It's a stifling hot day, Vivi thinks as she lays in the shade of Nami's mikan trees, waving a hand over herself to futilely try and abate the heat crushing her.
It's ironic really that the heat would only affect her so much when she's not in Alabasta.
Rolling over onto her side she watches Nami carefully water the roots of the mikan groves, it's coolest within the trees, where the moisture is carefully preserved so Nami is extra-careful to water when the sun is starting its' arc into the depths of the glistening water.
"Ne, Nami." Her voice is dry and scratchy, the lemonade Sanji prepared for them hours ago worn off.
"Mm?" Nami replies, not looking up from the task at hand.
"Why did you join Luffy?" She asks, it's been bothering her for a while now, Nami is kind of violent towards the crew sometimes and it makes Vivi wonder why such a headstrong woman would join this motley crew.
Nami does look up at that, placing the water pail flatly amongst the roots. "Why do you ask?"
"Just curious." Vivi clarifies, eyeing Nami practically flop into the banana lounge with a heavy sigh.
"Well, for one, Luffy saved me."
Vivi doesn't reply, waiting for Nami to go on. "But mostly it's because of my dream I suppose."
"Your dream?"
"Mm, I'm going to draw a map of the world!" Nami says, sitting up with a renewed vigour.
Vivi smiles. "Well, I suppose I'll have to supply you with some of the maps we already have drawn of Alabasta."
Nami smiles back, stretching out, they lapse into a comfortable silence, soaking up the cool air in their bikini clad bodies.
"And, because Luffy is the man who will be King of the Pirates," Nami speaks up, twisting so she can see Vivi, "we're all going to make him the King regardless of whether that means setting aside our own dreams."
Vivi smiles again because she thinks she understands, the boy had already out aside any regard to his own well-being to carry Nami up a freaking mountain-side.
And his proclamations were going to become true, obviously by making enemies but that is something that will happen regardless of what you do in life.