Disclaimer: I do not own Servamp or any of the characters

"Show me something interesting, Nii-san. Tell me about the day you killed Sensei." Tsubaki held up the lantern and Mahiru instinctively squeezed Kuro's hand. His heart was racing but he knew that he couldn't run away. If they tried to run to Iolcus, Tsubaki would likely follow them and attack the city. Hopefully, they could contain the fight to the stadium.

He remembered how the lantern forced him to relive his mother's death. He needed to keep Tsubaki from lighting the candle inside. Mahiru didn't know how he could do that when his powers were mainly clouds and fire. He lifted his hand and gathered a thunder cloud in his palm. It wasn't strong enough to defeat Tsubaki but he refused to watch Kuro fight alone again.

He used his small thunder cloud to shock Tsubaki's hand and forced him to drop the lantern. The moment it dropped to the ground, Kuro wrapped it in tree roots so his brother couldn't take it back. Mahiru thought that Tsubaki couldn't use the lantern anymore and tried to reason with the Olympian. "There is no need to fight. You know you cannot win, Tsubaki. We outnumber you."

"How boring. I'm not here to fight all of you. Didn't you hear me earlier? I came to speak with my brother. Let's go somewhere we can talk alone." Tsubaki raised his hand to summon his own fire. He set the tree ablaze and it rapidly turned to ash. Smoke rose from the ashes and Mahiru began to panic as it circled around Kuro like it did in his room.

"Kuro!" Mahiru screamed his name and reached his hand towards him. No matter what was in Kuro's past, he didn't want him to face it alone. Kuro seemed to have decided differently for he backed away from Mahiru, not wanting him to be pulled into the smoke. Suddenly, Tsubaki came between them and grabbed Kuro's shoulder roughly. As the smoke smothered them, he looked towards Mahiru and their eyes met. The wind whirling around them was deafening but Mahiru saw Kuro mouth his name.

Licht couldn't understand what the smoke did but he knew that it was dangerous from the two's reaction. He held his friend's arm to stop him from running into danger. He assumed that an Olympian would be able to counter the smoke. With his free hand, Licht raised his pan flute to his lips. He tried to sway the smoke with his song. It refused to move as he commanded though.

"His power feels different. What the hell is it?" Licht asked but there wasn't enough time to explain it to him. He shook off Licht's hand and ran towards the smoke. Mahiru knew that he was being reckless yet his need to save Kuro overtook him. He promised Kuro he would stay by his side and support him.

But he couldn't reach him in time. The smoke disappeared and there was nothing but a small, black box where Kuro stood. Mahiru fell to his knees and picked up the box with trembling hands. The box was wrapped in chains and vines. There wasn't a lock he could open though. It shook in his hands for a moment before it became still.

Mahiru knew that Kuro was trapped in the box. He attempted to burn the vines and chains to free Kuro but his flame had little effect on them. Black Cat scratched on the glass as well and, once again, it was pointless. He could only imagine what he was experiencing inside the box. Tsubaki was inside the box as well. If only he could go into the box to help him. "Kuro… I'm so sorry."

"Is that Kuro?" Lily knelt next to him and stared at the box in Mahiru's hands. He could sense Kuro within the box but he couldn't believe that Tsubaki was able to trap him inside it. Kuro was the strongest of the Olympians so he should be able to break out of any prison. "I never seen a cage like this before."

"I don't know exactly what Tsubaki did except that this lantern forces people to relive their greatest sin. Kuro is now trapped in his own memories. Tsubaki used it on me once and I don't know how we managed to escape. But I'm certain that I only could because Kuro was there to support me." Mahiru held the box against his chest. "I need to find a way inside to help him."

"Is there a way into an Olympian's mind?" Licht asked. His father was a god but he didn't know much about the Olympians. He turned to Hyde for an answer but he looked as uncertain as he was. "Olympians have temples that humans can visit and speak to them. Maybe we can visit Kuro's temple and that will help us enter the box."

"Most humans are afraid of Kuro so he doesn't have many followers. I don't think he has a temple either. Let me see that thing. I can try to break the vines at least." Hyde offered. As he created a whirlwind around the box, Mahiru watched the box carefully. He trusted Hyde but he was worried that they might accidentally hurt Kuro within the box.

The shadows wavered in the black glass and Mahiru's brows furrowed. When the shadows glowed blue faintly, he suddenly remembered he saw a similar box once before. "Wait, Kuro does have a temple in his forest! We need to go to the Forest of Ash as soon as possible."

"The Forest of Ash is on the edge of the world." Misono reminded him. "Even if you ride Cerberus or use Kuro's chariot, it will take you days to return to the Forest of Ash. I don't know if there's a chariot fast enough that we can reach the forest before sunset."

"There is." Mahiru hugged Kuro's cloak around his body and stood. "The sun chariot."

"Are you crazy, Licht? You can't go to the Forest of Ash to fight Tsubaki. It's too dangerous. I'll go with Mahiru while you stay here where it's safe. You're a strong demigod but you're still half human." Hyde yelled. Licht ignored him and continued to pack small instruments into his bag. The sun chariot could only carry two people and Licht wanted to go with his friend.

But, knowing how strong his brother was, Hyde refused to let him run into danger. He grabbed Licht's arm and tried to dissuade him from leaving. "If you're worried about your friend, I'll go with Mahiru. Trust me. I can protect him for you. Anyways, I should be the one to save Kuro so I can confront him. Weren't you the one that said I should face him?"

"I'm going with Mahiru and you can't stop me. If you really want to confront your brother, find another way to the Forest of Ash." He pulled his arm from his grip. Mahiru wasn't the only person he wanted to protect. Going would help Hyde as well. He had seen how Hyde hesitated and that would be more hazardous in Kuro's memories. So, Licht decided to go for his sake. "I'll bring back Kuro for you."

"What about your wings? Heat will melt the wax and you won't be able to fly anymore. The sun is much more dangerous than fire!" Hyde screamed. He clawed for anything that would convince Licht to stay in Iolcus where it was safe. He lost someone he cared for because he couldn't face his brother and he didn't want to make that mistake again. "It's too dangerous for you!"

"Will you shut up about how dangerous Tsubaki is as if I don't already know? If you want to protect me, give me some of your strength." Licht grasped his shoulders and yanked him down so he could kiss his lips. Feathers circled around them and Licht could feel Hyde's warmth surround him like the other times he kissed him. His wings grew stronger each time he pressed his lips against his.

Hyde was shocked that he couldn't react quickly enough. He slowly lifted his arms to hold Licht. Before he could, he pushed him away. Licht ignored how Hyde called his name and ran to where Mahiru was waiting for him with Black Cat. His heart was racing and he didn't know why he kissed Hyde. Each time Hyde kissed him in the past, his wings did grow stronger but that wasn't the reason.

"Mahiru, it's time to go!" Licht didn't want to linger and face his feelings for Hyde. Black Cat's Cerberus form was as large as a house so he had to fly onto its back. Licht sat behind Mahiru and held onto Black Cat's fur so he wouldn't fall off as it jumped towards the clouds. Only once they were far enough away, did Licht look back towards Hyde. He was a speck in the distance so he couldn't see his face.

Licht sighed and wished he knew what to make of everything. He thought back to the weeks he believed Hyde was human. It was easy to say how he felt towards him then. He enjoyed spending time with him and thought he was sweet. After he learned that he was a god who deceived him, he hated him. Everything became a complicated mix of love and hatred once they started their journey to the Forest of Ash. Hyde was neither the vulnerable man he saved nor the trickster god. He learned that Hyde was both and more.

"Are you cert you don't want to stay behind with Hyde? He was right when he said that my plan is dangerous." Mahiru asked in a small voice. They were close friends but he could never ask him to put himself in danger.

"That's more reason for me to go with you. Hyde is powerful so he will be fine without me. What he's not strong enough to do is face the past. So, I'll drag his brother back for him. If he doesn't ask him about Ophelia after I made it easy for him, I'm going to kill him." Licht scoffed and it made Mahiru chuckle. "I want to help you too. You're my friend."

"Thank you, Licht." Mahiru tilted his head back to stare at the bright sky. The beautiful and clear blue colour of the sky didn't reflect how Mahiru felt inside. With Licht and Black Cat's support, he hoped he could control the sun chariot. He reminded himself that it was the only way he could quickly reach Kuro. "It's noon so the sun should be directly above us. I'll tell the Sun Titan to stop."

As the Deity of Noon, Mahiru would help guide the sun through the sky. After his mother died, Mahiru left the sky. The Sun Titan was more than powerful enough to control the fiery horses without him. He hadn't returned until now. He changed the clouds above him into the shape of the sun. Black Cat landed on the cloud at the same time as the chariot. Mahiru took a deep breath and slid off Cerberus.

After Licht dismounted as well, Black Cat returned to his cat form and jumped onto his shoulder. It could feel how tense Mahiru was and nestled against his cheek to comfort him. Mahiru petted its head as he walked towards the chariot. His smile shook with uncertainty as he faced the Sun Titan. "Hello, Uncle Toru. I'm home again."

"Mahiru?" His uncle appeared shocked and Mahiru didn't blame him. He stepped off the chariot and hugged his nephew. "I thought you would never return after… Well, between your mother and the letter about you marrying the God of the Dead… How are you here?"

"I never ate the fruit grown in the forest because Kuro wanted me to be able to visit my friends whenever I want. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long but I need your help now. My husband's in danger." Mahiru rushes to explain everything. "I have to return to the Forest of Ash and help him. The only chariot that can reach the forest quickly enough is the Sun Chariot. Please, let me borrow it!"

"Are you sure?" His uncle could see his unwavering resolve in his eyes but he still hesitated to hand the reins to him. Mahiru understood why all too well. He worried his lips and hugged Black Cat against his chest. He knew the more he hesitated, the longer Kuro would suffer alone.

Mahiru's legs trembled slightly as he walked towards the horses. He placed Black Cat on the ground and reached out to pet one of the horses' muzzle. He trailed his hand over its fiery mane and then summoned his own fire. The horses bowed their heads to Mahiru and allowed him to take their reins. With a firm hand, Mahiru held onto the reins and walked to the chariot.

"Fire is a dangerous and unpredictable element but it's like the sun; warm and comforting. Kuro needs me so I won't hesitate like I did last time. Please?" His hands shook around the rein until Toru nodded. Mahiru hugged his uncle and smiled. "Thank you! After this is all over, I'll bring Kuro home and you can meet him. I promise you'll love him."

"I have to thank him for bringing you back to the sky. You look just like your mother." Toru took off his helmet and placed it over Mahiru's head. "Good luck."

He stepped onto the chariot and looked over his shoulder to Licht. While his friend waited for him, Licht placed his cloak in his bag. It wouldn't keep the wax from melting but at least his wings would be safe. He went to stand next to his friend and held onto the chariot. Mahiru flicked his wrist and ushered the horses forward. Soon, they were soaring through the sky.

The chariot ascended so quickly that Licht became dizzy and his footing almost slipped. He had flown before but riding the sun chariot was different. Fire surrounded them but it didn't burn. They glided above the earth and time seemed to slow. He looked over the edge and saw the landscape pass as a blur so he knew that they were flying far quicker than it felt.

"We should arrive in the Forest of Ash in an hour." Mahiru told him in a stiff voice. In contrast, his hands were shaking around the reins. He forced a brave smile onto his face so his uncle would let him use the chariot. Honestly, he was still a little petrified to be in the chariot again. Memories of the crash flashed before him and he forced himself to picture Kuro's smile instead. That gave him the courage to continue.

"People will likely be confused because the sun is setting so soon. No matter, this is to save your husband. I want a cat as a reward when this is all over though." Licht said and made Mahiru chuckle. He was grateful that Licht was there to support him.

Someone appeared in front of them and Mahiru pulled on the reins sharply so they wouldn't crash. A phoenix was blocking their path. Licht's brows furrowed because he recognized the phoenix as Higan, one that worked with Tsubaki. He took out his pan flute, prepared to fight, but Mahiru grabbed his arm. "Sir, please move aside."

"I can't do that. Tsubaki ordered us to keep you as far from the Forest of Ash as possible. We didn't think it would be too hard. But you can use the sun chariot?" Mahiru cursed inwardly. They couldn't waste time fighting when Kuro needed him. Yet, there was no other way to pass the man. He wasn't confident that he could fight and control the fiery horses at the same time.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw Licht take out his wings from his bag. He donned his wings and said, "I'll keep him distracted. Fly to the Forest of Ash."

"Licht, wait—" He ignored his friend and jumped off the chariot. Licht slapped the horses and prompted them to gallop forward. When Higan tried to follow the chariot, Licht tackled him out of reach. The wax was already scorching his back so he needed to defeat the phoenix before the feathers turned to ash as well. He held onto the phoenix's shoulder to keep himself from plummeting to the ground.

Licht kicked the man and dazed him long enough for him to raise his pan flute to his lips. He played a low song that darkened the clouds until it began to rain. Both of their wings became soak and they started to fall quicker. In midair, Licht wrestled with Higan. The ground was approaching them rapidly. He tried to spread his wings enough to catch the wind and stop himself from crashing.

A torrent of birds suddenly came between them and Licht's grip on the phoenix slipped. He was surprised when the world stopped. Licht glanced down and saw that Higan continued to fall. He looked up again to discover why he stopped falling. Hyde smiled down at him. "I thought I warned you not to fly too close to the sun or to get your wings wet. You did both."

"Shut up, Shit Rat." Licht blushed and turned away from him. "Why are you even here?"

"It's my duty to protect the skies. As long as you're wearing those wings, you're a part of my sky." Hyde held him closer until he could kiss his forehead. His wings slowly grew stronger in reaction to his tender kiss. "It was hard to keep up with the sun but I'm glad I was able to reach you in time."

Then, Hyde turned back his attention to Higan while he kept Licht in his arms. Gravity intensified and became heavier with Hyde's anger. "You tried to hurt my angel. That's punishable by death. This time, I don't have to worry about a cave in or hold back."

"Dear gods," Mahiru's eyes widened when he stopped in front of the cave. The entrance to his home was flooded and he could barely see the stairs beneath the dark water. While he was confused by the water, he wasn't afraid. After flying the chariot again, he was too close to Kuro to hesitate.

Black Cat clung to his shoulder as he jumped into the cold water. He summoned a flame to help him see through the darkness. Mahiru remembered the last time he had accidentally stumbled upon the temple hidden in the cave. He had been following the sound of someone crying. Hopefully, he could find it again. Kuro sealed the entrance to the temple with a boulder and crystals.

The water was cold but he was able to breathe. He ran his hand over the wall in a hopeless attempt to find the staircase again. Even with his fire, he couldn't see very well. Mahiru knew that it would be difficult to do so with his sense of touch alone. He wanted to call Kuro but he doubted he would hear him. Where are you, Kuro? Please, help me find you.

Mahiru closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the wall. A barely audible sound reached him: tears. He couldn't be certain if it was Kuro or the person he spoke to before. But if there was a chance it could lead him to Kuro, he had to follow the tears. He stopped in front of a cluster of crystals where the sound was loudest. The glow from his fire reflected off the crystals.

It was difficult to move in the water but he was able to break the crystals. He didn't care how they cut and scratched his hands. Mahiru pushed the boulder aside to reveal the staircase to Kuro's temple. More water poured out when he did so. He realized the water flooding the stairs must've overflowed into the cave. He didn't know what caused the water to rise but he ventured forward.

Mahiru ran down the steps as quickly as he could. He almost stumbled down the steps when he thought he heard Kuro's voice echo through the water. I need you, Mahiru. No, I don't want you to see the truth. I don't want you to hate me. Go back.

"Kuro!" He looked around the narrow staircase but he couldn't see anything but darkness. Mahiru grabbed the wall with one hand when a torrent of water tried to push him back. He also placed his free hand on Black Cat so it wouldn't be swept away. He could feel Kuro's power in the wave and he bit his lip. "I'm sorry, Kuro, but I won't let you fight alone."

His grip on the wall slipped and he fell forward. He scrambled to catch himself but he was swept away by the current. Mahiru closed his eyes and hugged Black Cat. Beneath his hands, it transformed into a lion and took him to the bottom of the steps. He felt the world become still and Mahiru lifted his face to look around him. He wasn't in the temple from before but a door was in front of them.

Mahiru went to open the door and he found himself in Kuro's underground garden. He spotted Kuro walking down the stone path and Mahiru ran after him. He called to him, excited to see him again so soon. "Thank the gods I found you so quickly, Kuro! Are you hurt? Where's Tsubaki?"

He didn't answer him so Mahiru tried to grab his arm. His hand passed through Kuro and chill crept up his back. Mahiru realized that he must be in one of Kuro's memories because the garden was different. The lilies and daisies they planted recently were gone. While Mahiru was confused, he followed Kuro's memories with the faint hope that he could find his husband.

There was a man collecting herbs in the garden. Kuro threw a stack of books onto the plants the man was picking. One of the notebooks fell open and Mahiru noticed that they were filled with formulas and notes. The man glanced at the books and then to Kuro. "Tsubaki told me that you had a meeting with the other Olympians."

"We voted if we should prolong your death again." He told him and waited for his reply. When he didn't, Kuro's hands tightened into fists at his side. Mahiru knew that he couldn't touch him but he still tried to hold his shaking hand to comfort him. Kuro took another book and dropped it on top of the notebooks. It was a book of the dead but it was far thicker than the others Mahiru seen. "Last week, I finished reading every single page. I wished I did so sooner. If I did…"

"What did you and your siblings decide?" He asked.

As Kuro struggled to answer, a vine wrapped around Mahiru's wrist and pulled him away. He looked back and saw that the vine was trying to take him back to the door. Mahiru let it take him back because he knew that Kuro wouldn't want him to see the confrontation. It was Kuro's low voice that stopped him. "The vote was four to four. But, no matter how the vote went, I would've come here to kill you. It's my duty to punish sinners in their afterlife."

"It was even? I thought it would've been more decisive after you read my journal." Though he was faced with death, the man didn't sound afraid but resigned.

"I didn't tell them what you did. How could I? You betrayed us. We saw you as an equal to us and let you into our circle. You wanted to help humans, that's what we believed. We lent you our power. We trusted you. Lawless trusted you!" Kuro screamed. It was the first time Mahiru had ever heard him angry and that took him aback. "If Lawless knew about your experiments, it would kill him!"

"An Olympian with limitless power wouldn't understand."

"You killed the woman he loved!"

"She's not gone. Lawless will always carry her soul with him."

"My brother will come and ask to visit her soul eventually. I cannot tell him that you used her soul and those of her kingdom for your experiments to create fire! It will break his heart all over again." Mahiru's hands flew over his mouth. He could feel his fire within him seethe and he couldn't breathe for a moment. "She wanted to help people and you used that to manipulate her!"

"I never lied to her. We both agreed that creating an element similar to the sun would benefit everyone." He opened one of his notebooks. "If we release fire to the earth, it can roam free on its own because of the souls within it. Fire doesn't need the gods' power to sustain itself. Humans can use it as they wish. But I made fire for the Olympians. Imagine the possibilities fire has—"

"Enough! I won't let anyone know the truth." Kuro tore the book from his hands. He ripped one of the pages and turned it to ashes in his hands. "Once, you truly wanted to help people with your experiments and you have done a lot of good. Those things do not outweigh the people you used to accomplish everything you've done."

Kuro's voice was as hard as stone but Mahiru knew that he was hurting inside. The vines circled Mahiru until they became a wall and he couldn't see pass them. He understood it was Kuro trying to keep him from seeing what he did next. He had seen far too much already.

Mahiru turned away and returned to the door. He walked through the door and he entered Kuro's temple. Towering before him was several large, black boxes. He looked through his bag but the box holding Kuro was gone. He walked through the rows of cages until he heard metal scrap across metal. Quickening his steps, Mahiru saw Tsubaki attacking a box with his sword.

"You're still hiding from me, Brother? Even in here, you can't face me."

"Stop it!" He screamed and pushed him away from the large box. The reason Tsubaki was attacking the cage must be because Kuro was inside. Mahiru stood between him and the box so he couldn't continue to attack it. His back was against the cold glass but Mahiru met Tsubaki's colder eyes. "Being aggressive isn't going to make Kuro open up and talk to you. It'll only make him more withdrawn."

"I tried to talk to him but that wasn't helping! There's no other way." Tsubaki snarled.

"There is!" Mahiru rebutted. "I know why Kuro did what he did. I saw his memory of what happened. It hurt him to have to kill someone he cared for. Right now, he needs someone to support him. Then he will be strong enough to tell you."

"You know why Sleepy Ash decided to kill him? Tell me." He grabbed Mahiru's arm and shook him roughly. Mahiru winced in pain as Tsubaki's fingers dig into his skin. Spikes burst out from the box and struck Tsubaki but they didn't cut Mahiru despite how close they were. He knew that it was Kuro protecting him and Mahiru strengthened his resolve. Kuro needed him.

He continued, "I'm sorry but I can't tell you. That's for Kuro to tell you, not me. He was hurt and angry when he made his decision. I can say the same thing about you and your war right now. I came here to stand by Kuro no matter what's in his past. That hasn't changed after everything I've seen. I love Kuro."

The wall shattered behind Mahiru yet he didn't hall backwards. He only stumbled slightly before he fell into someone's arms. He knew that it was Kuro even before he felt his arms embrace him. Hearing Mahiru's words, Kuro was able to free himself from the locked box. More than that, he merely wanted to hold Mahiru and feel his warmth.

"Tsubaki, it's time to stop this pointless winter. We need to bring back spring," Mahiru said. In answer, Tsubaki created a blizzard in Kuro's temple. Mahiru touched Kuro's arm around him.

He drew out his fire and collected it before him. Mahiru's body became hotter in his arms but Kuro didn't let him go. His flames circled the room and he was had to worry that he was over exerting himself. He took Mahiru's hand to stop him. Still, Mahiru shook his head and continued to summon fire from deep within his soul.

Both Kuro and Tsubaki thought Mahiru intended to use fire against him. So, he restrained Tsubaki with his shadows and kept him from attacking him. Mahiru merely blew onto the flames and set the souls free. It felt like his breath was taken away as the fire left his body. The flames turned into wisps and disappeared from the temple. Tsubaki's winter also melted into spring.

"Mahiru, what are you doing?" Kuro turned him so they were facing each other.

"What I've always intended to do from the beginning: gifting fire to humans." Mahiru lower his voice so only Kuro could hear him. "I had to release the souls within fire. They have their own will so they can spread warmth and help the earth without the assistance of gods. Fire should keep Tsubaki's winter at bay. This is for the best."

"Are you crazy, Mahiru?" Kuro found himself screaming in desperation. "Your fire is bind to your soul. If you set the fire go free, the flames will take a part of your soul with it. I can't lose you, Mahiru."

He smiled sadly because they both knew it was too late to collect the flames he released. He loved both Kuro and humans so he only wanted what was best for them. Mahiru straightened his back and spoke to Tsubaki. "You can't use winter to threaten Kuro or humans anymore. There's no need anyways. Kuro has the strength to tell you the truth."

Tsubaki doubted Mahiru's words until Kuro spoke. "We should go to the garden to talk."

Kuro watched Mahiru worriedly as he helped him off his boat. He was slowly becoming weaker and he would occasionally stumble as they walked. Freeing the souls in his fire took a toll on him and it wouldn't be long before Mahiru's soul fade away. His heart crumbled every time he thought of Mahiru leaving him. There was nothing he could do to save him but he could make his final hours happy.

Mahiru said he wanted to spend his last moment walking with him through their forest. It was a simple request but it meant the world to Mahiru. He fell in love with Kuro and his beautiful forest so he wanted to enjoy both one last time. He sighed contently when Kuro tenderly brushed his bangs from his eyes. "Are you sure you don't want Black Cat to carry you on our walk?"

"I feel fine, Kuro." They both knew that he was lying. His face was pale and it didn't have the bright glow it usually did. Mahiru wrapped his arm around Kuro's waist and leaned against his side heavily. Releasing fire had weakened his soul and, without something to bind his soul to his body, he continued to grow weaker. Kuro tried to find a way to save him but nothing worked.

They were mostly walking aimlessly through his forest. He closed his eyes and let Kuro guide him. The gentle rustle of the leaves filled the air and the atmosphere was peaceful. They talked about nothing and everything at the same time. Light filtered through his eyelids and Mahiru opened his eyes. In front of them was the pomegranate tree they climbed before. He let go of Kuro's arm and walked to stand beneath the branches. Mahiru reached up to pick a pomegranate.

He suddenly felt dizzy and the world started to tilt. Kuro quickly caught him and tucked him against his body. He controlled the pomegranate tree so a branch lowered itself in front of them. Mahiru picked the fruit and it shined like a ruby in his hands. He slipped a knife from his boot and cut the pomegranate in two. He turned in Kuro's arms and handed one half to him.

"Pomegranates are a sacred fruit favoured by Hera. She's the Goddess of Marriage so humans would eat them at weddings." Mahiru said and slipped a pomegranate seed between Kuro's lips. He already knew the tradition so he knew Mahiru wanted to say something else. "Do you want to have a simple wedding ceremony right here? The sun can be our witness. We can trade vows and feed each other pomegranates like humans do."

"But if you eat anything grown in my forest, your soul will be— I guess that doesn't matter now. I'm so sorry," Kuro smiled sadly and cradled his face in one hand. He stroked his thumb over his cheek tenderly and he wished he could do so much more for him. "You probably imagined something more elaborate with a bunch of people for our wedding."

"It would be nice to have our friends and family here. But, in the end, there's nothing I want more than to share this memory with you. Before it's too late and I… I love you Kuro." His eyes softened with love as he tried to find the right words for his vow. He was the one that suggested they exchange vows but knowing that he would disappear soon choked him.

Kuro saw how he struggled with his words and he understood how he felt. "My entire life I've been unsure of myself. I questioned every decision I ever made and if I deserved the happiness you gave me. The only thing I've certain of in my life is you. I love you. Even if your soul disappears, you will always be my partner. Nothing will change how I feel for you, not even time. I love you. I will love you for the rest of my immortal life. Can you accept me?"

"Oh, Kuro, you're everything I never knew I needed. You showed me so many new things in your forest and one of them was love. No matter where my soul goes, I will carry your love. I might not be able to be with you physically but know that I'm watching over you. I love you. Now and forever, I am yours." Mahiru promised. Once he finished his vow, Kuro fed him a few pomegranate seeds.

"Every time I see the sun, I'll think of you. You're my sunlight." He brushed his thumb over his lips. The fruit slipped from Mahiru's fingers as he rose onto his toes. He kissed Kuro and gripped his cloak desperately in his hands, as if he could stay with him if he held onto him tightly enough. His kiss was slow and tender. He could feel his heart racing beneath his hand.

Kuro broke the kiss gently and buried his face into Mahiru's neck. They both knew that their time together was almost over. He whispered something but his voice was so small that he couldn't hear him. Mahiru felt warmth flood him and his body went limp. The arms around his waist kept him from falling. Tears entered his eyes and Kuro sank to the ground with Mahiru in his arms. Kuro thought it was over.

"I love you, Mahiru." He felt his heart ache painfully. "Goodbye."

He was shocked when Mahiru raised his hand and wiped his tears from his eyes. He let him go and looked down at him. Mahiru smiled back at him even though he was a little confused himself. Colour had returned to his cheeks and he could see his soul burning strong in his brown eyes. Kuro pressed his ear against Mahiru's chest and felt his heartbeat.

"You're still alive! How? That doesn't matter right now. You're here." Kuro cupped his cheeks and rained kisses onto his face. "I thought I lost you forever. Thank the gods I didn't. I love you, Mahiru."

"I love you too, Kuro." Mahiru felt his strength slowly return and he lightly stroked Kuro's hair. He didn't know why his soul didn't leave his body. He felt something nudged his feet and he saw Black Cat pushing the pomegranate against him. Letting go of Kuro, Mahiru knelt and gathered the cat in his arms. He also picked up the pomegranate.

Kuro looked between Mahiru and the fruit as he realized what happened. "If you eat the fruit grown in the Forest of Ash, your soul will be bind to my forest."

"Your forest saved me." Mahiru wrapped his arms around his neck. He leaned backwards and Kuro fell down with him until they were laying on the grass. They laughed together out of relief and happiness. Kuro caught his lips in another kiss and promised he would spend the rest of his life cherishing Mahiru.

"Licht, are those your new wings? They're beautiful!" Mahiru compliment and he could see that Licht loved his new wings as well. He had a proud smile as he flapped them a few times. His feet never touched the ground as they made their way down the busy street. It had been a while since he could see his friend again and he was glad to see him so happy.

"Hyde used the feathers of a phoenix to make them. He painted them silver for me." He once told Hyde he liked the colour silver and he was surprised the god remembered something so simple. Licht blushed and fiddled with his wings nervously. "I like dove feathers but they're too fragile. Now that fire is a part of the world, these feathers are better."

"Humans are learning how to use fire well. People started to call me the God of Spring but it feels a little strange because I'm the Deity of Noon." Mahiru looked up at the new, spring sky. There wasn't a trace of snow clouds in the sky. He hugged Black Cat and lightly scratched its ear. He couldn't help but think of Kuro. "How is my brother-in-law, Hyde? I'm sure you're keeping Hyde out of trouble but I need to ask. I heard he visited the Forest of Ash to speak with Kuro after I had to leave. I wish I was there with him."

He didn't try to hide his loneliness. Eating the pomegranate had kept his souls from scattering but releasing fire still weakened him. For half of the year, Mahiru needed to stay on earth and gather his strength from fire and the sun. Once he was strong enough, he could return home and spend the other half of the year with the man he loved. Kuro sent him letters every night but Mahiru missed him dearly.

"How about you ask your husband himself?" Licht suggested and pointed down the road. He was confused until he saw Kuro stepping off his chariot. Mahiru immediately bounded forward and ran towards his husband. He called Kuro's name and threw himself into his arms. He beamed when he caught him and spun him in a circle.

"You're here in Iolcus! Why didn't you tell me that you were going to visit me in last night's letter? Oh, who cares? I'm so happy to see you again." Mahiru loved the rare days he was able to leave the forest and visit him on Earth. Those summer nights with Kuro were few and far between though.

"I didn't know if I would be able to see you today." Kuro said. He would feel terrible if he broke a promise he made to Mahiru. He caressed his cheek tenderly and held him against his body. It had been far too long since he could touch him. "I finished talking with my brothers and I wanted to see you right away. Hyde made a suggestion you might like."

"What is it?" Mahiru asked. He noticed Hyde stepping off the chariot and realized that people were staring at them. He slipped out of Kuro's arms but he still held onto his hand.

"Are you two just a pair of love birds?" Hyde teased. He moved to stand next to Licht and said, "Kuro and I were talking about creating a town near the edge of the Forest of Ash. You can rest there during your time on earth and Kuro can visit you easier. Humans will also be able to rest in the town if they travel to the forest too."

"That's a great idea!" Mahiru nodded. He saw that Licht had an uncertain smile though.

"That's a nice way to honour Ophelia." Licht said and looked down at his feet.

"She's not the main reason I want to create the town." Hyde placed his finger beneath his chin and tilted it towards him. He grinned down at Licht. "I mostly want to make it for us. You deserve far more than that tiny hut we lived in before. I'll build you a house fitting of an angel and fill it with every instrument you can name. It'll be next to your friend's home too."

"Gods are selfish so I'm sure you want something in exchange." Licht could feel his heart racing as he spoke.

"It's something small. I'd love to call that house our home." He lifted his hand and kissed his ring finger. Kuro smiled as he watched his brother. He thought that it was best to give the pair a moment of privacy though. He would much rather spend time with Mahiru after being a part of months.

After Kuro took his hand, they slipped into a secluded part of town. Mahiru's heart felt like it was about to burst with happiness when he saw Kuro's eyes so full of love. He pulled him into the shadows of the wall and kissed his lips. It felt like he was home in his warmth again. He reached up and threaded his fingers through his light hair, "I love you, Kuro."

"Keep looking at me like that, I might steal you away and take you back to my forest." He warned and kissed his neck. Mahiru nodded and let Kuro sweep him away.

I finished my first Servamp multi-chapter fanfic~ I loved this idea and spent a week outlining everything (I even had three different endings in mind). I'm very proud of this too.