Me: It all comes down to this, Part 3! Last we saw, Reese, Zander, Rex, and Zoe were having a wonderful time. But now Ursula and Ed have shown up to crash the party. LEt's see how it goes.

Disclaimer: I own diddly squat of Dinosaur King.

Terry roars fearsomely in the middle of the street, while so the other four were exiting the restaurant to face off against the Alpha Gang. Rex, Zoe and Zander stood in the street as Reese watched from the sidelines. Then Ursula and Ed hop off of Terry and glared daggers at Zander.

"Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in." Ursula said. But Ed was confused, "I don't see a cat, Ursula."

Ursula groans, "That was a figure of speech, Ed!"

"What are you two doing here?" Zander asks, "What do you want?"

"Zander, how could you just turn your back on us? I know life at Zeta Point is hard now a days, but did you really have to join our enemies?!" Ed asked, looking hurt.

Now Zander felt bad for his foster brother, he didn't mean to hurt Ed's feelings. Zander sighs as he tries to apologize, "Ed, it's not what you think-"

"Not what we think?! We think you're nothing but a traitor, Zander!" Ursula accused her foster brother, "You were probably giving away secrets to these brats, traitor!"

"Hey!" Reese calls out, offended by Ursula, "Don't you dare call my sister a brat!" Zoe and Rex were shocked, did Reese stand up for Zoe?! Reese hasn't once stood up for her younger sister, and all of a sudden she does.

Ursula replied to Reese with a sneer, "Well don't fret, you'll be dead soon enough."

"That's what you think, old lady!" Zoe fires back.

Ursula's eye began twitching, fire burning within, and her teeth grinding. She tried to pounce at Zoe but was held back by Ed. "GRR, I AM NOT AN OLD LADY! ED, LET ME GO AND LET'S FINISH THESE BRATS, NOW!" Ursula roars.

"O-okay!" Ed said while releasing Ursula and pulling out his Alpha Scanner, "Alpha Slash! Shake em' up, Saichania!" Tank appears in her chibi form, her eyes glowing purple as she began to transform. Rocks formed and transforms her legs, then her spikes from front to back transform in size. Tanks eyes gleamed as rocks dispersed from her eyes, she stands on her hind legs and roars as the earth shook underneath and rocks rose. Tank crashes down next to Terry, and the two dinosaurs roar at their opponents.

"Terry, get the brats sister." Ursula commands as she points at Reese. Terry obeys with a roar before charging at Reese. The others are terrified as Terry got closer.

"Reese, RUN!" Zoe yells, tears threatening to fall.

But Reese doesn't respond, for she was now trembling in fear. Her life flashed before her eyes, Terry was inching closer and closer to Reese. Time slows down, Reese closes her eyes and lets a few tears roll down her cheeks. Terry opened his mouth of razor sharp teeth and was ready for the kill.

But then…

...something else occurred.

A hand grabs Reese's arm and yanks right on time. As Reese was pulled out of the way, Terry missed his chance to kill and trips on a railing that sends him into the sea. Ursula and Ed gasped before Rex and Zoe did.

Reese felt herself in a tight hug. She opened an eye, she sees Zander with the most concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked. Realizing she was still alive, Reese began streaming tears, she was saved by her date from the jaws of death. Reese clung to Zander, in her mind she was grateful for Zanders heroic deed. "Thank you!" She cries softly. Zoe was seen smiling as she as well let tears fall, Rex wipes a tear from the corner of his eye, Ed was bawling like a baby while covering his eyes with his fists, and Ursula was really upset that Terry didn't do the job she wanted him to do. She turns to Ed and slaps him upside the head, "Knock it off, Ed."

Terry had just came back onto land and shook water off of him like he was a shaggy dog. "Terry! Tank!" Ursula called out, "Finish the job, and destroy Zander and the brat's sister!" Terry and Tank obey as the two dinosaurs surround Zander and Reese. They roar, instantly scaring Zander but not so much Reese.

Rex and Zoe watched from afar, the look to each other and nod with determination.

"Dino Slash! Carnotaurus, Blow them away!" Rex said while slashing Ace's card. Ace appears in his chibi form, his eyes glowing a light blue, ready to be transformed. A gust of wind transforms Ace's legs into his full grown ones, then from his tail up to his head the gust of wind transforms him. Then Ace's eyes gleam before a gust of wind bursts from his eyes, Ace roars in his full grown form as gusts of wind blew crazy around him.

"Dino slash! Go Parasaurolophus, bloom!" Zoe said as she slashed Paris' card. Paris appears in her chibi form, her eyes glowing green, read to transform as well. Leaves appear and transform Paris' legs and her arms. Then Paris raised her head, her eyes glowed green before leaves burst from her eyes, and lastly roars in her full grown form as the leaves blew around her.

As the sky changed to a multi-colorful one, Ace and Paris tackle Terry and Tank away from Zander and Reese. The four dinosaurs stare one another down while roaring, signaling the battle has started. Terry decides to do a charge attack, but that fails as Paris and Ace dodge the attack. Now unaware, Ace bits on Terry's tail and swings him to crash into Tank. Ursula was furious, "GRR! Stop messing around and destroy those dinosaurs!" Tanks waits for Paris to get close, then *BAM*, Tank gets a direct hit on Paris from her club. Terry and Ace are shimmying side to side, waiting for one dinosaur to make his move. Terry makes his move, Ace tries to escape but fails as Terry grabs a hold onto Ace and throws him into a building near by. Rex and Zoe are worried about their dinosaurs taking this bad of a beating.

"No, Ace!"


Zander and Reese watched as the dinosaur battle, blow for blow, teeth and tail. While witnessing the Alpha Gang winning the battle, Reese hatched an idea. "Zander, you have to summon your dinosaur."

Zander looks to Reese like she was insane. "Are you mad?!" Zander exclaims while flailing his arms, "Spiny would go against orders and will go after the others instead!"

"What choice do we have? Either we summon Spiny or we lose Ace and Paris." Reese said. Zander looks to the dinosaurs and see Terry and Tank back Ace and Paris into a building, then he turns to Reese who mouths 'Please' to him. Seeing no other cards left to play, Zander takes out Spiny's card and his Alpha Scanner. Reese began smiling.

"Alpha slash! Gush out, Spinosaurus!" Zander said while slashing Spiny's card. Spiny appears in his chibi form, his eyes glowing dark blue, and began to transform. Bubbles transform Spiny's legs into his full grown ones, then the bubbles form Spiny's sail. Spiny's eye glow blue once more before bubbles were shot out from his eyes, lastly Spiny roars in his full grown form as bubbles rose.

Spiny lands right in the middle of the four dinosaurs, then he roars at Ace and Paris. This makes Zander agitated.

"No, Spiny! Don't get those two, get Terry and Tank!" Zander commands. Spiny looks at his master confused, Ed and Ursula were shocked but Ursula was more furious.

"I knew it, you're manipulating Spiny for yourself!" Ursula yells.

"Zander, what are you doing?!" Ed calls out.

Zander looks to his dinosaur and explains, "Spiny, I know you don't want to help your enemies and villains never team up with enemies. But for now I need you to break that oath and fight against the others. I don't want to do this myself, but if no one else within the Alpha Gang can see what I've been feeling for quite a while So Spiny, will you fight alongside your enemies for me?" Reese covers her mouth, surprised that Zander has been lovestruck this whole time.

Spiny seemed conflicted, his mind told to ignore Zander and fight his enemies while his heart told him to listen to Zander and fight alongside his rivals. While Spiny thought, Terry and Tank got past Spiny and charged at Ace and Paris. Tank separated Paris from Ace and backs Paris into a hard place, and while Ace tried to grab Tank, Terry snatched Ace by his neck, Ace was held up high as he roars in pain. Spiny witnesses everything, then turns to Zander. "Spiny, please?!" Zander pleads. Spiny looks towards the four dinosaurs, then back to Zander.

Spiny makes his choice.

With a roar, Spiny charges into battle. He heads towards Paris and Tank, everyone watches to see what Spiny will do.

"I sure hope Spiny helps Paris instead of fighting her." Zoe said while worried for her dinosaur.

"Keep fingers crossed." Rex comments.

"That's it Spiny, get the brat's dinosaur!" Ursula called out.

But what happens next confuses not only the Alpha Gang, but the D-Team and all the other dinosaurs. He grabs Tank by her tail, and uses her body as a club to slam into Terry while releasing Ace. But before Terry and Tank could get back on their feet, Spiny roars at his friends before closing in on Ace. Paris watched from afar, Terry and Tank watched while sitting down, Ace tries to get up but was too weak to do so. Rex and Zoe watched as Rex began to sweat bullets, Reese shook her head in denial as Zander clasped his hand together and began praying, and Ursula and Ed watched with wicked smiles and evil glares. Now only a few feet away from Ace, Spiny stops dead in his tracks and lowers his head towards Ace.

What Spiny does next was a big shocker to everyone…

...Spiny helps Ace up back onto his feet.

Rex and Zoe were overjoyed to see Spiny help Ace. Zoe then calls out, "Nature's Blessing!" Paris fire a gust at Ace, which heals him instantly as he roars triumphantly. The three dinosaurs grouped together and started to roar at Terry and Tank who both are backing away. Zander and Reese watched in awe and joyously, Ursula and Ed were in awe as well but more furious.

"That not fair!" Ursula whines.

"Well life isn't fair, old lady." Zoe said slyly, making Rex chuckle.

"I AM NOT AN OLD LADY!" Ursula growls before slashing a move card, "Terry, Volcano Burst!"

Terry's mouth began to blaze fire while jerking head around, and spew fire at his opponents. But right before Volcano Burst could do any damage, Spiny knocks Paris and Ace away, and he took the hit that sends Spiny back a few feet out.

"No, Spiny!" Zander shouts.

Ace and Paris look to one another while nodding head, the got in front of Spiny and protected him while he tries to get back on his feet.

"Okay, this battle has gone on long enough!" Rex said, "Time to finish this, now!"

"I'm right behind you, Rex!" Zoe declared as she slashes a card, "Metal Wing!" Suddenly, three Pteranodons appear and all three flew high in the sky before diving down. They set their sights for Terry, and all three get direct hits on Terry in which weakens him.

"Ninja Attack!" Rex calls out while slashing his card. With that Ace began to run faster than a speeding train, he splits into six, jumps up and surrounds Tank. Ace strikes at Tank numerous times till Tank was turned back into her card.

Last dinosaur standing was Terry who was breathing heavily.

"NO!" Ed and Ursula shout.

Ace and Paris were ready for to land the final strike, but Spiny roars as he stomps past Ace and Paris.

"Zander." Reese said, "I think Spiny wants to land the final blow."

"Then a final blow I'll give.", Zander smiles slyly while taking out a move card, "Tail Smash!" Spiny was surrounded by a blue glow before running up to Terry and repeatedly smashing his tail into Terry's face. For his final swing Spiny does a 360 spin, and smashed into Terry which a few teeth were knocked out and sent Terry flying. Turns out Terry was going to crash into Ursula and Ed, the two members screamed before being crushed by the shier weight of their Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ursula and Ed laid on the ground unconscious as Terry was turned back into a card.

"Alright!" Rex hollered.

"Woo hoo!" Zoe cheered.

"We did it!" Zander declared as Reese hugs him. Zander hugs back as he chuckles in embarrassment.

Spiny, Paris, and Ace all roar in victory.

Everyone pulls up into the driveway at the Drake's household, Ursula and Ed were seen still unconscious in the trunk while tied up. Rex and Zoe exit the car first while leaving Reese and Zander alone.

"Thanks again for the date, I really enjoyed it." Zander said.

"No, thank you for saving me. You're my hero, and heroes deserve rewards." Reese says while cupping Zanders cheek.

Within an instant, Reese and Zander have their first kiss.

Zander blushed red like an apple, even though the kiss was only for a second. Reese then unbuckles her seatbelt and exits the car. She asks, "I'll see you around." Zander snaps out of his thoughts, "Oh, h-hopefully soon."

"Maybe on our next date?"

"Absolutely yes!"

While Reese and Zander discussed on having their second date, Rex and Zoe stood on the doorstep hand in hand while gazing at one another. "I had a great time tonight." Zoe said.

"Me too." Rex agreed, "It's one I'll remember for a long time."

The two sat in silence, their eyes locked onto their partners. Rex and Zoe didn't realize it, but their faces were inching closer and closer. Soon enough their lips lock, and the two D-Team members share their romantic kiss. After a few moments, they separate with grins on their faces and were still blushing red. They hear a car engine, and see Zander leaving back to Zeta Point. Reese walks up the path towards the doorstep.

"Time to head on in, Zoe." Reese said while entering the house.

"Okay." She turns to her boyfriend, "Goodnight, Rex."

"Goodnight, Zoe." Rex waves while walking back towards Max's house, Zoe waves back before entering her home. As Rex was walking, he raised a fist in the air and said, "Yes!"

Me: And that's The End. Now I'll do more ReeZan fanfics later on, just may take a bit to think of some good story ideas. Well until next time, this CarnotaurusMan signing off. Peace!