Hey guys sorry for the long wait for an update I honestly lost inspiration for awhile but like i promised no story of mine will be abandoned for any reason! It may take awhile but EVERY story I write will be finished.
For those of you hoping that I would update some other story such as Ren Phenex, worry not as I am working on that but this story was almost a year old without an update and I couldn't deal with that.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything you may recognize but I do own my OC.
Chapter 2: Old Friends and the Journey Begins
Ren was sitting on the back of Aang's flying bison Appa, which Sokka didn't believe could really fly, while Aang talked with Katara. Ren was trying to figure Aang out, which wasn't easy seeing as how the boy was way too energetic for someone fresh from the ice. It had been made clear that Aang was an airbender from when he sneezed and flew 15ft in the air, now they were headed back to the tribe as they all still had things to do. It didn't take them long to get back to the tribe where they split off to do different things, Aang took Katara to go penguin sledding, Ren watched the kids as they played with Appa and Na-Na, and Sokka was working on his watchtower which was just a large pile of snow.
Ren was taken from watching the kids when he saw a flare fly up into the air and light up the sky, he followed the trail of smoke it left behind and noticed that it wasn't that far away from where Katara and Aang had gone. "What was that!?" asked Sokka as he ran over.
"I think it was a signal flare, but what worries me is that it came from the same direction that Aang and katara went." said Ren. Sokka's eyes widened at this before he ran off and got the kids to stop playing while telling them to get to their battle stations. It wasn't too much longer before Aang and Katara came back. "Katara, Aang, what happened out there?" asked Ren.
"We were exploring this old ship but it was boobytraped and well, we boobied right into it." said Aang.
"The old wrecked Fire Nation ship, Katara you know it is forbidden to go there." said Kanna.
"Not only that but you've probably signaled the Fire Nation and brought them right too us! I'm sorry Katara but he has to go!" said Sokka.
"You're brother is right Katara, this boy has put our tribe in great danger." said Kanna.
"But Gran-gran." said Katara.
"No buts Katara." said Kanna.
Ren sighed at this but understood where they were coming from, if someone he had just met had put his family in danger he would want them to leave as well. "Don't leave just yet Aang, let me get my stuff and Na-Na." said Ren.
"Wait you're leaving too Ren!?" asked Katara in shock.
"I kinda have to, you see Aang there is the Avatar and I'm his guardian so where he goes I have to go as well." said Ren shocking most of them since he only told Katara about being the Guardian of the Avatar.
"I already figured out he was the Avatar but how are you his guardian?" asked Sokka.
"And why do I need a guardian anyway?" asked Aang.
"Aang, you ran away from your responsibilities as the Avatar a long time ago, did you really think the spirits would be happy about that? You are the bridge between this world and the next, destined to save the world and keep it in balance; when you ran that balance was pretty much destroyed. The spirits lost a lot of faith in you and questioned if there should even be an Avatar anymore if there was a chance of you running off again. In the end Lo, La, and Son argued that there was still a need for an Avatar but that you should have someone watching over you, that's where I come in. As your guardian it is my job to not only keep you alive but to also make sure you don't runaway again." said Ren.
"What if he does run again?" asked Sokka.
"Then the spirits will deem the Avatar no longer needed and will stop the reincarnation cycle, there will never be an Avatar again." said Ren.
"What, but, but." said Aang.
"Look Aang, I know you were just a kid when you found out you were the Avatar; saving the world is a lot to ask of a 12 year old, especially one that has only known the peaceful life of a monk." said Ren.
"Wait that's why you ran away?" asked Katara with Aang nodding in shame. "Ren, can't the Spirits understand they asked too much of a child?" ask Katara.
"It's not that simple Katara, the Spirits are old beings that have long since lost track of time. They don't see Aang as a child, they see him as the one meant to keep balance in this world. The Spirits may be distant but they deeply care about this world and the fact that Aang has let it fall into such disarray has greatly angered them, he'll need to work to regain their faith." said Ren.
"What do I have to do?" asked Aang.
"Master all four elements and save the world." said Ren.
"Oh is that all, I'm sure he can do that really quick so we have nothing to worry about." said Sokka. Before anyone could say anything they all noticed a cloud of smoke in the distance. "Oh great and now the Fire Nation is here!" complained Sokka.
"No time to complain now Sokka, Aang you need to get Appa and get out of here, I can't have the Fire Nation catching you on my first real day on the job." said Ren.
"But." said Aang.
"No buts Aang now get going, I'll buy you as much time as possible and then come find you." said Ren before walking off to see just how bad this would be. Walking out in front of the tribe Ren found that it was a single ship, once it docked it knocked over Sokka's pile of snow and Sokka himself, who had gotten knocked into another pile of snow. Soldiers walked out and lined up in order to make way for a single person to walk out. They walked right up to Ren and stopped.
"Where is the Avatar?" asked the young man.
"Wait a second I recognize that voice." Ren thought to himself. "Zuko is that you?" asked Ren.
"How do you know my name?" asked the young man now named Zuko.
"Really? I know we haven't seen each other in years but you seriously forgot me?" asked Ren.
Zuko took off his helmet in order to get a better look at Ren, this had the effect of allowing Ren to clearly see the scar on the left side of his face. "Ren, is that you?" asked Zuko.
"Yeah it's me; now what are you doing here, why are you looking for the Avatar, and what happened to your face, you didn't have that scar the last time I saw you did you?" asked Ren.
"In order; I'm looking for the Avatar, none of your business, I don't want to talk about it, and no I didn't have this scar last time you saw me." said Zuko.
"Alright Zu-Zu why are you being so uptight?" asked Ren. The last time he met Zuko he remembered the young prince being much more relaxed and less…..grumpy.
"There's the Zuko I know, and Dude you are totally being uptight. If I had a stick right now and compared the two of you I'd find it hard to tell which was straighter." said Ren.
This actually got some of the soldiers to chuckle a bit only for a stream of fire to fly just above their heads. "SILENCE!" yelled Zuko.
"Whoa man calm down, that was really unnecessary." said Ren.
"Just tell me where the Avatar is!" said Zuko.
"You know I can't do that Zuko." said Ren.
"And why not?" asked Zuko.
"You know why." said Ren.
"You were serious about that?" asked Zuko.
"No, I'm sure everyone tells jokes about being the guardian of the Avatar." said Ren with a deadpan expression.
"Ren, if you were ever really my-." said Zuko before he was cut off.
Zuko actually winced at this, Ren had told him a long time ago that he didn't have many friends but he cherished the ones he did have. He felt a bit bad for questioning their friendship as Ren was his best friend. "Sorry Ren but I need to capture the Avatar, even if I have to go through you." said Zuko getting into his bending stance.
"I'm sorry as well Zuko, because you'll have to go through me in order to get to him." said Ren as he got into his own bending stance. "We'll still be friends after this right?" asked Ren before he ducked under a stream of fire.
"That depends on if you hit me below the belt again." Zuko with a smirk before dodging a water whip.
"That was an accident, you weren't supposed to move like you did." said Ren before quickly raising up a wall of snow to block a stream of fire that came from one of the soldiers. With a quick movement of his hands Ren created a tendril of water that wrapped around the soldier's waist and threw him into another soldier. Ren then quickly slammed his hands into the ground which caused many ice pillars to shoot out of the ground and nail each soldier in the chest. "Just you and me now Zu-Zu." said Ren with a smirk as he knew the soldiers wouldn't be getting up any time soon.
"Just like old times, but this time I'll win." said Zuko as he created flame daggers in his hands.
"We'll see" said Ren as he created a single edged sword out of ice.
With the rest of the tribe Katara watched in awe as while Ren had taught her much in the last two months, he had never shown her something like this. She assumed that this was much more advanced than what he believed her to be ready for, this made more determined to prove to Ren that she was ready for the next level of training.
Ren and Zuko ran at each other and clashed their weapons, Ren was surprised that Zuko's flames were actually solid like his ice. To Ren this meant that Zuko had taken his training seriously as only skilled Fire Benders could actually make their flames solid. As the two continued to fight Ren had to constantly weave around Zuko's fast strikes while Zuko had to use his daggers to block Ren's sword strikes. The two of them then got into a blade lock and tried to overpower each other, they forced each other back and were about to charge at each other again but then Aang came sliding in on a penguin.
"Is someone looking for me?" asked Aang as he stood up from the penguin.
"You're the Avatar?" asked Zuko in surprise that he was so young.
"I thought the same thing when I first saw him." said Ren though on the inside he was really upset that Aang was even here right now.
"Yeah I'm the Avatar, if I come with you will you leave these people alone?" asked Aang. Zuko got out of his fighting stance and nodded as the soldiers finally began to stand up.
"AANG, WHAT THE HELL!" yelled Ren.
"Looks like I got the Avatar after all." said Zuko as walked back towards the ship with his men escorting the Avatar.
Ren stood there in complete shock at what Aang had just done as the ship sailed off with him. A few minutes later Ren finally came out of his shock. "I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS AANG!" yelled Ren. Ren then went to his igloo while mumbling to himself about all the ways he was going to hurt Aang and that as long as Aang was alive he was still technically doing his job. It didn't take long for Ren to gather his stuff and load up Na-Na, he said goodbye to the tribe and Sokka and was currently making out with Katara.
Katara had her arms wrapped around his neck while Ren's arms wrapped around her waist as their tongues did battle. Katara then moaned as Ren started to squeeze her ass and she pressed her breasts into his chest. "Do you really have to go?" asked Katara as they broke their kiss.
"Yeah I do, Aang is my responsibility so if anything happens to him it's kinda my problem. Don't worry though my sweet, I'm sure we'll meet again." said Ren before kissing her again then getting on Na-Na and riding off.
Katara and Sokka were currently riding on a flying Appa after they had decided that they couldn't just sit by and do nothing while Aang and Ren tried to save the world. Well that and Katara wanted to be at Ren's side because let's face it, there was no telling how long all of this would take. They had the full approval from their grandmother to do this as she understood that thanks to them finding Aang that their destinies were not connected with his, plus she understood Katara wanting to be close to the one she loved.
"Look, down there." said Sokka. Looking down they saw the Fire Nation ship and what appeared to be a battle going on.
"We have to get down there and help Ren." said Katara.
Ren was using water tendrils in defend himself against the multiple streams of fire being shot at him, he was really considering beating Aang's ass for putting him through this. He was actually struggling since he was holding back from actually killing these guys, he had killed before so it wouldn't have been too much of a problem for him but he knew these were Zuko's men so he was holding back. With a wave of his hands he whipped 2 soldiers in the face before running pass them and into the ship only for Aang to run into him.
"Oh there you are Aang." said Ren before he slapped him upside his bald head. "You do something like this again I'll show you how violent I can get when I'm pissed off." said Ren with a glare.
"I won't do it again." said Aang who was slightly afraid now.
"Good, now let's get out of here." said Ren before the went back to the ship's deck. They stopped though when they were confronted some of the soldiers and then Zuko and more soldiers came from behind them. A fight was about to occur but then something interrupted.
"REN!" yelled Katara as she and Sokka flew in on Appa. Once they landed Katara used waterbending to freeze some of the soldiers while Sokka used his boomerang to hit some of the soldiers.
"Aang get to Appa!" said Ren before dodging a stream of fire from Zuko. Zuko was then hit with a jet of water from Katara. "Thanks Katara!" said Ren before he ran to keep Zuko busy.
Once again Zuko and Ren started to battle using fire daggers and an ice sword. "So who's the girl?" asked Zuko while blocking a slash from Ren.
"That's Katara, my girlfriend." said Ren while dodging swipes from Zuko.
"You know Azula isn't going to like that." said Zuko with a smirk.
"Despite what your sister thinks and says she doesn't own me. Speaking of your sister, how are she and the girls doing?" asked Ren as they locked up.
"Don't know I haven't seen them in a long time, but I heard Ty-Lee joined the circus." said Zuko while trying to overpower Ren.
Before Ren could comment on that they heard Katara screaming as Aang was knocked into the water. "Aang, Aang, AAAANNNGGG!" yelled Katara. Aang then shot out of the water with his lower body surrounded by swirling water, he landed on the ship and was expertly bending the water and defeating all of the soldiers.
"His eyes and tattoos are glowing and he's bending the water like a master without even knowing how to waterbend. He's entered the Avatar State." Ren thought to himself. He then quickly sweeped Zuko's legs from under him and ran to Aang and placed his hand on Aangs forehead, Ren's eyes glowed blue and then Aang was forced out of the Avatar State causing him to become weak and pass out. Picking him up Ren quickly handed Aang to Sokka. "You and Katara get him on Appa and take off, I'll catch up after I make sure they can't follow us." said Ren.
Sokka didn't argue and took Aang from him before heading for Appa. Ren made sure to keep the soldiers off of them until they were in the air, once he was sure they were safely in the air he raised his arms up a large wave of water rose up in front of the ship. Releasing a deep breath Ren froze the wave thus creating a wall of ice. Seeing that his job was done he used a funnel of water in order to get himself up to the Cliffs above. Once there he let out a whistle and Na-Na came running, hopping onto her back he rode her along the cliff until Appa flew next to them and Na-Na jumped into his saddle, taking up half of it.
"Well, that was exciting." said Ren as he got off of Na-Na and sat in the saddle with everyone else.
"Ren….how did you know that guy?" asked Katara. She and Sokka had been wanting an answer to this question since they saw him talking to the guy at their village.
"Who Zuko? Well I traveled a lot before I arrived here and ran into him, his sister, and their 2 friends when we were younger. It started off slow but we soon became friends, I don't know what happened after I left to continue my training and to find Aang but if it caused Zuko to turn out like this then it wasn't good." said Ren.
"Will he be a problem later?" asked Sokka.
"Hmmmm…..Zuko has a good heart but I saw his determination in his eyes, we'll definitely be seeing him again so to answer your question, yeah he'll be a problem. A problem that I will deal with." said Ren.
"Well what do we do now?" asked Aang.
"Well you need to learn all the elements right? I believe that since you're an airbender you need to learn water first, then earth, and then finally fire so we need to get to the Northern Water Tribe to find a Master." said Katara.
"Why can't Ren just teach him like he's teaching you?" Sokka.
"I've been forbidden from teaching Aang any type of bending, besides it'll be good for Aang to go around and meet people new people. The Avatar is not only the bridge between this world and the spirit world but between people as well." said Ren. Katara was secretly happy about this as now she wouldn't have to share her training time with Aang, and because she and Ren usually got pretty intimate during her training, she liked being the naughty student.
Aang then pulled out a map and started pointing out different places that they needed to visit before they went to the Northern Water Tribe. Turns out they were vacation spots with fun activities that Aang wanted all of them to do. Ren wanted to smack Aang for wanting to play while a war was going on but he decided to leave it be, Aang was just a kid after all. "This is going to be one interesting adventure." Ren thought to himself.
Well it took a long time but there you have chapter 2 sorry for the long wait. I hope you liked the chapter, there will be episodes that I skip simply because if I do every episode I'll hate myself, plus there are parts I want to hurry up and get to. For those of you that like this story I'll try not to take so long for an update next time.
Harem and other pairings
Ren: Katara, Toph, Azula, Ty-Lee, Mai, Yue, June
Sokka x Suki
Aang x On Ji
Zuko x Jin
You know what to do. Fav, Follow, and Review. If you have any questions feel free to ask in a review or a PM. Until next time listen for when the dragon roars!