Ezra Bridger

High in the skies above Lothal, a young teenage boy stood upside-down in a handstand on the hood of a cruiser.

"Let go!" the male voice called out to him, past his shut eyes.

"Letting go?" Ezra Bridget asked trepidatiously. "I'd rather hang on, if you don't mind!"

"Enough!" the former Jedi apprentice, Kana Jarrus, commanded. "Focus! Focus on letting go."

"I'm trying..." Ezra groaned.

"Do or do not! There is no try!" Kanan stated.

"What does that even mean?" Ezra shot back. He had heard it from the man who was to be his new Jedi Master often enough.

"Well... I don't know, but Master Yoda sure used to say it a lot," Kanan admitted. "Let's focus on something else."

Ezra came out of the handstand and Kanan presented him with the older man's lightsaber. Ezra smiled as he gripped the handle. "When do I get my own?"

"Not for a while. That will be when we get your crystal at the caves of Illum. Or an old Jedi Temple somewhere. Anyway, there's a little switch that controls its length."

The two, with help from the droid Chopper, then practiced deflecting projectiles using the blade and the Force. It didn't go so well, with one well-placed hit knocking Ezra off the ship! Quick piloting by Zeb saved the young Jedi trainee.