Monarchy Resurgent II

Astramille left the keep and entered the courtyard, with Mimil and Eristia trailing him.

In the courtyard, a stranger in a scholar's outfit stood waiting for them. She is dressed in a formal uniform. White overcoat, black vest, white shirt, long pants and knee-high boots. She also held a cane in her right hand, the kind that was common in Victorian England.

"Who is this?" asked Astramille.

"Guess," the stranger smiled, "who am I?"

Eristia stepped forward, "Your uniform is doubtlessly Sax-Juton and probably signifies some half-decent rank. But you speak our language without any accent, meaning you have spent a long time here. This does seem kind of suspicious."

The stranger laughed, her voice melodious, "Cautious, aren't you? Though I can hardly blame you. I'd be nervous too, if my kingdom went through such turbulent times."

She cast a roving eye over Astramille, "Strange outfit, but it kind of looks good on you."

"What is it that you want?" asked Astramille, "That gun was powerful as a message, but also kind of vague."

"It is a gift," the stranger said, "for you. As a message, it is to convey to you that we are far more technologically advanced than you believe, if you used Lescatie as a measure. Sending you that firearm was a way of telling you that we are capable of manufacturing weapons from your world. Indeed, there are already several Mosin-Nagant prototypes. Of varying quality, however. We need someone who is intimately familiar with the weapons so we can manufacture them better. Such weapons will tip the balance against the monsters."

"Let me guess," Mimil said, "Astramille is the person."

"Clever," Celeste winked at Mimil, "so, Astramille, what do you say? Want to come to Welsple with me? You will be respected there, provided you can teach us how to build better firearms. In exchange, we can provide you with everything you need."

Astramille thought for a bit before replying, "I'd rather not make deals with fairies. I don't like taking unnecessary risks and getting tangled up with your kind is exactly that."

"Oh?" the stranger raised and eyebrow before smiling, "and how can you tell if I am a fairy?"

"The Mosin-Nagant papers were in the possession of Stella," Astramille replied, "and she associates with Leanane Sidhes. I am aware that she made copies, copies that are probably in the hands of fairies. If you can access them, then you are one of the fairies or a human that associates with them."

The stranger paused before grinning even wider, "Very clever indeed. So, what will it be? Will you come and aid us? You will be paid handsomely. We can make you as wealthy as any of these Lescatie priests. You will also come under our protection."

"Where I come from," Astramille replied, "fairies are bad news. The nicer ones steal things, tie your air together while you are sleeping or leading travelers astray. The nastier ones would kidnap your children or cause sudden death. Even if they did not mean you harm, they could still harm you. Eating their food can cause all sorts of nasty effects. Hell, I don't even like making deals with other humans. And I certainly won't make deals with people who I don't even know."

"My, my," the stranger said, "screwing over your customers certainly isn't the business model my kind employ. It makes cultivating a loyal customer base impossible."

"Perhaps you are a Leanane Sidhe," Astramille interrupted, "perhaps you are familiar with Queen Aine?"

The stranger was visibly shocked.

"So," Astramille said, "it is true. Stella is either a fairy, or someone who associates with them."

The stranger was stunned for a while. When she recovered, she smiled, "Yes, you will do. Queen Aine will be happy if I brought you to her. A mind like yours will be helpful in our war against the monsters."

Mimil quickly stepped forward. Although she did not carry her wand, she had the magic to summon it to her.

"I don't think so," Mimil said, "I paid significant amounts of money to find him. And I intend to have him work for me. I won't let you take him away."

The stranger rubbed her chin, "But he hasn't signed any contracts with you, right? He also owes loyalty to no one. That means he is free to choose his fate. Come with us. We have most of your books anyway. These Lescatie fools can't even imagine your potential. Join us, and we shall unleash it upon the monsters."

"I do not appreciate being called a fool," Mimil stepped forward, calling her wand to her hand, "especially since you are the fool. A mere fairy can't threaten me."

Eristia also stepped forward and drew her sword, "That is right. Besides, we were in the middle of talking with the king about some very important matters."

The fairy did not appear to be intimidated by the blade and wand, "I know. You are building new militant orders to counter the encroaching influence of the clergy. I also know you are short on people. Especially talented warriors and mages who can challenged Order heroes. So how about this? I employ Astramille. In exchange, I offer weapons and mercenaries to the king. Of course, there will be payments for you, Astramille. Gold, silver, jewelry or land."

"You are good at making bargains," Astramille smirked, "but I think you will need to speak to the king personally. After all, he is the sovereign of Lescatie, not me."

"Ah," the stranger stepped forward, causing Eristia and Mimil to tense, "but I am not making this bargain with the king. I am making the bargain with you. It is your knowledge I am after, and it is you who shall receive my gifts."

She glanced at Eristia and Mimil, "You two couldn't stop me anyway."

Mimil immediately casted a bolt of lighting that lanced towards the stranger. It was a spell that Mimil could cast without any incantation. It was less powerful than spells that needed words or special equipment but made up for that in sheer speed. The purpose of the spell was to quickly neutralize strategic targets at long range, perhaps a monster commander or support unit.

But the bolt of lighting crashed into an invisible barrier and reflected off in several streams that exploded as they contacted the ground. When the lightning fully dissipated, the stranger could be seen standing there, only with a wider grin.

"Mimil Miltie, wasn't it?" the stranger asked, "That was quite a powerful hit. I think in terms of raw magic, you could even beat Wilmarina."

"You fought her?" Mimil's eyes widened.

"So what?" Eristia demanded.

The stranger smirked before disappearing. A fraction of a second later, it was revealed she teleported to a location above Eristia and brought her cane down in an attack. Eristia raised her blade instinctively, blocking the blow. Sparks of magical energy flew out from the point of impact. Mimil immediately launched another attack, another bolt of lightning. This time, the attack hit, knocking the stranger back a meter and off Eristia. The sword wielding hero stumbled slightly while the stranger landed on her feet.

"What incredible speed," Astramille muttered, "is she really a fairy?"

As the fairy stood up straight, burns could be seen on her face and shoulder. In some areas on her face, bone and muscle can be seen. However, the wounds glowed and quickly healed.

"Um," Astramille whispered to Mimil, "can the fairies of your world do this?"

"I don't know," Mimil whispered back, "but I can certainly see how she held her own against Wilmarina."

"I have been doing this for millennia," the stranger said, "long before the Hero of Lescatie unified the people of this land and formed this nation. Long before the current demon lord came to be. Don't make me fight you seriously. I only want to make a deal with Astramille."

"You know what?" Astramille said, "why don't you come in and speak with the king yourself?"

"Like I said," the stranger replied, "you are the one I want."

"Jeez," Astramille said, "ladies, please, one at a time. If you want me, then prove it. What do you offer me that this nation cannot?"

"Oh my," Celeste said, "how kind of you to ask. Let's see. How about near absolute support from a powerful titania? Gold, silver, exotic gemstones and marvelous technological artefacts from a distant empire, take your pick."

Astramille rubbed his chin and smiled, causing Mimil to say, "Astramille, don't be tempted. You said yourself that you don't trust these fairies."

"I know," Astramille said, "but marvelous technological artefacts are pretty tempting to me."

"Not the gold and silver?" Eristia asked.

"Excellent," the stranger said, "well, I guess I got what I wanted. I am willing to negotiate with you and Lescatie officials. Now, I take my leave. I shall return later with…forwarded payments."

"Who are you?" asked Eristia as the stranger turned away.

The fairy paused for a moment before replying, "I have gone by many names in the passing millennia. You are not worthy of uttering any of them. Until we make the deal, that is."

The fairy then transformed into her tiny fairy form before speeding off into the sky. She vanished with surprising speed.

"Seriously," Astramille sighed, "what a bitch. You don't randomly attack people with attacks that powerful. And not even telling us her name? Yeah, a total bitch. I hate her already."

Totally not hypocritical of Astramille to say this. It wasn't as if he was an arrogant asshole when he first came into this world.

As soon as he finished, glowing fissures began to spread across Eristia's sword. Before anyone could react, the fissures connected, and the blade shattered like glass.

"Yeah," Astramille shook his head, "I don't think anything as powerful as her qualifies as a mere fairy. Anyway, let's get back to the king."

Inside the court, Mimil and Eristia had to make the embarrassing admission that they were bested by a leanan sidhe. The fact that she was thousands of years old was irrelevant. The idea that the combined power of Lescatie's most powerful mage and a decent swordswoman wasn't enough to over come one fairy was shocking.

Regardless, foreign mercenaries and new weapons sounded promising. While they cannot be relied on in the long term, they can alleviate short term issues with manpower. The topic switched over to the question of recruitment. After deciding to begin the recruitment process, Castor entrusted Marise to begin a recruitment drive within the central district of Lescatie. When his other two daughters return, the king shall send Marise to the outer regions of Lescatie to rally support.

The Three Musketeers rode north towards Salvarion, thinking of their future. Not far behind them, Wilmarina and her father travelled on a horse drawn carriage. Alameria was relieved that she would live on, having narrowly escaped the blades of the Lescatie Inquisition. She was also excited to fight on. Alameria couldn't help but wonder what that masked man was. His distinct lack of a soul was unsettling, but there was no doubt that there was courage in his spirit and righteousness in his heart. But equally impressive was his confidence. To blatantly challenge the Order was no small feat.

The only question was…why?

"Paula," Alameria asked, "why did that man help me?"

"Because I asked," Paula said, "and luckily I did. He was going to make an escape attempt to the East. Towards Sax-Juton territory, I heard. Maybe even Zipangu. He certainly looks like a Zipangu person."

"That's it?" asked Alameria, "But how did he get this much power?"

"He had no power of his own," Paula reminded her, "it was the combined power of the Lescatie royal family and the house of Noscrim that got you out of that cell. It was the combined power of those factions that pulled you from the blade of the Inquisition. Astramille merely gave them the courage to do something. He also gave the king the courage to stand up to Noscrim."

"How?" asked Olivier.

"He is an intelligent person," Wilmarina said, "and very good at reading people. Isn't that right, father?"

"Yes," Noscrim practically spat, "oh I knew he was a…creature of cunning and intellect. Just not this smart."

He looked up at Alameria and Paula, "So, is it true? Are you really going to leave me? After all I have done for you?"

Alameria looked back, "I have fought more than enough battles to redeem whatever investments you made in me and payments you made for me. I am also aware of how you used us as tools for your own ambition. Consider the debts between us cancelled."

Noscrim clenched his teeth before turning to Paula, "And what about you? Wilmarina put her trust in you. Are you going to abandon her now?"

Paula paused, seeming to hesitate, before saying, "The King needs us more than the Holy Ice Flower. Besides, it's not like we are abandoning you. We are still allies, fighting our war against the monsters. We are merely fighting by the king's side."

For a moment, Noscrim wondered if he could threaten Paula's family. The Tronmail's were a small, weak aristocratic family that governed poor lands. Were it not for her joining of the Holy Ice Flower, they would have gone bankrupt long ago. But that would only antagonize others from his faction. As powerful he may be, Noscrim knew he can't just threaten the rest of his faction into order. He already lost Paula and Alameria, meaning he lost significant clout. Noscrim can't afford to alienate his other allies. Lorenin's faction must be moving in the shadows by now, and his faction won't be the only one.

Damn it all, why didn't Astramille manage to escape? That would have made thing so much easier. And why did Paula just have to visit the right place in the middle of the knight? Doesn't that girl know that visiting people in the middle of the night randomly is a very rude thing to do?

Noscrim thought, I have no choice. Astramille must be removed, the sooner the better. Time to deploy her. That fool Astramille won't beat her in a fight.

As Aeris and Adelais returned to Lescatie with their entourage with the injured messenger, they were greeted by the guards of the Eastern gates. The men at arms bowed at the two.

"Say," Aeris asked, "is it true that Alameria is a monster?"

The lead soldier seemed to be at a loss for words before replying, "Yes, your highness. Alameria is indeed a monster. As Maximillian Noscrim said, she is a dhampir, a union between man and vampire."

Aeris paused, before asking, "How did she evade our notice for so long? Why did the Chief God decide to bless her?"

The lead soldier was obviously troubled, as if afraid Aeris will remove his head for saying the wrong thing, "Astramille believed it was a sign by the Chief God. She chose Alameria to be a hero, after all, and who are we to question the Chief God? Even that soulless stranger from another world who defied the Lescatie Inquisition and the priests Noscrim and Lorenin seemed unwilling to challenge her."

Aeris was visibly shocked but composed herself quickly. Adelais began to speak, "Incredible. So is it true that father is openly challenging the Order?"

"Yeah," another soldier said, "and about time too."

The lead soldier slapped the second soldier on the head before saying, "Look, the way Astramille stirred this cauldron, I bet things are going to get dangerous. I advise you to go to your father's castle immediately. Who knows what the priests are going to do?"

Yo guys, this chapter is out too. And it turned out to be more of the filler. But at least I am foreshadowing some serious action. Noscrim is up to no good, I tell you. Anyway, regarding the reviews, I can say there will be no gatling guns, because I think they are actually complicated pieces of machinery, more so than things like the Bren or PK family of machine guns. But I assure you there will be glorious full-auto action in the future, as soon as we unlock smokeless powder on the proverbial tech tree.

As for whether a diplomatic approach will be used, Astramille will certainly use diplomacy, even if only to buy time or to distract the monsters with his bullshit antics. The seven islands may make an appearance. The shitlord would be shocked when he sees widespread use of electricity in a world where technology is steampunk at the best.

As for the guns, Aine certainly knows they are lethal. That's exactly why she is so hell bent on producing them.

Wilmarina probably won't join the Order, but Elt will.