, he thinks to himself as he reaches the halfway point between the station and the school. This brings back some memories every single time I walk past this damned spot. Ryuji's corners of his mouth curve upwards slightly as he reminisces of the time when he had first met his best friend, Akira.
"Y'know," Ryuji began through mouthfuls of rice. "Akira can talk all he wants, but I'm sure he misses the hell outta us right now." The group of three Shujin students had decided to spend their mid-day break together, gathering at a table to sit down. Ryuji took this as an opportunity to open up a bento box that his mother had taken the time to pack him.
"Wow, tell me more Holmes." Futaba didn't even bother looking up from her phone.
Ryuji cocked an eyebrow. "Who the fuck's that?" Futaba rolled her eyes and looked over to her other blonde friend, giving her a look that screamed you take care of this.
Ann shifted her legs, "It isn't like he was going to tell us if he was in the same rut as us anyways." She rested her head on her palm. "I wish we could do more for him."
"Ugh, this is such bullshit." Ryuji stood up from the table in a sudden fit of anger, going over to throw away a few things in the trash can.
Futaba closed her eyes and sighed heavily. As Ryuji was approaching the table to sit back down, she decided to add to the conversation what little she cared to. "Maybe, instead of being a bunch of clucking chickens, you nerds look intoooooo," The small redhead started spinning her wrists, trying to get her train of thought straightened out. With a snap of her fingers, she pointed at Ryuji as it hit her. "plans for a trip to see him!"
Ryuji, admittedly excited at first, dropped his head. "Uggggggh, Futaba…"
"What?" The girl asked pensively.
"I know you think we're not exactly up there with you with the whole IQ thing, but you're actin' like we never even thought of that before." Ryuji scratched the back of his head in some fit of frustration.
Futaba looked at the ground and clenched her teeth. "Well, can ya really blame me…"
"Trust me, we've been trying to think of something that would work for all of us." Ann followed up, ignoring that snide remark. "But trying to find something that'll work out for all of us is harder than you'd think. Now that Makoto and Haru are busy with college, we can't really do things as freely as we used to. And who knows what Yusuke's doing." Ann shrugged.
The trio let out a collective sigh. They all wanted to be able to hang out with their friends as one whole group again, but time constraints made that almost impossible. The former thieves of hearts, without their leader, were unsure about their next move.
"Well," Futaba began. "We might have to accept that we're only really going to be able to meet together as a group once or twice a year."
"Yeah, looks like it." Ryuji stated. "This growin' up shit sucks."
"We were going to have to face it eventually. We're not exactly kids anymore. This is going to be our last year of high school." Ann grimaced.
Ryuji smirked. "Hey, don't look sad. You always lo-"
"Yeah, look ugly when I'm sad. I get it Ryuji." Ann rolled her eyes. "You know, you don't have to be a dick about it."
"What? I'm just jokin'. Trying to lighten up the mood, y'know?"
"Making me feel crappy about my looks lightens up the mood? You know my job revolves around this, right?" Ann made a circling motion around her face.
"Ann, I wasn't trying to go and start anything. Just calm down, it was a joke." Ryuji held up his hands apprehensively.
"Maybe think of how I feel for once, Ryuji. Have you ever thought about how much I hate dealing with your shit?" Ann asked sternly.
Ryuji's face turned downwards into a scowl. "What the hell? Don't give me that crap. For the past year and a half I had to deal with you and that stupid cat giving me hell about how dumb I am!"
"That's different!"
"How the fuck is that different?! Because I don't make money off me being an idiot that makes it okay to give me shit about it all the time?!"
"Ryuji, that's not what I meant! Futaba knows what I mean! Right Futaba?" Ann turned to their redhead friend.
But when the two bickering students turned to where their other friend was sitting, they found nothing but an empty seat.
Ryuji frowned. "Where did she-"
As if on cue, both of the blondes' phones vibrated violently in their pockets. When they went to check them, they found a message from their friend.
Futaba: Yeah, let me know when mommy and daddy are done fighting. I had to get back to class anyways so…have fun with that you two. :3
The two blondes, now finding themselves a few shades redder than they were before, groaned collectively. Ryuji leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling, while Ann closed her eyes and rested her head on her palm, crossing her legs to have a comfortable spot to place her elbow on. It wasn't Futaba that bothered them so much as the way that she had worded it.
"She really had to put it like that, didn't she?" The former track star broke the silence.
"I know, right?" Ann opened one eye to get a glance at the boy across from her, catching him now looking directly at her. Then a thought hit the girl and both her eyes went wide with a rather loud gasp.
"What?!" Ryuji exclaimed, worried for his friend.
"Do you suppose she found out about the time we talked about…y'know, stuff?" Ann tried to hint as subtly as possible.
"Huh?" Ryuji donned a questionable look on his face at first before realizing what she was talking about. Then his face followed hers: eyes wide as possible. "Oh…shit."
Ann shook her head viciously. "No no no, it doesn't matter anyways, does it?! We decided that we just wanted to stay friends!"
"I mean, yeah." Ryuji tugged on his shirt a bit. "But the fact that she may or may not have stuff to hold against us scares the shit outta me."
"Ugh, we should've been more careful talking about it." Ann stated bluntly.
The two let out another collective groan. They should've known the little geek still had the works set up around the coffee shop.
It was just a normal evening in LeBlanc, a month (give or take) after Akira had left. Ann had just finished up her iced coffee that Sojiro insisted was on the house, and Ryuji his curry that the same owner charged full price for. Sojiro, with it being the end of the night, was about to go out and lock up when he still spotted the two sitting there, talking their hearts out. The older gentleman had made his way over to their table and told them that he'd give them ten minutes to wrap things up before moseying on back over to the dishes at his own leisurely pace. The two blondes traded frowns before Ann decided to ask Ryuji a question that could have ultimately altered their friendship forever.
"So," she began, twirling her hair in her fingers nervously. "Have you ever thought about…us?"
Ryuji cocked an eyebrow. "Whaddya mean?"
"You know what I mean, Ryuji."
Ryuji sighed and looked down at the floor. "Well I guess I shoulda seen this coming."
Ann leaned back in her booth. "This isn't really a confession. It's just…well, there's obviously something there between us. I just want to know if it's something that you think that we should pursue."
Ryuji raised his head up and looked her in the eyes. "Yeah, I guess we oughtta." The boy paused for a few seconds, thinking his next words over carefully. "I agree with ya Ann. I think there is something between us but, it's just-"
"You don't want to fuck anything up?" She finished for the boy with a smirk.
"I'm not gonna lie, I like the way things are between us now. I really don't wanna fuck up our friendship even if it means givin' up a hottie like you to someone else." Ryuji's eyes went wide as it just occurred to him what he said. "I mean, that is to say-"
"I get what you mean Ryuji, it's alright." Ann continued putting on her devilish smirk. "And honestly, while there is definitely something there, I think I agree with you for once."
Ryuji nearly fell out of his seat. "I'm sorry, but can you say that again?"
"Don't be an ass."
"Sorry, couldn't resist." Ryuji scratched his nose while he put on a smile. After he resumed his normal sitting position, he started again. "So I guess this means that we're just stayin' the same way we were before, huh? Just friends?"
Ann looked down at the floor for a brief moment, pondering over the situation. Then she returned the smile as she looked back at her friend. "Yep! Guess so!"
Ryuji let out a sigh of relief before diving right back into the conversation. "Y'know this is gonna be kinda weird, right? Now that all this junk is out there in the open?"
Ann shrugged. "It needed to be said. I think it was a smart decision to talk about it before we did anything really stupid."
"Very adult of us." Ryuji added with a nod, Ann mirroring him in agreement with a slight giggle. "Gotta wonder how this'll affect us later on in our lives though."
Ann found her head resting off-center with a quizzical look on her face. "What do you mean?"
"Well, what if turns out that this was a huge missed opportunity for us? I don't believe in all that 'destined to be together' crap, but you gotta wonder if, like, we're letting go of something amazing by agreeing on this."
"Ryuji, you can't just change your mind after all that." Ann stated, slightly annoyed with her compatriot.
"I know…" Ryuji let his head sink again, looking at the same spot on the floor.
Ann breathed in and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. This was a difficult situation that they found themselves in, so she didn't want to screw anything up. As she opened her eyes, she began to speak again. "Look, you can't hold onto this stuff forever Ryuji. Don't look as this as an opportunity that you missed rather than…" The girl paused, thinking over her words again. "Something that we both agreed wouldn't be a good idea. It's not that you didn't want to miss out on an opportunity, but that you wanted to preserve something good that you already had."
Ryuji returned to looking at the girl, now with an expression of awe. His eyebrows narrowed just a tad as he spoke again. "Where the fuck did that come from Ann?"
"Hey, I can speak from the heart when it really matters! That was all me!" Okay, maybe I was channeling my inner Akira a little bit.
"My ass…" Ryuji trailed off under his breath. "Anyways, I guess that makes sense. I just don't want to be making any more mistakes."
Ann sighed. "Ryuji, everyone makes mistakes. You're not going to be perfect the rest of your life."
"I should damn well try to be after how much I've screwed up." Ryuji growled. "Now, I want to make sure on this Ann: you aren't really going to regret this if we move on?"
The pig-tailed girl was unexpectedly hesitant at first before she made her final decision. "Of course I'm always going to be thinking about the 'what ifs' of my life. And even if I do regret it when we're older and it might be too late, I still believe that this is the right choice for us. We're too good as friends, Ryuji. You're the one who said that at the start of all this. And if there's one person whose gut I can trust, it's yours." Ann finished the statement with that devilish smirk she wore so well.
Ryuji closed his eyes, thinking over his blonde friend's words, before matching the smirk and chuckling to himself a little bit. "That was 'all you' too, huh? Never thought I'd be listening to you for a voice of reason."
"Between the two of us?" Ann questioned.
"Eh, fair, I guess." Ryuji shrugged, following up with a yawn.
"And Ryuji."
The boy furrowed his brows as he finished up his yawn. "What?"
"Don't try to be perfect. We both know it isn't your style." Ann beamed at him, to which Ryuji responded with a tongue sticking out at the girl.
Sojiro, now finished with the dishes, made his way back over to the group. "Alright you kids, c'mon. I'm getting pretty tired here."
The duo got out of their seats with a couple of smiles. Ryuji spoke up first, saying "Aight! Thanks for the grub boss!"
"Thanks for the coffee boss! It was so refreshing!"
Sojiro cracked a small smile. "Alright, enough with the brown-nosing. You kids need to go home anyways." He led them both towards the door, holding it while the two stroke up another argument to have on their way back to the train station. All the owner could do was roll his eyes and flip the sign to closed.
Thank whatever gods there may be, freedom! Ryuji thought to himself as he stepped out of the school. The first day back had finally concluded and, much to Ryuji's delight, that meant he could do whatever he wanted for the rest of the evening. He could go to the arcade, go get some of his favorite ramen from Ogikubo, go to the gym…
What the hell, the boy resumed his thoughts, although more annoyed. Why doesn't any of that even sound remotely…good? The slim boy kept thinking it over and over in his mind. Normally he would be more than happy being able to do this stuff after school. Hell, he used to do that stuff all the time back when Akira was-
And then it hit him. Ryuji just missed his best friend, plain and simple as that. Much to his chagrin, the boy realized that he wanted someone to spend time with; that these acts of freedom and pleasure just weren't the same unless he had someone by his side that he could share the experiences with.
"Well," Ryuji began talking to himself, pulling his phone out. "Here goes nothin', I guess." He unlocked the device with a swipe of his thumb, quickly pulling up his messaging app and pressing his thumb to the group chat that, as much as it pained him, excluded Akira.
Ryuji: So does anyone wanna hang out with me tonight? I ain't got any good plans so I'm free to do whatever.
The boy leaned up against a wall, waiting impatiently for the little dots at the bottom of his screen to turn into actual words. He stared at the screen for a good minute before he got a reply.
Yusuke: I'm afraid that I must decline. There is a colleague's exhibit that I was asked to attend and perhaps critique some of their work.
Ann: You know I had a job after school today.
Ryuji: You didn't have to respond. I already knew…
Haru: I'm attending a meeting regarding a possible merger between Okumura Foods and a smaller organization.
Ann: Isn't that a buyout?
Haru: Hush.
Ann: Yeesh. You ask one question…
Futaba: Busy.
Ryuji: Hacker stuff?
Futaba: Snitches get stiches, Ryuji.
Yusuke: Why I would say that, if anything, stiches would just add to Ryuji's intimidating demeanor. It would make him look like a much harder individual that could pave the way to my next breakthrough!
Futaba: Inari?
Yusuke: Hm?
Futaba: You're lucky you have your looks.
Ryuji: Hold up, so you're all busy?!
Ann: Well, Makoto hasn't texted back yet.
Ryuji: Like hell she'd want to hang out with me anyways.
Makoto: That's awfully presumptuous of you Ryuji.
Ryuji: Oh, hi Makoto.
Makoto: And, if you want me to spend time with you, I do indeed have the time.
Ryuji was taken aback by the last response. He quickly swiped through his contact to find Makoto's name and started up a new private conversation with her.
Ryuji: Wait, really?
Makoto: Indeed. You just have to agree with me to do one thing.
Ryuji: Can't ever be simple with you, huh?
Makoto: All I want to do is study for an hour at the diner in Shibuya that we all used to frequent. You remember, yes?
Ryuji: Yeah, I remember it. Ugh, studying ain't really what I had in mind if I'm being honest with ya.
Makoto: It's just for an hour, Ryuji. I'm not even asking you to study things yourself. Just help me study my subjects and I'll be fine with that.
Ryuji: We talking stuff like flash cards, ask you questions…that kind of stuff?
Makoto: Precisely.
Ryuji mulled over the proposition for a moment in his head. He had never really hung out with Makoto solo before, so the experience would be a bit new and different. And he would be damned if he was going to let anymore experiences get past him.
Ryuji: Sure thing Senpai. I'll help ya out.
Makoto: Oh please Ryuji, you never bothered to use honorifics before. Don't start now.
Ryuji: Right, sorry. So I'll see you at the diner, I guess?
Makoto: I suppose you will. Whoever makes it there first will text the other that they've arrived, agreed?
Ryuji: Alright, got it. I'll see ya there then!
The blonde boy was about to put his phone back in his pocket when he felt another vibration come from it. He looked at his messages to find that Futaba and Yusuke had begun one of their typical bickering sessions in the group chat with Haru doing her best to act as a mediator.
Good luck with that, Ryuji thought with a smirk as he dropped his phone in his pocket.