This isn't really a chapter as much as it is an announcement, but I will include a preview of the upcoming arc (nothing shown here is set in stone, though). Terribly sorry.

Alright, this story isn't dead yet. However, I don't know just how frequent updates will come after this point in time—my inspiration for this story, while strong, isn't good enough for me to pump out chapters weekly, so the updates will be shot.

Another thing about that is the fact that I can barely focus on simply one show for too long; I have ideas for Undertale, Homestuck, some original stuff, and other animes like Fate/SN, Highschool DxD, etc. In fact, it was very taxing for me to focus only on RWBY these past months—not that it was bad, per se, it actually helped me focus a lot—and I just want to branch out, you know?

I am not abandoning this story yet, but I felt the need to tell the people that read this story since I know that some of you guys have been waiting for the next chapter for a bit longer than I would've liked, and I just wanted to say the reasons on why I can't update.

Weellpp, with that out of the way, let me address the power issues.

Crimson does seem OP doesn't he?

Let me fix that image for you; while he's actually really strong, he's only strong for his age. The first encounter with a boss (the Nydus) was different in the sense that Qrow and Crimson didn't have much CC type attacks that could effectively deal with a large amount of monsters, hence their trouble with it until the other Hunters arrived.

The second boss (Aberration) is tough—it regenerates fast and is pretty damn strong, but it's actually really squishy. It sacrifices armor for regeneration, and speed for power. A decent student team could take it out—RWBY probably can. It's main weak point is the bubbles mentioned behind it—if you pop all of them, its regeneration is down for the count and is officially killable. Yang has to occupy it, Ruby and Weiss immobilizes it, Blake goes in for the kill. Someone like Qrow would probably just pierce through its stomach and pop a few bubbles.

The third boss (Robert Rotten haha) was a bit of a weird thing for me, but it would have been handled by Qrow had he not been knocked out. He isn't strong in his own, but apple'd up, he is as fast as Crimson and as strong as a beefed Yang, which is a dangerous combination. However, he is still squishy and his Aura after that is completely gone, hence if he pushes himself too far, he will get cut up by anyone with a blade.

The fourth boss (Flandre) is tough, but not impossible. If I recall, Crimson would have died had he not consumed the Soul Artifact, and I think a team of professional Huntsmen could take it down. Its first phase is effectively just a shield to pierce while dodging the explosive energy projectiles and the one shot laser beams, which would be very difficult if you were a normal civilian, but is sorta manageable as a Huntsman. The energy is blockable and the one shot lasers only come in ones, except during the second phase, the one where they split into four, where they are all independent, but are relatively weaker in comparison. They don't have shields, for one, and are easily killed with sharp weapons.

The fifth boss (Arachne) is a giant, and was beaten with the combination of Venn and Crimson. It's not because Crimson was OP, but mainly because the Arachne was facing a bad match up—Venn is an army killer and a giant killer rolled into one. With his explosive spears, he can bombard it from afar and demolish any kind of army it will create—of course, Venn at that time was underestimating himself, thinking himself weaker than he was at his prime. He had stopped being a fighter and only resurfaced his spirit when Crimson didn't take the offer to run.

The sea dragons were killable, as shown by Sun and Blake, and during the pod of whales, I didn't get to describe that there were more weak whales than strong ones. There seemed to be more strong ones because that was what Crimson was after, leaving the small ones to the crew.

I didn't really compare Crimson to an average Huntsman in this story yet, so I understand why it's easy to think that he's broken. Thing is—so is everyone else. He isn't broken yet, hah.

Aand I think that's it. Next will be the "trailer" of the next arc, which will take place outside of Vale (hiss, research).

"Oh, good thing you called, Venn, I was just going to ask—"

"I lost contact of the Master."


"Where did he go?"

"I don't know."

"Ugh, he's so annoying. He gets home for a week then leaves for a mission right after."

"I hope you understand what you're implying, Mister Branwen."

"I understand completely. I'm going in, whether you like it or not."

"Flesh is his gift.."

"Just give up."

"True torment…"

"You're weak, young. Inexperienced."

"Lasts forever."

"I'm not showing any more mercy," he twirls his black umbrella, pointing the tip at me. It glows with a bright blue light, and my eyes widened as I hear electricity crackling inside. "So when you die?"



"Stay down."

Aand that was pretty much the trailer. Sorry for everyone who was expecting a real chapter—but once again, updates will be slow going (like, for real this time) since I would be spreading my focus more.

So TL;DR, I'm not abandoning this story, but I'm not going to update it much either.

Thanks for reading this, everyone.