"So what are you guys doing for your anniversary?" Kim asked as she took a sip of her beer.
Jay and Erin were out at Molly's with the team—enjoying a much-needed drink after a particularly difficult case—and somehow talk had shifted to their personal lives. They glanced at each other quickly before shrugging simultaneously; they were both perfectly content enjoying a low-key evening together at home.
"Nothing," Erin said simply. "We don't really make a big deal of it."
It wasn't long before the group had moved on to other topics, but Jay was still thinking about their anniversary celebration—or lack thereof.
"Hey Kev," Jay nudged Atwater's shoulder as soon as they were left alone at the table—Ruzek was getting another round of drinks, and Kim had dragged Erin to the washroom. "You still have that connection at the Langham?"
"Yeah, my cousin Terrence. His girl's a concierge. Why, what's up?"
"Think you can hook me up? I want to do something special for Erin for our anniversary."
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Erin bit her lip nervously as she glanced over at her husband for the millionth time—or at least it seemed like it to Jay. They had just dropped Maddie and Sam off with Will and Natalie, and she was already having second thoughts about leaving their two older boys on their own for the night.
When Jay told Erin about the suite he'd booked at the Langham, an upscale hotel downtown, they had initially planned to send all four kids to Will and Natalie's. But when Ben and Zach overheard their parents' conversation, the teenagers had practically begged for the chance to stay home alone.
After a lengthy debate and a lot of convincing on the boys' part, Jay and Erin finally agreed—with the warning that Will would be checking in at random.
"Relax babe, they're good kids," Jay assured with a smile. "Everything will be fine."
"Ben? Zach?" Erin called out as she crossed the threshold, dropping her overnight bag in the middle of the floor before wandering down to the basement to look for the two teenage boys.
Jay was hot on her tail, chuckling to himself as he instinctively grabbed his wife's bag and headed up to their bedroom to unpack. After all their years together, he'd gotten used to cleaning up after her—he actually found her messiness endearing.
He was just putting his toiletry bag away when he heard giggling from the third floor. The laughter was foreign—it sounded quite feminine. He knew Maddie wasn't home and that Erin had gone down to the basement, so Jay took the stairs two at a time to investigate.
Jay knocked sharply on his oldest son's bedroom door before immediately opening it and walking into the room. Ben was sitting on his bed, leaning his back against his headboard with a pretty blonde girl practically in his lap, their lips fused together. Jay immediately averted his eyes, clearing his throat to gain their attention as he stood at the threshold of Ben's room in absolute horror.
"Dad? What the hell?" Ben gasped once he had finally pried himself away from his friend, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.
"What do you mean what the hell?! What's going on here?!" Jay bellowed, eyes shooting daggers at his sixteen-year-old.
"I-I think I'm gonna go." Uncomfortable, the girl grabbed her purse and ran from the room, her eyes glued to the floor.
Both Jay and Ben stood in silence, frozen in place as they watched her leave. As soon as she was out of sight, their staring match resumed.
"Are you kidding me?!" Ben shouted at his father. "Brittany's the most popular girl in school!"
"So what? You're sixteen!" Jay shot back.
"What's going on up here?" Erin asked as she walked into her son's room. "Did I just hear the front door slam?
"Your son had a little friend over," Jay replied, turning towards Erin as he continued. "A friend who had her tongue down his throat and was all over him! I knew we should've just sent them to Will's."
Confusion quickly turned to disappointment as Erin's head snapped in her son's direction. "You had a girl in here?! In what world did you think we'd be okay with that?"
"You guys need to chill. We weren't doing anything."
"My ass!" Jay roared. "What would have happened if I walked in two minutes later?!"
"Nothing! Jeez, you're over exaggerating." Ben scoffed.
"You're too young to be having sex! What if you got that girl pregnant? Are you guys ready for that kind of responsibility?"
"What? I don't know." Ben shrugged. "But it doesn't matter, because we weren't having sex!"
"Yeah? Well—"
"Okay, let's all just take it easy." Erin interrupted the boys' shouting match. "Ben, go set the table for dinner. Jay, our room, now." After Ben stalked out of the room, Erin stood at the door with one hand on her hip, the other pointing toward the hallway as she waited for her husband. She tried not to laugh at the scowl on his face as he made his way past her.
She followed Jay down the stairs to the master bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind them. When she turned to face him, he was pacing around the room, so furious that steam was practically coming out of his ears.
"Babe, calm down."
"Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down?! Our son was about ten seconds away from having sex!" Jay practically screamed. "How are you not freaking out right now?!"
"He's a teenager! You were a teenage boy once, you know it's all they think about! Besides, I did a hell of a lot worse when I was his age." Erin explained, trying to keep her voice even and calm.
"That's not the point, babe!" Jay exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.
"Jay, he's sixteen years old, this was bound to happen."
Jay sighed in defeat, swiping his hand across his face. "I know, I know, I just… I guess I wasn't expecting him to grow up so damn fast! It feels like only yesterday that he was crawling and now…"
"I know babe. But the kids will all grow up eventually, and as much as we don't like it, there's absolutely nothing we can do about it." Erin reasoned, caressing his chest in an effort to relax him. "You should talk to him."
"Yeah, I guess you're right, as always." Jay conceded, pulling his wife into his arms and nuzzling his head in her hair.
The moment was cut short by the sound of the doorbell.
By the time Jay and Erin had made their way downstairs, Ben had already answered the door; Will, Natalie and the rest of their family were already standing in the front foyer.
"Daddy!" Sam yelled out excitedly as he greeted Jay, wrapping his arms around his father's legs and hugging him close.
"Hey bud! Did you have a good sleepover?" Jay asked as he picked up the six-year-old, his veins bulging in both his biceps because he looks like a God. Erin looked her husband up and down—he really did get hotter with age and she found herself salivating at the sight of him interacting with their child.
"Mhmm, and guess what?! Uncle Will let us have coffee when Aunt Nat wasn't around!" Sam cheerfully announced. "It was not yummy."
The other three adults glared at a sheepish-looking Will. "Hey, it was like six-thirty, I didn't have the energy to fight them on it! Besides, it was only a sip or two." He quickly defended.
Nat closed the door behind them, helping Zoey and Jamie out of their shoes and jackets while a distracted Will stared at his brother, trying to decipher the strange look on Jay's face.
"Thanks for watching them, I hope they behaved." Erin said sincerely as she hugged both Will and Nat.
"They're no trouble, we had a lot of fun." Nat smiled, playfully tugging on the end of Maddie's braids. The little girl had been so excited for her aunt to do her hair that morning.
It wasn't long before the kids—along with Ben—ran off to the basement, leaving the four adults alone upstairs.
Erin got a pot of coffee started before deciding that they should get Chinese food for dinner. While she and Natalie pored over the menu, making a list of everything they wanted to order, Will took advantage of the opportunity to talk to his brother.
"Hey, uh. What's up?" Will asked, nudging Jay's shoulder. He had immediately noticed some tension—between the way Jay's jaw was set and the uncomfortable look on Ben's face, it was obviously that something had happened.
"What do you mean?" Jay replied coolly, not wanting to let himself get riled up again.
"Come on man, there's clearly something going on between you and Ben." Will folded his arms across his chest and stared his younger brother down.
"Yeah, he thinks he's an adult all of a sudden, and apparently that means he can bring girls up to his room when we aren't home." Jay said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He shot Will a glare when the older Halstead burst out laughing.
"You're joking right?" The look on Jay's face was an answer enough for Will. "You weren't exactly an angel yourself, Jay."
"Of course he wasn't an angel." Erin said, jumping into the conversation as she and Nat joined them at the kitchen table. "Our kids had to get it from someone." Erin teased, knowing her teenage years were much worse than Jay's.
"When Jay was a teenager, I can't even count the amount of times our Mom caught him with Allie." Jay's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment as he looked over at Erin. "Oh man, remember that one time—" Will was interrupted by a balled up napkin narrowing missing his head.
"Don't you dare." Jay demanded through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the curious—and slightly playful—look on his wife's face. She was just about to ask Will for details when the doorbell rang. "Hey babe, food is here. Do you minding getting it while I round up the kids?" Jay quickly suggested, desperate for a change of subject.
Will followed Jay down to the basement where the six children were watching a movie, knowing it would be a challenge for Jay to wrangle all of the kids on his own.
"Come on guys, it's time for dinner." Jay called out as he turned off the TV, much to the disappointment of the kids. "We've got Chinese food."
Most of the kids excitedly got up from their seats and quickly made their way up the stairs, while Ben sulked past his father, trying to avoid eye contact. However, two-year-old Jamie remained firmly planted in his seat on the couch.
"But I wanna watch the movie!" He cried out.
"You can watch the rest after you eat dinner, okay?" Will tried to bargain as he walked towards the toddler, holding out his hands.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Jamie slid off the couch and attempted to make a break for it, only to be stopped by his uncle.
"C'mon Jamie." Jay encouraged as he picked up the two-year-old, his veins bulging again. "You need to eat dinner with everyone else."
"No." He scowled, trying to wiggle out of Jay's embrace.
"James Ryan Halstead." Will warned with an edge in his voice. The little boy quickly quieted down and reached for his father. When he was in Will's embrace, Jamie hid his face into his neck.
"I sowwy."
"We're going to go upstairs and eat dinner okay?" The little boy nodded against his father's neck as they made their way up to the kitchen.
By the time they made it to the dinner table, it had already been set and everyone was sitting and waiting for them. Will sat Jamie down on a chair next to Nat while he and Jay took their seats at either end of the table.
Everyone quickly made their plates, the adults helping the youngest members of the family. Within minutes the room was silent as they all started eating.
"Jamie, you need to sit still and eat your dinner like a big boy." Natalie explained, trying to reason with the two-year-old. Jamie was definitely their last child. Ever since he was born, he kept his parents on his toes, demanding attention at all hours. He didn't care what time it was or that his parents had work in the morning—he thought he was their biggest priority.
"No!" The little boy giggled as he slid off his chair and proceeded to avoid the food Natalie was trying to feed him.
Jay watched in amusement as his brother and sister-in-law tried to wrangle the feisty toddler—it felt like just yesterday that he and Erin were doing the same thing with Sam. Will stood up and attempted to settle the boy in his lap, but he was unsuccessful.
"Jamie, come here." Jay encouraged as he held his arm out for him. Hesitantly, the toddler made his way over to his uncle, his curiosity about what Jay wanted getting the best of him. "Why don't you get Ben to help you eat dinner?" He whispered, but he made sure his voice was loud enough that his teenage son could hear.
"What?!" Ben's head shot up as Jamie giggled and ran to his side. "What the hell am I supposed to do with him?"
"First of all, language." Jay warned. "Second, if you think you're responsible enough to have a girl in your room, then you're responsible enough to learn how to take care of a toddler." Jay looked over at Erin who was biting her lip to stifle her laughter.
"For the last time! We. Weren't. Having. Sex!" Ben hissed, his cheeks turning red as he remembered everyone gathered around the dinner table.
"You should probably get to it." Jay said, a smile on his lips.
As much as Jay and Erin had enjoyed watching their son try to keep up with his little cousin, they were all relieved when Will, Natalie and their kids headed home later that evening.
They were just finishing tidying up the kitchen when Erin bumped her shoulder against Jay's. When he turned toward her, she motioned over to where Ben was helping Maddie with her homework, urging Jay to go have a talk with him.
"Hey Ben." Jay called out softly. When his son looked up in his direction, Jay nodded toward the stairs.
They walked up to Ben's bedroom in silence and Jay closed the door behind them, giving them some privacy.
"I may have overstepped earlier. It wasn't really fair of me to stick you with a wild toddler." Jay began. "But I'm serious about you not getting a girl pregnant."
"We weren't having sex. How many times do I have to say that?!"
"I know. But we do need to have a talk." Jay sat on the bed, patting the space beside him, silently indicating that Ben should take a seat.
He sighed heavily and reluctantly sat down next to his father.
"Listen," Jay began. "I know you don't want to have this conversation with me, but it's important. I get it. You're a teenager. You're going to have sex. But you still need to be responsible."
"Ugh Dad, I know!" Ben groaned.
"Just let me finish. You need to be respectful. Always, always, always. That's the most important thing. If you have to convince her, that means no. If she hesitates, that means no. If she changes her mind, that means no. And God forbid if she's drunk, she's not in a position to make a decision—that means no. And the same goes for you. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."
Ben just nodded his head, taking in what his father was saying.
"And being responsible also means being safe. So, uh…" Jay paused, clearing his throat as he reached into his pocket and passed his son a handful of condoms.
The teenager blushed furiously, but quickly got up and stashed them in the drawer of his nightstand.
"It's better to be safe than sorry." Jay explained. "Besides, I'm way too young to be a grandpa."
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Choose the next prompt you would like to see (and feel free to send us requests):
Teaching a kid how to drive
Dentist trip
Coaching hockey with Will