Chapter IV.5



A few days before Tsunade's "tests"...


There was very little that Anko loved with any hint of passion, and a lot that she hated. Of the things that she loved with any modicum of intensity, sweet dumplings was probably up at the top. Though, her love for her best friend Kurenai Yuuhi came as a close second in that respect. Another that she had mostly kept close to her chest was her fascination with the young Naruto Uzumaki. In fact, when the boy was younger the young snake seductress had sought to adopt him, just so she could fulfill one of her many secret fantasies. However, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, had preempted her attempts to grow close to the boy and had actually filed a restraining order against her to keep her from corrupting him. Now with Tsunade's machinations finally moving to the full, her "test" now out in the open, a bunch of the younger, more understanding kunoichi were deeply interested in the so called "prize". Of those jounin, Anko was unashamedly one of them.

It had consumed her attention for the last few days since the announcement, frustrating her to no end. In a fit of desperation, Anko secluded herself up in her house and tried to wallow in her own self pity party and her sexual vexations, drumming out a tattoo of violence and mayhem on her playstation. However, even that was rather dull to her, and in a show of her frustration she threw her controller onto the cushions of her couch and kicked her legs up into the air.

"Ah, I'm SO bored!" Anko exclaimed loudly, her voice echoing in her empty apartment as she scrubbed furiously at her hair. She had decided to let her hair down for the day, and as such her dark locks were a tangled mess when she was done scrambling her hair. She sighed and leaned heavily against the couch.

"What the hell is up with Tsunade, anyways? And when did she break in my little Naru," Anko remarked dryly, shaking her head. She stared up at the ceiling in mute thought, not really deigning to ponder on anything, but having nothing else to do except pawn some hapless noob on her playstation. And that got old after flawlessly winning several dozen matches at one sitting.

Anko drummed her fingers across her forehead in mild interest as her mind spun with possibilities. Since the whole "test" announcement the snake charmer hadn't been able to concentrate on anything save for the apparent, almost startlingly sudden changes in the kage's personality, and the new status of the blonde demon container. That as a little subbie, though she didn't understand how that went about happening. Which was where her fixation was settling on.

"Where the hell is Nai anyways," Anko wondered idly as she lay across her couch's cushions and kicked her feet slowly in the air. There was a reason for this, since Kurenai had gone out on a mission a few days ago and hadn't returned. It'd be the last missions that any jounin kunoichi would be allowed on before the tests. It was another reason why Anko had sought fortitude through her video games, since Kurenai wasn't here to distract her. All the more reason for her frustrations.

Anko blinked, shaking her head with a laugh on her lips. "I'm hopeless, ain't I?" she remarked needlessly. She momentarily dwelt on her apparent dependency on her red eyed friend. She smiled. "Man, I need a life."

There was the rattle of the door knob, as a key turned in the lock. Almost instantly Anko rose to her feet and began hurrying towards the door. It had just opened when Anko exclaimed, "Nai!" and threw her arms around the neck of her red eyed roommate and began raining sloppy kisses onto the other woman's cheeks.

"Anko?" Kurenai asked in bemusement, awkwardly steering her friend into the small apartment and trying to keep the neighbors from seeing their odd relationship in the works. Anko hummed softly and pressed her face into Kurenai's cheek, smiling. The rookie jounin merely sighed and softly kicked the door closed behind her and fumbled with the lock. The click of the lock turning in place brought Anko out of her funk, it seemed.

Anko blinked open her eyes and looked to the other woman with such a downtrodden expression that she seemed to drop several years off her youth. She sniffled extravagantly, and whined, "Don't you leave me again. I was SO bored!"

"Er," Kurenai said cautiously, wheeling the other woman into the living room from the hallway, "what brought this on?"

"I mean it!" Anko insisted, pulling away and placing her hands onto her hips, "I was so bored here! Not even my playstation helped! And I couldn't go on missions, and the dumpling shop is closed for maintenance, and-and I was so worried, and I haven't been able to sleep because of Tsunade's announcement, and-and," Anko fell away to dramatic sniffles that made Kurenai sigh in resignation.

"It's okay, Anko, I'm back," awkwardly she hugged the child in a fully grown woman's body, nearly having the wind knocked out of her by how tight the snake charmer gripped her to her. It got all the more awkward when the violet haired woman began grinding herself into Kurenai's thighs, both sets of her anatomy impossibly hard and sensitive. "Anko, really? It hasn't even been five minutes since I got home..."

"But you weren't here, and I was all alone, and Tsunade's announcement really, really, really excited me, but I couldn't do anything since you weren't here, and," Anko babbled excitedly. Watching the grown woman acting like an eight year old might have been amusing if you didn't know of the same woman's own sadistic streak. Kurenai sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

"So why didn't you masturbate?" Kurenai pointed out, before shrugging her question aside, being able to guess what Anko would likely say to that, "You know, never mind. I don't think I want to know."

"Nai?" Anko looked to her imploringly, needlessly grinding herself against the other woman. Kurenai gave another long suffering sigh.

"Fine, fine, but you're cooking dinner tonight. And no dumplings!" she ordered. Anko saluted, practicality bouncing on her feet. Kurenai gave another sigh and grabbed the other woman's hand and led her towards their shared bedroom.

They wouldn't return until later that night...


After a long day of practicing with his teammates, Shino Aburame and Hinata Hyuuga, and his own faithful companion Akamaru, Kiba Inuzuka returned to his clan compound with a weariness to his shoulders that was offset by the confident smirk that he wore. However, he knew instantly that something was wrong when he pushed open the large gates to the compound and couldn't hear the usual onslaught of sound from the mixture of dog's barking and people yelling. Not too mention that there was an unusual scent in the air that he couldn't quite place. Cautiously, Kiba entered the compound and began heading for the main house.

The Inuzuka compound was a gated community with several dozen large houses and even more large kennels where they kept their ninja dog companions. What space wasn't occupied by houses, kennels, or training grounds was covered in a wild overgrowth of trees and foliage, not having ever been properly cared for since no Inuzuka gave a right damn about appearances. In fact, no Inuzuka would have even known what a shave and shower were if it wasn't for the previous kage's creating a law and Tsunade reinforcing it that all Inuzuka clan members must taken care of their bodies properly. Still, most forgo taking proper attention to their appearance, apparent from many of the clan member's not brushing their hair and tidying their clothing. As it were, most would choose to try and get away with what they could, and only a few, like Kiba's sister Hana, actively took care of their appearance.

Kiba's brows knitted together as he pushed the doors to the main house open, his nose instantly being overcome with that same familiar and yet strange scent. He hesitated at the doorway, but was comforted by the familiar click-click of Akamaru's claws on the flooring. Confidence returning, Kiba pushed into the house, seeking out his sister and mother.

He didn't have to go far when he came to the dining room and found his mother waiting for him, seated at the head of the table and giving him a calculating expression while stroking the head of her own ninja dog companion, Kuromaru, idly. He had just stepped into the room when the door shut loudly. He jumped, spun, and found the wolfishly grinning visage of his sister looming over him.

"Sup, pup?" Hana barked, a note of hidden knowledge at the edges of her voice. Kiba took a step back. Hana then hurled a fist into his gut that bent him over and had him gasping. Kiba fell to his knees, holding his stomach, but was jerked to his feet by his sister as she dragged him over to the table and threw him down onto a chair.

He could hear growling, and Hana's eyes tracked an object that was charging the table, but before it could impact with her she whistled and there was a whirl of movement. From the corner of his eyes Kiba could see that the Three Haimaru Brothers were surrounding Akamaru. He looked back to his sister.

"Hana, what the hell are you doing?" he moved to stand, but Hana clapped a hand to his shoulder, digging her long nails into his flesh and making him wince. Then with an exertion of force, she shoved him back down to the chair.

"Sit," she ordered. Kiba looked to his mother.

"Mom, what the hell is going on? Why the hell did Hana attack me and why are the Haimaru Brothers attacking Akamaru," he pointed his question her way. Tsume smirked and cupped her hands under her chin and eyed her youngest child with a certain look of disdain that had alarm bells ringing in the back of Kiba's mind.

"That's simple, Kiba dear," Tsume said slowly, taunting the youngest of her children, "we're taking control."

"Control? But you're already the head of the Inuzuka clan," Kiba remarked. But he let out a cry as Hana kicked his chair out from under him and then held him down with her leg, her pointed heel pressing against his throat and making it difficult for him to breath.

"I'm not talking about me, dear," Tsume remarked sarcastically, looking down at her son scathingly. "I'm talking about us; kunoichi..."

"W," Hana dug her heel into his throat, momentarily strangling the boy, hissing down at him, "W-w-what the hell are y-you talking a-about?" he gasped. Hana smirked down at him.

"Maybe we'll deign to tell you...that is, if you survive tonight," Tsume told him, a self satisfied smirk on her face as she climbed to her feet and loomed over towards him.

"W-w-what?" Kiba choked as Hana pressed herself against him, making him see dark spots in his vision. A shadow passed overhead, and he could distantly see his mother standing over him with a dark look on her face.

"Hana, dear, it's time," and with that the pressure on his throat cut off and Kiba was able to take in great gusts of much needed air. But before he could react his mother grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up enough so she could sneer into his face, his feet hanging off the floor as he could reach the ground.

"Be thankful, child," Tsume growled lowly, "unlike the other males in this clan, I plan to keep you around even after we conquer this planet for ourselves. The other males in the clan won't be so lucky," and so saying, she ripped the sleeve of his jacket off his arm and jammed a needle into his flesh, making him cry out at her roughness and the sudden pain.

After a second, she ripped the needle from his arm and threw him to the floor, where Kiba looked up at her fearfully.

"You can try to run now, but you won't get very far," the matriarch of the Inuzuka clan laughed cruelly, watching as Kiba slowly and shakily climbed to his feet, "the drugs should be working on you about now..."

"M-mother...w-w-why?" Kiba gasped, suddenly losing all the strength in his legs and falling to the ground. A shadow loomed over him, a dark laugh rising from supple lips.

"Know your place..."


Shikamaru Nara might be the most intelligent ninja of his generation, but it was hard to concentrate when your veins were filled with a surplus of drugs that made it almost impossible to lift his head, let alone think. All he was aware of was a blur of color that looked very similar to the shape of his mother and his sisters, cousins, aunts, and other relatives, and the sensation of something pushing deep into himself over and over again while something took advantage of his hanging mouth and sunk another meaty, fleshy something down his throat.

"Ah, this is great," a feminine voice remarked, originating from the shape that was riding his back, "it's like he was made to take cock. I'm so glad that Tsunade let us do this," distantly, Shikamaru was aware that the voice sounded a lot like one of his cousin's voices; Shina, if he remembered.

"I know," the voice at his front remarked, laughing and pausing enough to reply, "those drugs are really something, aren't they?" he could recognize this voice as Shuge, another of his cousins.

"Hey, quit yer yappin! Some of us haven't had the chance to try him out ourselves, you know?" a voice a ways away said. Shikamaru recognized the voice as his aunt's, Sheena. At the words, the two girls at his front and back went about what they were doing, picking up the pace and shoving those long, meaty whatsit's into both of his orifices, filling the room with wet sounds of skin on skin.

"Quit yer bitching, auntie, we're almost done, anyways," Shina remarked, her voice heavy with something that Shikamaru couldn't recognize. It was only a little while later when he heard both Shina and Shuge cry out, and he felt warmth flooding into both parts of him, filling him up quickly.

Then Shina was sighing, saying, "Damn, that was great," and then both Shina and Shuge were pulling away and he was falling limply to the mattress, feeling surprisingly spent and uncomfortably full. Before he could do something he felt smooth hands grip him around the waist before pulling him up and something being shoved into his backside.

"Fuck! How the fuck can he be so tight still?" his aunt, Sheena growled, before starting a quick clip that he could somehow still feel despite all the drugs in his body.

Silently, Shikamaru despaired.


Noriko Yamanaka took a long drag on her cigarette while idly watching her daughter, Ino Yamanaka, rut with her drugged father, Inoichi Yamanaka. Being a futanari, both Noriko and Ino were desensitized to sex, and didn't see much of a problem with sharing. Of course, Inoichi wasn't technically all that willing, but he was so drugged out of his mind that she'd be surprised if he could even remember his name, let alone realize that he was being taken advantage of by his wife and daughter.

The rest of the clan were elsewhere, but since the Yamanaka clan was relatively small for a ninja clan anyways, most of the kunoichi of the clan had to look elsewhere for amusement. Only those with a husband or a father or brother were able to find some comfort in Tsunade's orders. And while the women of the Yamanaka clan generally did love their husbands, brothers and fathers, they also were unashamedly futanari, sex deprived, and had been oppressed since the moment they were born. They were all now enacting some much needed retribution and trying to fill the voids in their lives from never being shown true love.

Out of all of her family, Noriko was the only one of the Yamanaka kunoichi to be loved completely by her husband. Inoichi had been just as fond of her male half as her female half, and the two had truly been in love. But Noriko was a futanari, and as all futanari were passionate in a variety of ways, she was fully ready to act on her feelings of anger from being slighted by the majority of the male half of the human race.

But despite this, Noriko was particularly picky on who she would share her lover with. Out of all the other kunoichi in her family, Noriko had chosen Ino as the one that she would share her husband with. Partially because she knew that her husband would like it anyways, and partially because she knew that Ino wouldn't be too demanding of the man. Even now the girl was trying to be as gentle for her father as possible. It was slightly amusing, since Noriko knew that the man could take much more then what Ino was giving. And that Ino could have such a sedate personality in bed despite having such a boisterous personality in life was what made it even more amusing and ironic.

Noriko took another drag from her cancer stick, before stepping towards the rutting pair, intending to properly teach her daughter about why she should be a bit more demanding.


For Chiharu Akimichi, it was surprisingly easy to drug her family. Since all Akimichi were notorious gluttons, no one had even paused at the odd flavor of the drugged meat that she had served them. As such, by the time that anyone realized that something was wrong most of the clan was passed out or falling unconscious. The kunoichi of the clan then had a field day.

What followed shall not be spoken of...ever.


Surprisingly, when Shino Aburame returned him he merely had to pause as his mother approached him. Yume Aburame paused in front of him, regarding her son silently. Shino no less bowed his head to the woman.

"From now on all men in the clan will act in the outside world as they do in the clan, understand?" she questioned. Shino nodded.

"Of course, mother," Shino bowed again. Seeing this, Yume reached down to her pants and unzipped herself, fishing her long, tube-like cock out of ninja pants, and pointing it his way.

"Suck," she ordered, and Shino complied, falling to his knees and administering his mouth to her. Yume sighed and closed her eyes.

There was no need to drug the male members of the Aburame clan, as they were a clan of ninja with the mindset of a bee hive. That being, they worshiped the Queen. And by that respect, all futanari. Yume smiled.


Kurenai awkwardly entered the shower, trailing white down her legs. Her steps were shaky, as they always were after a stint with Anko. She was glad when the shower door closed and the shower head burst into a stream of hot water almost instantly. She gave a long shudder and then leaned heavily against the shower wall.

Kurenai shut her eyes and pushed her fingers through her long, dark curls and tried to center herself. The problem, after all, was that Anko and her had been doing these things for so long that Anko knew exactly what to say and do to get the fire raging inside her. These days Anko barely had to do anything and she would be coming like a bitch in heat. The fact that Anko also had two penises, enabling her to please both her pussy and ass at the same time was even more dangerous for the red eyed woman, since she was always overcome with pleasure and couldn't fight off some of Anko's more humiliating and sadistic attentions.

Tonight was surprisingly gentle, and somewhat romantic, in a uniquely Anko-like way. Of course, being that it was Anko, it wouldn't be sex without a bit of humiliation and manhandling. But she had been notably restrained for the duration of their time together, which probably had something to do with her few days of enforced abstinence. The woman was simply jarring at the bits to come and couldn't concentrate on anything else.

Kurenai heaved a loud sigh and then stepped into the warm spray, trying to take her mind off her own troubles and focus on other subjects. But like the many times before with similar situations, Kurenai's mind always came back to Anko, and what she was going to do about her and Asuma Sarutobi. It hadn't escaped her notice that Asuma was pushing for a relationship between them, but with Anko in the mix that would be impossible.

Kurenai thumped her head with the palm of her hand and leaned into the water, wetting her long tresses. She scrubbed furiously at her hair, trying to draw her attention to the pain in her scalp from her long nails nicking her flesh, but that was no use, and in a huff she punched the wall.

The sliding door to the shower opened and bare feet padded into the stream of water. Kurenai needn't have turned to know who it was, but she did so anyways, turning to stare Anko in the eyes.

"You left," Anko pouted. Kurenai briefly smiled.

"Sorry," she apologized. Anko reached towards her and Kurenai went to her willingly.

They briefly shared a kiss before they stepped into the stream of hot water together, Anko idly pawing at Kurenai's smooth flesh, nails trailing across pale skin. Kurenai watched Anko intently, idly twirling her fingers through Anko's loose dark hair. Anko suddenly smirked and then leaned down to kiss her collarbone, before trailing down and lathing the tops of her breasts with her tongue.

Kurenai curled her fingers into Anko's hair, holding her head to her chest as Anko paid expert attention to her bosom. After having Anko maul her tits a few hours ago, Kurenai was quite sensitive, and unsurprisingly raw. She was red and swollen, and when Anko's lips closed around her peak Kurenai let out a small squeak of pleasure laced with pain.

"Anko," Kurenai gave a throaty groan, and she felt the violet haired snake charmer smirk into her breasts. But Kurenai insisted, growling, "Anko."

"Yes?" Anko pulled away, grinning. Kurenai stared intently at her.

"Not right now," Kurenai told her gently, wincing when Anko's roaming hands moved across a few cuts on her thighs from Anko's nails, "I'm still sore from early."

"But Nai, I need you," so saying, she grasped Kurenai's hand and maneuvered the other woman to lightly grasp at her top prick, "don't you see?" Kurenai sighed.

"I'm serious, Anko," Kurenai told her simply, shutting the other woman up, "I'm tired and sore, and not in a good way. Right now I'm hungry and I want to take a nap. I'm exhausted from my mission, and from all the sex. So can we hold off for a little while? We can continue once I get some sleep, okay?" she pleaded. It looked like Anko was thinking heavily about what to do.

"Okay," she said slowly, but then grew a mischievous glint in her eyes, "and I know the perfect way to help you relax!" she exclaimed excitedly. Kurenai felt her eyebrow tick, wondering if Anko even heard a word that she said, or even understood the concept of boundaries. Finally, Kurenai gave a sigh of resignation.

"What now?" Kurenai muttered. However, she was stopped on a gasp when she felt Anko wrapping her long fingers around her own prick, the wet, warm grip almost immediately making her react. Kurenai shuddered and shut her eyes.

"Relax, Nai," Anko whispered into her ear, leaning into her as she slowly pumped the other woman's slowly awakening length. With each pump of her hands more blood filled the sausage and caused it to rise until it was standing proudly. Anko briefly admired it, before directing her attention to Kurenai's ear and lightly biting it as she worked to excite the other woman.

"Why must you always..." Kurenai trailed off and moaned quietly. Anko grinned and reached between the red eyed woman's legs and found her folds underneath her male half, quickly stroking across Kurenai's clit before sinking between her outer lips and pumping her female half in time with her male half.

"Easy, easy now," Anko smirked, loving the control she had on Kurenai. The other woman was like putty in her hands, reacting and shuddering against her, but not really putting up any resistance to speak of. It was no effort to bring Kurenai to the very edge, but as she felt her prick tensing and her clutching at Anko's arms, Anko gripped her fingers tightly around the rookie jounin malehood, getting a cry of alarm from her.

"Not yet," she told her simply. She grinned as Kurenai lowered her head submissively, "You know what you have to do if you want to come," and it was with much pleasure that she watched her roommate and friend bend slightly at the waist and present herself to her.

"Please," Kurenai pleaded, reaching back to pull her butt cheeks apart, "I need it." Anko grinned viciously.

"Of course," Anko agreed. Then she slowly prowled closer, enjoying her total dominance of her friend and lover. Then she was sinking both of her erections deep into the other woman with a grunt.

Yes, it was safe to say that Anko Mitarashi missed Kurenai Yuuhi.


Kiba's mind slowly awoke, and yet he might as well have been asleep from how hard it was for him to concentrate on anyone thought. He just barely managed to open his eyes, the world swimming in his gaze. A blurry shape passed in front of him, a cruel laugh rising.

"Well look who is awake, Hana," the voice of his mother snidely commented, directing the words to a spot behind him. A mass passed behind his back, moving his body slowly aside as another blurry shape moved across his vision, "How was your sleep, beauty?"

"Probably a little uncomfortable," Hana remarked, only just able to peek over his shoulder and look him in the face. Kiba could feel that she was still attached to his back, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in his gut and his backside that he couldn't quite place, though it seemed to have something to do with Hana as she could barely move around all that much. "I think I can pull out now, mom," Hana directed these words to their mother.

"Good," Tsume growled, and he could just detect the smirk in her voice, "It's about time I had a go at that ass," she hissed. He felt Hana shift, and then there was a tugging at his backside that made tears come to his eyes.

"Shit, he's still so fucking tight that I can barely work myself out of him," Hana told her mother, cursing and hissing. He felt her pulling away, her arms pushing him away and that pain in his backside increasing as he felt himself opening up as something big and round was trying to pull out of his confines. Kiba shuddered and gasped as Hana dutifully worked herself out of him, pushing him more and more as he opened up further and further to allow her to exit.

Finally, with a wet, popping sound, she excited him, and then he felt that uncomfortable feeling release itself from inside him with a great whoosh that left him gasping in relief. Warmth flooded out of his backside to pool across the mattress he realized that he was lying against and across his back and legs.

"When was the last time that you got laid?" Tsume directed the question Hana's way. The bed shifted, and he felt Hana slowly climbing out.

"A few weeks, I think," she mentioned. He heard his mother chuckle.

"From now on, I hope you won't go so long without relief. From how much you left inside him, I would fear that something would burst inside him if you go longer then you did," she intoned. Kiba felt a moment of alarm at the thought of whatever it was that they were talking about, before he gave up thinking about it as it was much too complicated for his heavily drugged mind. "Nevertheless, I'm glad he's proven that he's so durable. Otherwise, I might kill him," so saying, he felt the mattress sink as another body slid up behind him and warm, rough hands clasped him around the waist and pulled him tight to a supple body.

"You want me to get Kuromaru?" Hana questioned from a ways away. Kiba could just see her blurry shape somewhere close to the door. He felt the bed shake as the person behind him nodded.

"In a bit," Tsume said quickly, from behind Kiba, "right now I want the chance to properly get a feel for my son before I really decide to break him in," she laughed, and he felt the bed shake again as she shook herself. "Anyways, time's a wastin..."

"I'll be back in a little bit," Hana said loudly as she exited the room. But Kiba's attention had already turned away from her as he felt something pressing against his back entrance. Kiba's eyes squinted as she tried to understand what it was, but before he could the first few inches had already begun to sink inside him.

"Damn, Hana was right, you are tight," Tsume exclaimed, pulling him against her as she sank herself deeply into him, all the way to the base as he balls slapped his flesh. Kiba grunted, trying to form words, but he could neither understand what he was both wanting to say and being able to say it. Tsume laughed and bore down, trying to push even more of herself into him and getting another grunt of half-pain and half-pleasure.

Then she was pulling back and Kiba was breathing a sigh of relief, that ended in a gasp as she thrust back in as powerfully as she could, jarring his much smaller body. Then she really bore down and began a frantic pace. She pressed Kiba's face into the mattress and climbed over him to ride his ass hard. Kiba was clenching his teeth and trying to maintain composure despite the unfamiliar situation and the uncomfortable feeling of half-pain and half-pleasure in his rectum that was making his teeth chatter.

"Fuck, I could really get used to this," Tsume exclaimed, forcing the boy further into the bed and muffling his cries. "Not even your father was this tight," which explained how she could chase off her previous husband. Kiba cried out as her hand came down onto his ass cheek and left a stinging feeling in his flesh, feeling raw and sensitive. Then she was hooking her hand around his throat and tightening her grip to choke off his air supply. "Fuck, that's right, you bitch!"

Kiba tried to catch a breath, but the frantic humping and her tight hold on his neck was preventing that. And surprisingly, as his vision was beginning to go dark he felt something snap inside him and a great rush of pleasure washed over him and he submitted himself to the feeling, almost drowning in that.

"Fuck, you just cum?" Tsume growled, snapping her hips into his and driving her head against that spot that he liked so much over and over again, "fucking bitch. I knew you would love this. You have 'sissy' practically written on your forehead," she laughed, released his throat and shoved his head down, rubbing his face into the wet mattress that was warmed by its newest discharge. "Fucking open your mouth and lick it up," she said.

Of course, he couldn't actually do that, but he didn't necessarily have control over his mouth and tongue, and so his mouth hung open anyways with his tongue hanging out. With the way that she pressed him into the mattress he was unfortunately unable to stop himself from licking up his own mess and that which was left over by Hana early. The taste of it went right to the boy's head, filling his nose with the heady scent and making his taste buds ring with confusing pleasure.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Tsume chanted, her hips working into overtime as she tried to push herself as deep as she could go into him before pulling nearly all the way out only to repeat the process. There was the clatter of a door opening, and then he heard his mother talking to someone else.

"Oh, Kuromaru, dear, just relax for a moment, I won't be long now, then it's your turn," Kiba felt a wave of panic rush into his senses before that, too, was drowned out by the drugs and what his mother was doing to him. Unintentionally, he felt that same unfamiliar pleasure well up inside him and the spillover, consuming his senses. He heard Tsume scream, shouting, "Fuck! Cumming!" and then something big and round was wedged up inside him, making pained tears come to his eyes. Then warmth began flooding inside him, quickly filling him nearly to overflowing and beyond.

Tsume pressed him into the mattress, and rested herself on him, nearly suffocating the boy. Kiba just silently lay there, not knowing what to do and trying to understand what was going on. Time had no meaning as he felt his mother hold him there, wedged up inside him, locked. Then she was pulling away, working that ball of whatever out of him and making him shudder in pain as he cried out. Then the pop, and the rush of relief as he expelled that unfamiliar warmth. Kiba felt himself curl up into a fetal position on the bed.

"Oh hush up, you big baby," Tsume laughed, slapping his backside, "Besides, if you thought that was bad, wait till Kuromaru is done with you," and despite himself, Kiba felt a wave of trepidation well up inside him.

"I will break you," Kuromaru chuckled, appearing suddenly with a wide, vicious smirk on his face, one eye glinting darkly.


Hanabi Hyuuga briefly rested her tired body after falling out of one of the more advanced forms of her personal Jyuken. Having modified the Jyuken to the style of training that Kurenai had briefly taught her and a few of the other young kunoichi in her class, Hanabi was improving tremendously each day. More to the point, she was learning even more things about herself, her body, and the training style that Kurenai had refused to teach her any more about after being ordered not to by Tsunade.

By now, Hanabi felt that the academy was all but a joke. She was well above her other classmates, even the ones that had trained with Kurenai and the other female jounin. And though she didn't know it, she was very close to genin level, and she still had six more years till she could take the tests to become a genin. But all that Hanabi knew was that her body was pulsing with a power that she was only beginning to understand.

With that thought, Hanabi slowly lowered herself to the ground and closed her eyes, silently activating her Byakugan and looking in at herself and her chakra pathways. And to her trained eyes, these glittering, slowly blossoming veins of energy were full of life and thrumming with power.

Idly, Hanabi traced the pathway that led from the Shimon: the Gate of Death, right at her heart. Here her own chakra was the most dense and potent, full of repressed power that was only strengthening with each day that passed. And she now knew the reason why this was, as her eyes silently tracked the path of chakra that connected the Shimon to the outside world.

Hanabi hadn't even been aware that it was possible to absorb the chakra of nature, and yet, somehow the understanding of the kunoichi's body was such that a kunoichi was instinctively pulling the chakra from the real world into their body through the Shimon gate little by little and then flooding it to the rest of their body, expanding their pathways and forcing their body to produce more and more chakra that was naturally being infused into every cell of their body, reinforcing it to unheard of levels.

Hanabi had come to this conclusion after much thought and study. Having taken the time to silently observe the Hokage's, Tsunade's chakra network and the elder councilmen Koharu's own networks, she had come to the conclusion that the chakra absorbed from nature would continually reinforce the chakra networks of a kunoichi's body, forcing the body to strengthen.

Though at this moment Hanabi and most of the kunoichi in the village could only absorb small bits of nature chakra into their pathways and enhance their bodies, seeing Tsunade's and Koharu's pathways at work showed what she should come to expect in the following years as she followed this training. Right now both Tsunade and Koharu were pulling in enough chakra daily that the strength of their bodies was increasing by a quarter with each day. In comparison, Hanabi's was barely even a thousandths of that. And yet, with each day a little more was added to her pathways as her ability to absorb more nature chakra grew.

To Hanabi, this seemed almost unnatural.

Tsunade and Kurenai had both said that the training that they had went through was molded to better benefit the kunoichi's unique bodies, but if regular men couldn't do the same things they were doing even with the type of training that was geared towards their bodies, then what made kunoichi so special?

To Hanabi, it was almost as if the kunoichi's bodies had been engineered to naturally absorb nature chakra. But that idea was absurd. And yet, she couldn't exactly toss it aside. Her training under the Hyuuga clan's hierarchy had taught her that not everything was as it seemed, and her ninja training had only reinforced this. The so called "Underneath the Underneath."

Something was going on, and Hanabi would be damned if she wasn't going to figure out what it was.

Now if only she could concentrate on anything but her sister's boobs and Konohamaru's supple ass.

Damn it!


Danzo Shimura silently listened as the young kunoichi, one of his many nameless Root ninja, gave her report about Tsunade and Koharu's newest schemes. Danzo watched the kunoichi stoically, examining her intently and seeing if she was compromised in any way. After all, he had gone to great lengths to condition his ninja a certain way. Thankfully, it appeared as if she hadn't been swayed during her time in the outside world. Nodding, Danzo singled her to stand from where she knelt.

"You have done well in your mission to integrate yourself in Tsunade's forces," Danzo appraised, the one of the few praises that he would give freely. It was only to endear himself to the woman so she wouldn't go rogue and force him to euthanize her, since it would be difficult to introduce another of his hidden Root kunoichi into Tsunade's army without Koharu noticing. That woman was too keen to safely plot against without extreme care to caution. So a praise here and there really wasn't nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nodding, he stood slowly and turned away from the kunoichi.

"For now though, continue on as you have and try and earn Tsunade's trusts, yes?" he waited for the traditional "Yes, sir," before he said one last parting comment, "But remember to make sure to keep your true identity a secret, of course. Understood," another "Hai," and he finished by saying, "Then you are dismissed, Miss Tsuchi."

He needn't turn around to know that Miss Kin Tsuchi took his words to heart and departed with nary a sound. Danzo fought a small smile, before activating the seals around his room to soundproof the room and check for surveillance. When the room appeared clean he reached towards his desk and pulled out a simple, unadorned mirror from the top, appearing almost like a simple hand mirror. He regarded the smooth, reflective surface, before pushing his chakra into the mirror, watching as red runes appeared on the surface of the mirror before fading.

Black smoke filled the mirror's image, before clearing and forming the hooded, red eyed gaze of the Strange Overlord. The hooded man examined Danzo for a long moment before a voice suddenly spoke up out of the mirror itself.

"I suspect that everything is in order, then, yes?" the Overlord remarked, looking smug. Danzo nodded his head.

"It is as you have said, my Lord," Danzo explained, "Tsunade and Koharu are moving on your predetermined course and are going to attempt to overthrow the rule of man from the world."

"Excellent, excellent," the Strange Overlord clapped his hands, a dark chuckle spilling from hidden lips as red eyes glinted ominously, "It is all going according to plan, then."

"Yes," Danzo smiled, "it is."

To Be Continued...