Author's Note:

This is probably a little confusing. I have decided to turn my What If story into one giant story rather than a seperate story for each part. While each chapter will have a special name (i.e. the first prologue chapter being called: Moving to Kalos) in the chapter list I will put up only which particular arc it belongs to (Prologue, Kanto, ext.) and the chapter number for that particular arc. This does mean, if you see Kanto 1, it means its the first Kanto chapter not the first chapter over all. As for why I decided to do this, I was partly inspired by two stories I see doing this style: Pokemon: The Ultimate Legacy & Ashes of the Past, both are great stories which I highly recommend. As for why I am not putting the full title in the chapter drop down list, the answer is simple, the character limit. Either way, I hope you enjoy it...

Prologue Chapter 1: Moving to Kalos

Lying on a bed, with a light pink quilt covering him, is 10-year-old Ash Ketchum from Vaniville Town, and right now he's struggling to fall asleep. He looked down to see his girlfriend, Serena Yvonne, asleep, with her head resting on his chest. This is his last night at home, before he sets off on his journey and gets a flight back to his region of birth, Kanto. It's a long story, about how he went from a sad alone child from Pallet Town to one of the most promising new trainers across all the regions. After giving a quick kiss to Serena forehead, while she was resting, he looked up to the ceiling, closing his eyes, thinking back to when his life changed forever...

It started when he still lived in Pallet Town, and he was quite the lonely child, mainly because of one person, Gary Oak, son of Blue Oak (the champion of Kanto), and grandson of Samuel Oak, Kanto's regional professor, and expert of all things about Pokémon. You see, from birth, Ash has had a unique gift to understand Pokémon, it was the one thing he got from his father who left when the raven-haired boy was only six months old.

Anyway, Gary was jealous of Ash's ability, as Professor Oak would always invite Ash around to help with his research, as a Pokémon translator. Due to Gary's jealously, he would always pick on Ash and belittle him every chance he got, this meant Ash would never be able to make friends, due to the bullying he was put through. Professor Oak, did attempt to stop Gary on several occasions, but that only made things worse.

After his mother passed away, Gary would never see his father, due to Blue's role in the Pokémon League, and would live with his sister, Daisy. She worked at the Oak lab, as she wished to follow in her grandfather's footsteps. The fact that Professor Oak would spend so much time with Ash as he was the only person who could translate for the old Professor, just made him a prime target for Gary to let out his rage.

All he wanted was someone to spend time with, he lost his mother, his father was always busy with work, his sister was also busy at work and along with his grandfather, gave more attention to Ash rather than him… He was just lonely, and his bullying towards Ash was just his way of lashing out. In short, these two had more in common than anyone would've thought.

Ash was also miserable with how Gary treated him, to the point where he requested on many occasions to move, but Delia (Ash's mother), claimed they couldn't just move without a good reason… This hurt Ash, he had a good, he was depressed, to the point where he couldn't even see Pallet as a home. Delia knew Ash was dejected, but the of thought moving to just some random place would just make matters worse. There was no guarantee that Ash would make friends wherever they move, and could run into someone just like or worse than Gary, and she couldn't keep moving until they got lucky. Maybe if Ash was to make a friend, who lived in another place, then she could consider moving, but what are the chances of that…

Other than Delia and the Oaks that work in the lab, Ash was only able to make friends with Pokémon, since he was always able to easily befriend and play with wild Pokémon around Pallet, and he cared for each one like they were family, even to the point where he would perform reckless actions to keep them safe.

On a side note, Delia also has a unique ability herself, when Ash would perform any reckless actions, she would just know, meaning she was always ready to chew him out. With Ash's love for Pokémon, Delia decided one summer (when Ash was six), to send him to Professor Oak's Pokémon Summer Camp. It is here where his life would change forever.

On the first day of the camp, Ash and the rest of the campers were given a meet and greet with all the Pokémon that the Professor had prepared. As Ash was playing with the Pokémon, he noticed a honey blonde girl around his age, with sapphire blue eyes and a light pink sundress, and to Ash there was only one way to describe her… an angel.

But, after years of bullying, he just didn't have the confidence to speak to her, so he made his way over to a Poliwag and they started playing together, but every few minutes, Ash's head would wander over to view that girl again. After a couple hours, he went to look at the girl again, and found she wasn't in the open ranch, she could've gone into the ranches forest area, or into the actual lab or maybe she found another friend and she wouldn't even notice the raven-haired boy. Ash sighed with that last thought, why did Gary have to target him? With that sour thought, Ash returned to playing with Poliwag, he could always count on Pokémon being there for him.

After a while, Ash and Poliwag moved their game of tag into the forest area of the ranch. Ash was chasing Poliwag and both were having a fun time. Seeing Poliwag jump into bush, Ash followed the tadpole Pokémon, although he could see it once he entered, of course he would call out and he could hear what sounded like mumbles in tears then a loud and clear…

"MMMUUUMMMYYY!" An unknown female voice screamed. Ash, being Ash, just has to help, even if it was Gary in trouble, he just couldn't leave them. Ash struggled through and found his way out of the bush. When he was out, he stood up and brushed down twigs and leaves that attached to him. He then looked around for the source of that cry for help, after a few seconds, he saw that girl from earlier. But this time, she was on the floor, a little dirty, with a nasty scrape on her knee and tears running down her face, for some reason it pained Ash to see her so sad, he has seen people cry before, even girls cry before, but seeing her cry… It just felt wrong. So, Ash made his way over to the girl, cause as is his nature, he just has to help.

"Hey… What's the matter?" Ash asked, as he squatted down next to her. The girl stopped her sobs at the sound of Ash's voice, and opened her eyes to see who was talking to her.

This is Serena Yvonne, from Vaniville Town in the Kalos region. Her mother is a famous Rhyhorn Racer and as the summer is the time for the new circuit, Grace, Serena's mother sent her to the Pokémon camp after Kalos' region professor told her gave her a brochure for the place.

Back home, Serena was a lonely child, since there was a nasty boy named Calem Xavier, who would bully her, and she didn't know why, but the bullying basically destroyed her confidence so when she arrived at the camp, she was too shy to try and make friends, and other then her mother's Rhyhorn and Fletchling, she has been sheltered from Pokémon, so she couldn't even play with the Pokémon there… After a while, she got bored of standing around and just wanted to make her way home. Serena took off into the forest, in hopes of retracing her steps…

Except there was one problem, after she got off the airplane, she was brought to the lab in a car, by that Oak guy, sure, he seemed nice enough, but she just wants to go home and see her mum again. Then she realised she was lost in the forest and can't remember either her way back to the camp, or to the airport, and had no idea what to do.

She then heard some rumbling and looked to the source to see a brush shaking. This scared the Kalos native, since she's lost and alone in a foreign land, and now a Pokémon is going to see her, probably a giant feral beast like an Arcanine, and it will get a six-year-old sized snack and then…

As this thought went through her head, out of instinct, she slowly backed away, but she couldn't take her eyes of the shaking brush. She didn't notice a rock on the floor behind her. So, she stumbled over the rock, and then scraped her knee quite badly, so she couldn't stand up and get away. All she could do is wait for the Pokémon to jump out and attack her…

The Pokémon did jump out, and it wasn't an Arcanine, it was a Poliwag… With the headband, which shows it belongs to the summer camp. The tadpole Pokémon, looked at the girl, tilted its head in confusion before waddling off when he heard his name being called out by the boy he's playing tag with, he can't lose now whilst he's leading. Ash made his way out of the bush as he looked around for Poliwag, his eyesight fell upon the girl from earlier. He was about to enter another one of his trances, when he saw she was upset, with a nasty scrape on her knee. Ash being Ash, couldn't just ignore her, so he made his way over to her.

As the boy asked her what the problem was, Serena studied his face, she remembered him from earlier, he was playing around with the Pokémon, she thought it was amazing he could just make friends with the scary creatures, and he looked kind of cute chasing that Poliwag around.

"I… Hurt my knee." Serena replied, shyly. The boy studied the knee for a few seconds, Serena felt terrible, she was injured and alone, now this boy came along and he seemed friendly with the Pokémon, but he would probably just leave her.

"No problem." Ash smiled as he pulled out a handkerchief, with his typical toothy grin. He wrapped it around her injury and stood up with a sense of pride. Serena was shocked, she was a stranger to him, but he just helped her, and used his handkerchief which'll probably get covered in blood. Then another shot of pain ran through her knee.

"It… Still hurts…" Serena cried as tears formed in her eyes.

"No matter, watch this." Ash replied as he kneeled in front of Serena. "Feel better, feel better, right away."

Ash chanted as he waved his hands over her knee, like casting a magic spell. Serena giggled, he was being so nice, and that chant was kind of cute, her cheeks turned a rosy pink, he was being so nice, nicer than anyone she ever knew, the only boy she had contact with back home was Calem and he was always mean to her, sure her mother was nice, but she seemed to have Rhyhorn racing on the brain, always talking about how she'll train Serena into a champion like her, and it honestly scared Serena. As she just stared and admired the boy helping her, Serena's heart was beating faster and faster, almost pounding out of her chest. With the chant finished, Ash stood up again.

"Can you stand?" He asked, looking down at her, with a toothy grin. Serena didn't want to seem weak after all this boy has done for her, and tried to push herself up, but her knee hurt too much and fell back down,

"No, my knee hurts too much." Serena hesitantly replied. Great, after everything, she can even stand, he probably thinks she's a weak pathetic girl who should just be left there, just like what Calem told her in the past. To her surprise, the boy offered his hand out.

"Hey, don't give up until it's over. Okay." He declared as he looked at her with determination. Serena stared at the open gesture and just let his words sink in. He was truly the nicest boy she had ever met, her heart was again pounding out of her chest as she slowly moved her hand towards his, she suddenly became self-conscious as she realised she would have to hold his hand.

Why was this having such an effect on her, she has held hands with people before, she's held her mother's hand countless times, she even had to hold Oak's hand when crossing the road at the airport, but why was the thought of holding this boy's hand, the one who's been so... nice, kind, friendly, supportive, cute… Why was he having this effect on her. Ash noticed her apprehension and met her three quarters of the way, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. But he pulled a little too hard, and she fell into him. Serena blushed as she leaned against him, this was excited, and calming, like she was on top of the world, but also like the effects from a Jigglypuff's sing, she didn't know what this feeling was, but she liked it, especially when Ash held her like a hug. Ash experienced the same feeling, but was just as clueless, since she didn't pull away, his arms seemed to have a mind of their own, and held her like a hug. A few seconds after the hug, Serena jerked back, also on instinct. Both decided to leave it there.

"See, you're up." Ash exclaimed with a toothy grin. "So, what's your name?" Ash asked.

"S-Serena." Serena stuttered, why does this boy make her nervous.

"Nice to meet you Serena, I'm Ash Ketchum." Ash replied, with a sense of determination. Serena smiled, Ash, he was someone who helped her, and maybe could become her friend…

After introductions, Ash lead Serena back to the camp and to Daisy Oak, the camp nurse. Serena requested Ash stay with her while Daisy checked her knee, which he was happy to do. Lucky, there was nothing serious. Daisy praised Ash for using the handkerchief, which made Serena jealous, since Ash seemed to blush at the praise, this Daisy girl couldn't be his friend, he was her friend, she was suddenly apprehensive about letting any females near him… But why?... Daisy did have to clean the cut with disinfectant, which caused Serena to squirm from the pain, but Ash allowed her to squeeze his hand as relief from the sting, which caused Serena to blush, especially when he rubbed her back to comfort her, and gave words of encouragement. Daisy saw this and smiled, she knew Ash well since she works at the lab, and knows his actions are nothing new, he was always doing stuff like this, especially for Pokémon. But Serena reactions were a surprise, a good one, from what her grandfather told her, Serena was from the Kalos region, and like Ash, is quite lonely and shy, but Daisy isn't dumb, she used praising Ash as a test to see if her theory was right, and judging by Serena's reaction, she is sure she knows exactly what Serena is thinking about Ash…

'Looks like the region of love was brought to Pallet.' Daisy thought with a sly smile. She always like Ash like a little brother, his gift was simply amazing, and she generally felt sorry for him being the target of her little brother, Gary. But she also knows the real reason for Gary's actions, while they don't justify them, they can explain them, and as a six-year-old, she would probably act the same if she was in those circumstances. But she is happy Ash will have a friend, for the camp at least, but she has a good idea of what Ash will want to do by the end of the camp… Maybe a word to Delia wouldn't hurt, her grandfather is lovely, but he wouldn't quite understand this, she fears he will want to stop her plan, as Ash won't be able to translate for him anymore… But Daisy knows somethings are more important…

Over the course of the Summer Camp, Ash and Serena became incredibly close. Since Ash lived in Pallet Town, she spent the nights in his house, since the lab can't hold every child. Ash introduced Serena to his mother, and Delia offered Serena stay with them at night, which both the Professor and Grace agreed to. Grace was happy that Serena had made a friend, and since her permission was needed, Oak introduced the two mothers. After both watched their kids interact, they had their motherly instincts telling them that they were in-laws.

After a couple days, Delia had been considering Ash's previous request, to move. Delia always turned it down, as she feared they would just end up in the same situation, but now that he had made a friend, maybe a move would be a suitable answer. One day at the camp, Daisy decided to pay Delia a visit. Delia always liked the oldest Oak child, she was kind of like her own daughter, and was always the best babysitter in the town, plus she was always nice to Ash. Daisy explained how they met, she also explained that Ash asked her about this weird feeling he got around Serena. Both knew what it was although Delia never let him know she knew and Daisy simple told him, he would have to figure it out on his own. Daisy also told her about Serena actions around Ash, and both knew what she was experiencing. Then Daisy suggested that Delia finally agree to Ash request, Delia had been on the fence for a while, but after Daisy talk, she knew what she had to do, she contacted Grace and explained the situation, and together, they worked on moving the Ketchum's to Vaniville Town.

To begin with, there was an empty house next door to the Yvonne's, so Delia set her sights on that house, and Grace contacted the landlord, who wasn't looking to rent it out, but sell it. Due to Pallet Town being the home of the Oak lab, housing can sell for a lot more, so after getting the money from selling her Pallet house, she had more than enough to buy it without taking out a mortgage. Plus, taxes and expenses in Kalos are for some reason a lot cheaper than in Kanto, so they were actually better off. Sure, Ash's dad might have come looking for them, but since he left when Ash was six months old, she couldn't care less. By the time the camp was over, everything was set, and the only thing left was telling the kids…

Throughout the summer camp, Ash and Serena had become inseparable. Every activity, they did together. Ash learned Serena has a fear of thunderstorms. He learnt this one night in his house, since the Ketchum house doesn't have a guest room, Serena shared Ash's with a blow-up mattress, which Grace and Serena was fine with. One night, there was a thunder storm, and despite her best efforts, she couldn't resist the tears of fear. Serena doesn't know why she is scared of them, but she is. Ash was alerted to this when Serena let out a terrified yelp with a thunder strike. Ash jumped into action and comforted his friend, with a hug, while she sobbed into his chest. Serena felt horrible, Ash had been so nice to her, and now she couldn't even stand up to a thunderstorm. Ash didn't mind, he might not know what the strange feeling was, but he did know he hated seeing Serena up set, and he liked having Serena close to him. Delia remembered Grace telling her about Serena's fear of thunderstorms, and when she heard the yelp, went to check on her guest, only to find Ash comforting her. Watching the scene, she just couldn't help but feel heart warmed, they made such a cute couple, and she always wanted a daughter, but as Arceus would have it, she was given Ash, but she loved him all the same, and Serena was like a daughter to her. She decided to leave Ash to it. After a while, the comfort of Ash calmed her down, not even her mother couldn't do that, she would've normally been up in fear all night, but the warmth from Ash, made her drowsy, and despite being a thin six-year-old, his chest was quite comfy, unlike Ash, Serena figured out she has a crush on the raven-haired boy, and was beaming at the position they were in. She decided to milk it for as long as possible, and both kids seemed to fall into a slumber, while still in the cuddling position…

As the camp came to an end, Ash and Serena were sitting under a tree. The same tree next to where they first met. Serena was in tears, sobbing into his chest, while Ash was comforting her, trying his best to fight back his own tears. Although it was a losing battle. Then he got a brainwave.

"Hey Serena." Ash announced, breaking the silence. Causing Serena to look at him, not so much crying but with watery eyes and tear marks on her face. "What if I moved to Kalos?" Ash asked, he would have to ask his mum, again. But this time it was different, he had a place in mind, and in the past, it was turned down because he 'didn't have a good reason', but now he does… Serena.

"But Ash… Kanto's your home… and…" Serena replied but Ash cut her off.

"No Serena. I have never been able to see this place as a home. I was always told, home is where your heart is. And because of Gary, I could never see here as such. But you are my first really friend, and I now know, if you go, then so does my home, because you were the only person to let my heart in." Ash replied, Serena teared up, but this time tears of happiness, what Ash just said, could have been misinterpreted as a romantic proposal. But Serena knows Ash better than that, so she just takes it as is, and lets her joy show, by tackling him into a hug. Although Ash was used to this, he still got knocked down by the force, returning the hug, all the same.

Once Serena let go, the kids ran to the Ketchum house, there, they found Delia in wait…

"Mum. I know this sounds crazy, but I want to move to Kalos." Ash announced. Serena looked hopeful. Delia stared down her son for about half a minute when she… Laughed. Ash tilted his head in confusion, he had made the request to move before, but she never laughed. Serena had tears build up in her eyes, if Delia was laughing she mustn't even consider it.

"Mum?" Ash questioned, as he took a step back.

"Ash. You're my son. I knew you would want to move to Kalos the moment I met Serena." Delia explained. She could see a look of fear on both kids' faces. "That's why I've been working with Professor Oak and Ms. Yvonne and brought the house next door to the Yvonne house. We're taking the same flight with Serena in a few days." Delia explained. Both kids cheered and Ash hugged Serena, taking her by surprise, causing her to blush furiously. Delia smiled at the scene, but she has one more thing to tell them.

"But." Delia added, causing both kids to break their hug and look at her. "Professor Oak put you both through a test at the beginning of the camp, and you both past. The test was a way to find promising young trainers and those who past have been entered for the Indigo league when they turn 13. Serena, you didn't want to compete in the league, so this doesn't concern you. But Ash, when you turn 10, you'll need to compete in the Indigo League first." Delia explained.

"That's fine." Ash replied, with a giant smile.

"Then it's official. We're moving to Kalos." Delia announced as she pulled the two kids into a group hug.

It was about a week later, Ash had announced his move, and most kids were in different. Daisy was happy, her surrogate brother was getting something he desperately wanted. She did try telling Ash what his feelings he experienced around Serena was, but he seemed in deep denial. Gary, also seemed quite sad by the news, despite everything, he would've considered Ash as his closest friend, and he never wanted to drive him away, but he wouldn't show his disappointment. There was one other person who was saddened by Ash's move, Leaf Green. She lives in Pallet Town and seemed to develop a crush on Ash, but has been too shy to tell him, now he's moving so it would be too late to say anything, or would it?

With the camp over, bags packed, everything paid for, the Ketchum's (plus Serena) were ready to leave. Professor Oak drove them to Saffron City International AirWay's. As they left, there was a big(ish) crowd to wave them off, almost everyone who lives in Pallet, except Gary, but due to it being a small town, that isn't a whole lot of people. Oak's driving was wild and dangerous, Ash laughed at how much fun it was, oblivious to the danger, while Serena clutched onto Ash, to feel safe, burying her head into his chest, with a few tears of fear escaping. While Delia held onto anything she could, while trying to get the Professor to slow down, but to no-avail. Although they could make it to the airport without any injuries, amazingly.

Once at the airport, it didn't take long, a couple of hours, before they were on their plane in the seats, ready to fly. Ash took the seat closest to the window, due to Serena's fear of heights. Delia took the alley seat, so she can help the kids if they need the restroom, and Serena sat in the middle as it was the only seat left. As the flight started, Serena was talking to Ash about all the Pokémon in Kalos, which excited the raven-haired boy, but it wasn't long before jet lag kicked in for all three. Delia was able to last the longest out of all three, and before she nodded off, she was able to see Ash fall asleep with Serena, who seemed to cuddle up to his arm, causing Ash's head to fall onto Serena's head. Delia smiled, "They will definitely end up together." She thought as she put a blanket over them, to keep them warm. She followed by taking a picture of the two sleeping kids, to show Grace, and smiled as she too succumbed to jet lag… It was a long 10-hour flight.

On the plane, the piolet informed everyone that they were going in for a landing which worked as an alarm clock for the trio. Realising what position, they slept in caused both children to blush although they also secretly like it.

Getting off the plane the trio entered the airport to find Grace waiting for them. As Delia and Grace started to discuss grown up things, Serena chased Ash around trying and failing to keep him under control as he looked at all the Pokémon. Once the excitement had calmed down in the raven-haired boy, they all got a taxi back to Vaniville.

Grace offered the Ketchum's to stay in their house for the night since they haven't unpacked anything and it was night time when they arrived. Ash and Serena both agreed, meaning Delia didn't even get a choice. Due to the Yvonne's having a smaller house, Ash was sleeping on a blow-up mattress in Serena's room while Delia took the settee.

With the two children in bed, the mothers decided to go and start setting up the Ketchum's new house. As they were coming to an end of unpacking a crack of thunder echoed. Grace was worried because of Serena's fear and ran back to check on her daughter. The bedroom door was left open a crack and Grace peered in to see Ash sat on Serena's bed, comforting her, while she cried into his chest. Grace smiled as Serena calmed down which is something she can't even do, and left to return to Delia. Sure, she has been told stories about how they interact together but seeing it first hand is another thing entirely. It's just heart-warming.

Serena, while Ash was able to calm her down, she was still terrified and wouldn't let go, she just feels safe in Ash's arms. Ash didn't mind comforting her but the heat radiating off her was making him sleepy. Serena was also becoming sleepy and before long they were asleep...

Here is when Ash started thinking back to all of his and Serena's poke-pals and the opportunities that opened up with their new friends…