Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Prologue: The Great Revelation

"...and all members of the figure skating team have since recovered from food poisoning," reporter Sharon Epstein droned on, as her producer ran into the room, waving around paper and motioning for her to read from the teleprompter.

For the first time in 20 years, Sharon Epstein found herself staring in shock at the teleprompter. There was silence on-the-air for a least a minute before she heard someone say, "Is this for real?"

It took her a moment to realize that it was her own voice, before snapping out of her daze and with a dry mouth she began to read aloud as footage from a news conference earlier that day played on a continuous loop.

"This just in, we have breaking news coverage of the existence of werewolves, who call themselves wolfbloods. Just an hour earlier, five of these self-proclaimed wolfbloods came out to the world at a news conference in London, transforming themselves from wolves into humans. Already there is a mixed public outcry asking if they are dangerous, is this is just merely a hoax or government conspiracy, and if these events true: are we safe? Already there is a group organizing to demand that a census of these alleged wolfbloods be made and for all wolfbloods to come forward and be known. Many of the public want to institute nationwide testing to find out who these wolfbloods are and to make a public registry. More information to follow on this breaking story after the break."


In the months that followed since the event, which would be known as the "revelation" wolfbloods around the world found themselves to be the targets of media attention, medical and government curiosity and targets of anti-wolfblood hate groups.

For the first time in centuries, wolfbloods of each nation convened together in a council to put to a vote what would be their next step. Many wolfbloods decided to retreat back into the wild to wait out and avoid the inevitable human confrontations. Other wolfbloods decided to create their own organizations to protect themselves against the humans physically and legally.

The council of the wolfbloods of Northumbria was held on a summer evening in early September. This area had long been the ancestral home of wild and tame wolfbloods alike, but not since the days of the Norman invasions had such a council been held. Over 50 representatives were there representing their various clans and packs. The tension was high and snarls and muttered curses were part of the ambient sound. While no one dared to come in wolf form, for fear of being discovered, many of the participants had the telltale black veins and flashing yellow eyes visible.

"If you would all be settled, I believe it is time to begin," spoke a male elder, who looked as if he once was an investment broker, but now couldn't remember how to button his sweater properly anymore.

"No sense in waiting for those who are not brave enough to show their faces," gripped Alric, a wild wolfblood alpha.

"I don't think it's fair to judge anyone for not being here. These are a dangerous time, Alric," said the elder.

"I'll judge anyone I please for being too cowardly to come and protect our ancient blood-right, Lugos," Alric stepping forward as he spoke, towering over the elder Lugos. Lugos did not back down, but let yellow bleed slowly into his eyes.

"I think the larger matter at hand is will we join those of our kind who have stepped forward to reveal themselves as wolfblood or will we remain hidden?" said Lorelei, a middle-aged librarian. Alric sneered down at her as the representatives that stood around them spoke amongst themselves divided.

"Is there even a decision before us? We must protect the secret as we always have," Alric said. A young tame wolfblood, Jeremiah stepped forward taking his beanie hat off.

"The secret is out. Why should we hide in fear any longer? The world is changing-" Alric cutoff, Jeremiah by squeezing his hand around his throat.

"They will hunt us DOWN!" Alric's voice rose with each word before he threw Jeremiah away from him on the ground. Jeremiah sputtered trying to catch his breath.

"The humans have not changed. They still fear us. Want to kill us," Alric snarled.

"I think it is time we have a show of hands who believe we should remain and those who believe we join the human world. Those for?" Lugos asked as a few hands went up, but the obvious majority was opposed. Alric smiled a toothy grin.

"Good. Now that everyone is thinking clearly we must-"

"I do not think the matter is that simple. We all want to be safe. Our families and our packs. We need to find a way to unite and protect each other. Only by living in both worlds, will we be able to protect ourselves," interrupted Lorelei.

"Go back to the old ways," someone said from the crowd.

"Old laws. Moon Law!" came another cry.

And with that came a loud chorus of "Moon Law!" from the crowd. Alric turned around in a circle, observing lazily.

"Moon law is not something to take lightly. It is harsh and unbending. It is only been at great times of peril that we use it, to protect our kind and our bloodline," Lugos said.

"We wild wolfbloods know the law, old man and do not fear it as we live still by it," Alric said before looking at the tame wolfbloods standing at one side of the circle, "but maybe those that are tame can no longer." Emma Smith stepped forward eyes pure yellow.

"Do not presume to comment on the way we live," Emma snarled, her mate Daniel putting an arm on her shoulder to prevent her from stepping further into the circle of wolfbloods.

"Do not be foolish to think we are so tame. We keep the secret vigilantly as do all wolfbloods," Daniel spoke as many of the tame wolfbloods nodded in agreement.

"Then it is good we can all agree that survival is key and that it is paramount we unite to prevent our destruction," Lorelei said.

All the wolfbloods nodded and then the great vow was spoken to uphold and live by the ancient laws of the moon and elders from each pack were called forward to bind the vow in familial blood.

"It is important that we all hold each other accountable: wild and tame wolfblood alike. For now, we can now longer be separate but must be wolfblood. We all must be able to live in both worlds and those who have been tame must learn to rejoin the wild," Logus said solemnly. Alric smirked at Emma who stood as the alpha of her pack and bared her fangs back at him. Logus turned his head and looked straight at Alric, "and those who are wild must learn control, tolerance and tame their inner beast."

Alric was about to protest, but Logus held up his hand and Alric shut his mouth with an audible click.

"These matches made today, will cause great distress. We must acknowledge this, for those lives changed today are the future of our race. Failure to uphold these bonds will be punished with death. For we will all die if we fail. There may come a time when we are at war and if so these bonds will be there to call on for protection and safety," Logus finished and it would be a long while before the debates were concluded and all matches decided.


Several hours later, among the final matches to be decided was between the northern packs. Many of the other packs had already left, with their news of the conclusion of the events of today. The sexual preference and age of many of the pack were held in regard and decided many of the matches.

Alric had argued fiercely against his heir and only daughter, Jana from being given a match. He'd argued that she'd had no experience in the human world and would be ill-suited to live among the humans.

Many had argued that his family should not be exempt, until Rhydian Morris, a young alpha and recently transformed wolfblood from Alric's stepped forward and volunteered himself.

"What makes you think that you are suitable to represent your pack?" Lorelei asked. The blonde, nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he looked up from the ground.

"My mother, Ceri and brother Bryn are wild wolfbloods and part of Alric's pack, but my father, Gerwyn lives in the city as a tame wolfblood and works for the research organization Segolia. I have grown-up and survived in both worlds and would be an ideal candidate," Rhydian said, before looking at Alric beside him, "I agree with my alpha. Jana is ill-suited to this arrangement." Alric nodded at Rhydian in gratitude.

They both knew that Jana and Rhydian had for many years considered being bonded together and that Jana's feelings for Rhydian had the potential for them to be mates.

"Is this acceptable to you Alric?" Logus asked the alpha. Alric nodded.

"This is only the beginning of fortifying the unity of our race. There will have to be many matches in the months and years to come. It does not end today," Logus spoke quietly.

"There are few options in this case for tame females," Lorelei said as she looked at the Smith's. Emma could feel her heart fill with dread as she realized that her only child and daughter, Madeline was the only choice.

"We must all make sacrifices," Logus said as if he could real Emma's mind. Daniel gripped his wife's shoulder with and squeeze and she nodded, not looking back up from the ground trying to control her anger.

"Our daughter Madeline is of age, but has yet to make her first transformation," Daniel said and Logus gestured for Rhydian to come forward.

"Rhydian and Madeline are our final union. Since they are among the few matches that are young in age and that the girl still remains a cub, they will refrain from completing the mating bond, until they reach the age of consent at eighteen. But...Rhydian must spend the school term in the human world, creating history in the human world and Madeline must spend her summers in the woods with the wild wolfblood pack learning of her culture and history. Are we agreed?" Logus asked.

Rhydian looked to Alric, who nodded to him in confirmation and Rhydian nodded his consent to Logus. Logus and Rhydian both looked to Emma whose eyes remained on the ground. A subtle squeeze from Daniel, had her raise her eyes and nodding at Logus.

A collective sigh was released from the remaining wolfbloods as the final match was made.

"On pain of death, let no wolfblood break these unions made today," Logus said before they all transformed and howled at the almost full moon.

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