Before you brandish your pitchforks and torches, the amazing Wanli has authorised that I can write this installment into their Scooby Doo/Pokemon crossover series. This story is set after the Mezmerising Mechanical Melody and IS CANON TO THE TIMELINE! Ask Wanli, it's actually a part of the universe.
I wrote the plot and the mystery myself, no Wanli involvement there so sweet poetic justice will be served ice cold, get ready for a mystery to be solved! The cover isn't finished yet so won't be up for a while.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Up above a sandy, barren wasteland known only as a desert, a sole airplane – small in size and only designed to seat around six people with one pilot – soared bravely above the dry winds and harsh temperatures. In the passenger area of the plane sat four teenagers, one highly nervous dog and an aging man, all of whom were heading for the same place.
"Thank you so much for inviting us to come along, Professor Hindsworth," Velma turned to the history lecturer at Coolsville University – who had been giving her one on one tutorship to help her get the best grades she can. "This is an exciting discovery in the archaeological field."
"After all your hard work under my tutelage, I thought this was the best way to repay you," Hindsworth, a man with greying, curly hair under a beige safari hat and a dark two-piece suit with a white shirt a black tie, smiled kindly at her. "This temple is a discovery of a lifetime. Plus, I've heard you've been to Egypt before so all of you are kinda experienced in this sort of excavation."
"Well, we don't mean to brag…" Fred began to say when Daphne covered his mouth with her hands.
"What Freddie means to say is that we have been to one once before," she glared at the trap loving teen before smiling sweetly at the professor. "This will be a whole new experience for us, however."
"Like, ancient Egypt plus undiscovered room equals creepiness!" Shaggy shivered in his seat, clutching to a shaking Scooby who was sitting next to him.
"Reah! Reepiness!" The talking dog agreed with chattering teeth and a quick nod.
"So, how was the university able to fund a trip like this?" Fred had managed to get away from Daphne's mouth hold, inquiring as he knew that there wasn't any money within the university's funding to allow its professors into outside field researches.
"A donation from a kind millionaire," The professor replied, not caring that his place of work had just been called cheap buy a younger person than his teaching audience. "They gave to all of the subjects, but I just so happened to be the only one who had never been able to go on an archaeological dig outside of America, so they sent me on this… plus the study of the ancient Egyptians is my forte. I was allowed a team of five students to come with me but…"
"…But no one passed their midterms with a First so I decided to give the opportunity to someone who deserved it," he gave a proud glance at a now blushing Velma. "She mentioned that you four would be perfect for coming along with her, so I agreed to that as the condition for bringing her along. And boy, am I glad I did that." Two glares were sent in Velma's direction and it was easy to guess who was behind it.
"So, like, what are we getting ourselves into?" Shaggy asked, worried about his future health in the hands of the others and this unknown professor. "Is this place, like, full of cobwebs and mummies?!"
"Oh no, my lad, oh no!" Professor Hindsworth chuckled at his question, heartily. "The temple we're heading to has been 'discovered' multiple times so far. Most of it has been excavated, but there are rumours that a hidden chamber can be found thanks to the paintings and hieroglyphs on the walls. I am sure there is a reason as to why no one else has found it before now but I hope to be the one to find out what is in that chamber, if I can get there first."
"What do you mean, get there first?" Daphne raised an eyebrow, her voice rising a few octaves out of disbelief.
"We aren't the only ones on the site, my girl," The professor replied, a sad glint flashed in his brown eyes. "Four younger archaeologists are going to be there as well, all of whom are looking for the entrance to the hidden chamber as well as I am. However, to make things fair, we are all entering together and getting the same amount of time in the temple. We also are sharing the same campsite as to not cheat."
"That makes sense," Fred nodded, thinking over the situation. "If it helps, professor, I could set traps around the camp to make sure no one…"
"NO TRAPS!" Four voices yelled at the blond haired, ascot wearing teen, who curled in on himself from his seat.
"Alright, alright…" The professor couldn't believe it, the man called Fred Jones was actually pouting over his lack of ability to set some traps around their future campsite. Teenagers these days, if it wasn't their electronic devices it was something else, in this case… traps.
"So, professor," Velma managed to regain control of the tense atmosphere. "Who is this mysterious millionaire that gave the funding that allowed for this to happen?"
"I'm not allowed to give our funder's details away," Professor Hindsworth answered with a sympathetic look. "Even I don't know who they are, only people higher up know who they are. Apparently, they are quite well known due to some, recent event. That's all I can tell you kids."
"Hmm… mysterious…" Velma muttered.
"Like, I've had enough of spontaneous mysteries for a lifetime," Shaggy turned to his companion, who was covering his ears, trying to block out the conversation. "Right Scoob?"
"Reah, right!" Scooby whined, not looking forwards to what might happen to them in the future of their trip.
A few hours later, the plane had touched down in a small airport that was close to the location of the campsite. Luckily, the port had a few conventional areas, including an area for changing. The teenagers got into their safari gear to keep themselves cool in the scorching temperatures as the professor was pulled away by one of the Egyptian officials for the excavation, apparently due to something about their part in the find.
"The minibus that will take us there will arrive shortly," he told them before disappearing off to confirm the new developments. "Please be patient until it gets here, there are food stops and shops you can look at before we leave."
It was that answer which led Shaggy and Scooby to sit in the seating area outside of one of the airport's cafés, munching away on one of the many snacks they had brought from the counter inside. Whilst going to another country was awesome, going to one known for its history of curses and mummies wasn't so cool. They had just recovered from yet another mystery when Velma had given them the news that they were invited, so their reaction wasn't what their friend had hoped would be.
"I wish the kids were here," Shaggy said suddenly, staring into his half-eaten sandwich, which was a wonder in itself because he never left anything half eaten in his hands for long. "They wouldn't, like, judge us for not wanting to go into this creepy temple thing with dead people in it."
"Reah, they wouldn't," Scooby looked down with a whine, knowing who Shaggy was referring to. After the whole business with that horrific Puppet Master, the Mystery Incorporated members had to leave soon due to the Pokémon world's government not wanting the foreign teens in longer than they had to be. Both Shaggy and Scooby were extremely worried for the kid's mental health, even on the plane after the teary goodbye. three mysteries in a row, two of which almost ended tragically, would be enough to scare any child away forever, but they had a feeling that wouldn't get those kids down. The four of them were as tough as nails, or old boots in a way. "Rhaggy, do you think we'll see them again?"
"I think so, Scoob," Shaggy replied with a soft smile, reminiscing of the joyous moments the six of them had spent together. "I think so…" A quiet giggle made the two sit up straight, their heads violently pivoting from left to right to find the source. Only minutes in Egypt and already they were experiencing spooky things, couldn't one trip not end up in a mystery solving quest?! They began to shake, shivers rolling up their spines since there was no one around them at the moment. It was creepy, it was terrifying, it was…
"Seriously? You're still that scared of little old me?!" Two child sized hands covered their eyes, but the voice was enough to give it away. Pulling the hands off, Shaggy and Scooby turned to see a blonde-haired girl with pigtails wearing a white t-shirt with a beige sleeveless cardigan, tucked into a white, creased skirt. The only thing that was the same was those pink Mary-Jane shoes. They couldn't believe it.
It was Bonnie!
"Of course, of all the millionaires it had to be, Mr. Ketchum was the one to fund this," Velma rolled her eyes from her place in the minibus but she was smiling none the less. "I should have known." When she had confronted by Shaggy and Scooby – with Fred and Daphne by her side – about a certain eight-year-old who was hanging cutely in his arms, the dots aligned together pretty quickly. Of course, it was near on impossible for a child from the Regions to be able to come in a place like Egypt, but it wasn't if you had connections to a certain Taku Ketchum. In Bonnie's case, she had ties to his nephew, Ash. As Shaggy and Scooby caused a commotion, the other three children from their last mystery adventure in Lumiose came barrelling over as they were looking for Bonnie, who had run off moments later.
It turned out, Taku had sent them over to make sure the funding had been well spent, but the teenagers knew that it was all just a cover to allow both gangs to see each other again. Knowing that the kids were joining them put a spring in Shaggy and Scooby's steps, which resulted in them practically dragging the other children to the minibus when it arrived.
"Yep!" Bonnie was practically bouncing in her seat, annoying her older brother slightly with her actions. "We were given one job before we left, right Ash?" Her smirk suggested what that job was to the adults, and the blushing grunt of an acknowledgement only confirmed it. That job was making sure the boy didn't end up getting kidnapped again.
"Bonnie, don't speak about it," Clemont frowned as he flicked through his book on Egyptian history, catching up on what most kids learnt about for years at school. "We know the one rule for us coming over here by ourselves, no need to mention it, move on."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever…" His sister answered, choosing to stare out of the window instead.
"So, what is this excavation about?" Serena asked, trying to shift the mood in the minibus to a more positive one.
"Glad you asked, young lady," Professor Hindsworth answered proudly, practically puffing out his chest as he spoke. "The temple was made to honour the Pharaohs, the human gods of the Egyptian civilisation. However, wall art and Hieroglyphics suggest that only one Pharaoh was the focus of the temple we're going to, that Pharaoh being Tutankhamun, the boy king. Rumour has it that one of the pieces of art tells how to get into a hidden chamber inside the temple, one of which has never been opened before!" The man was almost bursting from his excitement. "If we can open it, it will be the discovery of the century! Even more rumours suggest that there is untold treasures hidden within its closed off walls!"
"Treasure?" Daphne turned to smile at Fred, thinking about the possibilities. "Maybe it could be gold!"
"Maybe even gems like Rubies and Sapphires!" Bonnie added, raising her hands to the air.
"Considering the geography, it would most likely be Diamonds or Pearls." Clemont muttered out loud, his head still buried deep into the book he was reading.
"Aww, you're no fun." Having been silent for a while, Shaggy looked over at Ash, who seemed to be deep in thought, staring out of the window with a vacant look in his eyes. Being worried about the boy, Shaggy did the first thing he could think of to make sure everything was truly fine. He started up a conversation.
"So, urrr, are you, like, alright?" He inquired, not to certain about the tired look he received back.
"Yeah, I'm okay…" Ash sighed, still focusing his attention on the bland exterior that the minibus was driving through. "…It's just…"
"The Puppet Master incident?" Shaggy suggested, finally managing to gain the ten-year-old's full attention.
"Well, sorta," Ash began rubbing his arm nervously, staring at the ground to avoid any form of eye contact. "I feel okay personally, Amanda's in jail and nobody got hurt but… ever since that mystery was over, the others have been weary thanks to what happened with Uncle Taku and, you know." Shaggy nodded slowly, understanding what the boy meant, he was talking about that hostage situation.
"Yeah, I know."
"I guess it's to be expected and, I know they care, but I'm not some glass figure that can be broken or taken easily," The boy sighed once again, but heavily this time as the feelings that had been weighing him down were slowly dissipating with each and every word. "I know they're just being friends but I don't need protecting twenty-four seven. Sometimes, I don't know how to even start up a conversation because if I do, I know all my emotions will come tumbling out and that's the worst thing that could happen!"
"Listen, pal," Shaggy placed a hand on Ash's shoulder, the other one occupied by an extremely worried Pikachu, from across the seats. "Tell them how you feel about it, you guys are, like, the closest friends I have ever met. If there is anyone who can sort something like this out, it's you four."
"Reah!" Scooby agreed from beside Shaggy. "Rhou four can do it!"
"Plus, you have the cutest yet, like, most powerful bodyguard right on your shoulder," The hippie commented as Pikachu nuzzled his cheek against his trainer's with an adorable 'chu'. "You have no need to be worried, right?"
"Thanks, you guys," Ash smiled as he picked Pikachu up from his shoulder and brought the electric type in for a cuddle. "I'll talk to them when we reach the campsite."
"Speaking of campsites," Professor Hindsworth had only managed to hear the last word of the conversation and had stood up, pointing through the windscreen at a triangular structure with a bunch of tents gathered near its dark, foreboding entrance. "We're here."