Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

SPN100 Challenge: bone

DEW Challenge: two characters of your choice & body parts

For Dean, the future's looking up. 200-word drabble. Warnings for animal death.

Written for the 'Drabbles Every Weekend' challenge at SPN BigPretzel on LiveJournal. You should come visit, you don't know what the future might bring!


Haruspex Appeal

Stepping into the magic store, Dean's eyes widened appreciatively at the sight of an attractive young woman bending to retrieve a bird from a gilded cage.

"Rowena sent you," she said, without otherwise turning to acknowledge him. "I'm to foretell your future," she added with a coy backward glance as she cradled the bird to her breast.

Dean coughed to clear his suddenly dry throat. "She said you were the best," he grinned, struggling to keep his gaze from wandering too obviously far from her face.

"She always was an insufferable suck-up," she laughed, twisting the bird's neck in an abrupt motion that made Dean flinch in alarm.

He watched in horrified fascination as she made short work of ripping the poor creature apart, tossing each internal organ into a black cloth bag that she held out for Dean's perusal.

"Choose one," she commanded.

Grimacing, he did as he was bid. He raised an eyebrow when her scrutiny of his selected object made her blush, tuck a strand of long, blonde hair behind one ear, and giggle.

Dean's glance down revealed a bone in his hand and he smirked. "I think I can guess that one myself," he said, huskily.
