"We have enough evidence Ms. Rivers. We can charge assault, and issue a restraining order."

Grace nodded, shifting in the hospital bed again. After the tumble down the stairs the doctors wanted to keep an eye on her. Aunt Joy agreed, and was currently discussing anything else that could be done to protect her.

"Not to worry Ms. Rivers, we'll handle this."

"Officer?" He turned back to her.

"Would a restraining order still work if I moved out of state?"

The man stared at her, then nodded. "Yes. We can work with any local law enforcement to ensure that the restraining order stays in effect."

A great weight seemed to lift off of her, not even the heavy plaster cast felt so heavy. She nodded, and even smiled a little. "Thank you."


Billy's head shot up towards his kitchen.

Oh no. What this time?


Jake ran into the living room, hair dripping but smiling widely, before running around Billy. Grace came out of the kitchen, her apron covered in water. Billy snorted, ah, just one of the usual antics. She crossed her arms, and stared at Jake while addressing Billy.

"Billy. Your son, decided to make a mess in the almost clean kitchen."

Billy raised his eyebrows. Teenagers.

"I'm sorry Grace. How about you and I settle down in here, while my son cleans up the kitchen?"

Jake's jaw dropped. "Wait!"


The teenager's posture slouched, and he slunk off towards the kitchen, taking the apron from Grace as he went.

She sat on the couch, and watched Billy as he began to carve another object. "What is this one?"

He smiled. "It's going to be a scene of the beach and the forest."

A few moments went by, and Billy noticed Grace twisting her fingers. He put down the board, and tools, leaning back. "What's on your mind my dear?"

"I don't know how much Aunt Joy told you about my coming here."

Billy leaned forward and patted her hand. "Just enough Grace. What's on your mind?"

Grace moved a strand of black hair behind her ear, and looked up at him.

"How could I dream of a place I've never been?"

Billy stared at her. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

She sighed. "Mom never had pictures of La Push, only a few shells and driftwood pieces around the house. Yet," She looked down at her hands again. "When I was running, I saw the exact same place I'd seen in a dream."

"Exactly the same?"

Her nose scrunched. "No. Something was missing. Almost like, someone was missing." Nervously Grace laughed and ran a hand through her hair. "I sound crazy."

Billy shook his head. "No I don't think you are crazy. I think that something called you home."

She snorted. "Could have called me home sooner." Her eyes darted to her arm. Billy leaned forward again, taking her hands.

"Everything the Spirits have planned for us makes us who we are supposed to be. Every trial, every happiness, every upset. It's all in their plan. You're home now, and that is all that matters."

Grace smiled, squeezing Billy's hands.

"All right, I cleaned it up."

Both of them looked up to Jake, who was smiling, but Billy saw the glimmer in his eye. Jake had heard everything. Billy patted Grace's hands, moving back over to his woodwork, as Jake walked into the room. Billy caught his son's tiny nod in his direction, before he sat down on the couch next to Grace.

"Oh, did you build an ark to get through all the water?" Grace smiled sweetly over to Jake, who snorted in response.

"Nah, no need for boats of any kind. Just a mop." Jake poked Grace in her side, making her jump. "And maybe a bit of my pride."

She snorted. "Ego much?"

"Well I was motivated to clean up faster."

Grace raised an eyebrow. "Oh really junior chief? What motivation was that?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Billy dropped a tool.

Grace's jaw dropped.

All that was heard was crickets.

Jake started rubbing the back of his neck. "It wouldn't be much, but I figured maybe a movie, a walk or dinner. I know you run the bakery but."

"Jake," Grace put her hand on top of his. He looked into her eyes, getting lost in the mesmerizing pools. She started to smile. "I would love to go on a date with you."


She nodded.

"How about tomorrow night?"

Grace's shoulders slumped. "I have to go grocery shopping in Forks tomorrow, but it shouldn't take long."

"I'll go with you. I have to get dad's medication at the hospital anyway."

"Oh yes don't forget about me!" Billy grinned, looking back to his carving. "I'll go over to Sue's, maybe Joy's tomorrow night."

Grace and Jake both turned bright red, making Billy laugh harder.

The phone rang again.

Jake cursed. It was 8 in the morning. He just got off of patrol an hour ago, and Grace was coming over at 3 to go grocery shopping before their date.

"I'm not answering it."

He groaned. "Dad."

"No Jacob. This is your mess, if you want any sort of future with Grace I would clean it up now."

He rolled out of bed, almost tripping over the transmission on the floor. Jake looked at his dad in the doorway. "Speaking of messes."

"Not now dad. I'll clean it up I promise."

Billy sighed. "Just be lucky Grace hasn't seen it yet. I think you would horrify her tender sensibilities."

Jake snorted. "Dad, she gutted a fish. No trouble."

Billy laughed, then frowned as the phone started ringing. "Well, everyone has something that grosses them out."

Jake followed him down the narrow hall. "Really oh wise one? What grosses you out?"

"Leeches." He leveled Jake with a look. "Of any kind."

They had reached the phone. Jake frowned. "Is there a hidden meaning?"

"Everyone leeches sometime in their lives. It all comes down to selfish desires Jake. Some people have the best intentions, but are still draining others in their quest."

Jake stared at his dad, almost getting Deja-vu of some sort. The phone stopped then started ringing again, making Jake jump. "Point taken. What about actual leeches."

Billy laughed, waving his hand. "Oh great fishing story about me and Charlie. I'll tell you about it sometime."

The wolf snorted, and Jake picked up the phone. "Black residence."


He froze.

"Jake is that you?"


The wolf snarled. Traitor, the word flittered across his mind.

"Jake I've been trying to reach you for days! Where have you been?"

He inhaled. "Around the res."

"Don't give me that, the pack can't be that busy."

Jake almost dropped the phone. "Pardon?"

"Well, the Cullens are back, so they're looking for Victoria, meaning that the pack doesn't have to run." There was a break in silence. "Meaning that you have been ignoring me."

"Bella. Just because your precious Cullens are back does not mean that the pack doesn't keep up patrols. We guard our land, our people. It doesn't stop because the leeches are back."

"Jake please don't call them that. They have worked very hard,"

"To jump from place to place in eternal frozen bodies,"

"They're trying to do good,"

"Feeding off the wildlife, having the good doctor play doctor and his perfect family."

"I swear Jake you don't understand!"

Jake slammed his hand against the wall. "No Isabella I do not understand and frankly I don't want to. Seth Clearwater phased! He's only 15!"

"That has nothing to do with the Cullens."

"They brought that group here in the first place! Made the redhead stay because of what one did to you. Their presence alone triggers the phase."

He heard silence on the other line, then he heard it.

"Bella love, he's volatile. You've seen the damage that happens when they're angry."

His wolf snarled, and it echoed. Billy turned in the kitchen, staring at his son.

"Listen here Leech, obviously Bella can't think on her own now without you present. So, remember the treaty, and what makes it void."

"I was there when it was written mutt."

"Very nice old man, done cradle robbing yet?"

"Stop it."

"I'm sorry love, he just is young."

Jake snorted. "Better to be young and alive than dead and frozen."


"Bella, do not call here again. I will not be here to answer. You made your choice, you live with it."

Jake slammed the phone back on the hook. He was shaking, taking deep breaths. The wolf was agitated, and Bella hadn't helped.

"Jake, you should sleep."

He shook his head. "I can't I'm too wired."

"Lay on the couch."

Jake jerkily moved to it, and then when he sat, the salted caramel scent came over him. His wolf stopped pacing, and laid down. Jake leaned over, face first into the couch cushions. "How did you know?" he mumbled.

Billy quietly chuckled. "I figured the wolf would calm at the scent, and it worked."

Jake didn't answer, just drifted off to dreaming.

Bella hung up the phone, her fingers trailing on the old cord. Charlie was at the office, as it was Saturday, but had laid down that Edward was only allowed over in the afternoon, when he would be home. Not that it mattered, Edward just stayed in her room until Charlie left.

"I just don't understand. Why would he suddenly hate me?" She sniffed.

Edward wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sure he's not mad at you love. He's probably just upset at running extra patrols for no reason. Carlisle is going to call Sam tonight to tell him not to run so many patrols now that we're back."

Bella shook her head, "But he didn't answer the phone for two weeks. It's like when he first phased all over again."

She felt his lips on her forehead, and she sighed. "I'm sure he's just mad from when I left so abruptly, but I'll go over soon and explain." Edward's arms tightened a bit around her, making her lean back.

"What's wrong?"

Edward was frowning, it looked wrong on his face. "Bella, what he said about the treaty."

She nodded. He sighed. "The treaty states that if we bite a human, the treaty is void and they'll hunt us."

Bella gasped. "Jake wouldn't!"

He shook his head. "The treaty is binding Bella. There is no loophole. We change you, and we can never return. Only to certain death."