Well I told you all that this will no doubt be made into a new story and those that saw it liked what we had so far. Heck we already have a few chapters already made so there is no rush for the next one. But for now, here is Total Drama like you've never seen it before.

Just a heads up for the story; this takes place after Cannon of Gravity Falls so after Weirdmageddon and everything else. The only difference is after the twins went back home they moved to Gravity Falls the following year. Otherwise everything is the same.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Total Drama series nor the amazing show known as Gravity Falls. My partner Wolfpackersson09 also doesn't own any of these nor are we creative enough to make something like that up.

Total drama Twins

At the dock, a man in his mid-thirty smiled at the camera with a grin, "Yo! We're coming at you live from Camp Wawankwa! I'm your host, Chris McLean." He paused to let it sink in before speaking up, "Dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television, right now!"

Chris walks down the dock as if he was on a stroll, "Here's a deal, 23 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp." He halts his stroll in front of the camp sign, "They'll compete in challengers against each other than have to face the judgments of their fellow campers." Chris paused for a bit, "Every three days, one team will either win a reward or watch of their team member walk down the dock of shame and take a ride on the loser boat, and leave the island...for good." He grinned, gesturing at the dock.

(Campfire site)

"Their fate will be decided here at the dramatic campfire ceremonies," Chris thumbed at the campfire site, "Where each week all but one camper will receive a marshmallow." He grabbed a stick with marshmallow and take a bite before tosses it away, "In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune," Chris pulls a treasure crest out of nowhere "which, let's face it, they will blow off in a week. To survive they'll have to battle black flies, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food, and…each other."


Chris returned to the dock, "Every moment will be caught on one of hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here right now on…" He takes a deep breath as he pointed at the camera with a grin, "Total…Drama…Island!"

(Theme Song)

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island." Chris beamed as they were brought back, "All right, it's time to meet our first eleven campers. We told them they'd all be staying at a five-star resort, so it they seemed a little T.O, that's probably why." Chris chuckled. As if it was on a cue, the ship just pulled up as Chris turn to face the first camper with his infamous grin, "Beth! What's up?"

The farmer girl suddenly tackles Chris with a squeal, causing him to give her a weird look, "It's so incredulous to meet you!" Beth blinked, "Wow, you're much shorter in real life."

"Uh…Thanks?" Chris muttered with raised eyebrow before glancing to see a giant Jamaican walking up to him with duffle bags and greeted him, "DJ."

"Yo, Chris McLean. How's it going?" DJ gave Chris a high five before glancing at the scene, "Hey, you sure you got the right place here? Where's the hot tub at?" DJ asked the host.

"Yo, Dawg this is it, Camp Wawanakwa" Chris confirmed with a grin

"Hmm…Look a lot different on the form…" DJ muttered, carrying his bags to other side of dock while glancing around.

Chris then turned to the newest camper to arrive "Hey, Gwen."

The Goth girl sighed. "You mean we're staying here?" Gwen jerked her head at the rundown camp.

Chris chuckled, "No, You're staying here. My crib is an airstream with A.C. that-a-way." He thumbed over his shoulder to the distance.

Gwen got into the host's face. "I didn't sign up for that!" She growled.

"Actually, you did." Chris smirked, proudly presenting the contact before Gwen grabbed it and tore it in half, "the great thing about lawyers is…they make a lot of copies."

Gwen growled again before picks up her bags. "I'm not staying here!"

"Cool," Chris said not at all concern "I hope you can swim though because your ride just left." There was sound of boat honking as it left the island showing he was telling the truth.

"Jerk…" Gwen muttered angrily at Chris and the camera as another boat pull up with a cowboy in pink shirt doing some kind of dance before he flipped off the boat.

"Chris Mclean! Wassup man. It's an honor to meet you, man!" The cowboy greeted with fist bump.

"The Geoff-ster! Welcome to the island, man!"

Geoff grinned, "Thank, man!"

"If they say 'man' one more time, I'm gonna puke." Gwen whispered to DJ and Beth,

Chris looks at the dock again before introducing the new camper to other campers, "Everyone, that is Lindsay." The blonde bombshell waved to everyone with a smile, "Not too shabby?" Chris whispered to the camera as Lindsay walk up to Chris.

"Hi! Okay you look so familiar." Lindsay pointed at Chris as he grins at her.

"I'm Chris McLean." She blinked and stares at him with quizzical expression on her face, as his smile dropped into a frown "…The host of this show?"

"Oh, that's where I know you from."

"Um…Yeah…" Chris blinked with dumbfounded expression on his face as he stares at Lindsay walk to the group before muttering something about not bright. He turns around to see a new teenager stepping onto the dock, "Heather."

The teen stared at her fellow camper with a frown before she took her sun glasses off and walked pass the host without saying anything. Beth came up to greet the girl. "Hi!" she cried, unknowingly spitting as she talks much to Heather's cringing. "Looks we're your new friends for the next eight weeks!"

A loud rock music cut them off as everyone look at the source to see a punk standing on top of the speaker before leaping off the boat.

"Duncan, dude." Chris greeted the punk.

"I. Don't. Like. Surprises…" Duncan threatened with a scowl, making a fist.

"Yeah, your parole officer warned me about that, man." Chris chuckled, "He also told me to give him a holler anytime and have you returned to juvie."

Duncan shrugged, rolling his eyes, "Okay then." He picks up his bag and wink at Heather, "Meet you by the campfire, gorgeous."

"Drop dead you skeez," she replied crossing her arms.

Duncan took his place next to Lindsay before Heather stated as she walked pass them "I'm calling my parents now, Chris! You can't make me stay here!"

Chris grinned as he pulls out the contact showing that he can. They turned as another boat honked its horn. The ship was pulling a skiing jock in red jumpsuit, "Ladies and gentlemen, Tyler!" Chris cried as said jock waved to everyone with one hand but it caused him to have a wipeout and flew over the group's heads before landed into the suitcases. Everyone winced as they watch a suitcase flew into the air before splashing into the water, soaking Heather in process, "ugh, my shoes!"

"Wicked wipeout!" Chris shouted to the jock before Tyler freed his fist from under the pile before he gave the thumb ups. He heard the next boat leave before he glanced right behind him to see a nerd with some kind of keyboard in his arms. "Welcome to camp, Harold." Chris grinned.

Harold stares blankly at Chris. That nerd is really starting to creep everyone out. "Um…what's he looking at?" Beth asked the campers, only to get shrugs and a few shivers.

"You mean this show is at this crappy summer camp and not on some big stage or something?" Harold questioned Chris.

"You got it," Chris replied.

Harold stared before he pumped his fist. "Yes! That's much more favorable to my skills."

Chris watched as Harold joined the others and wince glad to be away from the boy. He turned to see the next camper "contestant number nine is Trent." The host nods to the musician.

"Hey nice to meet you man. I saw you on that figure-skating show. Nice work."

"Thank! I knew I rock that show!" Chris boasted as they pound fists.

"I saw that." Beth inputted, "One of the guys dropped his partner on her head and they got immunity that week."

"Lucky! I wish I was dropped on my head." Harold said before Lindsay added, "me too!"

"So, this is it?" Trent asked looking around at the camp and the other campers including Harold who was picking his nose. "All righty then," he muttered worriedly before he took his place next to Gwen. He smiled at the girl who looked away but she smiled back after a minute when he wasn't looking.

Chris smirked as another boat came up but this one had three people on the boat. He knew who these contestants were and said to the camera, "And coming all the way from a sleepy town of Gravity Falls, Oregon in the United States; we have the twins Dipper and Mabel Pine as well as Pacifica Northwest and Wendy Corduroy."

The four teens walked off the boat, showing one boy and three girls. They knew the two with brown hair were the twins though they were dressed very differently. The boy wore a simple shirt and shorts as well as a blue vest and a while cap with a blue pine tree on it. The girl had braces, a skirt and a large colorful sweater. The oldest of the four was a tall teen with red hair, a furry hat and a flannel shirt. The last girl had long blond hair, designer clothes and a purple jacket. She lowered her sun glasses as she glanced at the camp they can see from the dock. "We're staying at this condemned sink hole? No way."

The other girl wrapped her arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, "But Pacifica this look like it will be so much fun."

"I don't know," Dipper said glancing from the camp to the others on the dock. "This reminds me too much of the Mystery Shack."

"That's probably a good thing," Mabel said as they walked over to Chris.

"Yeah Mr. Pines would approve of it," Wendy said giving the place a look over and shrugged. She spent nights in the woods camping with her family and with her job at the Shack she wasn't bothered by how bad the place look.

"I'll take that as a complement," Chris said with a grin before he gestured to have the group join the others.

"You're from Gravity Falls?" Gwen asked them when they got close enough, causing the four to looked at her.

"Yeah, you know it?" Dipper asked as he looked at goth girl as she just shrugged a bit.

"My mom's from there." Gwen said as the three raised an eyebrow, expect for Mabel who just went up to her.

"That's so cool! I hope we can be friends!" Mabel said as Chris decided to continue on with the introductions.

"All right! Our surfer chick, Bridgette, is here."

Everyone turned to see a blind girl holding a large surf board walked down the dock. Duncan scoffed, "nice board. This ain't Malibu, honey."

"I thought we were going to be at beach." Bridgette asked.

Chris points at the polluted beach with a grin, "We are!"

"Great…" Bridgette seems to be disappointed after seeing the polluted beach before bend down to pick up her bag, unaware that she just hit the host in head with her board as he started talking again.

"Ow, darn it! That hurt!" Chris groaned, rubbing his sore head.

"Hi, I'm Geoff!" Geoff greeted Bridgette with eagerness in his tone as Bridgette turn to him, swinging the board. They force the other campers to duck to avoid getting hit.

"Watch the board!" Harold whined.

"Hi, I'm Beth!" The farmer waved as the camper's ducks again.

"Alright we meet surfer girl here," Heather said wringing the last of the water out of her hair. "Can we get on with the show already?"

"Did someone miss their double cappuccino macchiato this morning?" Duncan smirked as Harold snickered.

"Get bent," Heather shot back.

Mabel raised her hand, "I got something to help!"

"Mable no," Dipper told his sister sternly. "you are not to make any Mabel juice while we are here."

The others were confused while Mabel just pouts at her brother.

"Our…" The host winced as he touches his head, "Our next camper is Noah."

"You got my memo about my allergies?" The bookworm asked the host.

"I'm sure someone did." He already got it but he tosses it in the trash can just before the show.

"Wonderful…" Noah said sarcastically, "Is that where we're stay at?"

"No, it's your mother's place and we're throwing a party." Duncan said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Cute. Nice piercings, original. Did you do it yourself?" Noah deadpanned before Duncan grabs his lips with his hand and a needle in the others.

"Yeah, you want one?"

"No thank…Can I have my lips back, please?" Duncan released him with a grin, "Thank…"

Mabel glanced at her brother, with a smile on her face showing she had an idea. But was shot down by Dipper saying, "you are not getting anything else pierced Mabel."

"Oh c'mon!"

"I am not telling mom you got something else pierce while we are here!"

"What's up, y'all! Leshawna's in the house!" Everyone look up to see a black teenager waving at them and they can hear Harold gasping at her. "Yo, hey baby, how you doing? How's it going" She give Chris a high five, "Feel free to quit now and save yourselves trouble 'cause I came to win." She teased the campers as the campers chuckled at her jokes, "Oh what's up, my brother? Give me some sugar baby!" Leshawna raised her hand to DJ as he replies with his own high five.

"I've never seen a girl like you in real life before!" Harold bubbled as he appeared behind her.

"Excuse me?"

"You're really big and loud."

"What did you just say to me?" Leshawna said getting angry, "Oh no you didn't! You have not seen anything yet. I'll show you big baby!"

"She seems nice," Mabel said while Wendy laughed at Leshawna being held back and thus not killing Harold.

"That's one word for it," Pacifica muttered, hoping she wouldn't have to deal with that girl. she wasn't sure if she would be able to handle the sassy sister.

"Alright campers settle down!" Chris said. He did not want them fighting on the dock just yet when he was still in range.

Chris walks up to two new campers in matching clothes, "Ladies! Katie, Sadie! Welcome to your new home for eight weeks!"

"Oh, my gosh! Look! It's a summer camp!" Katie gushed to Sadie.

"I always wanted to go to summer camp!"


Dipper, Wendy and Pacifica were cringing but Mabel was beaming, "Wow these two sound like a lot of fun. And it's so nice that they are BFFs and on the show together." Here she sighed, "I wish my girls were here."

Chris rubbed his head as they walked by all confused before noticing the homeschooled farmer, "Ezekiel! What's up, man?"

"I think I see a bird," Trent snickered as everyone look at Ezekiel with puzzled expression.

Pacifica leaned over to whispered to Dipper "is he being serious?"

"I think he is," Dipper said with a blank look.

Chris decided to try and nip this in the bud. "Okay look dude, I know you don't get out much, been homeschooled whole your life. Raised by freaky prairie people, just don't say much and get kicked off too early okay?"

"Yes sir," Ezekiel said as Chris pushed him towards the others.

"That's just…wow?" Gwen shook her head, dumbfounded.

"I feel bad for him," Wendy said before shook her head, "then again maybe I don't."

"Getting back to the rest, Cody, the codester!"

"Yo, what's up?" The geek said before trying to pull a smooth move with the girls, "and I see the ladies have already arrived."

"And here comes Eva." Chris said as a bodybuilder girl stepped off the boat with a bag, which she promptly slammed into Cody and knocking him down.

"What's in this? Dumbbells?"

"Yes. So?" Eva answered Cody, as Dipper helped Cody up, getting the dumbbells off of him.

"Well, she's all yours." Duncan said to DJ, but Mabel had a different thought.

"Nah, those two wouldn't last a-" but she was cut off by a very loud, "WOOO-HOOOOO!"

Everyone jumped at the booming voice and turn to see the large teenager, "Chris, what's happening?" He giggled to himself, "That is so awesome! WOO-HOOO!"

"Owen, welcome!" The host greeted before he was grabbed into a bear hug.

"Awesome to be here man!" Owen tightened his hug, "Yeah! Man, that is just so…" Owen paused, trying to figure out what to say.

"Awesome?" Gwen smiled at him.

"Yes! Awesome! Woo! Are you going to be on my team?"

"Oh, I sure hope so." Gwen muttered with sarcasm tone, rolling her eyes.


"Oh! I call him for my team!" Mabel proclaimed, liking Owen already.

"Then put me on the other team" Pacifica muttered.

"You about finish?" Chris asked Owen before the large boy put him back on ground, "sorry dude, I'm just so psyched."

"Cool. And here comes Courtney." He pointed at the ship with the said girl who was waving at the group.

"Thank you." Courtney take Chris's hand and step down before make her way to the group, "Hi, you must be the other contestants. It's really nice to meet you all."

Owen grabbed Courtney's hand and shakes it excitedly. "How's it going? I'm Owen!"

"And I'm Mabel!" the sweater loving girl added holding her hand out for Courtney to shake.

Courtney did but was staring at Mabel and her sweater. She didn't have a problem with it as it wasn't offensive as more unexpected. "Isn't it a little warm to have a sweater?"

She laughed and waved her hand "Nah, it's not that ba…" Mabel cut herself off as she noticed someone that had already charmed the ladies, even Pacifica had a hard time not ogling the incredibly attractive shirtless man.

"Dipper, are male sirens real?" Pacifica asked as she had to figure that whatever was affecting her was some sort of siren spell, but it was a shirtless teen.

"I don't know, just don't stare directly at it."

"…. sure…." Pacifica muttered.

Dipper gained a deadpan look seeing both Pacifica and Wendy were still looking at the male. But they were not alone as all the girls were watching this new male as even Eva was watching him. And strangely enough Owen as well. Dipper figured he would have to keep an eye on this camper.

"This is Justin." Chris introduced him to the group, "Welcome to Total Drama Island."

"Thanks man. This is great." Justin said as they shared a fist bump.

"Just to let you know, we just pick you based entirely on your look."

Justin smirked at him, "I can deal with that."

"I like your pants!" Owen pointed at Justin's jeans.

"Thanks man."

"'Cause they look like they're all worn out. Did you buy them like that?"

"No, just had them for a while."

"Oh…cool." Owen gave him a thumbs up before he smacked his head with his palm, "Stupid…"

"Hey, everyone! Izzy!"

"Hi, Chris! Hi!" She waved before slipped off the ship and hit her chin on the dock and splashed into the water.

"Ooh! That was bad" Tyler laughed and Courtney ran up to the girl and pick Izzy up.

Once she was on deck Courtney asked, "are you okay?"

Izzy shook her head, letting her hair move and shake the water off like a dog. "Yeah, that felt so…good! Besides hitting my chin. So that is summer camp? Do you have papier-mâché here? Are we having lunch soon?"

Dipper blinked as did Pacifica and Wendy. As one they glanced at Mabel who didn't seem to notice anything. "She seems like fun."

"Okay," Dipper said to the other two girls. "those two are not allowed to be alone together…ever."

"Agreed" both girls stated.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, I can show you around the campsite that will be your home for the next eight weeks, but first, a photo for promotion." Chris got everyone's attention as he brought out a camera and started directing the campers into a pose on the deck, "Okay everyone say Wawana-oh, lens cap's still on."

Chris checked the lens cap to make sure it was before starting again, "Okay, say Wawan, wait! Card's full."

"Come on man, my face is going to freeze if you keep this up." Leshawna said trying to keep the smile going as Chris finished with the camera.

"Okay, say Wawanakwa!" Chris said, and the campers started to say

"Wawanak-AH!" It ended with them screaming as they fell from the dock as it collapsed beneath them, plummeting them into the water below. Chris just smiled as they grabbed to the closest piece of wood and held on.

"Okay, now follow me and I'll show you around. So, no time to be swimming around!" Chris left the group as they struggled to land.

"Okay, he definitely planned that." Dipper said as the group reached land.

"But he'd have to be, like, a master manipulator to know that the dock was going to fall." Harold countered as others just rolled their eyes.

"Or waiting for servants to weaken it enough so it would fall." Pacifica added as Wendy shook herself dry and Mabel tried to get water out of her hair, leaving everyone to wonder if Dipper was right.

(Scene Change)

Ten minutes later after they all dried off the campers stood around the camp fire area, some sitting on the stumps and wooden seats and others standing. "That is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks." Chris waved at the scene, "The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, competition, and maybe even your friends. You dig?" The campers glance at each other, Duncan made a fist as Harold seemed too close to him and the nerd leaned away. "The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting vote off will win 100,000 dollars."

"Excuse me," Duncan smirked, "What will the sleeping arrangements will be, because I'd like to request a bunk under her?" He thumbed at Heather.

Heather scoffed at him, "They're not co-ed, are they?"

"No." The host shook his head, "Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other."

Lindsay raised her hand, "Excuse me, Kyle? Can I have a cabin with a lake view since I'm the prettiest?"

Pacifica huffs softly clearing believing she had the girl beat in looks. "Okay you are, but that's not really how it works here…" Chris sighed, "And it's Chris."

"But I have to be with Sadie or I'll die!"

"Yeah and I'll break out in hive! It's true!"

"That cannot be happening." Gwen groaned before Owen grabs her and Tyler in headlock, "Aw come on, guys. It'll be fun! It's like a big sleepover!"

"Awesome!" Mabel cried jumping onto Owen's back, "sleepovers are the best!"

"I know right?" Owen asked the hyper girl.

Chris then got their attention, "Okay let's put you in your teams." He pulled out a clipboard. "If I call your name out, go stand over there." He pointed off to the side before he started to read. "Beth…Cody…Dipper…Gwen…DJ…Heather…Katie…Leshawna…Lindsay…Pacifica…Noah…Trent and…Geoff. From this moment on you'll be officially known as," he tossed a rolled-up flag to them and they unrolled it to see their team symbol of a rodent, a gopher to be precise, in a fighting pose with fist up and mouth wide open as if screaming. "The Screaming Gophers!"

"Aww Sweet!" Geoff said getting a high five from Trent.

"Wait," Katie asked nervous, "What about Sadie?"

"The rest of you over here," Chris waved to a different side as he called the rest of their names, "Harold…Ezekiel…Mabel…Bridgette…Eva…Justin…Duncan…Courtney…Owen…Izzy… Tyler…Sadie and… Wendy." They were moving slowly as Chris cried, "Move! Move! Move!"

"But Katie's a gopher!" Sadie cried tearing up, "I have to be a gopher!"

Courtney was next to her and held her shoulder, "Sadie, is it? Come on. It'll be okay," she leads Sadie to her team as the girl cried, "This is so unfair. I'll miss you Katie!"

"I'll miss you too!" Katie cried out.

Chris then threw a red flag to them as he said, "You guys will officially be known as…" the flag unfurled to show a sign with an anger fish on the front "the Killer Bass!"

"It's awesome." Harold said looking down at it, "it's, like…amazing."

"WOOO! I'm a Bass." Owen shouts loudly as he was glad to be on the show.

Chris grinned before he started again, "Alright campers, you'll all be on camera in all pubic area during this competition."


"You'll also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries any time you want." Chris grinned at the camera inside the outhouse as the flies flew around him, "Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest."


"Um, okay…" Gwen deadpanned, "So far this sucks."


"I don't get it…" Lindsay stand in front of camera with her back facing it, "Where's the camera guy?"


Pacifica stared wide eyed and horrified at the state of the outhouse. "Nope not happening," she said before she quickly left before she was infected with whatever.


Dipper had a deadpan look on his face for the camera. "strangely enough, I've seen worst."


Somehow a loon got into the confessional and was putting on a pink lipstick with it wing before it quacks. Mabel could be seen holding different shade of lipstick for the loon to try. She then grinned to the camera, "this place is awesome."


"Hey guys, check this out. I have something very important to say" Owen said before he leans slightly and farted loudly. He giggled to himself afterwards.


"All right, any questions?" no one did "Cool. Let's find your cabins." The host clapped his hands, lending them to the cabins.

(scene change)

"Gophers, you're in the east cabin." Chris point at the east cabin, "Bass, you're in the west."

They gathered their things and entered the cabins. The first thing Heather noticed were the bunk beds. "Bunk beds? Isn't that a little summer camp?"

Gwen also walk pass her with a bump as the Goth said, "That's the idea anyways genius."

Heather scoffed, "Shut up, weird Goth girl."

"Ladies," Cody said walking in. They looked at him before he was thrown out of the cabin.

Chris walked up as they started to settle in as Lindsay cried out, "where are the outlets? I have to plug in my straightening iron."

"There are some in the communal bathrooms just across the way," Chris thumbed over his shoulder to the dirty looking building.

"Communal bathrooms?" Lindsay repeated confused, "but I'm not catholic."

Chris sighed, "Not communion, communal."

"It means we shower together," Gwen informed the still confused girl before she mutters, "idiot."

Lindsay looked at Gwen for a bit before she cries out, "Oh, no! Come on!"

Pacifica scowled, "great, can this place get any worse?"

"You didn't have to come you know," Dipper told her, "I mean you're already rich so the prize money is pointless. Why did you even sign up?"

Pacifica said nothing as she signed up because Dipper and Mabel were signing up as well.

The others peeked out of their cabin to see what the commotion was about. "I'm glad we're in our own cabin with just guys. You know what I mean?" Owen chuckled as the boys starting to give him a look, "I-I-I mean no, I didn't mean like that!" He stammered, "I love chicks. I just don't want to sleep near them." He stammers again as he heads back into the cabin "I mean…"

"Excuse me, Chris." Geoff shouts out to the host with a wave, "Is there a chaperone of any kind in this facility?"

"You're all about sixteen years old or older in Wendy's case," Chris stated with a shrug "As old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp." He grinned, "So other than myself, you'll be unsupervised." The other campers looked at him before the host added, "you've got a half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge starting now."

"Nice," Geoff said with a grin before they all stopped hearing Lindsay scream loudly.

"Oh man, that white girl can scream." Leshawna said

Lindsay was standing on a stool screaming as she pointed down at a cockroach, "What is it!? Kill it! Kill it!"

The roach crawl around on the floor as DJ let out an unmanly scream. He jumped into one of the bunk bed and breaks it by accident.

"That was my bed…" Gwen deadpanned, not believing it.

The others were focus on the roach as it crawled around. Some campers tried to stomp on it while others, mostly girls, got back onto the beds to avoid the roach. After this went on for a minute Duncan appeared in the doorway with a fire axe in hand. Before he could swing it, Wendy walked up and pulled the axe from his hands. "Hey!" he cried out before Wendy swung the axe, blunt side down, and killed the roach. Everyone stared before Wendy passed the axe back to Duncan, "if you're going to kill a bug with that then use the back side, give you a bigger area to work with and less clean up."

All Duncan did was blink as the girl walked away.


"I don't get impress easily," Duncan said leaning back in the outhouse. "but damn that girl is cool."


Tyler moved over to Lindsay, "If you every see one of those again, let me know okay? Cause you know," he puffed out his chest, "I can do that too."

Lindsay smiled at him as Duncan scoffed, "They always go for the jocks."

"Tell me about it," Dipper agreed, knowing all too well.

"Campers, you have one hour to unpack and then meet in the mess hall for lunch!" Came Chris' voice over the PA as the group decided to quickly unpack and move it.

(Scene Break)

"I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day!" The voice of the Resident cook, Chef as he's called, as he slopped some kind of brown meat on plates as everyone went to get their food.

"Are we getting all the basic food groups?" Beth asked as she looked at the food. Gwen looked disgusted as she got her part, and Pacifica was absolutely disgusted. Dipper saw that the food tried to stay on Chef's spoon when he got his, but just shrugged.

"Um thanks Chef." Dipper quickly ran and got a seat near Gwen as she thought aloud.

"Can food be alive?" She asked without really thinking and poking her food as it ran away. Dipper jabbed his food with the fork to make it scream and started eating it. Then Gwen added, "How are you able to eat it?"


"Well, sentient food isn't the weirdest thing I've seen in my life, and it's brown meat. So, I know how to stomach it." Dipper said as he looked into the confessional camera, "Besides, it's the Mabel original recipes to watch out for."


After they all started to eat Chris entered the building. "Welcome to main lodge." The host smirked, placing his arms behind him.

"Yo, my man." Geoff look up from his tray, "Can we order a pizza?" A cleaver flew past Geoff's head and cut into the doorway above Chris's head. "WHOA! It's cool, G! Brown slop is cool!" The party boy cried as Chef growled with a knife in hand, causing most of campers cower.

Geoff looked scared and everyone looked ready to duck for cover any second now. Chris chuckled, "Your next challenge begins in one hour."

Leshawna looked up. "Already? But we just got here!"

"So…?" Chris smirked before turning on his heels and walks out.

"What do you think they'll make us do?" Katie whined.

DJ placed his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, it's our first challenge. How hard can it be?"

(Top of the cliff)

An hour later the campers found themselves standing in their swim suits looking down into the lake below…. from the top of a 1,000-foot cliff. "Oh shit," DJ muttered stunned at all of this.

So how is that? How will the teams fair in the challenge? How will the teams do in general with several campers all mixed up. How will the twins, Pacifica and Wendy be able to handle Total Drama and its crazy challenge? All I can say is this is going to be good. So be kind and review and remember all flames will be sent to Chef to mix into his mystery meat.


SG-Beth, Cody, Dipper, Gwen, Heather, Katie, Sadie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Pacifica, Noah, Trent and Geoff

KB-Harold, Ezekiel, Mabel, Bridgette, Eva, Justin, Duncan, Courtney, Owen, Izzy, Tyler, DJ and Wendy