The Tide
Chapter One: On the Beach of Altissia
"The King will see you shortly."
The attendant left her with Gentiana in the King's study, as he had been directed to.
Her thin fingers fumbled nervously with the fabric of her dress. It was a nervous habit she had picked up years before.
Her dark hair attendant squeezed her shoulder lightly and Lunafreya nodded at the gesture, as if acknowledging Gentiana's unspoken command to relax. Gentiana had been in her household for years, and the two had a sort of nonverbal language among one another before she had even met Noctis.
She rose from the chair and walked to the window. The sun was setting over the city.
Months had passed since she washed up upon the shore of a fallen Altissia, barely crawling out of the ocean while expelling seawater from her lungs. Gentiana had stood over her with blankets in hand. Her eyes and lungs had burned with salt, copious tears pouring outward in an attempt the flush out the sting as she pulled herself on her elbows upon the beach where Gentiana had waited throughout the night. Her white gown had deteriorated to the state of being wet rags that clung to her body, leaving her mostly naked. Her hair was plastered to her head in a pile of salt and grime, temporarily discoloring her usual pale blonde color.
Disoriented from her abrupt awakening, she screamed in between her body's furious ejection of seawater from her chest and stomach. The pain of if all was incredible. Her ears were ringing so much that every sound from a calling seagull and crash of waves was unbearable.
Later, as Gentiana held her gently in the blanket, she regained the ability to speak, her face streaked with streams of salt both from the water and from her tears. Her lips were cracked and shriveled, and her Her voice was no more than a croak.
"Is it done?"
"You must've made quite the impression on the Sea-Mother," The raven haired woman told her soothingly as she rocked the Oracle gently. "She was the one who preserved and guarded you, much to our surprise."
Lunafreya tucked a stray tendril of blonde hair from her loose braid behind her ear, she had been on the road for months since being reawakened, visiting the survivors of the darkness who welcomed her with open arms. She'd heard so many different versions of how the night had been ended, some intriguing and some she was sure were far from accurate, but they had all revolved around the King of Light. It didn't take Umbra long to return to her on the road, notebook in hand.
She heard the sound of glasses being arranged and wine being poured from a decanter behind her and turned to protest as Gentiana offered her a glass.
"Gentiana, I-"
Her attendant's lips curled in a sly smile. "I'm sure the King won't mind if we partake of his personal vintage. He's the one making you wait, after all." Her voice was as melodious as ever.
Luna chuckled back and accepted.
"There you go, it'll help you relax."
Gentiana nodded in approval as the former Tenebrean Princess took a sip.
"I'll take my leave then." She cross the room and turned the large brass handle of the great oak door that had granted them access to the room.
"You're not partaking with me?" Lunafreya questioned.
Gentiana looked over her shoulder and shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Lady Lunafreya. You two have much to catch up on." She watched the Oracle's brow furrow slightly as she looked down at the floor, as if pondering what she could say to Noctis after all this time. "And also, I'd like to ensure the preparation of the room you'll be staying in tonight."
Her eyes strayed to Lunafreya's travel dress. It was just a simple sleeveless sundress, but it had been worn in and made dusty from their travels. "And I should find you some more presentable clothes, if you are to be seen working along side the King of Light from now on."
Lunafreya watched silently as her attendant departed and left her alone in the room, dimly light from the setting sun and a lamp that sat on the cart where Gentiana had poured the wine. She was alone now, for the first time since before her death. She used to travel on her own for months after parting ways with Libertus outside of Insomnia.
The twilight had set in now. It was eerie as the last time she had seen the city this way seemed like a lifetime ago.
The only noise in the room was the ticking of the grandfather clock behind the King's desk. Lunafreya sipped at the wine and walked behind it. It was safe to say it didn't appear to be used much likely since Regis had passed and Insomnia had fallen, as Noctis likely wasn't the type to spend much time in a room like this even if he had the time, with all of the rebuilding and reorganizing that was taking place.
In fact, she would go as far to say that other than the citadel staff who came periodically to dust and vacuum, the last person to occupy this study with a purpose was Regis.
Two framed photographs sat on the desk and Lunefreya picked one up carefully, instantly recognizing the dark haired boy in the photo. He was clearly younger than he had been when he went to Tenebrae, with his rounded cheeks and slightly chubby limbs being the most telltale signs, although his eyes were just the same. He was in full a full black toddler ensemble, almond shaped light blue eyes shining brightly, practically squinting from laughter as he beamed at the camera holder, arms outstretched as he tossed leaves upward in what appeared to be a garden. She smiled. It was probably one of the few times he was allowed to be a child.
She picked up the second photograph, her eyes narrowing as she tried to recognize the two people in it. A handsome dark haired man in black clasped a hand with a slender woman in a black gown on a dance floor, his other one rest on her waist. The two where smiling at one another, noses touching. After a moment, she recognized the shoulder insignia of King's formal attire- it was a young Regis!
Her thumb grazed over the man in the photo fondly. Her eyes strayed to the woman and she instantly recognized the same blue eyes as Noctis. How did she not know right away? She had to be Aulea, the dark haired beauty that captivated the heart of the King long after her death, and Noctis's mother.
Lunafreya set the pictures down and leaned back against the desk, setting down the wineglass so as to not overdo her intake, since it had been over a decade since her last drink. She absentmindedly twisted her braid as she continued to wait.
Gentiana was right, they had much to discuss. But was she ready? They had a blissful several months together as children, before exchanging nothing but mail correspondence throughout their adolescence. When she was notified of their engagement she was weary of being a political pawn of the empire, but was also selfishly elated to be with him again. But because that meant being a link for the Imperial government with the royal line of Lucis, whatever joy she felt over the arrangement was always subtly overshadowed by her impending responsibilities of being the Oracle and her role in Noctis's destiny.
She had always known she would pass, however she didn't presume to would happen so quickly after being reunited with him, nor as cruel and heartbreaking as the sensation of blood leaving her body so rapidly as his eyes fixed on her, undoubtably helpless.
Until Leviathan changed everything.
Unknown to the both of them, the goddess had collected her body and maintained it in a state of suspension, for a time when the light was restored and the rightful King with it.
Her mind strayed back to the beach on Altissia. The night after her return Gentiana assisted her to a small inn that had only recently become reoccupied since the Fall.
A plump elderly woman rushed out to help Gentiana, and the three of them went up the stairs, stripped the slimy remnants of her illfated gown from her and lowered her into a tub of fresh water, rinsing the salt from her body and urging her to drink.
Gentiana scrubbed her hair with sweet vanilla scented shampoo, which Lunafreya was greatful for because the smell of the sea clinging to her nostrils was making her feel sick. The days that follwed were hazy in her memory.
Her breath got caught in her throat suddenly at the recollection of the beach. Months had passed, and Noctis was informed of her return, but his duties required him to remain in Insomnia, just as hers had required her to take several detours on the way back to him.
The door opened swiftly without so much as a knock or warning- as if the opener was desperate to get to the other side.
Lunafreya jumped at the sudden noise, eyes wide as she froze.
She'd never seen the man in the doorway before. He was tall, dressed handsomely in a black suit. Black hair with streaks of grey was pushed behind his ears and his face was only roughly shaven. But she was clearly a familiar sight to him.
And she had seen those eyes before. The eyes of the gentle boy in a wheelchair were on this older man now, dulled slightly from age and lined with new creases.
A/N: Like many, I was very disappointed at the lack of Noctis/Luna interaction in the game when there was so much potential! This will likely be a 3-4 part piece, with the next chapter from Noctis's point of view. Thanks for reading!