I'm grateful to the comments to make my writing better. Like put more detail or make them longer that really helps me.
So I don't own. (I own Ambie.)
With the pups.
The pups were sitting under the big tree just outside of the lookout. They were sitting in a circle.
"Hey Marshall." Rocky said
"Yeah, what is it Rocky?" Marshall asked.
"I was just wondering how did you and Ambie meet?" Asked Rocky.
"Oh, well it's a long story." Marshall said.
Chase then looked at Marshall wanting to hear the story too. "I think we have time. Adventure Bay isn't in trouble right now."
"Please Marshall." Sky pleaded
Zuma jumped to his feet very excited. "Yeah dude. Tell us."
Marshall looked at rubble. "How about you rubble?"
"I want to hear it as well." Rubble said
"Well, alright." Marshall gave in
The other pups cheered in excitement all except for Marshall.
Marshall sighed in frustration. "Well it started when we were younger. I was in the dog park with my owners before Ryder got me for the Paw Patrol…"

Marshall was laying beside a tree just on the edge of the dog park. He didn't want to hang out with the death of the other dogs. He was frightened of them because they were twice his size. He was so nervous that they would step on him.
"Frightened?" A voice asked.
Marshall jumped. "Um...well…I" Marshall then took a deep breath trying to calm down. "Yes, I am." He said quietly.
"What? Speak up I can't hear you." The pup in front of him said.
"Yes I'm scared." Marshall said a bit louder.
The pup then sat right beside Marshall. "Why?" She asked
"Well, I'm frightened that the other dogs might step on me." Marshall said.
Marshall then heard the other pup giggle a bit. "What's so funny?" Marshall asked defensively.
"Oh, it's nothing." She said. Although she then get a dirty look from Marshall. "Its just you shouldn't worry about the other dogs stepping on you. Yes, they are twice your size. Although whenever there are pups in the park they watch where they step." She told him.
Marshall was still a bit hesitant.
"Why don't you and me go out there together." The pup suggested.
"I guess." Marshall said hesitantly. "What's your name?" He asked.
The pup looked at Marshall. "Oh, yeah, how rude of me. My name's Ambie." Ambie told him. "And you?" She asked.
"Oh, well my name's Marshall." Marshall told Ambie.
"Well nice to meet you. And…" She then reached put. "You're it." She tagged him.
Marshall then looked surprised then ran after her. "Hey no fair I wasn't ready."
End of flashback
All the pups looked at each other. Then at Marshall.
"You were afraid of other dogs when you were younger?" Chase asked.
"Yeah." Marshall said sheepishly.
Then the pups looked at each other again. Then laughed. They stopped when Marshall gave them a dirty look.
Chase then cleared his throat. "Then what happened?" He asked.
Marshall looked at Chase with a questioningly. "What do you mean?" Marshall asked
"Well, you guys look like you really knew each other." Chase said.
"Oh, well. We also went to puppy school together…" Marshall started.
Marshall was nervous when he was at the puppy school what if the other puppies didn't like him? What if they are mean to me? He wondered.
But he went in anyways. He then saw something that surprised him. He saw Ambie she was just standing at the side of the room. Then he saw a few other puppies standing around her.
"Wolf." Said one
"Killer." Said another.
"Go back to the forest you came from." Said the third one.
Marshall then became angry from the insults they were saying to her. So he went over to the puppies. "You leave her alone!" Marshall yelled.
"Why are you taking her side?" Asked one of the bullies.
"Because she's my friend and you shouldn't bully her. She a really nice puppy once you get to know her." Marshall said as he walked over to Ambie. "So leave her alone."
The bullies just looked at Marshall in anger. "Fine." Said one of the bullies.
Then they walked away.
End of Flashback
"Wow, that was brave if you Marshall." Rubble said.
Marshall stood up proud.
"Yeah, it was brave of him." Said a voice all the pups jumped then they looked in the direction of the voice.
"AMBIE!" Marshall yelled as he went over to Ambie.
The other pups then looked at Ambie. "Hey, Ambie." Said Sky.
"Yeah," Ambie said.
"Can you tell us more about when you and Marshall when you first met?" Asked Rocky.
"Sure I Can." Ambie said with a small evilish smirk.
"Ambie." Marshall said under his breath.
"Hasn't Marshall told you?" Ambie asked as she and Marshall sat down.
"A bit but not enough." Zuma said.
Ambie then looked at Marshall. "Last chance Marshall."
Marshall gave Ambie the if you tell them I will kill you look.
"They will have to find out sooner or later. So why not tell them now."
Marshall still didn't look amused.
"I'm sure my version is a lot more embarrassing." Ambie told Marshall.
"Embarrassing?" Rubble said in a questioning tone.
"So Marshall?" Ambie asked.
"Don't you dare." Marshall said threateningly to Ambie.
"Fine I'll tell them." Ambie said in a teasing tone. "So at the puppy school, we were out on the playground it had swings and hoops to jump through. It was amazing. Marshall and I were playing near the hoops. Marshall tripped over a hoop and landed in a role he roles down a hill that was near to the puppy school. There was a small river near it. He landed in it and when he came back up he had grass and weeds on him. Leaves and sticks on his back and head. Everyone including me laughed. This caused us to get in a fight." Ambie finished the story
All the pups laughed. While Marshall's cheeks turned the color of a rose. "As they say get to know nature. I get to know it." Marshall joked
All the pups laughed.
That's when their pup tags went off. "Pups to the lookout"
That's the end of that chapter. So yeah. Bye.