LustLets, Amefloza13, starfiction123, Lynkia, Infinite's Ruby, Kyle Williams - SuperSonicSpy1, Byrd3-13: Thank you for all your support during this whole story. It's been about a year since I posted the first chapter… and what an amazing year it's been for me. Probably one of the best in my life. I healed and grew so much, and this story is written proof of all I've been through.

Please enjoy the finale to this story. It's more plot than detail, but enjoy it regardless! We all deserve a happy ending ~

Chapter 15: Logistics

Alternate Dimension, AltTails

Tails had made an EMP before. Or at least, he'd thought about it in the past, sketched a few plans in his spare time. Normally with Sonic around, the hedgehog could destroy badniks faster than an EMP would work anyway. And the large battle mechs that Eggman used would require a rather large pulse, so he'd filed the idea away as not worth looking into. But now that Eggman himself was roboticized, well… this was the perfect tool for the job. He just hoped he could finish it in time for Amy to get to Angel Island and back.

However, the fox was only partway finished when RoboEggman attacked his workshop directly. The cyborg broke down the doors all by himself; no army, no backup, just the doctor with his frightening metal appendages that had replaced his arms and hands.

The fox froze in place, his screwdriver falling to the floor, but he didn't even hear the clang. The device wasn't finished yet. He couldn't fight Eggman without it. He was trapped, and his friends were miles away.

"Eggman, why are you here?"

The doctor spoke in a cold voice. "You know why. I know you're the only one who can destroy me. I won't make the same mistakes in this world. I thought killing Sonic would kill hope, and maybe it did for some. But you - it gave you motivation. I'm not going to let you finish your project, fox boy."

Before he struck, the last thing RoboEggman saw was the fear in the wide blue eyes of kit - and he relished it.

Original Dimension, OrSonic/Amy/Tails

"So, I made you guys a little something - ta-da!" Tails smiled at his two friends as he unveiled his latest invention to save the world. He knew it didn't look like much, essentially just a tablet with two handles, but it hid some incredibly complex calculations. "I know, it's so cool. It's simple to use, too!"

"You know, Tails," Sonic smirked sarcastically. "You always say that when you're about to explain something super complicated. 'It's real simple guys, it's just insert complicated math and science stuff. Blah blah, stuff no one understands but me'. "

Tails crossed his arms. "You done?"

Amy was still giggling at Sonic's Tails impression, and he smiled at her and continued, loving the sound of her laughter.

"Ugh, I think I liked it better when you two weren't all lovey-dovey," he muttered under his breath. He then cleared his throat. "Anyway, you guys have to go get the objects that have been disappearing from this world. This scanner was built to harness and combine both the energy of the Chaos Emeralds and Pink Sapphires. If both of you are in your Super Forms, you just have to use this scanner on an object, and it'll tell you which dimension it came from, what approximate location - "

"Approximate?" Amy asked.

"Well I had to estimate that because we're running out of time," Tails said. "So yes, it's not perfect, but the goal is to just cover up the energy leak here in this world. If you guys send it all back where it originated from, then we can use the Emeralds to seal the tear and then everything should be fine."

"Seems easy enough. So where exactly are we going?" Sonic asked.

"A void dimension. Or null space, if you will. That's where the objects went, it's the only place they could have. The Pink Sapphires don't create energy, so they only had to steal this world's-"

"Right, okay, let's go," Sonic interrupted.

"Wait," Amy held up a hand. "So we use this tablet thing to scan the objects in the void dimension, but how do we send them back?"

Tails shrugged dramatically. "I don't know. You guys are the ones with the superpowers, I just make stuff."

"Helpful," Sonic huffed.

"I think I can use the Sapphires to do it; that's what swapped them in the first place. If not, can you use Chaos Control?" Amy asked.

Sonic shook his head. "Maybe. I've only ever used it to teleport. Maybe we could combine our powers somehow."

Amy suddenly squealed. "Combine our powers? Sonic, this is going to be so romantic, isn't it?" She hugged him tightly. "You and me,working together, it's what I've always dreamed about!"

"Well, this won't be the last time I make your dreams come true." He planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Aww, Sonic!"

"Blergh," Tails gagged.

"Alrighty Ames," Sonic said as he pulled out his Emeralds. Amy followed suit by pulling out her Sapphires. Both hedgehogs started glowing, their bodies surging with energy.

Amy took just one look in Sonic's fiery red eyes, and the amount of love and desire he had for her was nearly overwhelming. He looked so handsome with his quills pointing up, his body golden, and strength and power surrounding him. She wanted to take him right then and there, but knew they had a job to do. Amy had also agreed to not use her powers on him, but it was nearly second nature when she slipped on her Super form. He admired her, loved her, wanted her…

"We good to go?" Super Sonic asked, taking the tablet from Tails in one hand, while his other arm wrapped around Super Amy. The girl nodded and smiled at him before taking the scanner device.

"Chaos Control."

The two hedgehogs disappeared from Tails' sight and he just nodded and whispered them well-wishes. When Sonic and Amy's vision returned, the scene around them was almost comical. Scattered random objects were floating in midair, with a pitch-black backdrop. Desks, mechanical parts, sports balls, utensils, supplies - all of it suspended in the void. If the hedgehogs didn't have their Super forms' glow, they wouldn't be able to see with the lack of light.

"Well, at least we know we're in the right place," Sonic said, half-joking.

Amy left his grasp and floated over to the nearby mechanical part, her lips twisted in a frown. She still wasn't 100% comfortable using her powers yet, and even so, couldn't sense any desire coming from these objects, despite Eggman being able to do so.

"Let's get to work, Ames," Sonic nodded at her. "We'll figure this out."

Third Dimension, AltAmy/Sonic

With Amy in his arms, Sonic knew he wouldn't be able to fight directly against any of Eggman's defenses. So as he headed into the base, searching for where the prisoners were being held, it was all he could do to avoid their attacks. The Eggman of this world definitely had a ton of resources, ammo, and firepower. But their current goal wasn't to destroy all he'd built, Sonic was going to go after the big guy himself. After they opened up the prison, of course.

A quick glance behind confirmed Silver and Rouge were following them from above; Silver used his powers to clear a path for him to run through, and Rouge had Silver's back. He noticed Silver was subtly guiding him towards the prison camp, and once he laid eyes on the dreary, windowless brick building up ahead, he knew this had to be it. It was completely surrounded by three gigantic battle mechs, their red eyes tracking his movements as they got closer.

"That's where the prisoners are," Amy said, looking up at him. "How will we get through those mechs?"

"We'll have to leave those two to handle them at first." Sonic nodded up to Silver and Rouge. "I'll run past them, and then help you break the door down. Once everyone is free we'll have some more good fighters."

"I still think this is crazy," Silver yelled down to his fellow hedgehogs.

"Can't believe you guys hadn't tried this before," Sonic countered.

"You think we didn't?" Rouge said. "You're the only one reckless enough to try again!"

Sonic grinned, and Amy hugged him. "It's not reckless if I always win."

Amy was too in awe at admiring his confidence to say anything - but the next thing she knew, she was flying through the air. Sonic had tossed her up towards the prison door. She brandished her hammer and pulled it back behind her head, winding up for maximum impact. She brought the mallet forward just in time, and it slammed against the door, creating a huge crack. The metal dented and opened the door just enough for it to be pried open.

Sonic wasted no time in entering. He spin-dashed door after door, opening up each cell. The roar of confusion at seeing him made him grin, but not stop. There would be time to bask in the praise later. He mentally checked off each prisoner that he freed: Blaze, Shadow, the Chaotix, and, of course, Knuckles.

"Knux." Sonic finally came to a stop to nod at his old friend.

The echidna did not seem amused, even has he broke off the last of his restraints. He was finally able to stretch his muscles again, and rolled his shoulder in a circle. "Sonic? What the hell? Don't tell me you've been alive this whole time."

Sonic waved his hand dismissively."Nah, it's a bit of a story, I'll tell ya later. Now, we got some Eggman butt to kick."

"You're just as crazy as you've ever been if you think you can take on Eggman."

"Nah, I don't think I can. I know I can. And I also know that we can. That's why I had to free your captive ass first."

"Hmph. Well, I am sick of being useless in here. I'd ask if you had a plan but I know you better than that."

Sonic's grin only grew wider.

"Rouge is here," Amy poked her head in to say.

Knuckles scowled. "Why would I want to see that bat?"

"You're relieved that's she's okay," Amy said without thinking. "You're impressed that she'd evaded capture this whole time. And you want to be close to her. Despite your frown."

Sonic and Knuckles just stared at her for a moment. Amy blinked.


But as she looked down at herself, the pink glow emanating from her arms made her do a double take. Before it even registered in her mind that she'd unlocked the power of the Sapphires, her arms were smothered by Sonic's own, hugging her close.

Sonic planted a kiss on her forehead. "I knew you could do it," he winked and then raced out the door with her in his arms. It was time to face the doctor himself.

Alternate Dimension, 3rdAmy

If seeing Tails again had been confusing, seeing Cream and Knuckles again had been overwhelming for 3rdAmy. Cream's house was still standing (and right in the middle of a peaceful neighborhood), Angel Island was still in the air, all Emeralds were secure with the Guardian. Everything was so nice here, so perfect. Cream and Knuckles acted like nothing was wrong, and that Sonic would come back to them at any moment. They were different from how she remembered; they seemed younger to her. More immature, softer, less hardened by pain. They hadn't felt the pain of losing Sonic, they still had the hope that he represented. If only things had turned out differently in her world. Then she, too, could enjoy fresh blue skies that weren't polluted by smog from Eggman's factories.

She hadn't told them she wasn't the Amy she knew. She only said Sonic was gone to another dimension but would be back soon, hopefully. Her real hope was that when he did come back, she'd be able to catch just a glimpse of him, still alive. Amy didn't care that it would push back her healing process. She just wanted to hear those words he never said.

"Guys! Guys!"

Amy looked up from her musings to the sound of yelling. She stood as a bright red airplane came into view and soon landed next to her and her friends.

"Tails?" Cream asked as the fox jumped out of his plane. He appeared out of breath.

"We have a problem." Tails began pulling out mechanical parts from the cargo hold of the plane.

"What?" Knuckles asked.

"RoboEggman got to my workshop. I knew he would come, so I set up a hologram of me to buy us some time. But by now he's likely figured out what happened and will come after us. I have the EMP started but I need to hook it up to a larger power source than I was expecting. Do you think you could loan me the Master Emerald?"

Knuckles cocked his head. "That's a tall ask, Tails. But if this Eggman is as crazy as Amy was describing it's a good idea."

"Trust me, we'll need every weapon we can get in this fight. Now I gotta get to work, he'll be here any moment… you guys have to hold him off while I finish this…"

Third Dimension, AltEggman/Sonic/Amy


The doctor didn't move, didn't even turn around. Here he was, surrounded by glory, by everything he'd ever dreamed of. It had all been handed to him suddenly, and he'd spent his short time here just taking stock of what he had. But before he could even get a proper inventory count - the blue menace. Presumed dead here, but Eggman knew better. The hedgehog had followed him. And proceeded to immediately free all of his prisoners, creating a path of destruction on his way here, decimating his army.

"So this is what brings you joy, hmm?" Eggman finally turned around, eyeing the blue hedgehog and his obnoxious pink girlfriend. "I finally have the world I want, I'm the ruler and emperor of everything that moves, and no you in sight, and then you show up anyway! Why must you follow me everywhere? Why can't you be happy for me achieving my lifelong dream? Must you ruin every single one of my plans!"

Sonic began stretching his legs. "Hey, if you could be done with your temper tantrum that'd be great, because I'm ready to kick your ass."

"Sonic, wait." Amy touched his arm. This gesture was the only thing in the world that could stop Sonic dead in his tracks. "He wants to go back."

The pink glow covered her body once again, and she floated off the ground, approaching Eggman. Despite the doctor wearing those dark glasses, she could see right through them, and into his heart. It was a terrifying prospect, but Eggman's base desires weren't as wild and evil as she expected. He actually didn't want to stay here. He just wanted -

"And you suddenly are able to use those gems?" Eggman barked. "Why does the universe not want me to rule it?"

"I figured it out," she said with a smile. "I wondered for so long why the other Amy had a Super Form and I didn't, if there was something wrong with me, and what she had that I didn't. And it turns out, she had a… decision. A dedication. She knew just what she wanted, so she was able to see what others wanted as well. And once I was able to decide what I truly wanted, the gems activated for me." Amy turned to Sonic. "Coming to this world and seeing what happens without you, Sonic, I found the truth. What I want is you."

"A-amy," Sonic kicked the floor, suddenly embarrassed that she was being so sweet to him in front of his arch-nemesis.

"And now, I can see that you want me too." The pink girl beamed at her shy boy, then turned back to their enemy. "But you, Eggman," she scowled at the human. "You don't want to stay here. You were suddenly given everything you always wanted, but you don't feel you earned it. It's a hollow victory. And now that Sonic and I are here, you really don't want to stay. If I were to use these gems on you now, you'd want to go right back home. And you'd swap with that horrific robot version of yourself."

"That's not true! I'm happy here! Don't you dare use those cursed gems on me, I'm right where I need to be!"

Amy smirked. "We'll see about that, Eggman!"

She created a burst of light from the Sapphires, aiming at the doctor. His fat body seemed to disappear into the void, but when the bright light faded… the hedgehogs found themselves face to face with the same Eggman. Nothing had changed.

"What happened?" Sonic asked.

"But… but…. he wants to go back," Amy insisted, "That should have worked…"

"I told you I want to stay here!" Eggman bellowed. "And now you'll pay for using those on me!" His arms flailed across his keyboard, setting up defense and launch sequences. Bombs began dropping all over the base. "Heheh!"

Sonic grabbed Amy and zipped out the door. Their plan to use the sapphires on Eggface didn't work for some reason, but no matter. He had to make sure his friends were safe.

Void Dimension, Original Sonic/Amy

"That's the last one…" Sonic said as the last few objects disappeared. His hands fell to his sides - not from weariness, as the Chaos Emeralds provided more than enough energy. He was just relieved, and wanted to use his hands for something other than creating chaos energy balls to teleport objects.

As if she could read his mind (actually, now that he thought about it, she could), Amy floated over to him and slipped her hand in his. It felt super nice, and he turned to smile at her tenderly. The two hedgehogs were completely alone in the void, with nothing but each other.

"Sonic, we did it… we can go home now."

The male hedgehog floated to the side, and took Amy's other hand so the two were face to face. He had to admit, he loved working with her like this. He wouldn't have been able to solve this crisis on his own; Ames having superpowers was new and a bit frightening, but growing on him. And he'd have so much to tell her later. But for now -

"Before we go home, Ames, I was thinkin'… we may be able to help our friends from the other dimension. They were fighting a nasty version of Eggman, and since we can travel through dimensions when we're both powered - "

"We can help save them!" Amy finished his sentence with eagerness, and wrapped her boy in a hug once more. Today was turning out great after all.

Alternate Dimension, AltTails/Cream/Knux, 3rdAmy

"Okay… wow. I always forget how much power the Master Emerald has," Tails chuckled a bit. He was looking over the energy readings on his EMP device, and they were literally off the charts. The range on the device was also more than he'd designed for; if Eggman came anywhere on Angel Island, he'd get zapped, and with his limbs inoperable, he'd be paralyzed and at their mercy.

"You know, for a guardian you should be more vigilant," Amy scolded Knuckles. The echidna was basically napping in front of the Master Emerald, one eye closed as Tails did his thing.

"Look at the sky; I don't see the Egg Fleet anywhere near us. Until I see a giant ship there's no need to worry. I'm just preserving my energy."

"Except that Eggman doesn't need a ship to get up here," Amy pointed out. "He has thrusters on his his legs and can fly."

Knuckles shook his head. "Sounds crazy to me. Can't really picture Eggman as a robot."

"He sounds scary," Cream said, hugging Cheese close to her.

"Don't worry Cream," Tails spoke up to smile at the rabbit. "We just need to get him up here and he'll be done for."

"Precious! Will it really be that easy?"

Everyone gasped upon hearing the creepy voice behind them. They turned to look - but no one was there. No Eggman; the skies were clear as they'd always been. Amy brandished her hammer.

"Eggman, show yourself!"

"I'm no fool. I have to admit, Tails, that hologram was very convincing. But I know you're working on an EMP device using the Master Emerald. So relax, I have no intention of invading your little island party."

Tails helicoptered into the air, searching for the sound of the voice transmission.

His voice turned gleeful. "However, if any of you take one step off the island, one of my thousands of guns aimed at you all now will blow you out of the sky. And don't even waste that EMP charge on them, they're all non-electronic. Meanwhile, I'll be taking over the world while all you heroes are busy and trapped on the top of the world. Have fun!"

The voice fizzled out just when Tails located the flying drone. Everyone else exchanged worried glances.

"Now what…?" Cream asked.

"I may be able to figure out where he was transmitting from. So we'll be able to locate him," Tails said.

Amy looked over the edge, gulping as she saw the "thousands of guns" Eggface had alluded to.

Knuckles followed her gaze and shook his head. "What good will that do we can't leave the Island?"

"I don't know," Tails admitted. "But it's a start. And we have to do something."

Third Dimension, AltAmy/Sonic

Bombs were dropping from out of nowhere, and Sonic ran through the base like it was an obstacle course. Everywhere he turned, the way forward was filled with shrapnel and explosions. His goal was to get everyone out and start a new attack.

"What is he doing?" Amy suddenly spoke from her spot in his arms. "He's destroying everything. All his weapons."

"That's it," Sonic grinned. He quickly knew what the better plan was. "The more I run around, the more he'll try and hit me. If he's not that familiar with his own weapons, he'll destroy them all as he tries to take me out. Heheh, perfect Ames."

The girl nodded, but stayed silent. She was still confused about why trying to swap Eggman didn't work. She clearly was able to access her super form now, and yet couldn't use it for any good.

Once he reached the edge of the base, he set Amy down. "Make sure everyone gets out okay, 'kay? I'll take care of Eggface. Be careful Ames." He gave her a peck on the cheek and a wink before taking off again, leaving the girl still doubting herself, but at least with a task to accomplish.

As she worked to account for the survivors, Sonic's plan was working like a charm. He raced across the base, and Eggman tried to track him down by dropping bombs in his wake, but Sonic just used that to his advantage and watched with glee as the doctor destroyed his own weapons. As soon as Sonic knew everyone was okay, he'd chase Eggman into a retreat.

And then? Well… then he didn't know. He still had no way home. But he knew that coming in, and wouldn't let it slow him down now.

Alternate Dimension

Gunshots rang across the island, putting the heroes on alert. Tails looked up from his device, Amy gripped her hammer, Knuckles clenched his fists, and Cream hid behind Cheese. The bullets slammed into the side of the island, shaking it back and forth, and causing them all to look for something to hold on to.

"We're all still here, what triggered that?" Knuckles demanded.

"I don't know," Tails said, his brow furrowed with worry.

Just then, a familiar, friendly deep voice called out to them. "Hey guys! Someone wanna explain what's going on?" A bright yellow hedgehog flew into view; next to him was his glowing pink girlfriend.

"Sonic, Amy!" Tails yelped. "So glad to see you. You guys made it back, I was so worried! But wait, why is… she still here?" He looked at 3rdAmy, but the girl was just staring at Super Sonic with huge eyes.

"Sonic… you're alive…" she fell to her knees, her eyes overflowing with sudden tears. "I can't believe it…"

"Uh, yeah? Of course I am? Wait, … where is the other me?" SuperSonic asked.

"He's dead," 3rdAmy said.

"What?" SuperSonic and SuperAmy shouted at the same time.

"No, he's not dead," Tails interrupted. "Well, her version is... "

"What?" The Super hedgehogs echoed.

"Time out," Knuckles spoke. "Are you two from here, yes or no?"

"No," SuperAmy said. "We just got finished saving our world, and we thought we'd come lend a hand here."

"Yeah, I saw the com break and thought you guys might need some help," SuperSonic added.

"Oh, you guys are the other Sonic and Amy…" Tails nodded.

"I'm so confused," Cream shrugged.

"It's… complicated," Tails said. "Long story short, there's a third dimension involved now, and our Sonic and Amy are both over there, and this Amy is from that third world."

"What's important is the pyscho RoboEggman has us trapped up here," Knuckles said. "He sent us a message saying if we tried to leave he'd destroy the whole island and us too."

"Looks like he has enough firepower down there to do it," SuperSonic said.

"I have my EMP ready, but we have to get Eggman actually here for it to work. I was able to track the signal so I know where he is, but that's not going to do us any good."

"You need to get him here?" SuperAmy asked, and turned to her boy. "Sonic and I can get him and transport him here. We just did something like that in our world."

Tails nodded. "That'd be perfect. If you guys can send him here, I'll activate the EMP, destroy him, and end this."

"Cool," SuperSonic grinned. "Just give us the coordinates and we're on it."

Third Dimension, AltSonic/Amy

They'd done it. Eggman's base and weapon warehouses were in ruins thanks to his own carelessness. The doctor had flown away in embarrassed retreat, cursing all of them. The Resistance was battered, but now free, and had plans to rebuild their world with the scraps of Eggman's empire.

"Ames, what's wrong? We won," Sonic smiled at his girl, but she just shook her head, and pushed away his hug.

"No we didn't. I failed. We're stuck here because of me. I came here thinking I could do this on my own, but truth is Sonic, if you hadn't come, I'd probably be captured. I wanted to show you I could be independent, but all I realized is… I need you. And I'm nothing without you."

"Hey," he said gently, tilting her head up to meet his tender green eyes. "No one is stuck anywhere. We're just on an adventure, and we'll find our way home soon. In the meantime, we were able to help out everywhere here. That's a win in my book."

His enthusiasm and positivity were infectious, and the girl managed a small smile. "Well, if we have to stay here, at least we're together again. It was hard being apart from you for so long. I missed you, Sonic."

"There's my girl. And don't forget, you have a super form now. Only fittin' that Sonic's girl is also a superhero," he added with a wink.

Amy was about to lean forward to steal a kiss, when she was interrupted by an oddly-familar voice.

"Hey guys!"

Both Sonic and Amy turned, and their jaws dropped.

"What? It's… the other us?" Sonic asked, eyeing their counterparts. Both of them were in their super forms.

"Sure is," Super[Or]Sonic said. "I saw you guys had some trouble back in your world, and we heard that you'd be here without a way back. So we've come to get you out."

"What about our world?" AltAmy asked. "And that RoboEggman?"

"We took care of him. Tails built an EMP and Ames and I brought him to it. Doc's just a bundle of scraps now." SuperSonic laughed triumphantly.

"Yeah, and then he told us you guys were trapped here. And while we've been transporting stuff all day, we had to come get you, too," SuperAmy added.

"Wow… I'm so happy to see you guys. It's still weird to see you both here in the flesh and not on a screen. I thought we'd be trapped here," AltAmy said.

"Told ya not to worry," AltSonic said to his girl. "And better yet, we'll be going home to a world without Eggman."

The four hedgehogs exchanged nods and smiles.

"Alright, so, we all ready to go home?" SuperAmy asked.

"Yes, most def," AltSonic said.

"One thing though," SuperSonic said, and turned to his counterpart. "I need to ask a favor."

Alternate Dimension

"Don't worry Tails, they'll come back soon!" Cream encouraged. Since the Original Sonic and Amy helped them take out Eggman, and then went to fetch their other selves, the heroes were busy cleaning up the mess. RoboEggman was defeated thanks to teamwork and Tails' powerful EMP.

"I guess…. That means I'll be sent back home too," 3rdAmy said. "I just wanna say, it was nice to see all of you again. And Sonic too. I just… wish I had more time, and could have said a few more things to him."


His voice. His unmistakable voice. She'd hallucinated it for a long time after he passed, and when she'd heard SuperSonic earlier it was unmistakable. And now… again. She heard him. She slowly turned around.


There he was. In his 'normal', non-Super form this time. But still just as handsome. Her heart beat painfully at seeing him, and her mouth ran dry. There was so much she wanted to say, but all she could do was take him in. She had no idea which version of himself he was, but it didn't matter at this point.

Sonic spoke. "Look, we don't have much time. I just wanna say that, I saw what you did in the other world. How you stayed alive and kept the fight going. I was just there, and we've defeated Eggman. So when you go home, it'll be to a better world."

Amy shook her head. "Not… if it doesn't have you…"

He gently took her hand, and planted a kiss on it. "I'm sure your Sonic would be proud of what you did and who you became."

Amy embraced Sonic. She knew it wasn't the "real" him, but she didn't care. She just wanted him in any way she could get him.

"I love you, Sonic," she whispered in his ear, wanting to remember every detail about this moment. It'd live in her memory forever.

His hands smoothed down her back, and he whispered in reply, "I love you, Amy."

That was it. That was all she wanted to hear. All she needed. She'd never see or hold Sonic again, but as the bright light indicated she was being swapped back to her world, leaving her with empty arms, she felt oddly at peace. Maybe her world would be better - she knew her heart would be, getting to embrace him one last time.

The bright light faded, leaving behind the alternate version of Amy Rose, but Sonic still had his arms around her.

"I love you, Amy," he repeated, talking to his actual girlfriend this time. He kissed her ears.

"I love you so much, Sonic," the pink girl replied. "We did it. We made it home."

"I made you a promise," he reminded her. "And no matter what, we're sticking together. So you're stuck with me."

She nuzzled into his shoulder. They'd literally crossed worlds and dimensions to be together. A love like that, it was truly unbreakable. Maybe before, she'd been unsure of what her heart desired, but she didn't need the pink sapphires glow to figure out what - and who - she truly desired.

Holding Sonic close, Amy had all she ever wanted right here in her arms.

Original Dimension

"That was an insane day," Amy said. She scooted over to rest her head on Sonic's chest, snuggling as close to him as possible. The two hedgehogs sat in a peaceful field, back in their home world for good - for now, at least. For now, they had a quiet moment together, looking up at the fluffy clouds floating over a world they'd saved.

Sonic pulled her closer, enjoying her warmth. He couldn't imagine being happier and more comfortable than he was at this moment. "Nah, just another day. Good day, but meh, nothing too special happened. We saved the world, and an alternate world, and a third world for good measure. Just another day at the office."

Amy kissed his chest, then stated down at him cutely. "And the fact that we're together?"

He smirked back at her. "That's what made it a good day."

Amy wrapped her arms around the blue hedgie, hugging him completely. Her emerald eyes sparkled as she claimed him. "I've got you this time, Sonic."

This time, he leaned in and kissed her. "And every time after this one."

The End.

So ends another of my stories… as I said earlier, this one was written on and off during one of the most important years of my life. Also one of my most productive; I'm now up to a career wordcount of more than 650K words on this site, and a year ago I was not quite at 500K. So I've written about 200K words in the past year. This story also happens to be my longest and probably most complicated plot-wise. It makes me so happy to track how much I've grown and improved.

I'm beyond proud of myself ~

Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing! If there are any mistakes in this chapter I'll fix them a bit later. Also, I'll have more stories up soon! Catch ya on the Flipside, guys and gals…
