Chapter re-written by Drake Darkduke! Clones written out.

A battle interrupted. A new threat appeared..

The Crimson Army invaded.

The Avenger is slain. The Redeemer mourns

The Goddess helps. An alliance is forged.

The Slayer is defeated… the Crimson Army is conquered.

The world devastated. The war isn't over.

A beast emerges. The war was lost.

A daring plan is created.

The snake is sacrificed. The world destroyed.

The two survivors flee. The plan begins...

Two people walked together in the woods, a young blond-haired, blue-eyed man that looked to be about 19 years old. His clothes were torn, covered in dust and dirt; his skin stained with dried blood.

The other was an unnaturally pale woman with milk white eyes, though her inhuman appearance was exacerbated by a vertical slit on her forehead and broad horns on top of her head. Like him, her clothes were also torn and dirty, her skin mudded by her own dried blood.

''We're here...'' The young man stumbled forward.

"But there is no destruction..." The woman said as she collapsed underneath a tree. "Perhaps the beast is asleep or sealed somewhere."

"It must be-it has to be, or else we're screwed.'' The young man sat beside her. "This place is peaceful, there are even birds here, that's a good sign."

"Hmm? Why would birds be a good sign?" She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Look at them, I can't sense anything from them. Fragile and weak creatures. If things like them survive, then that means that... I don't know how to explain this anymore." He chuckled and clutched his stomach in pain. "I mean that this place must be simple and without many predators, it's something about the environment. If Orochimaru's calculations were correct, then there are at least seven years before that thing arrives in Konoha… he wasn't very sure about the numbers though."

"Ahh... you're right.'' She opened her eyes and saw the birds and critters around. He worded it very poorly, but he was right, if the creatures here are weak and fragile, then that means the ecosystem isn't as harsh and demanding, and that whatever went wrong, hadn't happened yet.

The harsher the environment, the stronger the creatures in it. But then again, she didn't need her byakugan to see that the place was peaceful.

"..." The two stayed there in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the tranquility of this new world's natural surroundings, eventually falling asleep side by side.

-Next day-

The morning after was sort of awkward for the two. They woke up to find themselves…. spooning. To think that but two days back she was trying to drain his lifeforce dry, while he was trying to seal her away. 'Truly a lot has happened in these two days', the two reflected, unknowingly reflecting each other's thoughts, before their hunger and thirst made them snap out of it.

The first thing they did was hunt and cook the first animal that they ran across, which happened to be the world's unluckiest boar.

Then they both formed water out of their own chakra to drink. To Naruto it felt sort of strange, but the energy he recovered through drinking water that he made was more than the cost of making said water.

Naruto sighed, they were both in front of the campfire where they had devoured the boar. "So… now what? Where should we start?"

"I am not sure… I suppose we should find civilization and learn more about this planet.'' Kaguya answered, the veins around her eyes bulged. The Byakugan was a special type of eye, through it the user could see over vast distances, through objects, and even emotions and souls. Kaguya's eyes were special even among the rest, she didn't need to push them to their limit to find what she was looking for.

They both had recovered a lot of their missing chakra, and her chakra robes reformed.

''There is a river not far from here, to the… that direction.'' Kaguya pointed at a direction through the forest, unsure how she should name it, given that they were in a different planet. ''The river goes through a city.''

''I was forgetting you had the Byakugan. Can you see the people of the city?'' Naruto asked, staring at the direction that she pointed.

Her eyebrows twitched, but she complied and focused on the people. ''They look human, like the people from your world… but they do not seem to possess chakra.''

''So, you like this place?'' Naruto asked and chuckled. He knew about her stated motives and desire to take his chakra. But for now, he was safe in the knowledge that she needed him as much as he did her.

''...'' She ignored him, got up and began walking in the direction of the city.

After about an hour walking together in silence, at a somewhat 'fast' pace, they reached the river. Slightly unnerved by the long silence, and fearing that he had somehow angered her, he mustered up the courage to try and start a conversation.

"I think we may stand out a lot on the city, you know… horns, pale eyes, torn clothes, whiskers… think we should do something about it?'' He asked and she stopped walking to turn to him.

She blinked, he had a point, maybe they should do something about their appearance. Coating her hand in chakra, she prepared to cut off her horns, but Naruto grabbed her wrist and stopped her. He looked startled.

''Woah, no need to cut them off.'' He released her wrist. ''It's possible to disguise them, and your eyes, and my whiskers, and our clothes… but our smell… we should take a bath for that.''

''Hmm…'' She looked at the river. ''Very well then.''

Without so much as a warning, her robes dispersed and she was left as naked as sunlight.

''W-whoa, w-what are you doing!'' Naruto blushed and turned away from her.

''You said that we should take a bath, I agree.'' She tied her hair into four large buns. ''I didn't think you cared about modesty, given our first encounter.''

Naruto's blush intensified and he began to fiddle with his hands. ''Oh… that… that was different… I'll just leave and come back later…''

"That would be an unnecessary waste of time, join me." She ordered as a round depression was imprinted on the ground besides the river, which then began to fill with water.

Naruto hesitated to look at her, but when he finally did, she was already inside the improvised tub and it was already filled with water.

"Are you waiting for an invitation?" She asked and the water steamed.

"Oh no, right…" He looked around and took off his clothes and pouch, placing them on the ground besides Kaguya and entered. Trying his best to not look at her body. Calm down, she's the sage's mom, my ancestor, she made Black Zetsu…

The water temperature continued to rise, reaching an almost uncomfortable warmth.

Opening her hand, Kaguya created a blue and white stone and then dropped it on the water. She could create dimensions; bath salts and soap weren't a problem.

"So…let's be honest with each other" Naruto, now getting used to her, tried to continue the conversation. Trying to keep his eyes on her face. "How do you feel about working together?"

"Hmm…" she stared at him blankly, with the usual Hyūga stoic expression.

Bubbles began to appear on the water along with a nice fragrance, from the stone she dropped earlier.

"We may as well get this over with now. If we are to do this together, then I need to trust you and you need to trust me. No backstabbing, no deception, if we are to do this together. If we can't, we may as well part ways now." Naruto sighed, and looked into her eyes.

Unlike her, he didn't have a Byakugan capable of seeing souls and emotions, he had senjutsu, but it didn't work on her when it came to that.

It was also a bit of a risk he was taking in bringing up the conversation, and Kaguya knew that. Although they were both exhausted, he didn't stand a chance at sealing her alone, much less killing her if she decided to end him then and there.

"I do not want to kill you." Kaguya answered simply, maintaining her stoic face. "I do want the chakra inside you, but I know that I will need you as you are if we are to succeed. If you survive and we accomplish what we came here for, then I will take my chakra back."

"Huh," Naruto blinked a few times and grinned, at least she was being honest, or so he thought. "I can work with that. Then you can count on me! Believe it!"

His grin widened and he would have given her a thumbs-up, if it weren't for the limited arm movement given the small tub they were in.

"How do you suggest we disguise ourselves?" Kaguya tilted her head. It was really hard to judge her emotions, but he guessed that she was fine with their arrangement.

"I don't know, I'd need to get a closer look for me to know exactly, but for starters, let's hide these horns and eyes." He scooted next to her and placed his hand on her head.

Smoke erupted around her and when it dispersed, her horns and her third eye disappeared. Her byakugan was changed to a pair of cerulean eyes like his, but… it still didn't help much to determine her emotion.

''What technique is this? It is similar yet different to those that you used.'' Kaguya saw herself through a hazy reflection on the water. It was just an image on top of her face, she could still 'feel' her horns on her head. The new eyes were 'lifeless' and stationary, just as much as her usual ones.

''Why do you have to keep reminding me of that?'' Naruto huffed, he used the reverse harem jutsu once on her, and she refused to let him forget about it. ''That is just a simple disguise. It is temporary, hopefully they have sunglasses and headbands in this world."

"Sunglasses…?" She asked, blinking a few times. It was slightly unnerving, like talking with a doll.

"Oh right, they are a somewhat new invention, dark tinted glasses on metal or plastic frames that people put in front of their eyes to hide them, or to weaken sunlight." Naruto explained and she nodded, then got up.

Not being prepared for her sudden movement, Naruto failed to turn away in time and ended up seeing what he had been avoiding, every...single...thing.

Oh God no! That's Madara's body, erase, erase, erase… Naruto chanted with his eyes closed, the mental image of Madara overriding his memory of Kaguya's body.

''Get ready, we need to go.'' Naruto heard Kaguya say and opened his eyes to see her back in her robes, skin already dry.

''Right, yeah.'' He got out of the water and looked at his old dirty clothes. Unlike Kaguya he couldn't make chakra clothes, and putting them back on would defeat the purpose of the bath. So, after a few seconds of thinking, he made a hand sign and smoke covered him.

When it dispersed, he was wearing a set of clothes.

If I can use the sexy jutsu to appear naked, then the opposite can work as well… man it feels cold though. He bent down and picked up his pouch, there were some important things in it that he couldn't lose.

To Kaguya, he was still naked, which was amusing but she didn't show her amusement, or any emotion for that matter.

They resumed their walk with no further conversation, till they spotted the city on the horizon. The city was large and the river went down through it, joining with several other streams along the way. Kaguya could see that the river flowed into the sea on the other side of the city.

There were roads heading towards it, with cars and other vehicles passing by, which were completely foreign to the two. In the middle of the road there was an immobile and seemingly broken vehicle, with a bit of smoke coming from the front. Naruto and Kaguya were far from that road, but they could see it well.

A man came out from the metal thing and opened a lid on the front, where the smoke seemed to be originating from.

''His clothes are simple, I think I can blend in with my jumpsuit.'' Naruto told Kaguya, taking a seat by a nearby rock. ''I think there is somebody inside that thing, can you see?''

''Yes, there is a woman.'' Kaguya analyzed the woman and her clothing began to shift, changing into black pants similar to jeans and a tank-top with a 'buttoned up shirt above, the shirt and tank top being black and white, carrying her six-paths theme and magatamas along it. "Will this do?"

"Hmm, I guess you could shorten your hair a bit, make those buns smaller, but no matter what we do you'll still stand out regardless." Naruto shrugged and got up.

Kaguya's hair shrunk and thinned, undoing the buns that she had, her hair falling to the middle of her back. "Is this better?

"Yeah, sure, follow my lead," Naruto said and the two continued to the city.

One month later

Adapting to the new world was difficult due to many factors, the main ones being that neither of them understood the native language and they had no understanding of their technology.

Some of the things were familiar to Naruto like radios, ramen and gold. It seems that even in a different dimension ramen was a real thing. Fortunately, gold was a precious metal just like in his home dimension and could be used to obtain currency, and thankfully that was something Kaguya could produce.

Their combined ability and expertise of sensing and seeing emotions helped them a lot with understanding people and settling in, plus the occasional soul reading from the handful of criminals that were enticed by the idea of stealing their gold. Turns out, being a complete unknown and selling large quantities of gold makes the criminal underworld interested in you.

Currently the two 'aliens' found shelter in a small one-bedroom apartment that belonged to one of the aforementioned criminals. Naruto never found out what Kaguya did to the poor fool, he didn't quite feel that it was worth it to argue with her over the subject. The apartment's state was quite shabby when they first settled in, with grime and rubbish scattered around the place.

But after a day of cleaning, a bit hard work, and Kaguya's abilities, they turned the place into something almost fitting for a goddess. Kaguya wanted to expand further to the other apartments, but that was where Naruto drew the line. They had already attracted unwanted attention with their large sale of gold, they needed to lay low for a while, especially given they knew very little of this new world, and had to consider the possibility that there were enemies around them that they couldn't beat.

Speaking of enemies, they found nothing on the gigantic monster that destroyed their world, or the army of crimson knights that invaded. One would think that there should be some clues on them, but nothing so far. Of course, their searching methods were rather limited given their also limited understanding of the world's languages, writings and technology.

The two are currently in their apartment, Kaguya sitting on their bed, a large bed with a golden frame and black and white sheets, watching novels on her third favorite modern invention, TV. Her second favorite modern invention being the chocolate milkshake and the first being carrot cakes with chocolate frosting.

Meanwhile, three blond clones sat on the ground, each one reading a different book. They had small notebooks by their sides and kept taking small notes every once in a while.

Kaguya wore tight black pants and a white shirt that showed her midriff. Her hair was loose, reaching the middle of her back, and her horns were out since there was no need to hide herself in their home. On the bedside there was a pair of round sunglasses and a beret that she used when she went outside.

The clones wore only their version of the black pants, their torso bare.

''This is so boring, my head hurts.'' One of the copies complained to another.

'How's … 'Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology'?'' Another Naruto said to the first, looking at his book. '' Mine is 'Japanese for dummies' which isn't too bad, for a textbook anyways.''

''Well, 'The Herbal Alchemist's Handbook' is actually pretty good. If we learn how to use Mokuton someday, then this can be useful.'' The third copy told the rest, showing his book. There was a pile of books besides the three.

''Can you three be quiet, Robert and Lucy are finally going to kiss… Yes!'' Kaguya gave a small grin as the two people on the screen kissed, causing the three Naruto's to stare at her with a stoic expression.

That's just… not worth arguing over. There could be worse things for her to do. All three Naruto's thought and then went back to their books. They had to pick their fights with her carefully, and wisely.

The program that she was watching ended with the kiss, the next program being a religious one.

''Good night brothers and sisters, on tonight's 'The Show of Faith' we are continuing our study of Revelations…'' The preacher on the TV said and the Naruto's ear perked up, while Kaguya prepared to turn it off.

''Wait don't, I want to hear what he has to say.'' One of the Naruto's told Kaguya, and she tilted her head to him.

''You are interested in preaching?'' Kaguya asked and placed the controller down. ''Why the sudden interest?''

''I think there is something going on. Ever since we arrived here, I found nothing on monsters or that gigantic creature.'' The Naruto with the book on myths went to the bed. "I've been reading about these myths and legends, but they're all about religions from long ago, and none mention the red beast. This 'Christianity' has a widespread following nowadays, but the information I read tends to contradict itself. There seem to be several strange happenings around religious hotspots like churches, happenings that seem to be where all the contradiction centers on. I think there's something going on and maybe this could shed some light"

The other clones dropped their books and focused completely on the TV.

''I… hadn't thought about it like that… I should pay more attention.'' Kaguya also focused on the TV.

On a previous program the preacher had already went through the letters to the churches, and for the next forty minutes he went through the seals and had started on the seven spiritual figures… ''and John stood upon the sea and saw a beast rise out of the abyss, and it had seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns, ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of Blasphemy… we will continue this study next Saturday, now we'd like to give a chance to our rising singer Philip and then the tithes and offerings…''

One of the Naruto's picked up the remote and turned off the TV. ''You see that?''

''Yeah, cults take tithes and offerings in this world too, mayb-''

''No, don't go there, we need to keep a low profile, that is our number one rule, no attracting attention, we don't know what we are up against.'' Another Naruto interrupted Kaguya, making her eyebrow twitch. ''But more importantly the other thing that he just said, about the beast coming from the abyss, big scary creature with seven heads, ten horns, and bad breath, sound familiar?''

''Of course I noticed it, idiot.'' Kaguya glared slightly, "I cannot forget that creature… you think that there is a relationship between this cult and the beast?''

''Maybe, I think that it is definitely worth looking into.'' A clone said, and the one that had the mythology book interjected. ''Maybe there is something going on with all of these myths, if one is true, then what else is?''

''Now… I'll dispel these two and we continue this talk tomorrow when I wake up…'' the last Naruto said and the other two dispelled in bursts of smoke. A few seconds later, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell unconscious on the bed.

Kaguya stared at his unconscious body, it would be so easy for her to get rid of him now, take back her chakra. It was very tempting, she could hear the whispers in the back of her head telling her to do it.

But she couldn't do it.

She needed him at his best, she couldn't do it all alone… and she owed him.

He has been studying till he collapsed for the last few weeks, something that she couldn't bring herself to do. His presence made her life easier, a commodity that she was growing used to.

Naruto began to snore, Kaguya poked his cheek.

He was completely out cold just like the other times and he probably wouldn't wake up if the world was falling apart. Using clones to study was taking its toll on his already damaged mind.

Kaguya pulled the sheets from underneath him and covered him with them, then stared at him.

She must have stared at him for an entire hour, thinking. How can he sleep so relaxed?

She didn't feel tired, she had recovered her chakra almost completely and she barely spent any of it throughout the day.


There wasn't much to do, or rather, there was plenty to do and study, but she didn't feel like doing them. So, she dispelled her clothes and crawled underneath the sheets besides him and just laid there.

-Next Morning-

Naruto woke up with a searing migraine and blurry vision. He got up and found Kaguya on the dining table, drinking a chocolate milkshake. There were waffles, syrup and orange juice on the table, presumably for him.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and shook his head, then got up from the bed and went to the table. ''How long you've been waiting this time?''

''Just came back.'' Kaguya said, taking sips of the milkshake. Every once in a while, she'd bring breakfast for him from a nearby coffee shop.

''Oh, great then…'' he sat on the table and sighed, his head was spinning and it was very hard to focus. Kaguya noticed and knew about the cause, but didn't comment on it. ''What time is it?''

''Eleven.'' She stared at him with her usual stoic expression. It used to be unnerving, but by now he'd gotten used to it.

''Ahem…'' He poured the syrup on the waffles and began to eat. ''You look like you got something to say.''

''Last night, you said we would continue the conversation, I have been waiting.'' She finished the milkshake and Naruto's eyes widened slightly.

''Oh, right! Give me a few minutes.'' He drank the orange juice and finished up eating, then closed his eyes.

He stood still then slowly inhaled and then slowly exhaled and used the calming exercise to gather his thoughts. When he opened them again they were focused, sharp.

"To them, the Beast and the Apocalypse isn't a literal thing, rather some kind of metaphor. Now we know the beast is real, and it exists somewhere in this world, but what else is real? If they were common knowledge then we would have found out about them already, so it is possible that these things are hidden. We need to find out how much of it is real." Naruto sighed, and rubbed his forehead.

"And where do you think we should start?"

"I'm not sure where we should start…" Naruto looked around, his mind starting to warm up.

"..." Kaguya stared at him blankly and after a short while he snapped his fingers.

"I think that if there are angels and devils among these humans, then either they are invisible or undetectable to us, in which case there's no use in searching; or there simply isn't any in this city for us to detect at all, so we should get moving and try our luck on other cities." He stopped to think for a few moments. "From now on, you should keep your Byakugan activated for as long as possible, look for clues, abnormal energy, anything different to give us a starting point."

He's becoming smarter, is this a product of the abuse and stress of his copies? Kaguya activated her Byakugan, "Is there anything else?"

"Yea, there is, just give me a second." Naruto clutched his stomach as if in pain, took a deep breath and recomposed himself. "We should use this place as base, or find another if it proves to be too distant from what's important to us, we should start moving… also, I've been meaning to ask, can you create dimensions? I mean, did you create the ones that you used during our fight? How does that work? Do they still exist?"

'He's in pain, a side effect of the changes to his brain, his body is suffering from the abuse his mind is going through.' Kaguya walked over to the bedside and picked up her sunglasses. "I did create those dimensions, but because we've travelled so far away, they are too far for me to access them. The process of creating them is difficult to explain.''

''You can make others then?''

"I could but the quick method would attract attention and the slow and subtle method would take me several days of preparation." Kaguya answered as Naruto stretched himself.

"Hmm, I wish I had asked you earlier when we arrived. I'd need you and your eyes, I could end up missing a lot… but we would need a more stable and reliable base." He closed his eyes and began weighing the options. "You should stay and do what you have to do, that is more important at the moment. I'll go alone and try to figure out as much as I can."

"Hm? You do not want to stay and supervise." Kaguya stated, not bothering to be subtle about the subject.

"Supervise? Nah, look we went through this already, we need to trust each other, for the sake of the mission. I'll give you the space that you need and do my part.'' Naruto smiled with his eyes closed and then walked over to his backpack, a simple dark-orange one. ''I trust you will put whatever personal objective aside for now and do what you have to for the mission.''

''Of course.'' Kaguya's lips curled upwards. ''And I trust you will do so as well.''

''I will come back in two weeks.'' He filled his backpack with books that he had yet to finish and that he should read, and left in a burst of speed.

Scene skip - Beach

On the beach, Naruto stared at the ocean, deep in thought, it was night and there was nobody around. He had a rolled-up map in his right hand. According to the map, he was in Australia, and if he went North then he would end up in New Guinea and then Japan.

They say that the more you love something, the farther you're willing to go for it. Sasuke loved his clan and family, Itachi loved his village and little brother, Obito loved Rin, Madara loved his little brother and his clan.

They all went to extreme lengths for the things and people that they loved.

Naruto loved his friends, he loved his village, he loved his people. He wanted to bring peace to his world, stop the wars, stop the suffering, but he wasn't strong enough.

He couldn't save his village, he couldn't bring peace to his world, he couldn't save a single friend.

Uzumaki Naruto wasn't good enough. He had to be better.

Returning the map back to his backpack, he zipped it up, reached to his pouch and pulled out two small jars.

The jars were filled with a pale green liquid and floating inside one jar was a red eye with three tomoes on them. Obito's remaining eye, his last gift to Naruto before his death by the hands of the leader of the Crimson Army. Inside the other jar were Sasuke's, or rather Itachi's eyes, an Eternal Mangekyou sharingan, and a unique Rinnegan.

He knew, deep down, that these were his best bet at success at the moment. He knew, deep down, that he couldn't expect Kaguya to do what must be done if he himself couldn't. Naruto was many things, but a hypocrite was not one of them.

Yet, he also knew that having these eyes would change him. He feared what these eyes represented. Would he be lost in his own regrets and fears, like many Uchiha had in the past? Would he become a monster, an unfeeling killing machine?

He shook his head. As much as he feared them, he needed the advantages they would grant him, the unrivaled powers of Sasuke's Rinnegan, the perfect recollection and attention to detail of the Mangekyou Sharingan. Kamui.

'Is it too late to speak to Kaguya?' He mused to himself. Shaking his head, the blond placed both jars on the rock beside him.

He raised a hand to his face.

Hello Readers! Dangasaur here! Helping VT Creator with this editing it a bit for readability. You won't see a notice about me again unless VT says so….and I have plenty of ideas for omakes….hehe.