A/N: Hey there, welcome back to another chapter. Let's do this.
I don't own Halo or RWBY
After the press conference, General Ironwood sent Chief on another assignment for Atlas. This assignment involved suspected White Fang activity in the abandoned ruins of Mt. Glenn, following an interrogation of the White Fang Lieutenant. After the Bullhead dropped him off, the Spartan started his journey, looking around for anything suggesting activity. He came upon a few Grimm, but they were easily killed off. He continued his way trough the ruins, looking at every crumbling building, looking for any signs that the White Fang were in the area. As he continued searching, he came across a tunnel opening, and a few crates with the White Fang insignia. He entered the tunnel and found more ruins, when he found them, a group of White Fang loading cargo onto a train, and Ruby Rose, surrounded by WF soldiers and Roman Torchwick. He his behind a building and aimed his rifle towards the criminal mastermind. Before he could pull the trigger, an explosion interrupted him.
"Oh, what now?!" Roman asked. He looked to the source of the blast, and saw more soldiers running from the rest of team RWBY, along with what he assumed to be their professor running up to them. Ruby jumped on Roman's back and sprinted towards her team. "Someone kill her!" he exclaimed aiming his cane. The other soldiers brought out their weapons and prepared to fire on the huntress, before being shot down by the Spartan's rifle. The group looked at him with surprise, especially Roman and the soldiers.
"Oh, great, THIS guy! This FREAKING guy!" Roman said annoyed.
"It's him!"
"The Master Chief!"
"Oh man, we're screwed!"
Roman grabbed a soldier's collar and pulled him close with a glare. "Get everything ready, we're leaving" he growled.
"B-But we're not finished wit-" the soldier said before the criminal slammed him against the train. "Either we're finished, or YOU'RE finished."
Ruby was about to meet up with her team and Oobleck, before more soldiers surrounded her and aimed their weapons. Just as they were about to fire, Chief stopped them with a grenade and blew them away. "Woah. Huh? Yang!" she yelled.
"Ruby!" the brawler said catching her sister in a hug. She then noticed the Spartan running up to them. "Hey-hey, Chief! What brings you here? Small world."
"On a mission."
"So are we, cool!"
"Guys, there's a bunch of bad stuff being loaded on that train" Ruby cut in.
"What?" Chief asked.
"Weapons, droids, it's all on the train, heading through the tunnel."
"Why, that's impossible, these tunnels have been closed off for years, they lead to a dead end- by the way, Master Chief, Dr. Oobleck, a pleasure- where could they possibly go?" Oobleck said before hearing Roman over the intercom.
"Get moving, people, we're leaving now" the mastermind announced as the train started moving.
"Well, they're going somewhere!" Yang said.
"Well, wherever they're going, we've got to stop that train, so let's go!" Ruby said cocking her weapon.
A WF soldier stood guard on a train car when he heard a thud. He looked at the end of the train to see rose pedals. "They're on the train-*THUD!*" he said before getting knocked out by Oobleck's thermos.
"Okay, what exactly is our plan for stopping this train?" the doctor asked.
"We should get to the front and shut it down, that should do it" Blake answered.
"Alright, then, let's get to the top and make it to the front" Yang said. The five got on the top of the car, and encountered a group of WF walking toward them. "Well, that's just great."
"Well, I never expect them to go easy on us."
"Doctor" Chief said, looking down.
Looking down herself, Weiss' eyes widened. "What is that?"
"That my dear," Oobleck responded, kneeling, "Appears to be a bomb. Hmmm, yes that is indeed a bomb."
"Seriously?! Now what do we do?" Yang yelled. The bomb started beeping, raising more concern for the group. "Anyone got a plan for this?" Chief went up to the bomb and grabbed it. He then threw it off the train and shot it with his magnum, causing it to explode. A small rumbling occurred, followed by the caboose decoupling.
"Go" the Spartan ordered. The huntresses and doctor complied and jumped on to the next train car.
"Alright, there was a bomb on that car, but that's no problem, since there is another bomb on this one, too!" Oobleck shouted. "Oh, no. No, no, no!" he said jumping on another car. He opened its hatch and found another bomb. "They have bombs, all of these cars have bombs!"
"What?!" Ruby shouted. "What do we do?"
"We get rid of the bombs" Chief answered. He grabbed the bomb, threw it, and shot it again, causing another rumbling. The car detatched shortly after, and the group jumped on the next car, as the WF soldiers were nearing on them. Chief grabbed his rifle and ran up to them, firing upon the soldiers, bringing them down. RWBY and Oobleck followed and brought down the rest.
As the Spartan made his way to the front of the train, a hatch opened underneath him, making him fall in the car. With a grunt, he got up and saw a girl walking up to him. Her hair was half pink and half brown, the same for her eyes, and she had an umbrella with her. Her name was Neopolitan, another dangerous criminal who worked alongside Roman. Chief aimed his rifle and shot at her, but she avoided the fire with relative ease. She swung her umbrella at the Spartan, but he dodged it as well, firing again. The ice cream-themed girl dodged again, summersaulting onto a crate and opening her umbrella with a smirk. Chief switched weapons with his magnum and shot at her, but she avoided the bullets and threw a kick at him, but she grabbed it and threw her to a wall. Surprised, and then angered, she pulled a sword from the umbrella handle and charged. Unfortunately for her, Chief was quicker and sidestepped the attack, grabbing her and slamming her onto the floor, causing her Aura to spark. He tried to land a punch, but Neo used her semblance and shattered. Chief stood confused before being stuck in the back by the criminal's weapon. He got up and brought out his assault rifle. Neo and the Spartan charged at each other, ready to strike a major blow to one another, before a red portal opened up, followed immediately by a figure bringing out there sword to strike at Neo. The ice cream-themed girl flew back from the unexpected attack and found the figure who was behind it. She was clad in a black and red outfit with heels. She wore a mask in the shape of a bird. She was holding a katana with sheath that held Dust ammo. Frightened, Neo teleported off the train, leaving the figure and Chief. She turned to face the Spartan, who aimed his gun. "Identify yourself" he demanded.
The figure kept staring at the Spartan until she finally spoke. "So, you are the Master Chief that has graced the news of nearly all Remnant. You know, I never really thought much of you, until I heard of all the things you did across Remnant, and that's when you grabbed my interest. My name is Raven, and now I am here to give you an offer."
"Offer?" Chief asked.
"Yes. Come join my tribe, leave the Atlesian military. I can give you a lot of power if you join us. With you in our ranks, we can be near unstoppable."
"No" Chief answered again. "I won't join your tribe. I have a mission to protect the people, and I refuse to go AWOL. You can take that offer back with you."
Raven looked at Chief with an irritated expression. "You are making a mistake, Master Chief. Refusing my offer will cost you dearly" she snarled.
"Doesn't matter, I will not join you. I have a job to do."
"Fine, but know this, Master Chief. The next time we meet, it will not be as friendly as today." Raven opened a portal and walked through it as Team RWBY barged through a door.
"Chief! Where were you?" Yang asked.
"Dealing with other problems. What about the White Fang?"
"We dealt with them, too. Dr. Oobleck's fighting some Paladins right now" Ruby answered. "Now, let's get to the front of the train." Chief nodded and the group made it to the front, encountering Roman operating the controls. He looked back at them and threw his hands in the air in annoyance.
"Great! Just what I need, is you five. You, MC, especially. I'm still pissed about that grenade thing."
"Give up, Roman. We stopped you again" Ruby said.
"You really think so don't you, red? Well, I'll let you in on something. This train is heading towards Vale, well crashing to be specific, and when it does, the Grimm that are in this tunnel will make their way in after, causing a beautiful display of chaos. And thanks to the bombs loaded in the train cars, there should be plenty o' Grimm to do that."
"Bombs? You mean the ones Chief removed and blew up himself before the cars decoupled?" Yang asked.
"Wait what?" Roman asked.
"Before the bombs went off on the cars, Chief threw them off the train and shot them. We had gotten rid of the last one" Blake answered.
"Oh great! Just great, the plan's ruined. Well at least the train will crash through Vale, so I get the last- *THUD!*" Roman was knocked out by Chief's gun.
"...Well now what?" Yang asked her friends.
"Get up top" Chief responded. Confused, the girls got up on the train, which was heading towards a set of large metal doors.
"Plan anybody?" Weiss asked.
"You, create an ice barrier in front of the train to stop it" Chief responded.
"Excuse me?!"
"It may be our best chance to stop it from crashing into Vale. Now do it." The heiress looked at him with a glare before aiming Myrtenaster at the ground and launching an ice crystal. A huge barrier if ice sprouted in the distance while Weiss created an ice barrier surrounding her team and Chief. The train crashed into the barrier with tremendous force, causing a massive rumbling in the tunnel.
Chief got up and scanned his surroundings, finding Team RWBY helping each other up. "Is everyone alright?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah, sure! I mean, we were riding a train that crashed into a wall of ice, that made us fall off, but yeah, we're right as rain!" Weiss exclaimed sarcastically.
"What Weiss means to say is, we're fine, thanks" Blake groaned.
"My word! That was some collision!" Oobleck shouted from the top of the wreck. "So, what shall we do now?"
"We get back to Vale and explain what happened" Chief responded.
"Very well, then. Children, let's get back to Beacon!"
"He...did... WHAT?!" Cinder roared.
"He intervened and detonated the bombs before the train cars decoupled. That's why the tunnel didn't open up for Grimm to get through. The breach didn't happen!" Adam shot back.
Cinder growled and shot a fireball at a Dust crate, making it explode. "I'm started to get tired of Master Chief interfering with our plans. Which is why I've come up with a plan. Adam, get back here as soon as you can."
"What are you going to do?"
"We're going to lure Master Chief into a trap. When we do, I'll kill him, and our plans will be back on track."
"Cinder, you can't be serious. You know what he is capable of, what if he proves to be more than you can handle?"
"Adam, I have the powers of a maiden, a very powerful being that can take on armies and come out near unscathed. I'm certain I can take on one soldier" Cinder answered with a smirk.
"You have only some of the powers of the Fall maiden, not all. She still lives and-"
"SHUT IT!" Cinder yelled. "Get back here, I'm going to start the plans to trap the Master Chief, and I need you here. Otherwise, you'll experience the powers of the Fall maiden first hand."
"...You had better know what you're doing" Adam hissed before ending the video call. Cinder puled out her Scroll and contacted Emerald and Mercury for her plan.
"Your end is now, Master Chief, and I will enjoy every moment of your painful demise" the half-maiden sneered.
A/N: That's a wrap. Sorry for taking so long for this. I just graduated form high school, go me, and I am getting my house ready for my extended family to visit, so it's been pretty busy, but hey, I'm now out of school, so I have more time to do my stories. I want to make it to the final fight between Chief and Salem, so I'll make an AU where the events of the end of Volume 3 don't happen. And my Loud House/RWBY crossover chapter will go up after this, so stay tuned and peace out.