Chapter 10: Until The Hands of Fate Twine Milord, Once More

There was a moment of numb shock before the three kings reacted. Yugo noted. Like everyone else in the room, he waited what felt like slowed seconds for the kings to react, eyes searching for the slightest hint of emotion to tell them what it would be. He did not wait long. Crazed laughter echoed shook the silence as the three kings broke out into mad giggles, Haou going as far as falling back against his throne with a fit of chortled chuckles as he clutched his midsection with an arm. Like every other sane person, the boy from the Synchro Dimension stared with an agape expression, blinking to remove the illusion over his eyes.

"W-What is going on?" Yugo whispered as he took in the now calming First King, who still bore a wide smirk in place while Yaotl still shook from a small fit, a small smile over his lips as he eyed Hassan with clear amusement.

"I don't know." Yuya replied back, just as soft and equally terrified. Yuri and Yuto didn't look any different, more disturbed at the laughing kings than when they were furious. Fury, they knew how to talk down. But amusement? That could have meant trouble for everyone but the kings themselves.

"After all of these years," Yaotl began, his tone dark and laced with pure venom, smiling widely. "You will finally relieve me of my throne? You. My god, whom I have burned your mark on my mortal form and damned myself in not only in my life but in my reincarnation's! You will finally, allow me to rest? You will allow all three of us, the wish that we so craved in life?"

Eyes widened as the audience realized the kings shared the same wish. To be relieved of their throne, to be at rest, to be at peace.

The Third King's face voided of amusement before flashing into icy fury.

"Do not patronize us." A ringed finger brushed off the now dried blood from his scarred cheek, as his sapphire eyes regained their ruby hue. "You made me the Third King, I chose nothing but everything after that, and it was of my volition. I stained my hands of blood so that they wouldn't be my peoples'. I ordered my prisoners to be eaten and released as game to train monsters of my invention, built to kill and shred flesh. I removed the last of my family because they were in my way. I made my best friend kill me so that I could kill more with my death. I am not kind. I took over the body of my reincarnation to sentence a usurper of my authority. I watched as my reincarnation suffered in silence, even though I had the power to interfere. And the one who gifted me of this authority to command the Signers and the Dark Signers, to designate who is my ally and my enemy was the gods themselves! Do not think that you can rip aside my authority so easily! I am a mortal prince that defied the gods long before I was made your vessel!"

"That goes for me as well." The Supreme King spoke languidly, golden eyes glaring as his body lounged lax, comfortable while his words were cold. "I was born from a primordial, an immortal before Titans, nonetheless, mere gods, even my father cannot remove my power so easily and I was raised by the Caesar. I am those things before I was crowned the Second King. And under my prodigiously infamous name — my prisoners-of-war were the foundation of my castle, literally. Their blood mixed with the mortar, their bones the bricks and the organs the harvest for the builders of my grotesque monsters; each of them, defeated by me as they swore their loyalty at my feet. Take my power? If you can, I welcome you to. I never asked for power, I never craved it, I never wanted it — I have more than enough of it in spades for you to suck away. If you can."

"My friends speak truly, Hassan." Atemu smirked, chuckling into his fist that rolled the crook in his fingers. "Our bloodlines are not the only thing that we have. We have reigned for hundreds of years, lost more than just memories and friends, killed so many that we only know that it ranges to hundreds, sinned so much that we can no longer remember it all — just so that our loved ones and those we cared to live. It is selfish of us, to shape the world as we wished, ignoring the words of those who opposed it. I hung so many treasonous men who tried to whisper to me of power, left many for madness to cure my own, sentenced those who may have not deserved such a severe punishment. But I am mortal. A blessed mortal of the gods, son of Horus, and living god as pharaoh perhaps, but — I am very mortal none the same. I am selfish. I am neither good nor evil. I lie, bend and break rules as it is advantageous to me and myself alone. And I am not so generous to allow you to take anymore from me, as I have given the gods ample as their First King."

"If the sentence is to be relinquished of our titles, then so be it." Yaotl sighed, as series of items and symbols of royalty fell. His spear, the pharaoh's crook, flail and Millennium Puzzle along with the king's medals all clanged with a resolute thud as the three seated themselves on their thrones with quiet dignity and acceptance. Yugo and the rest of the future successors gaped, eyes fixed on the royal items. If the first three kings were to be dethroned, would the same happen to them as well?

"But know that mere gods, will not be enough for you to escape our wrath."

Instead of carrying in removing the crowns that rested on their sovereigns' brow, Hassan fell to his knees, his deep voice echoing in the high ceilings. "Forgive my harsh words, my lords!"

Atemu blinked with confusion as did the rest of the room, while three spirits sighed in relief (They passed.)


"This was not a trial for your knights," Hassan explained quickly as everyone's eyes widened as the explanation continued. Knees kissed the ground in escalating fashion from all, even the succeeding kings; this was not borderline treason. It was. Plain and simple as day. May the kings be merciful. "But a trial for the three of you, by the gods. They wished to use the name of your future reincarnations to test you, to determine if you all had learned through your experiences in the modern world. Please punish me for my insolence and treasonous words! I deserve death for my crimes against the crowns of the empire!" He did. He did ask them to basically abdicate — mere suggestion of it warranted a few days of torture and, if merciful, exile. Hassan's crime deserved much, much more.

Unfortunately, this was when Yugi and his future counterparts intervened as the scents of orange blossoms, lavender and water lilies filled the room, doing as they were to. To remind the kings that they possessed mercy. Even if it was difficult to procure at the moment.

You know that you can't kill him. Yusei said, drifting over to his past life, having a feeling that the Kings could now hear him and his company, but not see them. It was likely that the gods wanted their interaction to be in private. He was just doing as the gods ordered. And he is right, you have changed. All three of you.

And you know that this is more than just an act of insubordination. Yaotl replied scathingly. Yusei's lips thinned, knowing that the emperor's temper was raging but was still rational enough to be reasoned. Yugo looks conflicted in whether to run or to offer some kind of comfort, and Yusei knows what is stopping him. Fear. Because he felt it too. He asked for us to abdicate in exchange for Bruno and the others. The mere whispers would have warranted death at the very least.

But it's not really his fault. Juudai insisted, leaning on the side of Jovian's throne, as the Supreme King was very still, golden eyes seeing beyond. Yuri is apprehensive behind him, frozen, afraid that sudden moves would end his life. Juudai does not blame him. He was only doing what was ordered by the gods. And like you guys said, it's not that easy to force you to be dethroned even with the gods by their side. You guys have been kings for hundreds of years, mortal ones that have immeasurable power — Hassan was merely acting on orders. If you guys want to take it out on anything, it should be the gods.

Do not say that so easily, Juudai. Jovian cut in, a pair of golden scissors in hand making Yubel's eyes widen in genuine fear. Going against the gods is no easy task and that challenge is nothing more than a fool's death wish. We would have to go against Ra, the greatest of the Egyptian Gods, Erebus, my father and Primordial of Darkness that came before the Titans and the gods, and the Crimson Dragon, the beast that was the original Xiuhcoatl to the greatest Aztec god, Huitzilopochtil. Even when we were willing to go against them for the sakes of Yubel and the other second-in-commands. And as much as it is killing the messenger, there is not only whose fault it is and the punishment to give — there is also the matter of our authority.

Yes. Atemu drawled, eyes flickering to his fallen crook and flail, knowing the extended silence of the three kings was unnerving all in the room. None of them moved from their knelt forms, and their successors seemed to be holding their breaths — Yuya, Yuto and Yuma almost deathly still. Yugi did not bother looking at them. After this, when we have shown mercy to Hassan, protector of the pharaohs and gods he may be — what goes to show against that another servant may attempt the same? Appeal to the gods in the folly of their sovereigns and establish a coup? When the reactions of the three of us is to display mercy?

That's going a bit far. Yugi swallowed but did not deny that the pharaoh's words were untrue. They were losing this argument, very fast. But it could also be seen that you were benevolent — you don't have to spill blood to come to a solution.

But it would be easier. Yaotl cups his chin in a ringed hand, sapphire eyes boring into the still Hassan. Our authority would be preserved if he is put to death. We were never known for a merciful rule — the history books preserve me as a bloodthirsty emperor that killed his enemies as game because he could. Jovian built his castle from his prisoners because he could. Atemu drove his victims mad to observe the extent of the human will because he could. And we did. We are not merciful. Not in the very least. If this happened in my life, Hassan would have been left skewered on the temple grounds, his innards removed while I preserved his life through hours of torture under Stardust Dragon before I left him alive in the dungeons to suffer. Haou would have left him in the moat of lava of his castle, a scarecrow without limbs that suffered under the change from icy waters to molten lava over his skin for the crows to peck at. Atemu would have left him a prisoner of his mind, watching over and over again the what-if he had not saved his king and failed his duties all while being numb to the world, never knowing what reality is true or false.

But you are not living that life anymore. Yusei argued after seeing the begrudging acknowledgment of the ancient monarchs at the descriptive punishments, looking at the emperor. They needed to divert this, quickly. Damn him for having such a quick-witted past life. This is no longer a kingdom that you have to look for threats in every direction nor assassination attempts. This is the afterlife and haven't you all gone through enough? You have a choice, just like I did. Didn't you want to save everyone in your deaths in the first place?

And what of Yubel and the others? Juudai insisted, catching on as he noted Jovian's flinch. There was hope. Will you punish them too? For obeying the gods? They didn't say anything and disobeyed you when you demanded them to tell them what was going on. They didn't have a choice either just like Hassan.

Yugi did not follow in his modern friends in arguing, looking at his aibou.

You know what the right choice is here, aibou. You are no longer just the Nameless Pharaoh, the Supreme King and the Cold Emperor. The three of you are the First, Second and Third King — you are the kings of old that began a legacy of future kings behind you, you are not driven by blood but by your hearts. You are better than what you believe yourselves to be. Do not be the ancient kings of blood that you were hundreds of years ago.

With a glance to the wind-red eyes, Yugi knew he won. Let us compromise.

There was a loud clang, breaking the sacred silence after Hassan's confession — to which deliberation of his fate was discussed internally, finally reaching a verdict so it seemed. Haou twirled the instrument of his suicide with idle fingers, unnerving as it was same arm that bore his scar while his golden eyes were resigned, clear and cold, having made the sound for attention by smacking his scissors on the marble throne. Yaotl fiddled with one of his many hand blades, twisting it in-between fingers as his other hand cupped his chin, sapphire eyes half-lidded in icy disinterest. In the center, Atemu rested his form on his armrests, free of his symbols of power as he eyed Hassan cooly before their three formerly accused. "We have reached a verdict, Hassan, in regards of your fate."

Everyone momentarily held their breaths.

"You will not be killed, your soul spared." In unison, all breathed, some in relief and others in slow realization that the worst was yet to come (they knew that the three kings were no kind souls). "You may not die, pass on nor disappear. That will be your punishment, you shall watch and know that you exist because of the benevolence of the three of us; a pharaoh, king and emperor that has spared you for treason when you deserve punishment. You may not inflict any punishment upon yourself, whether they be physical or in any other form, live on and watch over the pharaohs and remember why you exist."

"You cannot hide from us." Haou continued, golden shears glinting as brightly as his eyes. "You are a servant of the kings and the gods, bound to our beck and call. Know that the moment you fail in your tasks, the first that will spill your blood will be the accused that hover behind you as the three of us tear down the gods that hid behind you. We know that the gods are sacrosanct, therefore, do not give us anymore reason to make them less than that. There are methods through the hundreds of years that we have been in servitude similar to how you know our weaknesses, that does not mean we do not know how to remove them permanently. Only that it would be a bother to do the chasing." Hence, it never came to fruition until now.

"And you will not join them as we tear them from their risen pedestals." Yaotl entered, his form unmoved but thirsting for blood. "You will watch. Watch as the three kings that were in the servitude of the gods, tear down the very foundations of their beliefs — it does not matter that we cease to be in the process as it will be your responsibility in the end. Unable to stop our descent into madness and even if you manage to prevent that, we do not have to rebel. We can cease of our own accord."

The three accused stared with their respective colleagues in horror at the Third King's suggestion. Hassan lost his footing, hands splayed and knees weak. The Cold Emperor and his two throned colleagues did not even twitch, as their successors found themselves very still. "In today's near likeness, we would remove ourselves from our positions. And if unable by the gods' decree, I will murder the Dark Signers in every reincarnation to continue our feud until the ends of time, your pharaoh will discard his Ren once more to wander the earth to await for gods-knows until a reincarnation is survives and your demigod king will make the same choice to forsake Elysium to be killed by the Light of Destruction over and over again — all in the name of assuring that you have failed, at the very least, the Three Kings."

"Do you understand, Hassan, that you being spared is not mercy but it is also no curse? But a mere promise, one that is worth more in blood and name." The First King finished, as his crook and flail returned to his hands with a wave, the Item reappearing over his neck. Medals reattached themselves with snap of Jovian's fingers while Yaotl flicked his wrist for his spear to return; signaling that they were reclaiming their thrones and positions of power. This was no coincidence. They swore these actions as mortal beings, not kings.

Hassan bowed his head to the ground before whispering. "Yes, my lords."

Yugi drifted after Atemu like a small pup as they arrived in the monarch's throne room, following in silent steps as the pharaoh nodded at his subjects and friends of the Inner Court, given their duties to guard the Book of Life and the Feathers of Ma'at as they quickly read the tension between the two incarnations and excused themselves. Except Mahad, who kept a distance for the privacy of their conversation but with enough room for him to intervene if any surprises were to occur.

"You have grown, Yugi." The pharaoh began, smiling at the build on the smaller's form. "And I see you had taken a leaf of my taste in modern attire."

"To keep up with our appearance, of course." Yugi replied good-naturedly before the smile grew sad. "I have missed you, hitori-no-boku."

"As I have you, Yugi." Atemu says in kind. "I know that you and Kaiba had taken it the hardest in regards of my departure despite Kaiba's skepticism."

"Then… that was you… then." Yugi frowned, referring to the moment when they almost died because Kaiba could not accept that Yami Yugi was no longer of this world. "You saved us."

Atemu smirked bittersweet. "It was a one time gesture. If I had not, you and our friends wouldn't have survived. And that was unacceptable. I would not allow the gods to cut your life short due to my intervention. If there is another thing that the three of us could agree wholeheartedly, it is that you, Juudai-kun and Yusei-kun would live past our lives to full longevity. We died prematurely by choice and we are content with that."

"The three of you are really good friends, aren't you?" Yugi smiled, happy that Atemu had friends, even in his short life.

"Yes." Atemu mirrored Yugi's small one. "We are."

"How did you all meet?" Yugi asked, with a curious tilt of his head as they made their way to the many courtyards in the palace gardens, alone. Relaxed, Atemu glanced in the corner of his eye, knowing that his magician was within the vicinity.

"The three of us appeared in the throne room we convened in earlier, and it would be the place that we would appear in our sleep to converse with one another. We were each led by a Monster of our favor, my own being Kuriboh, where we made introductions and began to be friends. It was…" Atemu paused, a fond smile on his lips as he reminisced. "The first time that I spoke with those in the same position as my own. The solitude of the crown, Yaotl and Jovian knew and eased it for me just I did for them. Since we were forbidden from speaking of future events, our conversations were often variable, from discussions of philosophy to arguments of the best food ever invented by humans."

"I am glad that you were not lonely in your time as pharaoh." Yugi smiled, genuinely happy for his other half. "What would you all argue about?"

"Everything and nothing at all." Atemu smirked widely as he recalled one conversation. "There was incident that began it all — Yaotl had arrived first at this particular meeting, having had a hard time sleeping after a war council while Jovian was getting tired of the inefficiency of the mock democracy he had set up. The two of them were in sour moods when Jovian tripped on Yaotl's many knives, falling flat on his face. Naturally, he argued that Yaotl had placed it there on purpose and unfortunately, the youngest of us also has the shortest temper. Therefore, when I arrived, the two of them were Dueling already. I, being responsible, tried to get them to stop their childish antics."

Yugi winced at the pharaoh's words. This must have been when they did not know each other that well yet. All three of them were childish and hated to lose. Not that Yugi would say that to their faces.

Atemu continued. "Which only served for them to provoke me into the Duel as well."

Of course it did.

The pharaoh smiled softly. "But it was after that, that the three of us grew closer. There was always a barrier of formality between us until we Dueled."

"As expected of a throne room with too many kings in its chambers." Yugi joked as Atemu chuckled, admitting to the hubris. Silence enveloped as the two basked in the sun with smiles, the elaborate afterlife of the pharaohs and their Inner Court of the House of Osiris, for all of his grandsons — it was no place for the Japanese King of Games. And they both knew it.

Atemu smiled softly as he saw Yugi's form dissipating before his eyes. "You are leaving me for once, aibou. I must say, being the one who is left behind is not a favorable position."

Yugi mirrored it as he felt his heart soften as he faded away. "I had to try it some time, hitori-no-boku, for you to experience it just once. Besides, I think you will be fine here. With your wish finally granted to you."

Following his gaze to see his family and Inner Court of friends, the Nameless Pharaoh smiled as he greeted them, free of the burden of the world. Until the next adventure, Yugi.

Jovian sighed audibly in his chambers, resisting the urge to lay out splayed on the satin sheets of his canopied bed, instead he looked to the two other occupants present. Juudai drifted with chocolate eyes, dancing between the furnishings with a familiarity that Jovian knew was his fault while Yubel stood rigidly by the entrance, guarding their privacy. The older one knew that the younger was avoiding the topic, since it was still raw to see him once again after they were torn from one another in death, Yubel as their own medium. The same they may have been, they were also two different lives that believed in different afterlives, separated as two different souls that were also the same. Only Yubel was the same constant in their time in death, their last conversation a sad parting on Juudai's part as Jovian knew well the fate that rested for them once the reincarnation passed — This is where we part, Juudai. W-What?! W-Wait. WAIT! Y-You— What about Yubel—?! Yubel will stay with you and me, we are one and the same. But you and I are not, young Juudai. I am not you and you are not me, I am Jovian and you are Juudai. But at the same time, we are both the Supreme King, Jovian and Juudai. Farewell, my reincarnation.

After that, Jovian appeared before his deceased court that was a mirror to his kingdom at its prime, with the god, Hades beside him. Taking his youthful appearance and a seated form on his marble throne, Haou rose a brow before addressing the god. "Hades."

"Juudai. Or should I say, Jovian?" The god of the dead chuckled good-naturedly. "Welcome back to Elysium, my friend. You have been dearly missed."

"Thank you." Jovian nodded coldly. "Though, I would be surprised to think that you visited me on my reincarnation's recent death for the sole need to correct your address of me — what is your business with one of your recent deceased?"

"Just giving you a heads-up."

Brows furrowed as eyes narrowed. "For…?"

"Just to warn you that death, even a second time around, means little for you."

Some warning, Hades. Jovian grumbled internally, glaring at everything and nothing. Couldn't have been more specific that the gods were going to test me and my colleagues by kidnapping Yubel and the other two in the cost of personal dethronement. I'm going to kick him the next time I see that annoying cousin of mine.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Juudai asked, taking the king from them, perched on the top of his many armchairs.

"I'm plotting bodily harm to one of my cousins." Jovian admitted bluntly, expression still pinched in thought. "Do not fret, he is immortal — the inflictions will heal on their own."

"Is there another method of punishment?" Juudai suggested weakly as Jovian rolled his eyes before answering in a deadpan.

"Of course there is. But none that will give me the same satisfaction of kicking Hades in the face."

"Wait." Juudai stared at him with wide eyes. Shit. He knew that hero worship anywhere. "You're cousins with Hades?! Hades as in the god of the dead?! That's so cool! What powers does he have? Can he summon the dead? Does he smell like—!"

"One question at a time." Jovian glared, mildly irked that the glare did nothing to falter the boy's wide grin other than shut it up momentarily. "Yes, I am cousins with Hades. He is the son of my… great… grand niece but the family tree of the gods is complicated. So, I decided that he would just be my cousin to make things easier. And yes, he is the god of the dead who can do things associated with it, like summon the dead and no, he doesn't smell like the dead."

Juudai smirked before a nostalgic smile took his lips. "So, you really are the same, after all of these years of being dead, Haou."

Jovian shrugged. "I have much more experience with it. You will eventually find something to occupy yourself with in the afterlife. Though, I will admit — I believed that my interactions with you were over after your passing. Atemu informed me that even in the afterlife, he did not converse with his reincarnation ever again since their separation. That is until now I suppose."

"And that's exactly it." The Duelist king smiled ever-so-softly, drifting before his past life, grasping his hands with his see-through ones — barely able to grasp them. "We are one and the same, Haou. No matter how much time passes, even if it is the very gods that separates us by the laws of the dead, we will meet again and Duel together once more. No matter what."

Haou was momentarily stunned before gripping the hold just as fiercely. "No matter what, my reincarnation." A weary smirk mirrored the younger king's as he noticed crystalline pearls at the corners of his chocolate eyes, an image that was forever etched in the Supreme King's golden ones. So warm and familiar. "I should have known, that of all things, our stubbornness was most prevalent of all."

"Ne, Haou?"

The king rose a brow.

"Will you chase after me and Yubel?"

Golden eyes dimmed into bright chocolate brown. "Forever, Juudai." Let us chase after one another to cross paths once more, Juudai.

Yusei was silent as he watched Yaotl greet his Signers, a bit surreal to see people that had his friends' faces but completely different persons and relationships with his past life. For instance, unlike the borderline narcissistic Jack Atlas, Tecuhtli was respectful and immensely loyal to Yaotl's person only, hovering as he scanned the emperor for injury — however, held an echo of a spine that was not afraid to counter his emperor, only to assist him. Xochitl was not mentally dependent on her king like Aki was on him, as she was more of a very close friend rather than a girl that admired him — Yusei did not know what to think on that, and left it be. Even the twins of their past life were different, Meztli was less shy than Ruka, outspoken yet skillfully polite while Tonatiuh was more devious and manipulative with his innocent face than the naive Rua. Tilitic was more carefree than Crow, if that was even possible, words teasing but unlike his childhood friend, this one had a measure of tact. Even though they were separated by the relationship of monarch and servant, Yusei saw that the group was close-knit and formed very strong bonds together.

The Dark Signers were no different, unlike their modern counterparts.

Zuma, who had to be Kalin's past life, led them like a separate division as the protectors of the Netherworld. Yaotl allowed them full reign of their realm as long as they reported to him every once in while, often leaving it to them. In return, the Dark Signers were allies to the crown under Yaotl only, which was only further solidified when it was revealed that the emperor sacrificed most of his natural life for the sake of his Dark Signers.

"They are your family." Yusei said, after they had returned to the emperor's palace, having the throne room to themselves.

"Yes. A family that we did not particularly choose at first. But a family, nonetheless." Yaotl replied sighing, as he paused at the foot of his throne, sapphire eye meeting the reluctant mirror. "Ask me, Yusei. Our time together may be limited in the Netherworld. There is only so much time until we must return to the surface world."

"Why didn't you say anything, when me and my Signers were unaware of Iliaster? Why didn't you say anything when we were going against Paradox?" Why didn't you say anything to me?

"Because there was no need to." Yaotl revealed, fingers absently restless as his chest armor twinkled in the torchlight. "I told you, that my actions of interference of your life was to be minimal. The Dark Signers and Iliaster are no different, being completely your actions and yours alone. In regards to Paradox, Paradox was the last Star of Destruction of Iliaster, but I never found him in my time. I had only found three. One was Bruno, who was originally supposed to be a spy on me to eventually end me if need be but had agreed with my ideals and turned, another was an individual that I had encountered before my reign, a man who had seen the despair of the world and was so broken by the visions that gods had given him that through my actions the world would end in him alone. (Aporia. Yusei realized.) I ended him peacefully, reasoning with him that if the end was indeed coming, then he would be the first to leave my hands, not the last. The last, I met in my deathbed in the arms of Bruno. He had a likeness to me, a near replica — he revealed that his plans had come to fruition, that he would have my throne and Bruno to support his successful counter against the foreign invaders. It was then that I had realized the implication of the second star's words, therefore, I could not allow it. Frenzied, I ordered Stardust Dragon, who was going mad as fast as I was dying, to eat him. Making Bruno watch his former master die in the claws of his current master, only to pass moments after."

"Paradox… what time is he from, the one that we fought?" Yusei asked, quiet. He knew that asking the identity of the other Star was a lost cause. Yaotl was adamant that he was to learn things in time. It was frustrating even though Yusei understood the reasoning behind it.

"Yours and mine." The emperor replied evasively with a small smirk. "My hypothesis is that he has traveled through time so many times that he has lost most sense of identity between his past and current self — evidenced by his apparent madness in the latter half of the duel when Atemu had taken back Stardust Dragon and gave opening to Sin Truth Dragon. He, himself does not know because he most likely failed in the past, unable to cope with the thought."

"Fail? How do you know he failed?" Yusei questioned.

Yaotl smirked wider. "I am not arrogant enough to believe myself to be the only one who was a capable inventor in my time, Yusei. But unlike myself, who built monsters, Paradox dabbled in time, leading him to be misplaced in the future and truly live up to his name as both his past self and the self in your time. Because he knew, that he would have no chance against me at my prime."

"Hearing this…" Yusei began, looking to the empty throne as the emperor's gaze was fixed upon the only exit, eyes far away. "It makes me so tired, Yaotl. You, having lived through it and reliving it now through me and the loss of Bruno again just before thishow are you not at the end of it yet? How do you keep going?"

Yaotl blinked before sighing. With a resounding thud, the emperor struck his reincarnation in the solar plexus with a scarred foot, eyes cold. "Gods. There are times that I wonder, Yusei, how we are the same person."

The criminally marked young man glared furiously, no breath to counter.

"It is not a matter of you." Yaotl rolled his eyes, annoyed and slightly murderous. "It is the matter of the people who are counting on you, they believe in you and you have them by your side to support you. If they are willing to jump into the pits of hell with you, you, at very least, have enough brains to grasp their hands and take the first leap to lead them into the hell. I swear if you dare doubt yourself, one more time, I will carve the words into the back of your gods-damned skull."

"Loud and clear." Yusei replied with immediate wariness. There was no doubt in his mind that the emperor would make good in his words — and if this was how he looked when he was angry when no wonder Jack and Crow shut the hell right up. "So, what happened to my body while we were in this prolonged dream?"

"Frozen in time, most likely." The Third King replied after a moment. "Usually, the gods would summon us when our minds are less guarded, therefore in our slumber — but if dire, they compromise by pausing time momentarily to speak to us or remove us from our physical form to converse their business. It is disorientating to return to your body after being incorporeal for some time, but the feeling will fade in time. But… I must give you a warning, Yusei."

Yusei froze, one thought running through his head. Was Sherry's words true?

Was he truly to die in Ark Cradle, after all? A hand took him from his thoughts, resting warmly on his cheek.

"Stop thinking so much." Yaotl scolded softly. "My words are of my parting, not your own, my reincarnation. I will never allow you to pass on at my age just because of the words of a pale-skin. But goodbyes are are also new beginnings. Never forget that you carry the soul of the Cold Emperor within you, even if our god forsakes or is taken from you, you are me and therefore, deserving of my power. Never forget this and the friends that you fight for, Fudou Yusei. You are me and I am youeternally."

"W-Why? At least, tell me why." Tell me why you are leaving me.

Yusei did not know that he was crying until the emperor smirked with light amusement at the tears on his fingers. "My knight has perished before his king's eyes, I must at the very least, be there to greet him at his arrival, Yusei. I will return to you. Call to me and I will return to you."

"What if I don't want you to leave? What if you don't return?" Like Father and Bruno.

Yaotl smiled softly before shaking his head, as if hearing his thoughts. "I must leave, Yusei; your predecessors too, felt as you do, but all things must come to an end. Ours is merely nearing.You will know when it will be the time that I will return. Now, enough. Your friends have awaited their sovereign for long enough."

With a wave of his ringed hands and a series of swift hand signals, the last thing Yusei saw before he awoke beside his D-Wheel and broken glasses of a dear friend, was his past life smiling softly at him with his hidden knight bowed at his feet, indigo eyes that were so familiar yet so strange wishing him the best in his quest. May the stars look after you, Yusei.