The Winds of the Earth


This is a sequal (of sorts...) to Miss Informed, largely due to sudden inspiration on a Sunday afternoon with a cold. It's truely amazing what can inspire a person...


This couldn't be happening.

It wasn't possible.

Anything but this.

The black-cloaked one known as Felix, the man from her visions, swung his blade at another lizard, and immediatly swung at the next. Beside her stood a man who looked like he was nearly as old as Babi, and a young girl, slightly older than herself, with aburn hair that would've been brilliant if not for the acursed windstorms.

The other two were ahead of her "companions," and were making quite a kill. The blue-skinned and equally blue haired one engulfed one of the desert ogres in an inferno, while his blonde partner singed some kind of bat with the same fury.

She tried to remember the good parts of her dreams, but they paled compared to the carnage ahead of them. The two in front continued to fry anything that moved. Well, nearly everything; only she had seen the small firey critter that scampared behind a rock to avoid them...

As they neared the end of the desert, the two in the lead turned.

"Felix," spoke the blue man, "set up camp. We'll scout around to make sure we're safe from... any complications."

Sheba shuddered at the mear thought of what the evil man meant by that...

"It's OK, Sheba. I'll keep you safe."

"Felix, hello! Your sister is over here in need of help!"

Apperantly, one critter had snuck up on the red-head and bit her on the shin. "Jenna, that's just a scratch! It's not like it was venomous! Besides, this girl is younger than you! She knows less of what we are trying to do than you do."

Sheba stared at the raven-haired man, stunned by his chivilry, but worried about Jenna's wrath, assuming that the tales of violent red-heads were true...

*How do I tell her it'll be OK...?*

Whirling around, Sheba stared into the eyes of Felix, who had placed his hand on her shoulder. Realizing that he'd been surprised, she gestured for him to sit, while she held one of his hands.

*Why are you doing this?* She thought to his mind.

Felix caught the hint. *To save the world. Do not worry, I'll protect you, Sheba...*

*Why? Why do you care so much about me?*

Felix frowned. *How do I tell her my feelings...* He caught himself and immediatly yanked his hand back.

Blushing, Sheba hardly noticed the arrival of another blue haired man...

"Felix, what thoughts are you giving that young girl?"

"Listen, Alex, I'm trying to make her feel safe. Saturos made that clear when we caught her. And maybe I like her, and so what? Don't you like girls?"

His face turning blood red, Alex departed. And Sheba stared at her savior, who seemed a little deeper than she originally thought...

*Maybe he will save my world...*


End of Story


Before I say anything, I need to say that I know what is said during the Venus Lighthouse scene, and I know that while our two villans said that they never let him fight, that doesn't mean that he didn't kill a few vermin.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a follow-up to Miss Informed, although it could stand on it's own. Read and Review, fellow Readers!

Almost forgot! I do not own anything related to Golden Sun except the cartridge! (and a few magazines...)